View Full Version : Tom Cruise upcoming Sci-Fi movie...

02-23-14, 23:08
Looks like an entertaining Sci-Fi: Edge Of Tomorrow Official (2014)

If it sucks ass, Emily Blunt will be it's redeeming quality.


02-23-14, 23:40
Ah, Emily. Gotta love the British accent. :)

I'm looking forward to this one: The Mighty Eighth.


02-24-14, 01:37
F that dude. In his ear canal. Hot British broad or not, that dude is a loon and he won't get a dime of my money.

02-24-14, 05:37
Contrary to some, I like most TC movies and will definitely see this one. Blunt is a bonus.

02-24-14, 09:17
I'll give it a shot.. The Mighty Eighth is definitely on my watch list.

'Walking With The Enemy' is one I'm waiting for.

'Jupiter Ascending' may be interesting.

02-24-14, 10:43
I don't like Cruise... So I'll gladly pirate the movie like I did with Oblivion

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02-24-14, 11:54
Yup, it's on my list for this year. I have always enjoyed TC Sci-Fi flicks.

02-24-14, 12:15
A dictator apologist like Sean penn, I just can't bear to watch. A self-absorbed nut like Cruise can still entertain me onscreen.

I can sum up the original pitch for the movie in four words: Groundhog Day in Hell.

02-24-14, 12:24
TC's personal life aside, I have always enjoyed his movies and will be going to see it. My brother actually just gave me the book this movie is based off of. I have not started reading it yet but he said it is quite good.

02-24-14, 13:48
Wow, some great WWII movies coming, glad to see one devoted to the Eighth Air Force

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02-24-14, 17:05
TC's personal life aside, I have always enjoyed his movies and will be going to see it. My brother actually just gave me the book this movie is based off of. I have not started reading it yet but he said it is quite good.

Agreed. I'm not going to stop seeing his movies based on his beliefs, no matter how bat shit crazy they are. As long as those beliefs or politics don't cross into the picture itself, as in Elysium or District 9, I'll check it out IF the premise of the movie interests me. If they are bat shit crazies like sean penn, danny glover, rosanne arnold, etc...true believers, I pop smoke.

02-24-14, 19:22
I think the movie looks interesting. I don't know how good it will end up being but it seems to have potential. Sure it is groundhog day in space but you have Exosuits, aliens, explosions, and a hot babe so it does have that going for it.

02-24-14, 20:58
If they are bat shit crazies like sean penn, danny glover, rosanne arnold, etc...true believers, I pop smoke.

And you see where their careers are these days. I haven't seen any of the ones you listed in leading roles worth mentioning in some time.

02-25-14, 19:18
I don't know Cruise's politics and he is a Scientologist fruitcake, but he is known to be a gun collector. I had heard he was into high end 1911s. There may be hope. Or he may be yet another elitist who believes he, but not the common folk, should have the ability to own firearms - like Penn and Spielberg.

02-25-14, 21:28
I don't know Cruise's politics and he is a Scientologist fruitcake, but he is known to be a gun collector. I had heard he was into high end 1911s. There may be hope. Or he may be yet another elitist who believes he, but not the common folk, should have the ability to own firearms - like Penn and Spielberg.

Maybe some of the top stars are learning to keep there mouth shut and not hurt their fan base.

Then again, there are some like Mark Walburg who used to make it a mantra about being antigun, but turns around and makes Lone Survivor...and is pro military.

02-25-14, 22:00
I will say that pro military and pro gun are in no way mutual...

Film looks good. Walking with the Enemy looks better...

02-27-14, 13:54
TC's personal life aside, I have always enjoyed his movies and will be going to see it. My brother actually just gave me the book this movie is based off of. I have not started reading it yet but he said it is quite good.

Is it The Drift Wars? I just bought a book that sounds eerily familiar to the premise of this movie.

02-27-14, 14:07
Is it The Drift Wars? I just bought a book that sounds eerily familiar to the premise of this movie.
It is this: http://www.amazon.com/All-You-Need-Is-Kill/dp/1421527618

02-27-14, 18:59
Battlefield Earth is the best Sci-Fi movie that ever existed and has negated my need to ever watch another one.

02-27-14, 19:28
Battlefield Earth is the best Sci-Fi movie that ever existed and has negated my need to ever watch another one.

LOL! Ah man I needed a good laugh. That movie needed a coat hanger for the abortion that it was. It sucked absolute dog balls...with cheese.:sarcastic:

02-27-14, 19:34
Contrary to some, I like most TC movies and will definitely see this one. Blunt is a bonus.Agreed.

02-27-14, 19:55
Cruise plays slight variations of the same character in the majority of his movies. Just smart enough to come out ahead in the end but dumb enough he's not playing the Norris/Segal type characters.

02-27-14, 20:54
Battlefield Earth is the best Sci-Fi movie that ever existed and has negated my need to ever watch another one.

I should perma-ban you for that, retroactively delete all your posts as spam, and DDOS your IP address range from now until the end of time. And then I'll start getting medieval.

If I ever meet John Travolta in person, I'm going to go all markm on his unruly ass.

02-27-14, 20:59
I should perma-ban you for that, retroactively delete all your posts as spam, and DDOS your IP address range from now until the end of time. And then I'll start getting medieval.

If I ever meet John Travolta in person, I'm going to go all markm on his unruly ass.

I take it you're a huge Waterworld fan?

02-27-14, 21:23
I take it you're a huge Waterworld fan?

LOL, I was going say that I didn't think Battlefield Earth was as horrible as many say it is, and I actually do like Waterworld.

02-27-14, 21:34
I take it you're a huge Waterworld fan?

That would be a "no".

I'd rather have a Bloody Mary made from the bandage drippings of a dozen Ebola victims than watch BattleField Earth again.

02-27-14, 21:36
That would be a "no".

I'd rather have a Bloody Mary made from the bandage drippings of a dozen Ebola victims than watch BattleField Earth again.

Oh come on. The Starship Troopers sequels ARE worse...;-)

02-27-14, 21:50
Sweet baby Jebus, they made sequels to that thing?

Magic Salad, you are in the clear for now. I have other targets to pursue.

02-27-14, 21:56
They went up to 4 IIRC.

02-27-14, 22:04
They went up to 4 IIRC.

And each one was more terrible than the last.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

02-28-14, 01:10
That scene from The Mighty Eighth looks like a very very bad video game with way too much going on at once so there is no drama, tension or fear that was such a common and real experience shared by the guys who were there. It takes 15 seconds of watching a dozen bad CGI B17s blow up one after the other before it becomes meaningless... Its one seriously overdone mess that will flop with both WW2 air combat history buffs and the general audience. Too bad.

To point out just how ridiculous the whole thing is, that cloud of what looks like 200 Luftwaffe fighters attacking one formation of B17s at the end of the trailer would represent about 1/3 of the total Luftwaffe fighter force on the WHOLE western front from North Africa to Norway at any point from late 1942 on...
