View Full Version : Super Bowl commercials show how miserable we are

02-03-14, 17:54
I'm a huge football fan, but like everyone, I'm also interested in seeing what commercials will stick out during the Super Bowl. The ones I look forward to are the funny ones and ONLY the funny ones. I frankly couldn't give less of a rats' ass if tried about flashy, melodramatic, high budget, pyrotechnic and celebrity laden commercials. I always looked forward to see what new ad series' companies like Bud Light, Doritos, or Geico are going to release. There have been ads in past Super Bowls that were so funny I literally was in tears from laughing so hard.

But for the past three or four Super Bowls, it seems that the in the rare cases where they really try to be funny, they went for hipster-esque ironic humor that left everyone saying "I don't get it." Even those were few and far between. It seemed like most of the ads are going for quasi-educational, touching, or impressive special effects. Everything was long and drawn out, and it seemed that everything was very careful about how it came across. Nobody wanted to put up anything irreverently funny or edgy like the Bud Light ads up until about 4-5 years ago, and I'm guessing it's because they were worried about controversy and outrage. The Super Bowl sucked but I might have enjoyed watching it if the commercials had been hilarious.

My point is, the Super Bowl commercials over the past few years are not the issue. They are just a symptom. They seem to be indicative of our culture in general. America has no more sense of humor. We're not allowed to anymore. You can't even tell a chicken crossing the road joke without someone saying, "HEY! HEY! My family SURVIVED on raising chickens! Don't go joking about chickens when you don't know anything about them!" Read anything on websites that are supposed to be "funny". It's all "why all Americans (except the one writing this article) suck and are destroying the world". People don't smile and joke anymore because our situation sucks and if your joking around, you clearly are too ignorant to notice the problem and therefore, part of the problem. Everything generates outrage. People only ever feel good when they're pissed off, and they've sucked the fun out of everything.

Rant over