View Full Version : What Are The 5 Bleakest, Most Soul Crushing Movies You Have Ever Seen...?

02-27-14, 00:58
On Borrowed Time (1939) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0031754/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

Young Pud is orphaned and left in the care of his aged grandparents. The boy and his cantankerous old grandfather become inseparable friends. But Gramps is concerned for his grandson's future and wary of a scheming relative who seeks Pud's custody. One day Mr. Brink--an agent of Death--arrives to take Gramps "to the land where the woodbine twineth." Through a bit of trickery, Gramps confines Mr. Brink, and thus Death, to the top of an old apple tree, giving Gramps extra time to resolve issues about Pud's future.

Meant to be a spiritually uplifting film, this one is actually tough to take even for a film done in 1939. I get sucked into every time it's shown on TCM, and each time it is kinda rough.

The Fighting Sullivans (1944) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0037323/?ref_=nv_sr_2)

The lives of a close-knit group of brothers growing up in Iowa during the days of the Great Depression and of World War II and their eventual deaths in action in the Pacific theater are chronicled in this film based on a true story.

Two things amaze me about this film. One that it was released during the war and two that it didn't demoralize us so badly we lost the war. If you've ever known somebody who lost their son, this film becomes even more painful to watch.

The Vanishing (1988) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096163/?ref_=nv_sr_2)

Rex and Saskia, a young couple in love, are on vacation. They stop at a busy service station and Saskia is abducted. After three years and no sign of Saskia, Rex begins receiving letters from the abductor.

This isn't the US version, it does not have a happy ending.

Savior (1998) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120070/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)

A hardened mercenary in the Foreign Legion begins to find his own humanity when confronted with atrocities during the fighting in Bosnia.

Possibly the most brutal film I've ever seen in my entire life.

On the Beach (2000) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0219224/?ref_=nv_sr_2)

Well, the world has finally managed to blow itself up. Only Australia has been spared from nuclear destruction and a gigantic wave of radiation is floating in on the breezes. Only two months are left. One American sub located in the Pacific has survived and is met with disdain by the Australians when it arrives. All of the calculations of Australia's most renowned scientist says the country is at doomsday - get ready. However, one of his rivals say that is incorrect.

Probably everyone has seen the 1959 version and it is pretty harsh for it's time. But something about this one will just make you wish you'd never seen it.

Honorable mentions:

A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0212720/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother.

If this one doesn't crush your soul a little bit you aren't human either.

The Road (I) (2009) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

A post-apocalyptic tale of a man and his son trying to survive by any means possible.

This one is designed to be bleak and succeeds, even if it has a potentially positive ending. That this film is probably not too far removed from an accurate picture of humanity in such extreme circumstances makes it all the more unsettling.

02-27-14, 01:53
The Divide(2012)makes my list.

Bleak movie with no happy ending.

02-27-14, 01:55
Sideways was a most depressing movie despite being hilarious. Just generally sad and depressing.

Alex and Emma destroyed my soul...but purely because it sucked so hard. Despite having the love of my life Kate Hudson in it...it really sucked. I got talked into it by a super pretty girl, and even she was down to leave halfway through.

Donnie Darko "kill yourself, the world will be better" is ****ed up message.

Requiem For A Dream because things don't get better....

A.I. for the reasons you mentioned.

02-27-14, 02:12
Requiem for a Dream

PS: Donnie Darko is amazing.

02-27-14, 03:03
Very Bad Things (1998)

I don't even remember much about it, but I remember feeling unsettled after seeing it and even having some funky dreams afterwards. Not a good or bad movie, but just disturbing for some reason.

02-27-14, 05:32
Deer Hunter isn't very joyful

02-27-14, 06:47
I can't name five but Lone Survivor would be at the top if there were others.

02-27-14, 06:49
What about Bob?

EVERY Pauly Shore Movie

Annie Hall (that's enough to make you wanna join a monastery)

Sabrina (my wife made me watch it on video in 2005 with the promise of sex - I fell asleep duirng it, and haven't had sex since :( )

Most any romantic comedy my wife has EVER asked me to watch, actually...

02-27-14, 07:47
Schindlers List is also pretty bleak

02-27-14, 08:05

Synecdoche, New York

Lost Highway

Requiem for a Dream...I literally called my mom after this movie just to chat and tell her I love her.

The Road

Brokeback Mountain

I received Donnie Darko in a positive way.

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02-27-14, 09:03
Add a couple to the list:

Leaving Las Vegas

Less Than Zero

02-27-14, 09:23
The Road
Apocalypse Now
Schindler's List
The Killing Fields
Nineteen-Eighty Four (1984)

Honorable mentions:
The Quite Earth
Sophie's Choice
Another Earth

Doc Safari
02-27-14, 09:43
Steyr: Now you've got me wanting to see the 2000 version of "On the Beach."

