View Full Version : "Viking is a job description. It's not an ethnic label."

03-03-14, 20:40
Just happened upon this. I just finished watching season 1 of 'Vikings' and saw the first episode of S2, so I thought this was interesting.


the raiders and traders who not only shaped the history of Scandinavia and the British Isles but left their mark from Newfoundland (where 1960s excavations at L'Anse aux Meadows confirmed the saga tales of voyages to "Vinland") to present-day Istanbul, where bored Nordic guards in the service of the Byzantine emperors scratched runic graffiti in the church of Hagia Sophia.

And maybe some of our Brit friends could translate this into American:

Recent findings argue for a high degree of interaction between (for instance) seafaring Scandinavians and land-bound Anglo-Saxons, rather than the atavistic enmity of Victorian myth. All the same, from dialect to DNA, the "Danelaw" territories ceded by panicky early English kings in the late ninth century still appear to mark a sharp cultural divide. Why is Essex not the same place as Sussex, and Yorkshire another world from Hampshire? Blame, or bless, those ubiquitous Norsemen