View Full Version : Do you carry your ID when you go for a run? Do you think it is necessary?

02-21-14, 16:12
I know most of you carry your ID since you have your EDC with you. But do you think it is necessary to have it if you are not carrying a gun? Here is what happened in Austin recently. Keep in mind you don't have to identify yourself unless you are under arrest in the Great State of Texas.


02-21-14, 16:15
If I was a road biker or runner I would probably wear a roadID. My D.L.? No.

Now is it "under arrest" or is it when an Officer has "probable cause to believe you have committed a crime"? Big difference. I would assume its the later, but I'd have to look at the statues..

02-21-14, 16:36
Since I CCW 24/7 yes, but even if I didn't I would simply for the fact I could fall prey to an accident. If a runner is hit by a car and or collapses from say a heart attack it would be prudent to have some form of ID so officals could notify next of kin. I imagine it would not be a lot of fun being in a coma in an ICU under "John Doe".

02-21-14, 17:02
I don't carry ID 100% of the time I drive or carry CCW. I probably should when I drive, but there is no requirement for me to do so while carrying CCW in my state.

02-21-14, 17:02
You do not need ID to walk around. This isn't freaking Europe.

I usually CCW so I of course have ID on me. But if I'm riding a bike or jogging or whatever and I'm not carrying then I have no ID. I have been stopped coming back from the city part in BDUs at 3am with NO ID and it wasn't a problem. The PD ran my "provided" name and DOB and I was soon on my way. They tried to suggest that if I was training I should bring my ID, I suggested that sounded like a damn good way to lose your ID in the park and not notice till you get home.

Thankfully in my encounter logic, reason and calm demeanor prevailed.

02-21-14, 19:42
Idk i always have my dl in my wallet. Pretty soon there will be a chl as well.

02-21-14, 19:55
Do not some states have identification laws? Such that if asked by LEO you must produce ID or is it just that you must tell them your real name?

02-21-14, 20:30
Do not some states have identification laws? Such that if asked by LEO you must produce ID or is it just that you must tell them your real name?

I'm sure some states are that screwed up, glad I don't live in one. In FL it is a crime to provide false information but unless you are driving or carrying there is no requirement to have any kind of ID on you.

JBecker 72
02-21-14, 20:44
Eh, not worth it.

02-21-14, 22:08
...I would simply for the fact I could fall prey to an accident. If a runner is hit by a car and or collapses from say a heart attack it would be prudent to have some form of ID so officals could notify next of kin.

it's this exact reason why i wear a dogtag/chain around my neck when i jog, with my name and DRL number on it.

02-21-14, 22:42
In TX you only need a DL when operating a vehicle. She was arrested for failure to identify because she refused to provide her name after she was stopped for failure to obey a signal. You don't have to provide an ID but you do have to ID yourself when you are detained.

02-21-14, 22:48
Since I CCW 24/7 yes, but even if I didn't I would simply for the fact I could fall prey to an accident. If a runner is hit by a car and or collapses from say a heart attack it would be prudent to have some form of ID so officals could notify next of kin. I imagine it would not be a lot of fun being in a coma in an ICU under "John Doe".

Pretty much where I'm at. I never go anywhere without my wallet, therefore by default, I have my ID with me at all times. Never know what can happen.

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02-21-14, 23:10
Looks like she was probably stopped for jay walking and refused to give her info or have a fake name.

02-21-14, 23:17
In TX you only need a DL when operating a vehicle. She was arrested for failure to identify because she refused to provide her name after she was stopped for failure to obey a signal. You don't have to provide an ID but you do have to ID yourself when you are detained.

And thank you. I knew there was a reason and I figured it was something like jaywalking. So you don't have to provide ID when out for a walk...HOWEVER if you violate the law (even a small minor one) you DO have to provide information regarding who you are or you WILL BE ARRESTED. Once you are arrested they will be able to figure out who you are.

The idiot in stupid shoes could have saved herself a lot of time and trouble and simply walked away with a citation or notice to appear if she would have simply told the police her name and dob. Sad that The Blaze tried to hype it up as some kind of gestapo crackdown for being outside without your papers.

02-21-14, 23:35
And thank you. I knew there was a reason and I figured it was something like jaywalking. So you don't have to provide ID when out for a walk...HOWEVER if you violate the law (even a small minor one) you DO have to provide information regarding who you are or you WILL BE ARRESTED. Once you are arrested they will be able to figure out who you are.