Probably everyone has seen the 1959 version and it is pretty harsh for it's time. But something about this one will just make you wish you'd never seen it.

I'd love to know what you mean by this statement.

"The Road" is about the most depressing movie ever made. I'm a prepper (for disasters, not a revolution), and that movie nearly made me want to give up and just buy enough ammo to off myself when the SHTF.

"The Evil That Men Do" is a film I haven't seen in a long time, but it was very disturbing.

"La Strada" with Anthony Quinn shows how some people are their own worst enemy.

"Tax Driver" for the fact that I sat through the whole thing wanting to tell the main character what he was doing wrong.

02-27-14, 09:48
It's been a few years, but Saturday Night Fever nearly destroyed my will to live.

The horror of disco is a memory which haunts me. The horror . . . the horror!

02-27-14, 09:48
The most soul crushing I've seen is the video of my first wedding. When it reaches the part where preacher says "Will you take this woman?" I wanna yell out "Don't! It's a trap!"

02-27-14, 09:51
^ lol

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02-27-14, 09:52
Ace Ventura doesn't depress me but I'm filled with overwhelming rage and anger towards animals, inanimate objects and all characters in the movie; I even consider curbing the boom mic guy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-27-14, 09:53
LOL @ MistWolf

"Love Actually" is easily the most soul sucking film I've ever seen. I have no idea why people actually like that two hours of suck.

02-27-14, 10:08
The most soul crushing I've seen is the video of my first wedding. When it reaches the part where preacher says "Will you take this woman?" I wanna yell out "Don't! It's a trap!"

And we have a winner.

02-27-14, 10:21
What about Bob?

EVERY Pauly Shore Movie

Annie Hall (that's enough to make you wanna join a monastery)

Sabrina (my wife made me watch it on video in 2005 with the promise of sex - I fell asleep duirng it, and haven't had sex since :( )

Most any romantic comedy my wife has EVER asked me to watch, actually...

What do you have against Pauly Shore? In the Army Now was amazing.

02-27-14, 10:52
"A Simple Plan" just made me want to share a meal with the character eating lead.

A made for TV short starring Radar from M.A.S.H. set in Viet Nam. Recon patrol keeps getting ordered deeper into indian country. Extraction delay reasons change. Finally realize higher doesn't want them back to report something embarrassing to the brass. No happy ending.

THE moment in "Sophie's Choice." Good movie, but if I could rewind my life would have gone to the bar instead.

"Titanic" - Qualifies for the despair it caused when I realized how many juicy leads in my future would be
filled by Leo and Kate.

"Blazing Saddles" - After I found at least half of the people whose opinions I respect thought it the funniest flick ever made, I knew my future comedy prospects had diminished like a 401K managed by Obama.

02-27-14, 11:02

-Requiem for a Dream


-Last Exit to Brooklyn

And the fifthh spot would go to either "threads", "The war zone" or "Mouchette"

All of the above are bleak, soul crushing and depressing as **** to watch.

02-27-14, 11:12
1) Johnny Got His Gun Because it's hard to have a happy ending when you have no arms, legs, eyes, ears or mouth.

2) Hostel 2 This movie and all the others like it such as the SAW movies are just disturbing to me. Violence and gore pretty much just for the sake of violence and gore.

3) Bunnyman This is, without a doubt, THE worst movie I have ever seen...EVER!

4) YellowBrickRoad Strange...

02-27-14, 11:18
AI always kills me...

And I've only been able to watch "The Road" one time and can't bring myself to watch it again. My daughter is 12, and to think about having to save a bullet for her so that the cannibals don't eat her....can't handle that.

02-27-14, 11:22
"The Road" is about the most depressing movie ever made. I'm a prepper (for disasters, not a revolution), and that movie nearly made me want to give up and just buy enough ammo to off myself when the SHTF.


When I think of a bleak movie, that is the one I think of.

02-27-14, 11:23
Saving Private Ryan

I don't know if you could describe it as bleak or soul crushing but, it is one of the most moving films I have ever seen.

The opening scene with the older James Ryan (Harrison Young) did a terrific job in setting the theme of this movie.

The closing scene caused me to have tears running down my face. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CARuMPsfGA

02-27-14, 11:40
Quite a few I can think of, these off the top.

Schindler's List
The Pianist
The Road
The World, The Flesh, The Devil (Downside is Belafonte)

Panic In The Year Zero

Mauser KAR98K
02-27-14, 11:41
The Road: For reasons stated. I cannot pull myself to watch it again that movie was so bleak.
The Knowing: Just because of the ending.
Threads Worse than The Day After
No Country for Old Men
Gate of Hell: Styer will know what I mean.

