View Full Version : Baby time!

02-12-14, 07:54
At the hospital finally with my fiance getting ready for our first, my boy to make his way to this world. She is 11 days past her due date and gets induced finally today. Gonna be 10 or so hours until he gets here. I'm excited and a little nervous I guess. God willing everything goes smooth and well have a healthy baby boy. Already getting excited thinking about teaching him how to shoot :)

02-12-14, 08:02
Excited and nervous are both common, and both are OK. This is the greatest role that a man can have.

02-12-14, 08:13
Dude! Congrats. That baby will be healthy and beautiful. God bless!

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02-12-14, 08:23

Hope everything goes smoothly and both baby and mom are okay!

02-12-14, 08:36
Hope mom and baby have smooth sailing and your new family are all hale and hearty when the sun sets.

02-12-14, 09:06
Congrats. Here's to a healthy baby and all goes smoothly.

Strap yourself in. Dad is the best job in the world.

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02-12-14, 09:07
Congratulations! Having a child is truly a life-changing event. I hope everything goes smoothly, and mom and baby are healthy.

FYI, stay at the head of the bed. Refuse the urge to see what's going on down there. I will be scarred forever for not heeding this advice.

02-12-14, 09:14
Oh man I'm watching for sure. Nothing grosses me out.

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02-12-14, 09:14
She would probably murder me also haha.

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02-12-14, 09:22
Oh man I'm watching for sure. Nothing grosses me out.

You'll be fine. Enjoy it - I've got three kids, and have been lucky enough to be there for all their births.

Besides - you'll have plenty of gross stuff to deal with later...trust me :D

02-12-14, 09:23
Haha. That's for sure.

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02-12-14, 09:37
Congrats! Our first born is due in July. Here's something you might like or find amusing: http://tacticalbabygear.com/

02-12-14, 09:52
Congrats man. Soon you will know what true love is. A child changes the way you see the world. They grow up fast.

02-12-14, 10:08
Congratulations! Go catch a quick nap while you have a chance to sleep. ;)

02-12-14, 11:16
You'll be fine. Enjoy it - I've got three kids, and have been lucky enough to be there for all their births.

Besides - you'll have plenty of gross stuff to deal with later...trust me :D

I've got 3 as well.

You're just not a parent till you've been puked on, peed on and pooped on.....

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02-12-14, 11:33
Luckily my brother has 2 little ones 5 and 7 and I was around a lot when his youngest was a infant when he was deployed. So I've changed plenty of shitty diapers lol

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02-12-14, 11:38
If it's a liberal, stuff it back up in her!

02-12-14, 11:40
Not gonna happen mark. He gonna be a scotch drinken, womanizing, marksman of the highest order just like his dad :)

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02-12-14, 12:19
Congrats, but stay out of her reach when the time comes. She may latch onto you and demand why you did this to her!
It is actually just the pain talking and the super human strength women get during delivery. When it's all said and done she will be all lovey dovey and cry for happy, her baby, and sad, cause she feels ugly right then.
Again, Congrats to both of you and a bouncing baby boy in the chute!

02-12-14, 12:43
You're just not a parent till you've been puked on, peed on and pooped on.....

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Or a nurse.

02-12-14, 12:44
Congrats, but stay out of her reach when the time comes. She may latch onto you and demand why you did this to her!
It is actually just the pain talking and the super human strength women get during delivery. When it's all said and done she will be all lovey dovey and cry for happy, her baby, and sad, cause she feels ugly right then.
Again, Congrats to both of you and a bouncing baby boy in the chute!

Definitely being cursed at right now and be told she hates me lol

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02-12-14, 14:07
If it's a liberal, stuff it back up in her!

Don't worry, if it turns liberal its getting chucked off the bay bridge.

02-12-14, 14:08
I won't tell her you said that Nick lol

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02-12-14, 14:11
Not gonna happen mark. He gonna be a scotch drinken, womanizing, marksman of the highest order just like his dad :)

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Just think off all the nice, colorfull words and phrases me and Sean are going to teach him over the next 10 years.......

Your screwed scroooo.

02-12-14, 18:34
Congrats! My rug rat turned 1 last week. I hate kids, never wanted them, blah blah blah. Every day I think she's the greatest thing on earth (thank GOD she's an easy baby)

Only advice I have: if you're not totally bonded the second he pops out, no worries. It took me a few weeks to warm up to my girl, and my best friend said the same about his 2 when I was in your shoes. I think it's fairly common. At first I was like "What the hell am I going to do with a little girl?"

ETA: Just read the advice about staying north of the DMZ. Seriously, do it. You don't want to remember your wife's girlie parts being 10 cm wide, blood and amniotic fluid and shit everywhere, with a head halfway out. Hell, I've delivered about 15 kids, and I don't want to look. That shit screws up your sex drive.

02-12-14, 18:39
Just helped deliver him. Hefty little boy at 8 pounds 9.6 ounces. With a full black head of hair. 23501

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02-12-14, 18:41

(this will seem funnier now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG6K5hbPJKs)

02-12-14, 18:42
Just helped deliver him. Hefty little boy at 8 pounds 9.6 ounces. With a full black head of hair. 23501

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And he's hung like a horse! Strong work. Be sure to get an enlargement of that photo, salt it away, and bring it out to show to his first prom date. He'll love you even more. :D

Mom doing OK?

Congratulations, dad.

02-12-14, 18:46

(this will seem funnier now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG6K5hbPJKs)

Hilarious. And it's funny because it's true!

02-12-14, 19:40

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02-12-14, 19:41
She's doing great. It went smooth as could be. I helped deliver him right into my arms. Quite a cool experience. Thanks for the well wishes.

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02-12-14, 19:48
Congrats, Dad! My very best wishes to you, Mom, and the future M4C member.

And just think - now you can start buying carbine parts and ammo for him. "It's for the baby, dear..."

02-12-14, 19:49
Haha those wheels are already turning my friend.

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02-12-14, 20:06
Congratulations to the new father and mother.

02-12-14, 20:53
FYI the hung parts are from my side of the family...just saying...... All the girls over Kelsey's house are commenting on his massive nut sack. I'll swing by tomorrow to check the little guy out

02-12-14, 20:57
Congrats! Just remember, start saving for school now. :)

02-12-14, 21:19
Great looking family! Congratulations on a smooth delivery. I hope your mental scars are not too severe. My mind was not prepared, even though I had seen childbirth before. It was somehow different when it was my......well you know where I'm going with that. I really didn't need the first-hand proof that my earth-shattering sexual prowess couldn't compete with my lil man's entrance to this world. Sigh...I digress, round two is coming later this year and I will be right there, again. Maybe my scars will be healed.