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3 AE
03-04-14, 09:59
She wants her cake and eat it too! I don't know what the heck is going on with some of these young adults. My house, my rules.


03-04-14, 10:17
That sure makes me proud that my 18 y.o. daughter has her head screwed on straight. I can't imagine that level of spite and disrespect.

03-04-14, 10:25
There's a lawyer that agreed to file the suit and somehow, I find that person to be a bigger scumbag than the kid. Odds are some BS activist group will give the little brat a full ride after the judge throws out the lawsuit.

03-04-14, 10:42
I would love to be there when life hits her in the face with a 2x4 and she realizes that life isn't fair.

03-04-14, 11:19
So, let me get this straight. She's an honor student, is obviously doing well academically and her parents decided to kick her out when she turned 18 years old and still in high school because she wasn't following their rules? I wonder what she really did to get kicked out, every teenager misses chores and breaks curfew once in awhile, I'm just trying to figure out if the ends justify the means.

03-04-14, 12:23
The fact that this may see the light of day in a court room speaks volumes. Any judge worth his or her salt should refuse to hear the case and send it arbitration. The arbitrator should spank her and send her on her way. Waste of time and money.

I should add I am biased: neither my mother nor my wife's parents put a dime towards our combined 5 degrees.

03-04-14, 12:27
So, let me get this straight. She's an honor student, is obviously doing well academically and her parents decided to kick her out when she turned 18 years old and still in high school because she wasn't following their rules? I wonder what she really did to get kicked out, every teenager misses chores and breaks curfew once in awhile, I'm just trying to figure out if the ends justify the means.

I read on some other news site that she has a bad news boyfriend they demanded she stop seeing.

03-04-14, 12:35
Just ONE MORE REASON not to have kids.

03-04-14, 12:49
This is yet another example of the entitlement mindset. If she does not want to abide by her parent's rules, she can get a job and put herself through college.

03-04-14, 13:21
Note to parents: YOU raised the little princess.

03-04-14, 14:53
Is she too old for daddy to whoop her ass?

03-04-14, 14:58
Logged in to post this and saw I was beat to the punch.

This article gives a bit more information.


Looks like they tried to do right. They asked her to follow the rules of the house. An 11:00 Curfew, do some chores, etc. She has a $20,000 scholarship and it is hinted at that they have a college fund set up. Reading between the lines it sounds like she wanted to go to a much more expensive school and expected them to pay the bill. They also have other children that seem to be as perplexed as they are by this..

Welcome to the entitlement world.

03-04-14, 15:00
sounds like she needs a good paddlin.

03-04-14, 16:32
Her parents should file for divorce from her as their daughter. Dead to rights and all that . . .

03-04-14, 16:59
I recently began working at a CPA firm that has a wealth management firm right next door. You wouldn't believe the stories I've heard,

One man has several kids and many grandkids as well as a net worth of $36,000,000...he's donating all of it to charity and hasn't told anyone except his lawyer and our firm.

03-04-14, 17:10
Just ONE MORE REASON not to have kids.

This is as simplistic, if not worse, a comment as the ones used by the left regarding the dangers of owning a firearm because Jack Johnson's crazy son decided to use one for no good.

03-04-14, 17:20
Just ONE MORE REASON not to have kids.

I don't have kids. Yet nothing makes me happier in this world than to talk to and goof off with my best friend's 5 year old little girl. Nothing else compares. Its not the kids. They mirror what they are exposed to.


03-04-14, 19:26
The judge told her to pound sand. At least for the "emergency order" she wanted.

His words were pretty strait forward. Sounds like he may well have a good head on his shoulders.


03-04-14, 20:22
Glad to see that the legal system is still just a little more retarded than our medical system.

03-04-14, 20:26
I'm glad I get to see the products of good/bad parenting to make my own decision to never have kids.

03-04-14, 20:52
The fact that this hasn't been thrown out of court already is such BS. Kid's no longer a kid. She's 18. Welcome to adulthood. Here's a big cup of grow the fvck up...

I can see the judge ordering the parents to pay the remaining HS tuition. It's an agreement that they entered into before this event. The rest? A big fat zero.

Love how the friends scumbag lawyer dad (who you know instigated this entire thing) "advanced" the kid legal fees.
[Disclaimer, not ALL lawyers are scumbags, it's just a term that fits here. I'm sure he has a scumbag accountant, and a scumbag gardener too... They exist in all professions and generally congregate.]

3 AE
03-04-14, 21:04
The fact that this hasn't been thrown out of court already is such BS. Kid's no longer a kid. She's 18. Welcome to adulthood. Here's a big cup of grow the fvck up...

I can see the judge ordering the parents to pay the remaining HS tuition. It's an agreement that they entered into before this event. The rest? A big fat zero.

Love how the friends scumbag lawyer dad (who you know instigated this entire thing) "advanced" the kid legal fees.
[Disclaimer, not ALL lawyers are scumbags, it's just a term that fits here. I'm sure he has a scumbag accountant, and a scumbag gardener too... They exist in all professions and generally congregate.]

It could be that the dad who has allowed her to live with his family for the past four months is fed up supporting her! LOL

03-04-14, 21:07
It could be that the dad who has allowed her to live with his family for the past four months is fed up supporting her! LOL

Then that fool should learn how to say no.

Welcome to adulthood. Get a damn job and support yourself.

Parents should provide her info for the FAFSA, she will be denied due to their apparent income, and have to attend college on her scholarship and loans. Be broke for 3-4 years, learn how to get by, develop a sense that the world doesn't owe her sh*t, etc...

So tired of the generation just ten years younger than me. These idiots will be the death of us all.

03-04-14, 21:15
I see this as upping the age limit for colleges wanting these parents money. You guys want 18 to be an adult but the rest of the world wants you saving money to give to them so your kid isn't working at mcdonalds.

03-04-14, 21:45
Then that fool should learn how to say no.

Welcome to adulthood. Get a damn job and support yourself.

Parents should provide her info for the FAFSA, she will be denied due to their apparent income, and have to attend college on her scholarship and loans. Be broke for 3-4 years, learn how to get by, develop a sense that the world doesn't owe her sh*t, etc...

So tired of the generation just ten years younger than me. These idiots will be the death of us all.

You shouldn't have to list parents income on FAFSA if your on your own...

03-05-14, 00:06
And yet you still have to if you're not 24...

03-05-14, 03:24
Just ONE MORE REASON not to have kids.
The 3 P’s of Manhood: Protect, Procreate, and Provide.

03-05-14, 05:07
saw some thing in the court explain parents did not boot her she left the house 2 days before her 18th !

which makes it even more pathetic !! she leaves then sues ! how sad !!!

03-05-14, 06:24
And yet you still have to if you're not 24...

Very true. When my sons left for college, they tried getting student loans. They could not on their own because they were only 18 at the time. It was very frustrating because I was unfortunately in no position to help either one. They give kids condoms in high school but won't let them have student loans without their parents permission until the age of 24. Very backwards. The more I learn about other folks kids, the more I love my own

03-05-14, 06:29
What a piece of work.

Phone message left for Liz Canning from Rachel at July 2, 2013 1:18pm, submitted to Morris County Court, which got the judge apparently so angry:

'Hi mom just to let you know you're a real f**king winner aren't you you think you're so cool and you think you caught me throwing up in the bathroom after eating an egg frittatta, yeah sorry that you have problems now and you need to harp on mine because i didn't and i actually took a s*** which i really just wanna s*** all over your face right now because it looks like that anyway, anyway i f***ing hate you and um I've written you off so don't talk to me, don't do anything I'm blocking you from just about everything, have a nice life, bye mom'

03-05-14, 06:58

03-05-14, 08:35
Stay classy Rachel.

03-05-14, 08:39
I'm glad I get to see the products of good/bad parenting to make my own decision to never have kids.

I have always been under the impression that children are a reflection of their parents personalities.

