View Full Version : Lying Gear Companies and CS Runabout Gripes

02-15-14, 17:55
This has been eating at me since last year, and seeing it over and over again, while have to sit through some plain BS.... I am SO pissed of right now it's not even funny.

First off, the short easy issue- gear companies raising the price of things right before a sale- at least two well-known companies have done this that I've personally seen within the last 4 months. I mean, seriously? I *KNOW* what price it was because I've usually been looking at it for a couple months! I guess they're trying to go for the big *wow* percent-off discount, but you know what? How about just setting a percent-off that still gets them the price they want, instead of insulting everyone by offering some astronomical discount and at the same time rasing the price up and hoping no-one will notice. That's just lame....

So now we get to part 2 of this gripe-fest.
I bought a piece of gear from one of these very well-known companies back on Black Friday/Thanksgiving. Yes, they did the price-raise-before-a-sale thing, but the price was still to good to pass up, so I did it.
So a few weeks later, turns out it's not going to work, contacted the company, sent item in, worked through the issues I had- actually was going pretty well. Turns out the piece of gear just wasn't going to work for me, so they offered to either send it back or issue a refund. I figured since it was aready in their hands, a refund would be the way to go. I figured it wouldn't take long at all to get it processed, given the way things had progressed so far and that they already had the item.
Well, guess again.
A couple weeks after opting for the refund, I emailed to see how it was coming along- it was right around Christmas, and I was told that it would be processed beginning of Jan. after Christmas break was over. Ok, fair enough.
So I waited a couple more weeks. Still nothing. So I emailed again. Paraphrase- "not sure what happened- will look into it".
I really hate bugging people, but 6+ weeks into this, I'd better probably email again and see what's going on now...I just can't think of anything nice to say in the email, and I don't want to get pee in my coke, if you know what I mean...

I mean, seriously- 6+ weeks wait time for a refund for an item they already have?!
The longest I ever waited for a refund from a gear company so far was when I sent a PIG PC back to SKD- took about 2.5-3 weeks for the refund to show up.
Everything beside the PIG I've returned (about 2 other instances in the last year- it's not like I'm a returnaholic... :laugh: ) it's been about a week or better (depending on how fast package arrived).
The icing on the caker here is, due to their restocking fee I won't even get back what I paid into it.

This is starting to feel like Smartgunner all over again.... :(

I suppose this doesn't really serve any purpose here, but I just wanted to gripe, dammit.

02-15-14, 18:22
Well since you've already contacted the vendor I don't think it's an issue to say who they are.
Is be pretty interested.

02-15-14, 19:07
Yeah I wanna know who.

02-15-14, 19:08
raising a price and then "having a sale" is HIGHLY illegal.

I cant remember what major corporation did this it was either Circuit City or another big chain store that went out of business. 75% off, but the price had been jacked WAY UP. The DOJ came down on them.

You could/should report companies that do this stuff to the attorney general and BBB in either your state or their home state.

02-15-14, 23:33
raising a price and then "having a sale" is HIGHLY illegal.

I cant remember what major corporation did this it was either Circuit City or another big chain store that went out of business. 75% off, but the price had been jacked WAY UP. The DOJ came down on them.

You could/should report companies that do this stuff to the attorney general and BBB in either your state or their home state.

Well, if I recall they weren't *huge* price jumps. I believe one was more sgnificant than the other, but not shockingly massive jumps- just noticeable if you had checked the price a couple days before...

I really am not fond of bashing companies all over the internet- just not my thing.
I will say though, that for those that want to know- the names would roll right off the top of anybody's head here.
Unless one of the Mods/Industry guys here wants to chime in and give more info, in which case, I'll run it through them before posting names openly.