The idiot in stupid shoes could have saved herself a lot of time and trouble and simply walked away with a citation or notice to appear if she would have simply told the police her name and dob. Sad that The Blaze tried to hype it up as some kind of gestapo crackdown for being outside without your papers.

I work in Austin now and can see how jay walkers can be a huge problem. Plus all the bike lanes. I have little sympathy for people on foot or on bikes being in the road. Law is the law but people get hit all the time here...some of them fatal. Pretty active population which is great but these people don't realize no matter what the right of way says cars will always win. The latest in my city outside of Austin was a bicyclist got hit at 430 in the morning on a 60mph road with no shoulder about a half mile from my house. Took til day light before he was noticed in the ditch as the driver who hit him fled.

Plus this girl was wearing head phones so she can't hear traffic or people yelling at her. These people around here get into their own little world and pay the price. I've come across at least 4 accidents involving bicyclists in the last year just driving here. Not read about but driven by.

02-22-14, 07:46
Pretty much where I'm at. I never go anywhere without my wallet, therefore by default, I have my ID with me at all times. Never know what can happen.

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You go running with your wallet? Or you don't run at all?

02-22-14, 07:53
I work in Austin now and can see how jay walkers can be a huge problem. Plus all the bike lanes. I have little sympathy for people on foot or on bikes being in the road. Law is the law but people get hit all the time here...some of them fatal. Pretty active population which is great but these people don't realize no matter what the right of way says cars will always win. The latest in my city outside of Austin was a bicyclist got hit at 430 in the morning on a 60mph road with no shoulder about a half mile from my house. Took til day light before he was noticed in the ditch as the driver who hit him fled.

Plus this girl was wearing head phones so she can't hear traffic or people yelling at her. These people around here get into their own little world and pay the price. I've come across at least 4 accidents involving bicyclists in the last year just driving here. Not read about but driven by.

Very similar to my city as well. The phrase, "still a victim, but still a victim," comes to mind when dealing with folks who thought that having the right of way meant that they could forfeit situational awareness and common sense, and win a gamble against a faster, heavier object.

02-22-14, 08:26
And thank you. I knew there was a reason and I figured it was something like jaywalking. So you don't have to provide ID when out for a walk...HOWEVER if you violate the law (even a small minor one) you DO have to provide information regarding who you are or you WILL BE ARRESTED. Once you are arrested they will be able to figure out who you are.

The idiot in stupid shoes could have saved herself a lot of time and trouble and simply walked away with a citation or notice to appear if she would have simply told the police her name and dob. Sad that The Blaze tried to hype it up as some kind of gestapo crackdown for being outside without your papers.

To add to this, it is been my experience that in many cases people who get arrested for such violations actually "talk themselves" into jail. In my AO I am sick and tired of joggers AND cyclist who think they own the road and do nothing but succeed in impeding traffic and or causing accidents. There are plenty of bike trails/jogging trails around in taxpayer funded parks. When I run I do not run on paved surfaces or anywhere that I have to stop and wait for traffic as it throws off my heart rate/breathing/momentum.

While we are on the subject, I also have an issue with headphones. Everywhere I go I see people with their ear buds in. Total failure of situational awareness, when I'm out and about I want to hear and see any possible threat ESPECIALLY if I'm "exercising" in the middle of traffic.

02-22-14, 09:18
When running on the street I always have my DL on me along with an ID arm band. When running on trails I just have the ID band

02-22-14, 15:22
When running on the street I always have my DL on my along with an ID arm band. When running on trails I just have the ID band

What is an "along?" Asking b/c I would like a convenient, non-cumbersome way to carry my DL when running. Link or name of ID arm band?

02-22-14, 15:28
You don't need to always carry yoour I'd especially if you aren't carrying or driving.

Issue is, if something happens to you these is no way to Id you.

02-22-14, 15:54
What is an "along?" Asking b/c I would like a convenient, non-cumbersome way to carry my DL when running. Link or name of ID arm band?

"My" should have been "me".

Since I'm training for Ultra Marathons and Trail Marathons I always wear a hydration belt or vest so I simply stick my ID card in one of the pockets. My most recent belt purchase from Nathan has a specific area for carrying your ID with markings on the outside for easy location by someone picking over your broken body (in the event of an emergency).