03-05-14, 09:16
I have always been under the impression that children are a reflection of their parents personalities.

There is a correlation between upbringing and the product at adulthood, but it is not as strong as we might hope (I say we because I'm a relatively new dad). At some point, we must make a conscious decision to apply or shun the lessons that were taught by our parents.

03-05-14, 09:24
Well, she's getting her fifteen minutes of fame right now. And getting herself teed up to get kicked through the goal posts of life real soon like. Hope that boyfriend can support her needy habits since she's been cut off.

Life is cruel. And this young lady is about to get her advanced education in the matter if everything continues as it has so far.

03-05-14, 09:37
What a piece of work.

Phone message left for Liz Canning from Rachel at July 2, 2013 1:18pm, submitted to Morris County Court, which got the judge apparently so angry:

'Hi mom just to let you know you're a real f**king winner aren't you you think you're so cool and you think you caught me throwing up in the bathroom after eating an egg frittatta, yeah sorry that you have problems now and you need to harp on mine because i didn't and i actually took a s*** which i really just wanna s*** all over your face right now because it looks like that anyway, anyway i f***ing hate you and um I've written you off so don't talk to me, don't do anything I'm blocking you from just about everything, have a nice life, bye mom'

This rant should be part of her credit rating for future employers to view before making hire decisions. With all the press I'm sure this brat will be on Dr Phil very soon.

03-05-14, 10:06
A real sweetheart. If that's an honor student at a Catholic high school, her parents could have saved their money.

Maybe she cut class the day the Fourth Commandment was covered...

03-05-14, 13:54
More like cut class the day they covered not being an ungrateful c*nt. Judging from the pictures I've seen of her, plus the fact that she's 18 now, maybe she should go into porn to pay for her much "needed" college...she's got the personality for it ;) Because I really doubt her sh*tbag boyfriend is going to support her educational goals or put up with her sh*t in general.

03-05-14, 21:43
I have always been under the impression that children are a reflection of their parents personalities. I used to feel the same way. However, now that I have successfully raised a child to adulthood (two more to go), I have been around enough parents and kids to know that it just isn't always true. We all know good families with several kids and one bad apple. You can do the best you can, but 18 year olds have their own personality and some of them have a screw loose.

03-05-14, 21:44
More like cut class the day they covered not being an ungrateful c*nt. Judging from the pictures I've seen of her, plus the fact that she's 18 now, maybe she should go into porn to pay for her much "needed" college...she's got the personality for it ;) Because I really doubt her sh*tbag boyfriend is going to support her educational goals or put up with her sh*t in general. LMAO... similar to the first thing I thought when I saw her pic... best friend's lawyer daddy is tapping that.

03-06-14, 00:55
said her dad was a perv cause he would put his arm around her and give her a kiss on the cheek ?

wonder what her future husband or her many future husbands will have to deal with :)

03-06-14, 00:58
Ha Ha...

Judge Denies Tuition Money, Child Support For NJ Teen Suing Parents (http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2014/03/04/nj-students-lawsuit-against-parents-headed-to-court/)

Rachel Canning Loses Effort to Make Parents Pay High School Tuition (http://abcnews.go.com/US/rachel-canning-sues-parents-make-cover-school-expenses/story?id=22768908)

Seriously cute but not worth the drama...


Well Rachel...there is always the porn industry waiting for pretty retards like you who suck at life. Those 15 minutes tick by really fast.

03-06-14, 01:20
She's hot.

She's also an honor student...I'd be interested in knowing exactly why he was bad news. To a police chief with a hot honor student daughter, lots of reasonable and decent guys probably qualify as bad news. Was 11 o'clock the weekend curfew or weekdays? If it was a weekend curfew, that's not something that feels very reasonable to an 18 year old.

Parenting a girl 101...don't demand she break up with the guy as it's a surefire way to have her elope and marry him and never speak to you again. Didn't this guy watch any movies at all in the past decade?

Is she an entitled little brat who think she could make him pay for something now that she's an adult? Of course...and I'm glad the judge tossed it. But does it sound like the father made some stupid parenting decisions that led to this point? Sure does.

Steyr, while I'd love to see her go to porn...chances are that she'll be just fine at a state school and most of her mistakes will be limited to pictures that wind up on Facebook. She also might have a serious daddy issue or two that might give you the leverage you need to be one of those mistakes. ;)

03-06-14, 02:09
many girls want the bad boy to piss off parents ? also sounds like she was maybe brought up with no respect or more likely what the modern progressive taught brat turns out like !!!

sometimes kids just want to rebel the fact her lawyer was a family friend ? well if I were the dad I would not be friends anymore !

She's hot.

She's also an honor student...I'd be interested in knowing exactly why he was bad news. To a police chief with a hot honor student daughter, lots of reasonable and decent guys probably qualify as bad news. Was 11 o'clock the weekend curfew or weekdays? If it was a weekend curfew, that's not something that feels very reasonable to an 18 year old.

Parenting a girl 101...don't demand she break up with the guy as it's a surefire way to have her elope and marry him and never speak to you again. Didn't this guy watch any movies at all in the past decade?

Is she an entitled little brat who think she could make him pay for something now that she's an adult? Of course...and I'm glad the judge tossed it. But does it sound like the father made some stupid parenting decisions that led to this point? Sure does.

Steyr, while I'd love to see her go to porn...chances are that she'll be just fine at a state school and most of her mistakes will be limited to pictures that wind up on Facebook. She also might have a serious daddy issue or two that might give you the leverage you need to be one of those mistakes. ;)

03-06-14, 02:22
She's hot.

She's also an honor student...I'd be interested in knowing exactly why he was bad news. To a police chief with a hot honor student daughter, lots of reasonable and decent guys probably qualify as bad news. Was 11 o'clock the weekend curfew or weekdays? If it was a weekend curfew, that's not something that feels very reasonable to an 18 year old.

Parenting a girl 101...don't demand she break up with the guy as it's a surefire way to have her elope and marry him and never speak to you again. Didn't this guy watch any movies at all in the past decade?

Is she an entitled little brat who think she could make him pay for something now that she's an adult? Of course...and I'm glad the judge tossed it. But does it sound like the father made some stupid parenting decisions that led to this point? Sure does.

Steyr, while I'd love to see her go to porn...chances are that she'll be just fine at a state school and most of her mistakes will be limited to pictures that wind up on Facebook. She also might have a serious daddy issue or two that might give you the leverage you need to be one of those mistakes. ;)

You should take the time to read all this shit she pulled on page 2. Not sure if she's gonna be going to state school. Her parents might not pay for squat at this time and I don't think she can do it on her own.

03-06-14, 04:19
"..When I say curfew, it is after 11 at night."

Her curfew was later than 11, and she was 17 when she was living at home, not 18.

She will probably end up wrapped around a pole at the local watering hole somewhere within the vicinity of her college or university, "paying" her way through. What a c*nt rag.

03-06-14, 08:01
Her curfew was later than 11, and she was 17 when she was living at home, not 18.

She will probably end up wrapped around a pole at the local watering hole somewhere within the vicinity of her college or university, "paying" her way through. What a c*nt rag.

Fine by me. I'll even contribute to her education.

She's got a serious "Resting bitch face", but I'd just turn her around...

03-06-14, 08:14
Anybody else getting the same vibe?


03-06-14, 10:52
Anybody else getting the same vibe?


Yeah, got that feeling myself when the "friend's father" was the attorney on the case. An attractive teenage girl that manipulates a friend's lawyer father into taking on such an asinine case?


03-06-14, 10:58
You should take the time to read all this shit she pulled on page 2. Not sure if she's gonna be going to state school. Her parents might not pay for squat at this time and I don't think she can do it on her own.

The other half of this is the fact the tuition to this private school hasn't been paid since December IIRC. School said she could continue while the case went through. I'm wondering if the school will go after her or the parents for the funds, depending on the outcome of the case of course.

You can bet they are going to want to get paid and will take steps to get what's owed them.

