View Full Version : A Boy and His Dog

02-25-14, 23:09
I apologize in advance for making all of you cry. ;)

A really beautiful story, though I want the child to start counseling now in case he outlives his friend.


Last year we made this film as part of our documentary filmmaking course at the University of Hertfordshire. We managed to find this special family and document an incredible few months of their lives. We made this film to not only tell the families story, but to raise awareness of Schwartz Jampel Syndrome and to show how incredible rescue dogs are. A little bit of love can go a hell of a long way. **This is in no way an advert and is not being used commercially**

02-26-14, 07:20
Definitely a great story!!

02-26-14, 09:24
I watched the clip this morning sitting on the couch with my own 3-legged dog who is getting on in years. And I can tell this man and his dog feel a lot like that boy and his dog. Thanks for sharing Owen and Haatchi's story.

02-26-14, 10:34
Ugh, is someone cutting onions in here?

02-26-14, 11:14
I watched the clip this morning sitting on the couch with my own 3-legged dog who is getting on in years. And I can tell this man and his dog feel a lot like that boy and his dog. Thanks for sharing Owen and Haatchi's story.

My GSP turned nine a few days ago. Dogs give us all of their love and joy throughout their entire lifetime. As lucky as they are to have loving homes, I fully consider myself the lucky one.

BTW...the tears still roll the second time through....