View Full Version : 10 Mysteries That Hint At Forgotten Advanced Civilizations

03-04-14, 01:52
Fascinating stuff.

The Baalbek Enigma
The archaeological site of Baalbek in Lebanon has some of the most well-preserved Roman ruins in the world. Called Heliopolis in ancient times, the temple ruins are truly amazing to behold. What makes this site mysterious though, is the massive megalithic ruin mound upon which the Romans built. Making the their ruins look pale in comparison, these monoliths that can weigh up to 1, 200 tons each are the largest worked slabs of stone in the world. Some archaeologists believe that the history at the site goes back about 9000 years, as excavations have revealed Middle Bronze Age (1900-1600BC) and Early Bronze Age (2900-2300 BC) evidence on top of each other. Apart from the mystery as to how these stones were brought to the site from where they were quarried; given the site’s location and the space available to maneuver, architects and engineers claim that we have no known lifting technologies available to us today, that can lift and position these stones. They are simply beyond the construction capabilities of any accepted ancient or modern-day builders.

03-04-14, 02:57
Moving the stones
See also: List of megalithic sites

The quarry was slightly higher up[18][19] than the temple itself so no lifting was required to move the stones the 800 meters (2,600 ft) to the temple. In 1977, Jean-Pierre Adam made a brief study suggesting the large blocks could have been moved on rollers with machines using capstans and pulley blocks, a process which he theorised could use 512 workers to move a 557 tonne block (approximately 243 tonnes lighter than the trilithon blocks).[18][20] Archaeologists date the temple to the Julio-Claudian period, the first two centuries AD.[21]

03-04-14, 03:19
Well that would explain it. Still, it's been interesting surfing the site the past hour.

10 Crazy Things You Should Know About Our Solar System
#5 Our Solar System Has A Tail

10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Apollo Moon Landings
#2 A Priceless Sculpture

#4 Records vs. Prestige
"Of course we remember Apollo 11 as the highlight of the Apollo program, and maybe even as the highlight of human exploration. However, the dress rehearsal mission, Apollo 10, set a couple records that have never been broken. First of all, in addition to having the two coolest names for spaceships (Command Module Charlie Brown and Lunar Module Snoopy), the three men who flew that mission are credited as being farther away from home than any human had been or has been since. Eugene Cernan, Thomas Stafford, and John Young were more than 408,950 kilometers (254,000 mi) from Houston when they reached the far side of the Moon. Because of the timing of their mission, the Moon was at an especially far position from the Earth, and the planet’s rotation had Houston on the opposite side of the Earth. Even though the Apollo 13 crew technically went farther from the Earth’s surface than anyone else, Apollo 10 had actually traveled a greater distance from where it started. After setting that record, the crew set another one when, on their return home, they reached a speed of 39,897 kilometers per hour (24,791 mph), which is still the fastest any human being has ever traveled."

10 Most Bizarre Galaxies In The Universe
#4 NGC 474

Big A
03-04-14, 10:12
Moving the stones
See also: List of megalithic sites

The quarry was slightly higher up[18][19] than the temple itself so no lifting was required to move the stones the 800 meters (2,600 ft) to the temple. In 1977, Jean-Pierre Adam made a brief study suggesting the large blocks could have been moved on rollers with machines using capstans and pulley blocks, a process which he theorised could use 512 workers to move a 557 tonne block (approximately 243 tonnes lighter than the trilithon blocks).[18][20] Archaeologists date the temple to the Julio-Claudian period, the first two centuries AD.[21]

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

I don't pretend to know how they(< = all ancient civilizations) did it, I just lauagh every time I watch those Ancient Alien shows and they start claming they used lasers, or repulsors, or some othe form of anti gravity or advanced tech. That stuff cracks me up.

It's not like they were sitting around watching American Idle or updating their MyFace status. They didn't have much else to do other than make things, grow things, fornicate and sleep.

03-04-14, 13:16
Well that would explain it. Still, it's been interesting surfing the site the past hour.

Well there goes two hours of my day.

03-04-14, 22:59
I don't pretend to know how they(< = all ancient civilizations) did it, I just lauagh every time I watch those Ancient Alien shows and they start claming they used lasers, or repulsors, or some othe form of anti gravity or advanced tech. That stuff cracks me up.

It's not like they were sitting around watching American Idle or updating their MyFace status. They didn't have much else to do other than make things, grow things, fornicate and sleep.

The part that pisses me off is they they're so smug and so convinced of their own intelligence that they can't even comprehend that maybe these ancient guys were actually pretty smart and figured out how to do shit for themselves. ancientaliensdebunked.com is a favorite of mine.

03-05-14, 01:25
The part that pisses me off is they they're so smug and so convinced of their own intelligence that they can't even comprehend that maybe these ancient guys were actually pretty smart and figured out how to do shit for themselves. ancientaliensdebunked.com is a favorite of mine.

Right there with you guys.

The other one that pisses me off is the obligatory "and even today nobody can duplicate this technology."

What a bunch of horseshit. If was wanted to build an old school pyramid it would be as perfect as anything in Giza. We just aren't going to allocate the funds for a project like that with no tangible benefits.

Bottom line is ancient humans did some amazing things. Of course they didn't have nitendo, facebook or cellphones to distract them.