Runner up; a game actually. Bioshock: Infinite

Alex V
02-27-14, 11:54
The Divide(2012)makes my list.

Bleak movie with no happy ending.

Couples movie night, had my friends and my wife watch it... I am no longer allowed to pick movies for couples movie night...

02-27-14, 12:12
The most soul crushing I've seen is the video of my first wedding. When it reaches the part where preacher says "Will you take this woman?" I wanna yell out "Don't! It's a trap!"
This... And a +1 for "The Road"

02-27-14, 13:38
It's been a few years, but Saturday Night Fever nearly destroyed my will to live.

The horror of disco is a memory which haunts me. The horror . . . the horror!

I'm gonna send you a copy of "Thank God It's Friday" and "Roller Boogie" and that should get you fixed right up.

02-27-14, 13:40
What do you have against Pauly Shore? In the Army Now was amazing.

You need to be more careful with words like "amazing."

02-27-14, 13:45
The Killing Fields - All of my family, myself included, lived it and some became part of the Killing Fields.

02-27-14, 14:02
I'm gonna send you a copy of "Thank God It's Friday" and "Roller Boogie" and that should get you fixed right up.

I just had an idea related to your storage space problem which could immediately reduce your DVD space requirements from 10,000 to 9,998. Admittedly not a huge space saver, but it's all about baby steps.

02-27-14, 14:03
The Killing Fields - All of my family, myself included, lived it and some became part of the Killing Fields.

I can't even imagine.

02-27-14, 14:06
Two pages and no one has mentioned Eraserhead yet?!


02-27-14, 14:09
I just had an idea related to your storage space problem which could immediately reduce your DVD space requirements from 10,000 to 9,998. Admittedly not a huge space saver, but it's all about baby steps.

No way, as much as Roller Boogie sucked, Linda Blair was at the height of her hotness. Besides they fill two distinct genres: early days of cable TV movies and lets try and cash in on this disco crap movies.

02-27-14, 14:11
The Killing Fields - All of my family, myself included, lived it and some became part of the Killing Fields.

Bleak and disturbing? Yes. But it was a very good movie. It chronicled a very important and under-report event.

Doc Safari
02-27-14, 14:12
[On the Beach (2000) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0219224/?ref_=nv_sr_2)

Well, the world has finally managed to blow itself up. Only Australia has been spared from nuclear destruction and a gigantic wave of radiation is floating in on the breezes. Only two months are left. One American sub located in the Pacific has survived and is met with disdain by the Australians when it arrives. All of the calculations of Australia's most renowned scientist says the country is at doomsday - get ready. However, one of his rivals say that is incorrect.

Probably everyone has seen the 1959 version and it is pretty harsh for it's time. But something about this one will just make you wish you'd never seen it.

Okay, Steyr, I looked into ordering it, but with a price ranging from $41 to $60+ it ain't gonna happen.

Go ahead an spoil it for me. What is it about the film that makes you not want to see it?

02-27-14, 14:19
Okay, Steyr, I looked into ordering it, but with a price ranging from $41 to $60+ it ain't gonna happen.

Go ahead an spoil it for me. What is it about the film that makes you not want to see it?

Used LIKE NEW from $30.00


02-27-14, 14:20
Okay, Steyr, I looked into ordering it, but with a price ranging from $41 to $60+ it ain't gonna happen.

Go ahead an spoil it for me. What is it about the film that makes you not want to see it?


02-27-14, 14:22

To this day, every time I watch that movie I wanna beat the shit out of them all.

Doc Safari
02-27-14, 14:23
You guys are torturing me. My computer doesn't have speakers.

What's the spoiler?

02-27-14, 14:31

To this day, every time I watch that movie I wanna beat the shit out of them all.

You have to watch a movie?

02-27-14, 15:13

Eraser Head

02-27-14, 15:32
The Killing Fields - All of my family, myself included, lived it and some became part of the Killing Fields.
I'm very sorry to hear that. My brother-in-law's father was Lon Non, thus his uncle Lon Nol. I am quite sure you know the significance of those names. I have never once asked him about it, or what he thinks of his father and uncle's military coup which seized power in Cambodia in 1970 by toppling the 1,168-year-old Khmer Dynasty, or if he thinks the overthrow played any role in setting the events of 1975-1979 in motion. His father was also after all almost immediately executed by the Khmer Rouge in 1975, while his other uncle had as a result of their coup suffered a more gruesome fate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lon_Nil

02-27-14, 15:41
I'm very sorry to hear that. My brother-in-law's father was Lon Non, thus his uncle Lon Nol. I am quite sure you know the significance of those names. I have never once asked him about it, or what he thinks of his father and uncle's military coup which seized power in Cambodia in 1970 by toppling the 1,168-year-old Khmer Dynasty, or if he thinks the overthrow played any role in setting the events of 1975-1979 in motion. His father was also after all almost immediately executed by the Khmer Rouge in 1975, while his other uncle had as a result of their coup suffered a more gruesome fate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lon_Nil

Oh yes, I know who they are. My father was in the Khmer Republic Army. I'll just send you a PM, rather than bore the other members.