03-06-14, 11:12
I would change her bedroom into a den/office with her so called college money so fast or just move to a different location and do not leave her a forwarding address.

03-06-14, 11:47
She's hot.

I'd love to see her go to porn...

1. Someone, somewhere, is or will be tired of putting up with her shit.

2. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/duke-freshman-pron-work-college-reveals-article-1.1711103

03-06-14, 11:47
Playing Devil's advocate here for a second...but it's entirely possible that she is in fact bulimic. Her mother catching her in the act was apparently one of the last straws. People with disorders like that don't always react rationally, particularly if they're teenagers. It's wrong of us to deny the possibility that she felt pushed past the breaking point, and was misguided into the terrible mistake that this has been. It's possible that she was in fact abused...lot's of children are, even successful and attractive children from seemingly lovely families. I'm still hesitant to put all of this on her, as I knew plenty of entitled children who never made these kinds of decisions. If anything I'd say she's still being taken advantage of by her friend's father and the lawyers. The fact that what will become one of the worst moments of her life is broadcast around the world, the cruelty of the internet has latched on, and people have instantly judged what is obviously a scared and misguided child is f-ing disgusting and is to me far worse than the fact that she's having emotional issues(which were quite possibly ignored or created by her parents.)

Regarding her college tuition(not referencing high school,) the state has determined that there is in fact a financial responsibility to pay for your child's college education. It's not law that you must, but the child is punished if you can pay but don't. Bill Gates' daughter won't be approved for a single dime(other than possible scholarships,) even if on her 18th birthday Bill says "bye, don't ever come back and you don't get a dime." When you fill out financial aid forms, you have to detail your parents' ability to pay for you. It's actually quite biased against people with successful parents. You cannot get student loans until you turn 24, you generally need a parent to sign with you. Like it or not, if you can afford to help your child with college and don't do so, you are not putting your child on even footing with everyone else...you are putting them at a serious disadvantage.

We cannot expect 18 year olds to play the game as adults, when the system has been set up by previous generations to absolutely deny any possibility of that. It was her parents generation that created the student loan debacle which drove education prices through the roof. It was her parents generation that created the system that won't allow her to pay her way through school(shy of stripping there really is nothing she can do to make enough money.) I don't buy this "send her on her way into the world" BS. They can do that, but they will doom her to either not receive a college education or one of a lower quality. You used to be able to pay for a semester at a good university working tables at a diner...no longer.

I joked about her being hot...and she is. But she's also clearly in need of real help. The fact that anyone let it get this far is close to criminal...the judge is not exempt from that criticism. They're watching this girls life swirl down the drain, the judge and the lawyers are enjoying the spotlight not usually granted to that court, the parents are too proud to admit that they might have made mistakes, and the girl probably doesn't feel like she has any options left/is being pushed by people who do not have her interests at heart.

03-06-14, 12:03
2. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/duke-freshman-pron-work-college-reveals-article-1.1711103

There's a comment on that page that says "I'd hire her in a week." i probably would too...that's the kind of girl that will do whatever she needs to do to get ahead and get where she wants to go. The fact that she found a way to pay for one of the most expensive schools in the nation? I think it's great. I don't want to say good for her...but kind of right?

Based on her experience, Duke has some endemic issues. Mostly that there is apparently no class expected of male students. I always think of that lacrosse rape case. Yes they were innocent in that they did not rape her...but they were definitely guilty of being classless little pieces of shit(doesn't mean they deserved what happened though.) But Duke needs to reevaluate how they evaluate potential students.

03-06-14, 12:06
There's a comment on that page that says "I'd hire her in a week." i probably would too...that's the kind of girl that will do whatever she needs to do to get ahead and get where she wants to go. The fact that she found a way to pay for one of the most expensive schools in the nation? I think it's great. I don't want to say good for her...but kind of right?

Based on her experience, Duke has some endemic issues. Mostly that there is apparently no class expected of male students. I always think of that lacrosse rape case. Yes they were innocent in that they did not rape her...but they were definitely guilty of being classless little pieces of shit(doesn't mean they deserved what happened though.) But Duke needs to reevaluate how they evaluate potential students.

I work there (here?), and the student body is a typical bell curve. Unfortunately the assholes on the left side make the noise and that is what people read about. There are many good kids here.

03-06-14, 12:22
Yeah, got that feeling myself when the "friend's father" was the attorney on the case. An attractive teenage girl that manipulates a friend's lawyer father into taking on such an asinine case?


Wouldn't be surprised if her friend's father was putting it to her...;)

03-06-14, 13:29
This is actually simple.

Either her parents failed to raise her property (their fault)

Or her parents did their best and she managed to remain a **** up (her fault)

Or a combination of both (shared fault).

Regardless of any potential bad parenting she is old enough to know right from wrong. It never would have occurred to me to think I was "owed" college money let alone sue for it. I amazed a lawyer even filed the case, but even that has some serious implications by itself.

And if she doesn't think this story won't follow her for the rest of her life she has a rude awakening headed her way.

03-06-14, 15:29
Well Rachel...there is always the porn industry waiting for pretty retards like you who suck at life. Those 15 minutes tick by really fast.

While as a man I get it, assuming the parents may have been somewhat decent the never ending public comments like this must only add to their pain. But when you add it all up maybe they are just as guilty as she, as something clearly wasn't right somewhere.

All I know is that I'm very, very grateful to have a well-behaved and respectful son. He brings out the best in me, whereas a little manipulator like her, in my case following in the footsteps of her mother, would bring out the worst followed by some some sort of serious legal or health issues.

03-06-14, 15:32
Lets start a petition to deport her to some place that supports young women such as herself like Afghanistan.

03-06-14, 15:58
I work there (here?), and the student body is a typical bell curve. Unfortunately the assholes on the left side make the noise and that is what people read about. There are many good kids here.

Certainly. I'm friends with an oncologist who I met during his residency here at MD Anderson who did both undergrad and med school there...and his wife swam on the swim team there. They're both exceptionally good people and love the school and Durham...in fact he took a job at Duke after finishing up his residency.

There's no doubt that some very great and intelligent kids there who don't deserve to be lumped in with my statement...perhaps even most of them. Perhaps it's not perspective students that need evaluating...but there's something wrong. It's not limited to Duke either. I have friends that went to Harvard(who maintain it was easier and less valuable than high school,) Georgetown, W&M, UVA, Hampden-Sydney(probably the worst offender...at least it's all male,) and so forth all acknowledge that something isn't being done right. The culture is very different from let's say Texas A&M which is exponentially larger, much easier to get into, less expensive, and yet has fostered a pretty decent culture for itself.

It's true that all schools will have cliques and that kids are kids and say will inevitably say mean things...but when you're ranked the #7 university in the country your standard is higher. Of course I don't really buy into the way US News does it's rankings...as schools at the very top structure their whole programs to maintain that prestige. From Harvard, Yale, and Princeton sending me applications(didn't fill them out as I knew why they did so,) so that they can have a more elite admissions ranking, to hiring professors that while at the to of their fields are never in the classroom. It's bogus on many levels.

Perhaps my main gripe with Duke is that such a small school, there's no excuse for the university to not have a better grip on these things. These things aren't coming out of Center College or more comparably William and Mary. And at the end of the day, we've also got to knock you for not having access to higher quality strippers...it was gross. ;)

03-06-14, 17:33
I wonder what this guy who is funding this is getting out of it

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

03-06-14, 17:44
I wonder what this guy who is funding this is getting out of it

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

My guess is 30% of nothing, some tang and possibly evening up some issues he had with her parents.

Dead Man
03-06-14, 17:46
Age of majority should be raised to 30.

03-06-14, 17:48
Anybody else getting the same vibe?


I got more of a "Cruel Intentions" (1999) Kathryn Merteuil vibe.


03-06-14, 17:51
My guess is 30% of nothing, some tang and possibly evening up some issues he had with her parents.

