View Full Version : Actor / Director Harold Ramis Dead

02-24-14, 17:06
Died today due to complications from autoimmune disease. His impressive resume includes Ghost Busters, Animal House, Stripes, Caddyshack, Analyze This, NL Vacation, etc. Along with John Hughes, Ramis' work defined movie comedy for the '80s. I don't know his politics, but his talent will be missed.

02-24-14, 17:30
Gave us some great movies.

My childhood just wouldn't have been the same without him.



02-24-14, 20:59
He avoided the Vietnam War military draft by ingestion of methamphetamine to fail his draft physical.
From Wikipedia.

02-25-14, 00:02
Not to give anyone a pass simply because I enjoy their films but...

I have a hard time faulting anyone for avoiding the draft during Vietnam. I respect anyone who served and have nothing but scorn for those who treated our vets poorly. But I don't blame anyone who didn't want to go, it's not like the government was letting them do their job. I'm also opposed to compulsory military service for any reason.

Also it should be noted Stripes was done with the cooperation of the US Army in an attempt to improve the image of the US military which was still at a serious low point following Vietnam. So in a way Ramis did a service to his country and the military in a capacity that was probably far more useful than handing him a M-16. Some people simply have no business in the military and are the worst people to put into combat, I suspect Ramis was probably one of those people and knew it. Not everyone can be a soldier, marine, sailor, etc.

Onyx Z
02-25-14, 00:42
RIP Egon


03-02-14, 22:39

A telling commentary on the present decline of the art of comedy, that makes Ramis's death the more poignant.

03-03-14, 08:32

A telling commentary on the present decline of the art of comedy, that makes Ramis's death the more poignant.

And yet another country heard from: http://www.salon.com/2014/03/02/baby_boomer_humors_big_lie_ghostbusters_and_caddyshack_really_liberated_reagan_and_wall_street/

03-03-14, 13:57
And yet another country heard from: http://www.salon.com/2014/03/02/baby_boomer_humors_big_lie_ghostbusters_and_caddyshack_really_liberated_reagan_and_wall_street/

I knew I didn't want to click that link, I knew I didn't want to read that whole thing. I need to start listening to myself.