View Full Version : China : Train Station attack, 27 dead, 109 wounded by knife

03-01-14, 13:53

Wow, 109 injured and 27 dead by knife? They really need to ban high capacity assault knives in China. Obviously more than one attacker but holy shit.

03-01-14, 15:09
At the risk of sounding insensitive...

"Chu Shang...your Kung Fu is very good."

03-01-14, 16:10
No gun? No problem, just use a knife. Or a hammer, Or a pipe, or a ball bat. Whatever is handy!

03-01-14, 17:28
Geez... Craig Douglas needs to get over there and hit that market in need!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-01-14, 17:34
You all know the drill "but if they had had guns it would have been even worse" and so forth. It only confirms what we know, and does not a damn thing to alter the "don't confuse us with the facts" crowed who care about the tool used, vs the outcome.

03-01-14, 18:24
Pretty common in China, I believe during the Taiping Rebellion something like 40,000 Manchus were executed in one province alone, by the Hakka. Under the orders from Jesus little brother.

03-01-14, 21:20
Proof positive the Anti's/nanny's could ban everything under the sun, the bad guys would just use sticks and rocks to serve their twisted agenda. The human species is very creative and will figure out a way to do what they want, doesn't matter if its good or bad, people will find a way. We are the ultimate X-factor.

03-02-14, 01:06
He killed more people than most mass shootings. Jesus. I think a gun would've actually been preferable in this case, as at least it'd attract police attention.

03-02-14, 02:39
I think it was ten guys... A very difficult tactical situation if you were in that situation with a CCW.

03-02-14, 05:55
I think it was ten guys... A very difficult tactical situation if you were in that situation with a CCW.

Shoot the people with knives?

03-02-14, 10:36
At the risk of sounding insensitive...

"Chu Shang...your Kung Fu is very good."

Your Dragon Style is good, but no match for my Tiger Style...

I just hope none of the people attacked were any of the slave labor employees working in the iPhone supply chain.

03-02-14, 10:48
Just like in the good ole USA armed people intent on doing harm to innocent unarmed people do. Then after the fact the gestapo show up armed like they are going to war .

03-02-14, 10:49
Your Dragon Style is good, but no match for my Tiger Style...

I just hope none of the people attacked were any of the slave labor employees working in the iPhone supply chain.We all are slaves to our governments.

03-02-14, 12:49
So I made my comment above, and posted this story to my FB page, and like from a text book from Brady Bunch, one comment was:

"Damn. Imagine if they had guns ? Death toll likely much higher. This actually supports gun control, in my opinion."

And the poster was an LEO. Ugh....I'm just happy the vast majority of LEOs don't agree with that position it appears.

03-02-14, 16:40

"Damn. Imagine if a few citizens had concealed carry guns ? Death toll likely all 10 assailants. This actually supports armed citizenry, in my opinion."

"Damn. Imagine if they had guns ? Death toll likely much higher. This actually supports gun control, in my opinion."

And the poster was an LEO. Ugh....I'm just happy the vast majority of LEOs don't agree with that position it appears.

03-02-14, 17:06
Worst since 5 years where they just used sticks and bats and killed nearly 200
hope that anti gun idiots becomes anti sticks and bats !

The attack was the deadliest violence attributed to Uighur-Han conflicts since riots in the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi in 2009, in which Uighurs stormed the streets of the city, targeting Han people in seemingly random violence that included the killing of women and children. A few days later, Han vigilante mobs armed with sticks and bats attacked Uighurs in the same city. Nearly 200 people died.

03-02-14, 17:20

"Damn. Imagine if a few citizens had concealed carry guns ? Death toll likely all 10 assailants. This actually supports armed citizenry, in my opinion."

As we know exactly their mindset and every word they use from their playbook, the response will be "That would only make it worse and the death toll would surely be higher with all those guns going off used by untrained people"

Because you know, it's better to stand there and get hacked to death.

It's like we can read their minds. Simple minds are generally easy to read :(

03-02-14, 23:46
Shoot the people with knives? Sounds easy doesn't it. 10 dudes with knives in the midst of hundreds of commuters.

03-03-14, 10:48
I think it was ten guys... A very difficult tactical situation if you were in that situation with a CCW.

Tactical solution: Jim Cirillo with two J Frames. Seriously, if 10 guys with knives are attacking commuters on a train, would you rather have your fists, a knife or a Glock 19? Personally, I'd prefer to have all three, but only because a rifle might draw unnecessary attention...

03-03-14, 12:59
The fact that the Chinese government does not place a high value on individual life of its people is definitely a component of why it cares nothing for their right to protect themselves.

03-03-14, 13:44
The fact that the Chinese government does not place a high value on individual life of its people is definitely a component of why it cares nothing for their right to protect themselves.

That's a fact....they have a billion of them. Way too many.

03-03-14, 14:31
I'm waiting for Hilary Clinton to blame it on a You Tube video...


03-03-14, 14:42
I'm waiting for Hilary Clinton to blame it on a You Tube video...



03-03-14, 14:43
When knives are outlawed, etc. IIRC several of the deadliest mass murders in history have been deliberately set nightclub fires. Better ban matches and nightclubs too.

03-03-14, 19:43
When knives are outlawed, etc. IIRC several of the deadliest mass murders in history have been deliberately set nightclub fires. Better ban matches and nightclubs too.Killing people with knives is o.k.. Killing people with guns is bad.

03-03-14, 19:47
Killing people with knives is o.k.. Killing people with guns is bad.

In the US, maybe. In Britain, killing people with knives is bad, and killing with guns - is not reported on, because in that socialist paradise guns are (nearly) outlawed, and reporting on murders committed with guns would undermine the claim that their gun ban is useful in reducing crime.

The ostrich-head idiots always have some way to spin things that don't comport with their utopian theories.