Thats what I was thinking. Ass seems to be the only thing that could trick a guy into funding something so stupid. Of course maybe I put too much faith into people

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

03-06-14, 19:55
Certainly. I'm friends with an oncologist who I met during his residency here at MD Anderson who did both undergrad and med school there...and his wife swam on the swim team there. They're both exceptionally good people and love the school and Durham...in fact he took a job at Duke after finishing up his residency.

There's no doubt that some very great and intelligent kids there who don't deserve to be lumped in with my statement...perhaps even most of them. Perhaps it's not perspective students that need evaluating...but there's something wrong. It's not limited to Duke either. I have friends that went to Harvard(who maintain it was easier and less valuable than high school,) Georgetown, W&M, UVA, Hampden-Sydney(probably the worst offender...at least it's all male,) and so forth all acknowledge that something isn't being done right. The culture is very different from let's say Texas A&M which is exponentially larger, much easier to get into, less expensive, and yet has fostered a pretty decent culture for itself.

It's true that all schools will have cliques and that kids are kids and say will inevitably say mean things...but when you're ranked the #7 university in the country your standard is higher. Of course I don't really buy into the way US News does it's rankings...as schools at the very top structure their whole programs to maintain that prestige. From Harvard, Yale, and Princeton sending me applications(didn't fill them out as I knew why they did so,) so that they can have a more elite admissions ranking, to hiring professors that while at the to of their fields are never in the classroom. It's bogus on many levels.

Perhaps my main gripe with Duke is that such a small school, there's no excuse for the university to not have a better grip on these things. These things aren't coming out of Center College or more comparably William and Mary. And at the end of the day, we've also got to knock you for not having access to higher quality strippers...it was gross. ;)

No argument from me. They SHOULD have a better grip on the students, and the med school and law school do have a pretty short leash on their students. As for the strippers, all they need to do is ask us locals. In that respect they are rank amateurs, and their whiny little buddies down the street at UNC-CH actually are better in this department. BTW, I went to grad school here (health policy), and like all "elite" schools, if you stay away from the kool-aid and actually critically think, you can do pretty well for yourself.

03-07-14, 02:52
We cannot expect 18 year olds to play the game as adults, when the system has been set up by previous generations to absolutely deny any possibility of that. It was her parents generation that created the student loan debacle which drove education prices through the roof. It was her parents generation that created the system that won't allow her to pay her way through school(shy of stripping there really is nothing she can do to make enough money.) I don't buy this "send her on her way into the world" BS. They can do that, but they will doom her to either not receive a college education or one of a lower quality. You used to be able to pay for a semester at a good university working tables at a diner...no longer. I have an 18 year old daughter in college. When I applied for a student loan in 1987 I was required to supply my parent's income and have them co-sign. This problem goes back another generation before me or the father of this girl. However, a student can get whatever co-signer they want. I know two 18 year olds that have gone through the process to get student aid after their relationship with their parents was nonexistent. It is possible, but it takes a bit of paperwork. They each had a non family member co-sign their loans.

03-07-14, 16:20
Who is More Spoiled: Baby Boomers or Millenials?

Teen suing parents rages at ‘spoiled’ baby boomers

On her Facebook page she writes: "Suburban baby boomer types are the spoiled lot, they make massive amount of money a year, they are used to flying to luxury destinations when they want, and buy things that they don’t need, people should be inclined to see things my way."

A supporter of this fetid c**t wrote this on her FB page:

“I have been stunned by the financial greed of modern parents who are more concerned with retiring into some fantasy world rather than provide for their children’s college and young adult years,”

And now we come to the crux of it . . .

Canning, the former police chief of Lincoln Park and now Mount Olive town administrator, admitted he and his wife butted heads with Rachel over typical parent-kid issues.

She didn’t adhere to assigned household chores, disrespected other family members and refused to observe a midnight curfew, according to the dad.

“I’m a liberal, liberal parent,” Canning pleaded. “I wish I could have grown up in my house. I was tougher on my cops at work than I’ve ever been at my home, that’s for sure.”

Great job dad, you liberal ****tard. THIS is why we as a country are DOOMED. The next few generations are so ****ed in the head by their Obama voting birth givers they have no concept of how to conduct themselves as human ****ing beings. We're left with these brain dead entitled radicals.

03-07-14, 17:40
Who is More Spoiled: Baby Boomers or Millenials?

A supporter of this fetid c**t wrote this on her FB page:


And now we come to the crux of it . . .


Great job dad, you liberal ****tard. THIS is why we as a country are DOOMED. The next few generations are so ****ed in the head by their Obama voting birth givers they have no concept of how to conduct themselves as human ****ing beings. We're left with these brain dead entitled radicals.

Classic. I love when bomb makers sometimes blow themselves up.

03-07-14, 18:03
Who is More Spoiled: Baby Boomers or Millenials?

A supporter of this fetid c**t wrote this on her FB page:


And now we come to the crux of it . . .


Great job dad, you liberal ****tard. THIS is why we as a country are DOOMED. The next few generations are so ****ed in the head by their Obama voting birth givers they have no concept of how to conduct themselves as human ****ing beings. We're left with these brain dead entitled radicals.

While the father's quote was posted someplace last week, the question remains that if the parents gave her a hard time for not doing chores, not arriving home on time, didn't approve of her boyfriend and punished her for being disrespectful to them then they couldn't be that over-the-top liberal.

03-07-14, 18:16
While the father's quote was posted someplace last week, the question remains that if the parents gave her a hard time for not doing chores, not arriving home on time, didn't approve of her boyfriend and punished her for being disrespectful to them then they couldn't be that over-the-top liberal.

Actually it's possible. I know more than a few entitlement minded Obama parents who think they are teaching their children values (when it makes their lives easier) by making them be home on time, do household chores and being respectful. But at the same time they espouse ideas like everyone should have free healthcare, it takes a village to raise a child, we need government to protect us from ourselves, etc.

The key difference is they aren't making her do all those things so she will be a better person, they are making her do all those things so they don't have to put up with it and so people will think they are teaching positive values.

03-07-14, 18:40
Actually it's possible. I know more than a few entitlement minded Obama parents who think they are teaching their children values (when it makes their lives easier) by making them be home on time, do household chores and being respectful. But at the same time they espouse ideas like everyone should have free healthcare, it takes a village to raise a child, we need government to protect us from ourselves, etc.

The key difference is they aren't making her do all those things so she will be a better person, they are making her do all those things so they don't have to put up with it and so people will think they are teaching positive values.

Very true, but then again perhaps the father's interpretation of liberal isn't what we'd think it should be. After all, it's also documented that he wouldn't allow her to have parties at the house with alcohol, yet the unspeakable scumbag lawyer who took her in and funded her case is reputed to have done so more than once.

That bastard should be tarred, feathered and whatever else comes to mind as the grand finale by the way. Gets no lower than he, nothing less than utterly repulsive.

03-07-14, 19:02
Very true, but then again perhaps the father's interpretation of liberal isn't what we'd think it should be. After all, it's also documented that he wouldn't allow her to have parties at the house with alcohol, yet the unspeakable scumbag lawyer who took her in and funded her case is reputed to have done so more than once.

That bastard should be tarred, feathered and whatever else comes to mind as the grand finale by the way. Gets no lower than he, nothing less than utterly repulsive.

This was my thought. Liberal doesn't really mean what we have come to interpret it as. Republicans were very "liberal" about desegregation. While we have attached a negative connotation to it because of the democrat parties poor excuse for leadership that is not the same as what it would mean in day to day non-political discussion. My parents were very liberal in spanking me as a child. I dont' mean they took a leftist liberal view of it. I mean they tanned my hide if I deserved it.