02-27-14, 16:38
Very Bad Things (1998)

I don't even remember much about it, but I remember feeling unsettled after seeing it and even having some funky dreams afterwards. Not a good or bad movie, but just disturbing for some reason.

Yes. That movie just leaves you feeling terrible at the end.

02-27-14, 16:44
You guys are torturing me. My computer doesn't have speakers.

What's the spoiler?

No spoilers. Just a very up to date version of a bleak movie that was very well done.

02-27-14, 16:45

We have a winner.

(I inadvertently quoted Requiem For A Dream.)

AI had an impact on me, but only because of how goddamn terrible it is. Spielberg trying to emulate Kubrick's directing style is painful to watch.

Twilight crushes my soul.

02-27-14, 16:46
3) Bunnyman This is, without a doubt, THE worst movie I have ever seen...EVER!

Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue. I found it and ordered it from Amazon.


02-27-14, 17:00
We have a winner.

(I inadvertently quoted Requiem For A Dream.)

AI had an impact on me, but only because of how goddamn terrible it is. Spielberg trying to emulate Kubrick's directing style is painful to watch.

Twilight crushes my soul.

Irreversible wasn't "soul crushing" or "bleak" so much as it was a pointless, stupid and terrible film. It had Monica Belluci in it so that alone makes it superior to dreck like Natural Born Killers but even her presence couldn't polish a turd.

Not sure what is worse, the disjointed time line, the attempt to actually physically influence the audience with agitating soundtracks, having a fag anal rape Monica and say "Hey this is actually pretty good" or the message that killing some deviant who just raped your gf is somehow morally wrong and traumatizing.

02-27-14, 17:14
The Divide(2012)makes my list.

Bleak movie with no happy ending.

I had forgotten about The Divide, and just how absolutely depressing the whole movie is, with an ending more bleak than perhaps any other film.


02-27-14, 17:24
Requiem For a dream- Because there are things in that film you cannot unsee or unfeel.

02-27-14, 17:24
Couples movie night, had my friends and my wife watch it... I am no longer allowed to pick movies for couples movie night...

I was lucky. I usually pick the movies but this time she wanted to and that was the one she picked. I was actually surprised she made it through the entire movie. When it was over we both just sat there and looked at each other with the WTF did we just watch face. It took me forever to go to sleep that night. The utter desperation and..... well what ever it had was enough to make it one that has stuck with me.

02-27-14, 17:59
I own The Divide, the wife really got upset when she watched it. Michael Biehn should have went Terminator/Aliens on their azzes and killed everyone. He built that shelter and had enough supplies for himself. Those ass clowns that went crazy should have never been allowed in the shelter in the first place. Lesson numero uno when it's TEOTWAWKI outside there is no more Mr. Niceguy.

02-27-14, 18:31
Anyone mention the side-splitting laugh a minute good time that was "Melancholia"?


02-27-14, 18:34
Irreversible wasn't "soul crushing" or "bleak" so much as it was a pointless, stupid and terrible film. It had Monica Belluci in it so that alone makes it superior to dreck like Natural Born Killers but even her presence couldn't polish a turd.

Not sure what is worse, the disjointed time line, the attempt to actually physically influence the audience with agitating soundtracks, having a fag anal rape Monica and say "Hey this is actually pretty good" or the message that killing some deviant who just raped your gf is somehow morally wrong and traumatizing.

Most of the things in this post make me weep, Steyr. I think you just like punching me in the nuts via movie reviews. :P

02-27-14, 18:37
"What Dreams May Come"

02-27-14, 18:40
"What Dreams May Come"

The book was incredible.

02-27-14, 18:43
Most of the things in this post make me weep, Steyr. I think you just like punching me in the nuts via movie reviews. :P

It's called "tough love" man. My reviews are like a Zen koan where they shock you into a new state of awareness on fuller understanding.

02-27-14, 18:46
It's called "tough love" man. My reviews are like a Zen koan where they shock you into a new state of awareness on fuller understanding.

I see you didn't regard my Twilight comment. I can assume that you enjoy every second of that film.

02-27-14, 18:55
Anyone mention the side-splitting laugh a minute good time that was "Melancholia"?


What a cast; John Hurt, Kiefer Sutherland, and Stellan Skarsgård to name a few. On my list now thx.

02-27-14, 20:50
Flowers For Algernon and Awakenings always left me feeling a little melancholy.

