View Full Version : Hillary Clinton: Was Fired From Watergate Committee For Ethics Violations....

02-13-14, 16:34

Hillary Clinton might have a pretty hefty scandal brewing.
It turns when she was an attorney working on the Watergate investigation, she was fired by her supervisor for “lying, unethical behavior.”
Jerry Zeifman, who said he is a lifelong Democrat, was a supervisor for 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. When the investigation was complete, Zeifman said he fired Hillary and refused to give her a recommendation.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.
Dan Calabrese reports:

I recall that a lot of people turned up dead around this women over the years....

Doc Safari
02-13-14, 16:38
Nothing surprises me about this. That's why she and Slick Willie are perfect for each other.

I wish we could fire her from the human race....

02-13-14, 16:56
"True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within."
- Hillary's mentor Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky

02-13-14, 17:18
Most of the lame stream media probably will not air one second of this story, so the sheeple will go blindly forward. I also remember her getting caught in a lie regarding 911, stating her daughter was exercising in WTC at time of events and barely escaped and how she felt a direct connect to the tragedy. Except Chelsea was 100s of miles away in college. You don't hear that one getting brought up either... A liar moving into politics, never.:rolleyes:

02-13-14, 18:21
Unfortunately, it will be forgotten in a day. Sad society we live in these days.

02-13-14, 19:42
No one will give a shit. Not the MSM, not the left, not the suckling leeches.

02-13-14, 21:16
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality."

Sounds like she's well qualified to follow in foot steps of the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania....

02-13-14, 21:24
Most of the lame stream media probably will not air one second of this story, so the sheeple will go blindly forward. I also remember her getting caught in a lie regarding 911, stating her daughter was exercising in WTC at time of events and barely escaped and how she felt a direct connect to the tragedy. Except Chelsea was 100s of miles away in college. You don't hear that one getting brought up either... A liar moving into politics, never.:rolleyes:

Yep. And if you try to bring this up to liberals, they'll just stiffen their upper lip and say, "Well, Bush went into Iraq when there weren't any WMDs! And Mitt Romney is rich corrupt businessman!." and you'll reply, "What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? We're talking about Hillary..." and they'll cut you off and say, "I'm not listening to you because what you're saying is racist. You only hate Hillary because she's not a racist and she doesn't bow down to big corporations like you do!"

02-13-14, 22:02
Ill bet she's the next President, barf .

02-13-14, 22:14
Ill bet she's the next President, barf .

Yeah, 'cause the first black one turned out soooo well, the first woman oughta be friggin' GREAT. :suicide2:

02-13-14, 22:30
“She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer."

Isn't using three words that mean the same thing kind of rhetorical?

02-13-14, 23:25
Character flaws are of no consequence on the left, as long as the progressive message is carried forward. They don't even have to make an apology. Don't you get it? They simply ignore 'it' ever happened and the media covers their asses. Character flaws only bother moral people with a conscious.

02-14-14, 12:00
Character flaws are of no consequence on the left, as long as the progressive message is carried forward. They don't even have to make an apology. Don't you get it? They simply ignore 'it' ever happened and the media covers their asses. Character flaws only bother moral people with a conscious.

Exactly. What we call "character flaws" they call "a different but equal understanding of morality". I heard one liberal I know even say that truth is not necessarily what is factual, but what needs to be true and what needs to be believed. It's frighteningly Orwellian.