03-07-14, 19:55
I think that it is pretty obvious what the father meant when he exclaimed "I'm a liberal, liberal parent". He was obviously deflecting the negative attention that he and his wife are receiving over this and pandering to the entitlement crowd i.e. liberal/progressive/left. After all he is viewed as just another old white 1%'er that should have his “wealth” re-distributed to all the disenfranchised victims of society to include his rebellious daughter who decreed "people should be inclined to see things my way". The Stalin's, Mao's, and Clinton's of the world would agree with her ideology.

03-07-14, 21:12
The Stalin's, Mao's, and Clinton's of the world would agree with her ideology.

I laughed for almost a minute straight...

Honestly, I think he meant liberal in that he gave her more leeway than he got as a kid or wanted to give... My parents were "more liberal" than their parents were with them. I still kept my ass in line knowing the immediate and severe consequence of failing to live within a more liberal set of rules...

Of course, lawyer surrogate "nice guy" is letting the brat throw parties with alcohol... It's already been explained why, if he ain't gettin it yet, he's trying.

03-07-14, 22:23
This part caught my attention...

The venomous Friday message suggested that, if Canning’s parents don’t foot her education bills, she’ll have no future unless she joins the armed forces.
“In today’s economy there are no more meaningful jobs and without family help it’s usually military or bust,” the poster gripes.

Suppose actually getting her hands dirty in a menial labor job to make ends meet would be a travesty against humanity. Although I am wondering how long in USMC boot it would take to knock that entitlement mentality off?

Is anyone else wondering about the veracity of that Facebook page though? Especially with the trial still ongoing? Just seems a bit over the top for someone who still has another date in court.

03-08-14, 03:00
She is a piece of dog Shit!

Hi mom just to let you know you’re a real f***ing winner aren’t you you think you’re so cool and you think you caught me throwing up in the bathroom after eating an egg frittatta, yeah sorry that you have problems now and you need to harp on mine because i didn’t and i actually took a s*** which i really just wanna s*** all over your face right now because it looks like that anyway, anyway i f***ing hate you and um I’ve written you off so don’t talk to me, don’t do anything I’m blocking you from just about everything, have a nice life, bye mom’


03-10-14, 09:54
About 10 years too late for the spanking she needed...

03-12-14, 11:40
The bitch is returning home:


03-12-14, 11:50
Maybe it would be a good idea for the media to butt the **** out of this family's personal travails and allow them an opportunity to get their respective shit together.

I realize it was the decision of this gal to file a lawsuit and air her family's dirty laundry in public. As much as everyone would like to tar and feather her, tattoo a scarlet letter on her forehead, and toss her out with yesterday's garbage, it's possible she's an impulsive teen-ager who made some really poor decisions and took some very bad advice.

I'd hate to have been branded for life for some of the dumb-shit things I did at 18.

03-12-14, 11:58
Maybe it would be a good idea for the media to butt the **** out of this family's personal travails and allow them an opportunity to get their respective shit together.

I realize it was the decision of this gal to file a lawsuit and air her family's dirty laundry in public. As much as everyone would like to tar and feather her, tattoo a scarlet letter on her forehead, and toss her out with yesterday's garbage, it's possible she's an impulsive teen-ager who made some really poor decisions and took some very bad advice.

I'd hate to have been branded for life for some of the dumb-shit things I did at 18.

You have a point. But she did sue her parents. It's not like she just came home late one morning stinking drunk with a butt plug in her ass. Suing your parents IS the kind of shit that will follow you for the rest of your life. The media will never lay off until it gets seriously boring, and I have a feeling she will be feeding them new material for quite awhile.

03-12-14, 12:17
You have a point. But she did sue her parents. It's not like she just came home late one morning stinking drunk with a butt plug in her ass.

Jesus, if I had a nickel . . . well, coulda, woulda, shoulda, right? :lol:

Suing your parents IS the kind of shit that will follow you for the rest of your life. The media will never lay off until it gets seriously boring, and I have a feeling she will be feeding them new material for quite awhile.

No doubt about it. But, not knowing anything about this kid beyond what's been splattered across the media, I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt and at least have the opportunity to pull her head out of her ass and get back on track with her family.

03-12-14, 12:25
The bitch is returning home:


This little snippet certainly lends one to believe in the previously mentioned idea that the friend's father was getting his share of entertainment.

In a bizarre twist, Canning’s parents have alleged that the father of the friend she had been lived with — Former Morris County Freeholder John Inglesino — gave her alcohol. In court documents, Canning's father says Inglesino gave Rachel her first taste of alcohol, the New Jersey Star Ledger reports.

"Rachel came home bragging," Sean Canning said in a sworn statement, adding that she consumed wine coolers during a limousine ride in New York on her 15th birthday.

03-12-14, 12:41
Reality is a bitch. And so is karma, so I'd be laying down the law on that young lady myself.

03-12-14, 14:43
Maybe it would be a good idea for the media to butt the **** out of this family's personal travails and allow them an opportunity to get their respective shit together.

I realize it was the decision of this gal to file a lawsuit and air her family's dirty laundry in public. As much as everyone would like to tar and feather her, tattoo a scarlet letter on her forehead, and toss her out with yesterday's garbage, it's possible she's an impulsive teen-ager who made some really poor decisions and took some very bad advice.

I'd hate to have been branded for life for some of the dumb-shit things I did at 18.

Sorry but I don't buy into this mindset. When I was 18 I was a law abiding produtive member of society and I was raised well below the poverty level my entire childhood. I had a full time job, never sued my parents, never abused drugs, et al.

As a society we need to stop hiding people behind their age and make them accountable. As far as tar and feathering this girl, sure but throw her "liberal parent" father and mother into the pot as well.

03-12-14, 14:49
This little snippet certainly lends one to believe in the previously mentioned idea that the friend's father was getting his share of entertainment.

Inglesino, meanwhile, has said he’s paying Rachel’s legal bills because she’s a “terrific, extremely bright young lady” committed to her future.

I think this lends itself a bit more....

03-12-14, 15:18
Maybe the Daughter is learning the price of tough love. No doubt, regardless of the bad thing's she's said and the court case, those parents still love their Daughter with all their hearts and want her home. Hopefully everyone will leave them alone and they can get over this and move on.

If I were the Dad, I'd be thinking about the visit I was gonna pay Mr. Inglesino.....

03-12-14, 16:10
No doubt about it. But, not knowing anything about this kid beyond what's been splattered across the media, I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt and at least have the opportunity to pull her head out of her ass and get back on track with her family.

Well the ball is in her court.

All she needs to do is STFU and fly under the radar. Eventually there will be no new material and the media machine will get bored and move onto the next Justin Bieber story. But I have my doubts about her being able to STFU and fly under the radar.

03-12-14, 18:20
Believe she is very shrewd and setting her parents up for another law suit.

I just don't trust her.

03-12-14, 18:33
Believe she is very shrewd and setting her parents up for another law suit.

I just don't trust her.

That seems to fit her pattern. I'd tell the bitch to get a job, an apartment and a roommate. You know...like most of the rest of us did when we were her age.

03-12-14, 20:08
Great points made by Ted Williams Criminal Attorney starting at 2:26 with Greta.


03-12-14, 21:14
As a society we need to stop hiding people behind their age and make them accountable. As far as tar and feathering this girl, sure but throw her "liberal parent" father and mother into the pot as well.

This... Actions have consequences. She's old enough to know that.

Dead Man
03-13-14, 01:03
Sorry but I don't buy into this mindset. When I was 18 I was a law abiding produtive member of society and I was raised well below the poverty level my entire childhood. I had a full time job, never sued my parents, never abused drugs, et al.

As a society we need to stop hiding people behind their age and make them accountable. As far as tar and feathering this girl, sure but throw her "liberal parent" father and mother into the pot as well.

This... Actions have consequences. She's old enough to know that.

This... is short-sighted. And ridiculous. "Hiding behind their age?" As if there's no difference?