02-27-14, 22:28
I see you didn't regard my Twilight comment. I can assume that you enjoy every second of that film.

It's not a film, it was pain. And not the good kind of pain. I didn't realize a vampire film could be so horrible and I've seen vampire films with John Carradine in them.

Took me several viewings of The Hunger (1983), Insatiable (2007) and Innocent Blood (1992) to get that bullshit out of my head.

02-28-14, 01:31
In no particular order:

1) Fluke. A guy dies in a car crash and is reincarnated as a dog. After he grows from a puppy to a dog, he remembers his past life and tries to reunite with his family and find the guy who he thinks killed him. It seemed like it was going to be kids' movie, so I was expecting it to be somewhat whimsical and comical. Nope. Very dark, very harsh, a lot of death, and a lot of hopelessness. The ending is one of the bleakest, loneliest, and saddest endings I've seen. It remains the only movie I've ever cried at...and the movie wasn't that good!

2) The Green Mile. The two things that made it soul crushing for me were the final execution of the movie (won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it) and the first one. Knowing the back story of Bitterbuck (the first guy they zapped) from the book, he was being executed for coming out as the survivor of a drunken brawl gone really bad, not for being a cold blooded murderer.

3) Shutter Island. The ending was just so damn frustrating.

4) Gone With the Wind. So many people had died at the end, it was almost becoming funny.

5) Million Dollar Baby Haven't been able to watch this one all the way through. What happens to her is one of my worst nightmares.

02-28-14, 09:23
The Road - Yeah, I think it's pretty well acknowledged as being one of the THE most depressing movies of all time. One of few movies that I consider really well done that I don't want to see again.

Schindler's List - Another great movie that I have a hard time watching again. Coming from a mostly German backround, being raised by my German grandparents of which my grandfather lived through WWII in Germany (his is an amazing story), it's a hard pill to swallow knowing the people of your ancestory committed those acts.

The Killing Fields - Saw the movie the in the theatre when I was about 11 or so. Left a big impact on me.

Children of Men - One of the better roles I've seen Clive Owen in. Good movie.

Stalingrad - One of my favorite war movies prior to Saving Private Ryan. I've only seen it once and have never come across it again. I think Steve Speilberg lifted that staccato style filming technique from this movie.

The Cross of Iron - Another kick ass war movie w/ no happy ending.

02-28-14, 09:25
Trainspotting. I turned off off when the baby died.

02-28-14, 09:40
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. The villain in the movie is in the same class as that of No Country for Old Men. The whole movie is depressing to me.

02-28-14, 09:42
Anyone mention the side-splitting laugh a minute good time that was "Melancholia"?


Planet X destroys humanity with some Kirsten Dunst awesomeness!!!

Martyrs has my vote...soul crushing and just plain yuck.

02-28-14, 10:13
Anyone seen Brazil?
(don't read further if you have not seen it.....)

Now THAT is what I'd consider a soul-crushing ending.

3 AE
02-28-14, 11:13
1) Sophie's Choice. To be put in the position to choose which one of your children lives and which one doesn't. My Lord, if that doesn't put you on the brink of insanity, if not over.

2) Grapes of Wrath. The despair endured by the people of this country during the depression and the drought just made me feel helpless wondering could it happen again. Of course it can and probably will.

3) Fail Safe. To be a kid growing up during the "Cold War", Cuban Missile Crisis, etc., and seeing the disastrous effect of what could happen as a result of a technical failure definitely made me worry about the near future at the time this movie came out.

4) Saving Private Ryan. The opening scene of the Omaha Beach landing is something I can hardly bear to watch. The "Greatest Generation" paid the ultimate price literally a million times over. Every single person on the European continent should be thankful to God that such men existed to serve others.

5) Old Yeller. No explanation necessary.

02-28-14, 11:28
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. The villain in the movie is in the same class as that of No Country for Old Men. The whole movie is depressing to me.

Rooney Mara was fantastic in that film. As was Daniel Craig.

02-28-14, 13:31
Of Mice and Men
High Plains Drifter

02-28-14, 13:44
Read the synopsis...if you dare...



02-28-14, 16:06
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. The villain in the movie is in the same class as that of No Country for Old Men. The whole movie is depressing to me.

Have you seen the original Swedish trilogy? The story is very dark but its a moving piece. The US version of the last two films have not begun production as of yet. I hope they finish them.

02-28-14, 16:08
Children of Men - One of the better roles I've seen Clive Owen in. Good movie.

I love that film, I thought it had a great ending as the fugee had the first baby in twenty years i.e. hope for humanity.

02-28-14, 16:12
Anyone seen Brazil?
(don't read further if you have not seen it.....)

Now THAT is what I'd consider a soul-crushing ending.