The ID band I use is a simple piece of 550 cord that has a small metal plate with my name and wife's contact number on it. It's secured via a magnetic clasp. Remains stationery and isn't noticeable on runs. Another option are he ID bands offered at RoadID.com

02-22-14, 19:12
I run unarmed most of the time, but when I do I pocket creds g26 OWB ...IPhone and Road ID, which I need to add my blood type to, on all runs.

I know most of you carry your ID since you have your EDC with you. But do you think it is necessary to have it if you are not carrying a gun? Here is what happened in Austin recently. Keep in mind you don't have to identify yourself unless you are under arrest in the Great State of Texas.


Saw that yesterday..crazy ...she didn't deserve that

02-22-14, 22:32
I carry my ID when running or cycling, even if I'm not CCW'ing.

...all because of that one time where I woke up in the hospital with a severe head injury and no memory of the previous two days. Until I was conscious (well, responding. I have no memory of responding but you guys know how head injuries can work) the hospital didn't know who to call. Even then they ended up having to google my father and call his work three states away (no cellphone on me either).

I suppose they must have missed the meat tag tattoo when cutting off my clothing.

02-22-14, 22:53
When I step outside the house I always carry ID.

02-23-14, 01:00
The Nike running shorts I have come with a small pouch built into the waist band for an ID and/or something like an iPod nano.

02-23-14, 03:46
I carry my ID when running or cycling, even if I'm not CCW'ing.

...all because of that one time where I woke up in the hospital with a severe head injury and no memory of the previous two days. Until I was conscious (well, responding. I have no memory of responding but you guys know how head injuries can work) the hospital didn't know who to call. Even then they ended up having to google my father and call his work three states away (no cellphone on me either).

I suppose they must have missed the meat tag tattoo when cutting off my clothing.

Having seen many people injured and not being able to find out who they are until they are reported missing, even then having to make the connection. Having an ID on you is simple.

02-23-14, 09:29
I carry my CWP when running, along with a P-32. It ain't much, but it's better than nothing and a lot easier to run with than the G-26. I run in my neighborhood, which is far from any bad areas and off the beaten path. I think we've had one burglary in the past 5 years and that was a renter's kid (which renters are aginst the HOA rules).

02-23-14, 15:24
I carry my CWP when running, along with a P-32. It ain't much, but it's better than nothing and a lot easier to run with than the G-26. I run in my neighborhood, which is far from any bad areas and off the beaten path. I think we've had one burglary in the past 5 years and that was a renter's kid (which renters are aginst the HOA rules).

You can run with a larger pistol but carry methods are different. I use a Hill People Gear 'runners' chest pack with an Armordilo Concealment X-fer. I haven't been able to wear it for longish (10+ miles) runs without some chaffing, however.

02-23-14, 16:38
You can run with a larger pistol but carry methods are different. I use a Hill People Gear 'runners' chest pack with an Armordilo Concealment X-fer. I haven't been able to wear it for longish (10+ miles) runs without some chaffing, however.

Bah...I am gana get one to run the shit out of it...


02-23-14, 20:07
I don't carry anything. It's me and sometimes my ipod.

There's no sidewalk, so I'm usually facing traffic. Either in a lime green or hazard orange running shirt.

If I get hit, well, my wife knows when to expect me back and there's only 2 hospitals locally. Won't be that hard to find me.

02-23-14, 21:05
I have carried a wallet since I was 10. I just can't get how some people stick their DL's and debit card in their back pocket and go about their business and dont lose or break them, I know I would!

02-23-14, 21:18
You can run with a larger pistol but carry methods are different. I use a Hill People Gear 'runners' chest pack with an Armordilo Concealment X-fer. I haven't been able to wear it for longish (10+ miles) runs without some chaffing, however.

Thanks for the tip, I'll check that out!

02-24-14, 09:37
I don't. If It's important enough for someone to see it, we can go back to the house.

02-26-14, 16:53
I usually don't but in debating this in my head I realized I'm an organ donor and that stuff is somewhat time sensitive so suppose I'm going to try and change my habits. I need to more regularly CC anyways so I guess it's a moot point.

02-26-14, 17:03
In TX you only need a DL when operating a vehicle. She was arrested for failure to identify because she refused to provide her name after she was stopped for failure to obey a signal. You don't have to provide an ID but you do have to ID yourself when you are detained.

Not exactly. You do not have to ID if detained. Only if arrested. She was being issued a lawful citation for traffic signal, for most of these minor offenses Officer has choice of arrest or issue (speeding and open container are exceptions). She chose not to give name/address/dob, so she was arrested for the traffic signal and they added failure to ID too.