A nine-year-old also understands that actions have consequences. So does a five-year-old. You will find that some three year olds possess a limited grasp of the concept. Perhaps even two year olds. By the age of eighteen, we can hope that the idea has sunk in at an operational level; the child can use the skill without the direct attention of his or her parents, teachers, peers, etc. But it's a bell-curve. Most will, many will not. Even those that do, mostly manage their responsibilities out of an unrealistic fear of the consequences; and if they knew what the actual consequences were (you will not be stuck flipping burgers if you fail a couple of classes in college, your life will not be "ruined" if you're convicted of a DUII, your father will not reject you if you decide not to go into medicine, etc, etc.), would probably take significantly greater risks than they do. Regardless: motivations for conduct are largely based on maximizing self pleasure and minimizing self pain, and decisions are rarely based on what is truly right.

Human development happens in stages, and in its own time. There is no age in which human biology goes from child to adult mode. Some children can walk at eight months, some don't walk until fourteen months: a significant difference, mathematically, but not to adults experiencing time by units of years and decades. Likewise, a child may start puberty at nine or not until thirteen. Another child may possess the ability to reason effectively enough to be trusted to drive a car by the age of fourteen or fifteen, but, as we all know, many won't stop doing retarded shit behind the wheel until well into their twenties. By thirty, the foremost section of the frontal lobe, the region of the brain where impulse control, emotion, reason, etc., are processed, is finally developed, and you'll find that most thirty year olds are extremely reasonable people compared to their twenty year old versions. This is still basic human development, just as with walking, puberty, driving a car. For some, this happens at twenty five, for others, it doesn't fully happen at until twenty nine or even thirty. But it never happens at eighteen.

Unrepresentative sample fallacy: People who don't know anything about the science behind human neurological and psychological development assume "because my circumstances allowed, and because my early human development allowed, and because my social scaffolding was such that I managed to behave as a 'little adult' when I was eighteen, everyone is capable." Completely failing to acknowledge all of the other variables in play.

Up until the twentieth century, it was generally assumed that children were just "little adults;" their brains possessing the same capacity for learning and processing as adults, with the only major difference being ignorance and a lack of experience. We now know that development occurs in stages, and that the physical makeup and chemistry of a prepubescent child's brain is totally different than an adults. While human development continues into adulthood and even until death, no major physical developmental threshold between "child" and "adult" occurs anywhere near eighteen. It seems this number was chosen only because this is the age when a child can finally begin to emulate adults in a believable fashion, not because they are truly ready for full accountability. More fuller than a nine year old's? Certainly. But just as we don't apply the full weight of the law on the scales of justice against a nine year old child, we shouldn't do it for an eighteen year old child either.

As I said earlier: Raise the age of majority to thirty.

03-13-14, 02:43
This... is short-sighted. And ridiculous. "Hiding behind their age?" As if there's no difference?

A nine-year-old also understands that actions have consequences. So does a five-year-old. You will find that some three year olds possess a limited grasp of the concept. Perhaps even two year olds. By the age of eighteen, we can hope that the idea has sunk in at an operational level; the child can use the skill without the direct attention of his or her parents, teachers, peers, etc. But it's a bell-curve. Most will, many will not. Even those that do, mostly manage their responsibilities out of an unrealistic fear of the consequences; and if they knew what the actual consequences were (you will not be stuck flipping burgers if you fail a couple of classes in college, your life will not be "ruined" if you're convicted of a DUII, your father will not reject you if you decide not to go into medicine, etc, etc.), would probably take significantly greater risks than they do. Regardless: motivations for conduct are largely based on maximizing self pleasure and minimizing self pain, and decisions are rarely based on what is truly right.

Human development happens in stages, and in its own time. There is no age in which human biology goes from child to adult mode. Some children can walk at eight months, some don't walk until fourteen months: a significant difference, mathematically, but not to adults experiencing time by units of years and decades. Likewise, a child may start puberty at nine or not until thirteen. Another child may possess the ability to reason effectively enough to be trusted to drive a car by the age of fourteen or fifteen, but, as we all know, many won't stop doing retarded shit behind the wheel until well into their twenties. By thirty, the foremost section of the frontal lobe, the region of the brain where impulse control, emotion, reason, etc., are processed, is finally developed, and you'll find that most thirty year olds are extremely reasonable people compared to their twenty year old versions. This is still basic human development, just as with walking, puberty, driving a car. For some, this happens at twenty five, for others, it doesn't fully happen at until twenty nine or even thirty. But it never happens at eighteen.

Unrepresentative sample fallacy: People who don't know anything about the science behind human neurological and psychological development assume "because my circumstances allowed, and because my early human development allowed, and because my social scaffolding was such that I managed to behave as a 'little adult' when I was eighteen, everyone is capable." Completely failing to acknowledge all of the other variables in play.

Up until the twentieth century, it was generally assumed that children were just "little adults;" their brains possessing the same capacity for learning and processing as adults, with the only major difference being ignorance and a lack of experience. We now know that development occurs in stages, and that the physical makeup and chemistry of a prepubescent child's brain is totally different than an adults. While human development continues into adulthood and even until death, no major physical developmental threshold between "child" and "adult" occurs anywhere near eighteen. It seems this number was chosen only because this is the age when a child can finally begin to emulate adults in a believable fashion, not because they are truly ready for full accountability. More fuller than a nine year old's? Certainly. But just as we don't apply the full weight of the law on the scales of justice against a nine year old child, we shouldn't do it for an eighteen year old child either.

As I said earlier: Raise the age of majority to thirty.

God, what utter Bravo Sierra . . .

Dead Man
03-13-14, 03:12
God, what utter Bravo Sierra . . .

This is only the culmination of 150 years of research by some of the most intelligent minds on record. Indeed: complete garbage, I'm sure.

03-13-14, 11:44
As I said earlier: Raise the age of majority to thirty.

There goes most of our fighting ability in the military. I was functioning as an adult almost as soon as I turned 18. Maybe I didn't know everything I know now, but I was taking care of my own shit and not living with mommy and daddy.

03-13-14, 11:57
From a legal perspective, I think there needs to be a universal standard. Pick 18, pick 21, split the difference, I don't care . . . I'm way past it now. It strikes me as ridiculous to have different ages for military service, voting, alcohol or legal drug use, gun ownership, etc.

That's a legal issue. And I think folks of "insert appropriate legal age here" should be held fully accountable for their actions. No argument here. But I think it's pretty obvious that people mature at different rates and an individual's actions are more indicative of their maturity than their chronological age.

03-13-14, 12:06
This is only the culmination of 150 years of research by some of the most intelligent minds on record. Indeed: complete garbage, I'm sure.

What could scientists possibly know? I was perfect at 18 and therefore everyone else should be too.:rolleyes:

I pity this girl, not because she's making rational choices...but because she's not. Whether that's because she's being taken advantage of, whether the tools were never given to her, or whether it just all got out of hand.

I'm more than a little disturbed by our society's willingness to make ourselves feel better by belittling a child who will carry the public humiliation of an entire nation(and much of Europe,) for a long time. It makes me sick.

03-13-14, 12:17
This... is short-sighted. And ridiculous. "Hiding behind their age?" As if there's no difference?

A nine-year-old also understands that actions have consequences. So does a five-year-old. You will find that some three year olds possess a limited grasp of the concept. Perhaps even two year olds. By the age of eighteen, we can hope that the idea has sunk in at an operational level; the child can use the skill without the direct attention of his or her parents, teachers, peers, etc. But it's a bell-curve. Most will, many will not. Even those that do, mostly manage their responsibilities out of an unrealistic fear of the consequences; and if they knew what the actual consequences were (you will not be stuck flipping burgers if you fail a couple of classes in college, your life will not be "ruined" if you're convicted of a DUII, your father will not reject you if you decide not to go into medicine, etc, etc.), would probably take significantly greater risks than they do. Regardless: motivations for conduct are largely based on maximizing self pleasure and minimizing self pain, and decisions are rarely based on what is truly right.