Not only am I a huge fan of dystopian science fiction but also Terry Gilliam films, great flick and a future not to distant from that of our own.

02-28-14, 16:52
Have you seen the original Swedish trilogy? The story is very dark but its a moving piece. The US version of the last two films have not begun production as of yet. I hope they finish them.

I saw the first part. I still need to finish the other two. I love it so far.

02-28-14, 16:53
It's not a film, it was pain. And not the good kind of pain. I didn't realize a vampire film could be so horrible and I've seen vampire films with John Carradine in them.

Took me several viewings of The Hunger (1983), Insatiable (2007) and Innocent Blood (1992) to get that bullshit out of my head.

Innocent Blood is badass.

Vampires with James Woods makes me ill. Wasn't one of the Baldwins in that movie as well?

02-28-14, 17:30
Innocent Blood is badass.

Vampires with James Woods makes me ill. Wasn't one of the Baldwins in that movie as well?

That one left a lot to be desired as well.

Hopefully you've seen Let Me In (2010) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228987/?ref_=nv_sr_1). It's a Hammer remake of this one, Let the Right One In (2008) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1139797/?ref_=nv_sr_1), both are great but I prefer the Hammer version with Chloë Grace Moretz.

02-28-14, 17:40
That one left a lot to be desired as well.

Hopefully you've seen Let Me In (2010) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228987/?ref_=nv_sr_1). It's a Hammer remake of this one, Let the Right One In (2008) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1139797/?ref_=nv_sr_1), both are great but I prefer the Hammer version with Chloë Grace Moretz.

I never saw either one, but I read the book and loved it. I'm afraid to watch the movie, as I know that it won't even be close.

I'll brave through it and check out the 2008 version first, since it's the original. Have you read the book?

02-28-14, 17:50
I never saw either one, but I read the book and loved it. I'm afraid to watch the movie, as I know that it won't even be close.

I'll brave through it and check out the 2008 version first, since it's the original. Have you read the book?

No, I rarely read fiction. No movie can be as good as the book without being a 20 hour mini series like Band of Brothers and even then you can't get every detail and story in the film version. Black Hawk Down was an incredible movie but just can't be as comprehensive as the book no matter how hard you try.

I tend to read a lot of history related books.

02-28-14, 18:14
No, I rarely read fiction. No movie can be as good as the book without being a 20 hour mini series like Band of Brothers and even then you can't get every detail and story in the film version. Black Hawk Down was an incredible movie but just can't be as comprehensive as the book no matter how hard you try.

I tend to read a lot of history related books.

I tend to read very little fiction as well, but Let Me In was one of the few times I branched out. It was worth it, if you have the time, you should check it out.

And it's funny that you mention Band of Brothers. I finally bought the series. I've never seen all of it. Just The Pacific.

02-28-14, 18:41
I probably remembered this because of recent news. The Return........great movie but sad.


02-28-14, 18:44
5) Million Dollar Baby Haven't been able to watch this one all the way through. What happens to her is one of my worst nightmares.

I'm really surprised it took 4 pages before someone mentioned this one. Definitely one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen.

02-28-14, 18:46
There Will Be Blood: I kept waiting for it to get better, at least watchable, but it never did. Terrible movie.

The Talented Mr. Ripley: Just chaos, destroying everyone you ever loved and mourning about it.

Hotel Rwanda: Really tough to enjoy the slaughter of one group of people who like exactly like the group committing genocide.

Carlitos Way, the first one of course.

To throw in a TV show, The Shield, that is some dark stuff. Pure greed and survival with some of the grittiest direction and camera work ever allowed on cable TV. It like your friend eating you alive for $20.

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02-28-14, 20:00
The book was incredible.

So was the movie, but it was probably the saddest movie I think I've ever watched.

02-28-14, 20:13
There Will Be Blood: I kept waiting for it to get better, at least watchable, but it never did. Terrible movie.

"I'm going to go where ever it is that you sleep at night and I'm going to cut your throat".

Pure gold right there. I also liked how he dispatched that douche bag by bludgeoning him with the bowling pin.

02-28-14, 20:25
Fahrenheit 9/11 - when I watched the reaction of election time political know-it-alls applaud the courageous vision it took to make this groundbreaking movie...or so people said... It turned my stomach.

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02-28-14, 21:47
Every ****ing japanese movie ever made.

It's no wonder they're always leaping out windows.

Can't the good guy win/get the girl just once?

03-01-14, 01:27
Every ****ing japanese movie ever made.

It's no wonder they're always leaping out windows.

Can't the good guy win/get the girl just once?

That reminds me.

Ikiru (1952) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0044741/?ref_=nv_sr_1)

Great movie and I recommend it to everyone but damn it will make you feel your mortality.