Human development happens in stages, and in its own time. There is no age in which human biology goes from child to adult mode. Some children can walk at eight months, some don't walk until fourteen months: a significant difference, mathematically, but not to adults experiencing time by units of years and decades. Likewise, a child may start puberty at nine or not until thirteen. Another child may possess the ability to reason effectively enough to be trusted to drive a car by the age of fourteen or fifteen, but, as we all know, many won't stop doing retarded shit behind the wheel until well into their twenties. By thirty, the foremost section of the frontal lobe, the region of the brain where impulse control, emotion, reason, etc., are processed, is finally developed, and you'll find that most thirty year olds are extremely reasonable people compared to their twenty year old versions. This is still basic human development, just as with walking, puberty, driving a car. For some, this happens at twenty five, for others, it doesn't fully happen at until twenty nine or even thirty. But it never happens at eighteen.

Unrepresentative sample fallacy: People who don't know anything about the science behind human neurological and psychological development assume "because my circumstances allowed, and because my early human development allowed, and because my social scaffolding was such that I managed to behave as a 'little adult' when I was eighteen, everyone is capable." Completely failing to acknowledge all of the other variables in play.

Up until the twentieth century, it was generally assumed that children were just "little adults;" their brains possessing the same capacity for learning and processing as adults, with the only major difference being ignorance and a lack of experience. We now know that development occurs in stages, and that the physical makeup and chemistry of a prepubescent child's brain is totally different than an adults. While human development continues into adulthood and even until death, no major physical developmental threshold between "child" and "adult" occurs anywhere near eighteen. It seems this number was chosen only because this is the age when a child can finally begin to emulate adults in a believable fashion, not because they are truly ready for full accountability. More fuller than a nine year old's? Certainly. But just as we don't apply the full weight of the law on the scales of justice against a nine year old child, we shouldn't do it for an eighteen year old child either.

As I said earlier: Raise the age of majority to thirty.

I have heard of the insanity defense...but the neurologically immature defense? I suppose there is an attorney and enough SMEs to make it stick in some court, somewhere....

03-13-14, 12:20
I'm more than a little disturbed by our society's willingness to make ourselves feel better by belittling a child who will carry the public humiliation of an entire nation(and much of Europe,) for a long time. It makes me sick.

Well, WE'RE the ones doing it, right? At any rate, in a couple months the media will be on to something else and no one will remember her.

03-13-14, 15:13
This is only the culmination of 150 years of research by some of the most intelligent minds on record. Indeed: complete garbage, I'm sure.


And they gave us evolution and global warming, again . . . :lol:

03-13-14, 15:15
What could scientists possibly know? I was perfect at 18 and therefore everyone else should be too.:rolleyes:

I pity this girl, not because she's making rational choices...but because she's not. Whether that's because she's being taken advantage of, whether the tools were never given to her, or whether it just all got out of hand.

I'm more than a little disturbed by our society's willingness to make ourselves feel better by belittling a child who will carry the public humiliation of an entire nation(and much of Europe,) for a long time. It makes me sick.

I was perfect at 18 in the since that I was a productive member of society who paid my taxes, never got arrest for breaking the law, etc. its not mine or society's fault because you or anyone else were not.

Dead Man
03-13-14, 15:31
I have heard of the insanity defense...but the neurologically immature defense? I suppose there is an attorney and enough SMEs to make it stick in some court, somewhere....

Not a "defense." Guilty is guilty, regardless of age. If you can understand right from wrong on any kind of functional level, whether nine or eighteen, you are guilty if you commit crimes. Insanity as a defense comes from the absence of mens rea in very specific cases. A child can still possess a guilty mind.

Why do you think we have juvenile courts? We do recognize that the limiting reasoning power of the juvenile brain is simply not as culpable as the adult's. We errored in the arbitrary selection of eighteen as the age of culpability; science is slowly bringing us around to an ability to select better. We're human, afterall. We're never going to get anything right on a first try.

It's not a defense, it's a condition that needs to be taken in account in the execution of justice.


And they gave us evolution and global warming, again . . . :lol:

Oh my...

03-13-14, 15:51
I'm more than a little disturbed by our society's willingness to make ourselves feel better by belittling a child who will carry the public humiliation of an entire nation(and much of Europe,) for a long time. It makes me sick.

Rest assured nothing about this spoiled little snot makes me feel better about myself. If anything she makes me distressed for the nation. Just like with 18 year old criminals, and not saying she qualifies but just as an example, when they get what they deserve (which is rare) it isn't to make anyone else feel better.

The only thing that would make me feel anything even remotely close to "better" is if this bitch just STFU, got a job, moved out of the house and started paying for her own shit like everyone else. I have no pity for the results of her very poor decisions. Nobody ever had a pity party for me when I figured things out the hard way.

03-13-14, 15:58
Why do you think we have juvenile courts? We do recognize that the limiting reasoning power of the juvenile brain is simply not as culpable as the adult's. We errored in the arbitrary selection of eighteen as the age of culpability; science is slowly bringing us around to an ability to select better. We're human, afterall. We're never going to get anything right on a first try.

In past civilizations men were considered adults at 13. At 30 Alexander owned the world. Today there are grown adults in their 30s who can't even move out of their mommy and daddys house. Here is what you don't seem to grasp, humans aren't a constant. There is no "one size fits all" age for acting like an adult and being responsible. So it's arbitrary. Basically we decided that after high school you should be educated enough to have your shit together. Obviously this doesn't apply to all. But there is no magic number.

The reason it was 18, then 21 (drinking age only) and now people want it to be 30 is because we have expected less and less responsibility from people over the past few decades. Mostly as a result of some people actually believing utter nonsense like 18 year olds simply aren't capable of being adults. I knew some 16 and 17 year old Marines who would have taken great offense to those ideas.

Dead Man
03-13-14, 16:11

As if boot-ass privates are evidence in support of the maturity of eighteen year olds.


You've never been in the military, have you?

03-13-14, 16:24

As if boot-ass privates are evidence in support of the maturity of eighteen year olds.


You've never been in the military, have you?

Well the two Marines in question that I knew who got their shit together before most of their peers were quite an example. But as I already explained in detail, age is not a "one size fits all" magic number constant for maturity.

It's becoming obvious that you simply don't understand what I'm talking about at all. Perhaps just post more pictures.

Dead Man
03-13-14, 16:37
Well the two Marines in question that I knew who got their shit together before most of their peers were quite an example. But as I already explained in detail, age is not a "one size fits all" magic number constant for maturity.

It's becoming obvious that you simply don't understand what I'm talking about at all. Perhaps just post more pictures.

Does your point contradict my point?

I think you're making the point that some eighteen year olds possess the capacity to act like adults. We don't disagree.

03-13-14, 17:04
Does your point contradict my point?

I think you're making the point that some eighteen year olds possess the capacity to act like adults. We don't disagree.

I'm contradicting your point that the new 18 should be 30. Also if you stated previously that 18 years old is responsible enough to be treated as an adult, I missed it.

And my point isn't that "some" 18 year olds are mature enough to be considered adults, my point is that at 18 you should be considered an adult REGARDLESS of developed maturity and held accountable accordingly. Of course there should be exceptions for the mentally impaired, etc.

Dead Man
03-13-14, 17:24
I'm contradicting your point that the new 18 should be 30. Also if you stated previously that 18 years old is responsible enough to be treated as an adult, I missed it.

And my point isn't that "some" 18 year olds are mature enough to be considered adults, my point is that at 18 you should be considered an adult REGARDLESS of developed maturity and held accountable accordingly. Of course there should be exceptions for the mentally impaired, etc.

What are you basing this on?

You seem to be falling for the same unrepresentative sample fallacy as Mr. Knuckles above. Alexander? How can a notoriously unique person possibly offer your argument any support? We have to look at representative samples; not one-in-twenty-billion examples. Not even one-in-twenty samples, and certainly not "when I was eighteen....." True representative sampling shows that poor decision making persists well into the twenties. Neurological research has shown that this correlates with brain development in the region of the brain responsible for good decision making. Coincidence?