03-01-14, 04:07
5 pages and no "Brian's Song" (1971) ?

Brian's Song is in my top 3
and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" was a GREAT F'in movie but DAMN that ending.

"Vanishing Point" (1971 because in my mind that is the ONLY one) Kowalski.... :sad:
Million Dollar Baby but also "Gran Torino" (2008)

03-01-14, 08:14
Is Flowers for Algernon any good? I read the book, and it tore me apart.

03-01-14, 08:44
Is Flowers for Algernon any good? I read the book, and it tore me apart.

I screwed up. The movie was titled Charly, starring Cliff Robertson and Claire Bloom. I saw it in the theatre when it was released (1968) and thought it was pretty good. I read the short story (Flowers For Algernon) when I was older and saw a rerun of the movie a few years ago. The movie is a little dated, but Cliff Robertson's performance holds up. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor for the role, albeit amidst some controversy (concerns about studio influence on Academy voters and exploitation of the mentally-retarded).

03-01-14, 08:45
Hopefully you've seen Let Me In (2010) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228987/?ref_=nv_sr_1). It's a Hammer remake of this one, Let the Right One In (2008) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1139797/?ref_=nv_sr_1), both are great but I prefer the Hammer version with Chloë Grace Moretz.

'Let The Right One In' is the better of the two.

Bleak and Depressing? What Dreams May Come. That is one light hearted film. The scene where he finds his wife lost in depression is gripping.

'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas'.

For the kids next Christmas stream 'Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale'

03-01-14, 09:08
For the kids next Christmas stream 'Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale'

Shit Fire! Talk about a Christmas double-feature. Rare Exports and Bad Santa. As Cartman would say, "Kick ass!"


It's fifteen below zero with a foot of new snow on the ground. **** it. I think I'll just kick off the holiday season today.

03-01-14, 10:47
I tend to read very little fiction as well, but Let Me In was one of the few times I branched out. It was worth it, if you have the time, you should check it out.

And it's funny that you mention Band of Brothers. I finally bought the series. I've never seen all of it. Just The Pacific.

Seriously? Well, enjoy- imo, it's way better than the pacific. Not that the Pacific wasn't good, BOB was just... better. Can't explain it.

Depressing soul crushers?
I'm going to dogpile on with "The Road".
That movie just plain sucked to watch.

03-01-14, 11:17
'Let The Right One In' is the better of the two.

Bleak and Depressing? What Dreams May Come. That is one light hearted film. The scene where he finds his wife lost in depression is gripping.

What Dreams May Come is truly sad. That is the only Robin Williams movie I can take seriously. But he goes beast mode on the underworld to get her back.

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03-01-14, 15:56
Another gut wrenching is 'Shadowlands'. I don't think its in print currently. A C.S. Lewis story.

03-01-14, 16:42
Another gut wrenching is 'Shadowlands'. I don't think its in print currently. A C.S. Lewis story.

One of my favorite Anthony Hopkins' movies. This, and The Remains of the Day.

03-01-14, 17:24
One of my favorite Anthony Hopkins' movies. This, and The Remains of the Day.

I'll add 'The Worlds Fastest Indian' to a Hopkins favorite.

03-01-14, 23:26
So I've had the DVD of Melancholia for over a year now and due to this thread I finally watched it.

A few observations...

The opening title sequence almost made me stop watching the film. Seriously, people need to knock that Sundance crap off.

Kirsten Dunst has the nicest breasts of any film character that I've desperately wanted to punch in the face.

If it means being surrounded by so many "****ups" I guess I might not want to be fabulously wealthy after all.

What the effin hell was wrong with the husband who checked out when he realized he was wrong and didn't make sure his family had a decent exit plan?

Not sure what would bother me more, that I'm about to watch my child die or the fact that my child is so retarded he really believes the stick tent is going to protect him.

I think I'd qualify this form more as "strange/bizarre" rather than "bleak" or "soul crushing."

If they had just gotten rid of the avant guarde art graduate types this could have been an amazing film with an interesting premise. The budget was certainly there.

03-02-14, 01:05
Kirsten Dunst has the nicest breasts of any film character that I've desperately wanted to punch in the face.

I hate her, and her face is kinda weird, but her body is bangin'.

03-02-14, 02:23
The most recent one I've seen is "The Counselor". Between Cameron Diaz banging a car and the utter lack of a plot, the ending was pretty bleak & pointless.

03-02-14, 02:47
I hate her, and her face is kinda weird, but her body is bangin'.

Loved her in Spiderman. This is the only film where I really hated her character. She's got a cuteness about her. If I was single and she was an ordinary chick I'd be all over that.

03-02-14, 05:29
The most recent one I've seen is "The Counselor". Between Cameron Diaz banging a car and the utter lack of a plot, the ending was pretty bleak & pointless.