It's entirely different psychological mechanisms that generate decisions in a person with an undeveloped prefrontal cortex. Yes, most eighteen year olds are capable of using cognitive scaffolding to act like adults, but it's nothing more than an act. And if you pull down that scaffolding, you'll generally get pretty conclusive results. Boot privates on pass is a fantastic example. Car insurance companies don't even need to look to developmental psychology to know, all you have to do is look at traffic citation and crash statistics.

my point is that at 18 you should be considered an adult REGARDLESS of developed maturity and held accountable accordingly.

Regardless of the fact that the eighteen year old mind isn't functioning at an adult level?

03-13-14, 17:34
As the father of a daughter I'd kill and die for, I'd just be glad she's home......

03-13-14, 19:00
I was perfect at 18 in the since that I was a productive member of society who paid my taxes, never got arrest for breaking the law, etc. its not mine or society's fault because you or anyone else were not.

She hasn't broken any laws that we're aware of. A teenage girl(an honor student) rebelled against her parents for telling her to break up with a boy. Shocking.:rolleyes: Heat up the tar.

Breaking the law is different. Breaking the law implies that you've hurt someone else, committed theft, or committed fraud...do those and suffer consequences. Have a spat with your parents that a few sensationalist journalists realized was easy pickings? I find it distasteful that we're so quick to destroy her. Her actions are distasteful too...but they're strictly between her and her parents.

I'm not significantly older than these kids and I'm damn lucky that there was no social media, cellphone cameras were crap, and my entire life story was not at the fingertips of yellow journalists. And I didn't break any serious laws either(other than the obvious laws almost every kid breaks like drinking underage, a couple of joints, getting a couple of girls a little too naked in cars, and so forth in college.) My guess is that most of you are lucky as well.

03-13-14, 19:05
What are you basing this on?

More experience than you seem to possess.

Regardless of the fact that the eighteen year old mind isn't functioning at an adult level?

Yep. Life is unfair.

At least those 18 year olds don't live in the jungle where something might catch and kill them because they still don't have their shit together.

03-13-14, 19:09
Rest assured nothing about this spoiled little snot makes me feel better about myself. If anything she makes me distressed for the nation. Just like with 18 year old criminals, and not saying she qualifies but just as an example, when they get what they deserve (which is rare) it isn't to make anyone else feel better.

I understand the emotion. But the kids are in fact all right...and they're smarter and more capable than ever. Every generation experiences this questioning. But the reality is almost exclusively that they'll go on to do bigger and better things than your parents, and bigger and better things than you(or me.)

03-13-14, 19:20
She hasn't broken any laws that we're aware of. A teenage girl(an honor student) rebelled against her parents for telling her to break up with a boy. Shocking.:rolleyes: Heat up the tar.

Breaking the law is different. Breaking the law implies that you've hurt someone else, committed theft, or committed fraud...do those and suffer consequences. Have a spat with your parents that a few sensationalist journalists realized was easy pickings? I find it distasteful that we're so quick to destroy her. Her actions are distasteful too...but they're strictly between her and her parents.

I'm not significantly older than these kids and I'm damn lucky that there was no social media, cellphone cameras were crap, and my entire life story was not at the fingertips of yellow journalists. And I didn't break any serious laws either(other than the obvious laws almost every kid breaks like drinking underage, a couple of joints, getting a couple of girls a little too naked in cars, and so forth in college.) My guess is that most of you are lucky as well.

I wasn't suggesting that she broke any laws. I was simply saying for those that say every teenager "screws up" that actually not all teenagers do and those who do should be held accountable. In her case kick her out and cut her off from the tit. Let her get a job, take out student loans, and pay her own rent/car payment/insurance, medical epenses, et al.

The story is not really about some spoiled brat rebelling against her parents, once the media picked it up and the talking heads politicalized it, AND it went "viral" on social media thanks to the little darling herself it put a spot light on the millennials and their since of entitlement brought about by progessives.

03-13-14, 20:44
I wasn't suggesting that she broke any laws. I was simply saying for those that say every teenager "screws up" that actually not all teenagers do and those who do should be held accountable. In her case kick her out and cut her off from the tit. Let her get a job, take out student loans, and pay her own rent/car payment/insurance, medical epenses, et al.

The story is not really about some spoiled brat rebelling against her parents, once the media picked it up and the talking heads politicalized it, AND it went "viral" on social media thanks to the little darling herself it put a spot light on the millennials and their since of entitlement brought about by progessives.

Roger that. I don't totally disagree. It will be interesting to see how they proceed...but I hope we don't find out and they learn to keep family matters close.

03-13-14, 21:04
People who don't know anything about the science behind human neurological and psychological development assume "because my circumstances allowed, and because my early human development allowed, and because my social scaffolding was such that I managed to behave as a 'little adult' when I was eighteen, everyone is capable." Completely failing to acknowledge all of the other variables in play.

Oh, forgive me. I simply made the assumption that the hundreds of millions of people managing to lead successful lives after taking over their own affairs before the age of thirty weren't just lucky that their circumstances allowed for them to have happened into the right choices...

I know the physiology shows that our brains are developing for the first decades of life, but holding everyone's hand for three of them rather than advancing the society is total BS. Please tell me how much we have evolved as a species, and slowed in our rate of maturity, that in the last two generations people went from being (a vast majority of them at least) productive and capable members of society from age 15-18, to now having that same level of expectation being over a decade later.

The only thing that would make me feel anything even remotely close to "better" is if this bitch just STFU, got a job, moved out of the house and started paying for her own shit like everyone else. I have no pity for the results of her very poor decisions. Nobody ever had a pity party for me when I figured things out the hard way.

THIS... 100% this. Take responsibility for the choices one has made, and move forward. If "X" then "Y." You picked action X and receive outcome Y. Move on to the next life decision.

03-14-14, 00:22
She hasn't broken any laws that we're aware of.

We do know she broke the school code and was expelled: twice in Oct of 2013. Yes, it isn't civil law, but a pattern of being very deceitful.

Stole money and credit card from parents for her enjoyment. I still say, she is setting her parents up for a big fall.

3 AE
03-14-14, 02:13
When I was back in college it never ceased to amaze me how different social-economic classes of students would get by during the school year. The ones who came from blue collar, middle class backgrounds, were scratching our collective heads listening to our upper class counterparts plead, beg, cajole, threaten, and basically extort their parents into giving them whatever they wanted to "enrich" their college experience. The rest of us peons took those minimum wage part time jobs to pay our expenses, have a little extra beer money to impress our dates, and look each other in the eye and recognize we were cut from a different cloth. Parents who spoil their children end up paying a lot more than just monetary compensation. They lose a bit of their integrity, and their soul, just to avoid feeling that they are somehow guilty of their children's failings. Yeah, the girl in the topic is a conniving bitch, and her parents, well you don't go on Facebook and air the family's dirty laundry. Like my Dad once told me, "You don't shit in your own backyard."

03-14-14, 12:46
As the father of a daughter I'd kill and die for, I'd just be glad she's home......

That's pretty much where I'm at. I hope this unfortunate experience is "bottom" and they can start to rebuild their family. They've got their work cut out for them.

04-02-14, 15:12
Just an update:http://www.wfsb.com/story/25144318/teen-who-sued-parents-wins-scholarship-will-attend-college-in-springfield?clienttype=generic&mobilecgbypass

Makes you wonder if the admissions department had any idea what was going on while they were processing applications. Regardless, I'll continue to hope for the best.

04-02-14, 15:48
Just an update:http://www.wfsb.com/story/25144318/teen-who-sued-parents-wins-scholarship-will-attend-college-in-springfield?clienttype=generic&mobilecgbypass

Makes you wonder if the admissions department had any idea what was going on while they were processing applications. Regardless, I'll continue to hope for the best.

I guess I've seen worse people get more significant financial support based upon far less merit.