This is due to the singular fact that Cormac McCarthy wrote the book and the screen play, some of his other work that has been mentioned in thread so far . . . The Road and No Country for Old Men.

Moral of the story, don't get into the drug business and don't **** about with Mexican cartels. Yup, pretty bleak.

03-02-14, 05:54
Loved her in Spiderman. This is the only film where I really hated her character. She's got a cuteness about her. If I was single and she was an ordinary chick I'd be all over that.

She was still hot then. She is cute. I'll give you that. But the last few movies I saw her in, and I can't remember what they were, she just seemed weird, and mousy to me.

I don't know. Maybe I need to refresh my memory. Lol.

03-02-14, 07:41
The Road.
Requim for a Dream

All pretty depressing

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03-02-14, 09:06
Seriously? Well, enjoy- imo, it's way better than the pacific. Not that the Pacific wasn't good, BOB was just... better. Can't explain it.
I agree that BoB was better than the Pacific, and I believe the main reasons are that a) BoB was written by one author whereas The Pacific was based on three different books by three different authors, b) none of which (IIRC) served above platoon level. Because of this The Pacific lacks the common voice provided in BoB where Ambrose interviewed and compiled the stories of the men of Easy Company. The Pacific is more like, "Oh it sucks over here. Oh, now we're moving and it sucks again," which is more of the enlisted man's view of the events. Since BoB also included the officers' perspective - as well as a showing what went on above platoon level - it provides a more complete picture of the events.

As for The Road it is one of my favorite books (and if you want to read something soul crushing and bleak McCarthy is definitely your man; Blood Meridian, The Border Trilogy, The Orchard Keeper, Child of God) - the book is even bleaker. McCarthy wrote it for his son. "The man" (Viggo Mortensen in the movie) is willing to do anything for his son - he refuses to give up as he must care for his son until his son is old enough to care for himself. Fatherhood.

03-02-14, 10:28
Thought of another one.


03-02-14, 12:01
This is due to the singular fact that Cormac McCarthy wrote the book and the screen play, some of his other work that has been mentioned in thread so far . . . The Road and No Country for Old Men.

Moral of the story, don't get into the drug business and don't **** about with Mexican cartels. Yup, pretty bleak.

I did not know the correlation. Very similar story styles. I did like the other two more. I was really hoping for a "twist" or a mystery. The story was laid out in the first 10 minutes and pretty much stuck to it.

brushy bill
03-02-14, 13:14
"I'm going to go where ever it is that you sleep at night and I'm going to cut your throat".

Pure gold right there. I also liked how he dispatched that douche bag by bludgeoning him with the bowling pin.

Some great quotes from this film.

03-02-14, 14:34
Steve McQueen in Sand Pebbles and Tom Horn

Platoon ending

The Killing Fields

The Onion Field http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcMWUgvJY_c

Electra Glide in Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS5SBV5wvgw

The Choir Boys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ax1Kzi8D_g

Apocalypse Now

03-02-14, 17:44
Just did The Divide. Ok movie.

03-03-14, 00:25
Just watched part of The Road tonight. Couldn't get past the first 30 minutes. Too bleak, no redemption, no hope. Most EOTWAWKI movies hint that a new day may dawn...not here. The Road is game over, end of the world, end of discussion.

filthy phil
03-03-14, 00:46
Requiem For A Dream because things don't get better....

Beat me to it. Do love the eye candy tho

03-03-14, 02:35
Just watched part of The Road tonight. Couldn't get past the first 30 minutes. Too bleak, no redemption, no hope. Most EOTWAWKI movies hint that a new day may dawn...not here. The Road is game over, end of the world, end of discussion.

McCarthy wrote the book about a father and son's relationship, in fact in the book and film the boy refers to his father as papa. In real life this is what MCarthy's own son calls him. The backdrop is TEOTWAWKI. The ending is hopeful but I don't want to spoil it for those who have not read/seen it.

Doc Safari
03-03-14, 09:31
"The World According to Garp"

I thought Robin Williams was a comedian. I went to this movie expecting him to do his comedy bigger, better, and more raunchy for the big screen. No, oh no: Garp was Williams' first "serious" movie. What I found was a depressing treatise on how life sucks and then you die.

I wish I had my money back from seeing this one.

03-03-14, 09:36
"The World According to Garp"

I thought Robin Williams was a comedian. I went to this movie expecting him to do his comedy bigger, better, and more raunchy for the big screen. No, oh no: Garp was Williams' first "serious" movie. What I found was a depressing treatise on how life sucks and then you die.

I wish I had my money back from seeing this one.

But ya gotta admit the scene where the plane hits the house while they're standing on the lawn with the realtor was pretty funny.
