View Full Version : Conn. gun group tells lawmakers to 'bring it on'

03-05-14, 07:26
Interesting segment on the Kelly File:


03-05-14, 08:17
I think it is just my device I'm using, however the link doesn't work. I did find this article that gives a pretty good outline of what's happening.


I'm thinking that no one in CT (Elected officials that is) knows exactly how many citizens refused to comply with their draconian "law". From everything I've read and researched it's looking like the official/unofficial numbers are topping 300,000 refusals to comply.

If the powers that be decide to escalate this, actually go and start confiscating, where do you all think this will lead us as a country?

03-05-14, 09:05
I think it is just my device I'm using, however the link doesn't work. I did find this article that gives a pretty good outline of what's happening.


I'm thinking that no one in CT (Elected officials that is) knows exactly how many citizens refused to comply with their draconian "law". From everything I've read and researched it's looking like the official/unofficial numbers are topping 300,000 refusals to comply.

If the powers that be decide to escalate this, actually go and start confiscating, where do you all think this will lead us as a country?

Hopefully, people will start to wake the **** up, and see this for what it is, If they can get away with it in Conn. they'll try it again somewhere else. It has to be stopped. And if it takes an armed confrontation to do it, so be it.

03-05-14, 09:09
That's where I was going with it.

Hopefully, people will start to wake the **** up, and see this for what it is, If they can get away with it in Conn. they'll try it again somewhere else. It has to be stopped. And if it takes an armed confrontation to do it, so be it.

03-05-14, 09:14
My buddy made a good point last night about "confiscation" and said something akin to "they will succeed on the first night, then, as soon as word gets out, its(confiscation) over". He was speaking on a more general country wide aspect, but the same may hold true in just a single state. It only takes a spark to ignite a raging inferno.

03-05-14, 09:22
Unfortunately some brainwashed L.E. officer is going to end up taking bullets to the head if they push this issue. So be it if it must happen.

03-05-14, 09:31
I watched it last night and the two interviewed didn't really get the message across that well in my opinion. I support their stance, but they need to get a good speaker that can work in front of a camera.

03-05-14, 10:42
If any LE violates the oath they took and goes against free American citizens...

What's the old saying about playing with fire?

Unfortunately some brainwashed L.E. officer is going to end up taking bullets to the head if they push this issue. So be it if it must happen.

03-05-14, 11:58
LINK (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/03/robert-farago/connecticut-coming-storm/)

Connecticut: The Coming Storm

The politicians have made their decision. By a twist of fate–your file simply happened to be on the top of the stack for no particular reason–you’ll be the first example. A state police SWAT team pull to the curb in front of your home, leap from their van and rush to your front door. Two black-clad men pull back a ram and swing it toward your front door, aiming just above the knob, while the rest of the team waits anxiously, their automatic weapons charged and off safe. Two hope they’ll get the opportunity to shoot. At least one wants to manufacture the opportunity . . .

You’ve made two major mistakes; they will cost your life and destroy your family: you live in a blue state where the governor and legislature have no respect for the Constitution and the lives and liberty of citizens, and you were foolish enough to obey the law.

Starting awake from a sound sleep by the explosion of your door being smashed open and the heavy stomping of booted feet, you stumble down the stairs and into the hallway. As you turn toward the sounds, you’re blinded by multiple bright lights and hear many people screaming at you, but their words are unintelligible. You raise your hands to shield your eyes, but you have your cell phone in your right hand. As soon as it comes into view, you’re overwhelmed by a tidal wave of explosive sounds and feel the first bullets rip into your body. There are stars, so many stars, winking and suddenly, everything goes silent and black and your last conscious thought is a feeling of falling.

The SWAT team, surprised when you suddenly appeared only five feet from them, screamed conflicting commands at you. When you raised your hands and one of them saw something dark in your right hand, he jerked back the trigger of his MP5 submachine gun and didn’t let go until the weapon was empty. Seeing him fire, four more did the same. Of the 137 rounds five of the team initially fired, only 18 actually hit you, but it was enough. The rest shredded your home from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. Six nearby homes were hit, as were four cars. As you lay dying, your heart beating ever more slowly and weakly, you were spared the horror of your wife’s death.

As she descended the stairs, she saw you hit, blood spurting everywhere, falling to the floor, she screamed loud and long and ran down the steps. When she suddenly leapt into the hallway from the staircase, the nearest officer, who had been staring in shock at your bleeding body, and most of all, at the cell phone near your right hand, was startled. One of only two who had not completely emptied his magazine, he emptied it into her. The rest tried, but with one other exception, their guns were empty, and they frantically and impotently jerked their triggers. The other exception managed to fire the remaining six rounds in his weapon. Of the final 13 rounds fired, eleven hit your wife, five in the chest, three in the head. She was dead before her body fell onto yours, the sickening thump of her head on the hardwood floor echoing in the sudden silence and roiling gun smoke.

That was when they heard screaming upstairs, and gathering their courage and slamming fresh magazines into their guns, rushed upstairs, breaking into your 7-year old daughter’s bedroom, to find her lying in a widening pool of blood on her tiny bed. One of the officers tripped over his own feet as he was charging into the house and triggered nearly a full magazine through the ceiling–into her bedroom and through her bed. One of his fellow officers caught three rounds on his bullet resistant vest, but that will be covered up for years. Your daughter will survive. She’ll be in a medically induced coma for two weeks, and when she awakens, she’ll be informed she’s an orphan, a paraplegic orphan with a single lung.

An investigation of the State Police SWAT team by the State Police done within a month of the murders will find the State Police blameless, and will proclaim them heroic paragons of SWAT virtue.

Your sister’s family gladly takes your daughter in, and after two years, years in which the State Attorney General, the Governor, many politicians and the news media depict you, your wife, and even your daughter as murderous domestic terrorists, a jury finally awards your daughter 30 million dollars. She’ll need every penny to support her the remainder of her shortened life. Unfortunately, a judge sympathetic to the state reduces the award to seven million dollars. The AG, Governor and his advisors, angry and vindictive, get authorization from a corrupt and cooperative judge to steal your daughter from your sister’s family and put her in a group foster home run by people who do it for the substantial money the state pays. The state also seizes the 7 million dollars for reimbursement for taking care of your daughter. The Speaker of the State House of Representatives pronounces it a just and fitting end for a family of domestic terrorists and swears to bring justice to all domestic terrorists.

Why were the police there?

You tried to obey the law and register an AR-15 you bought. Unfortunately, you missed the deadline by two days, so the state knew you had the rifle and four magazines. What they didn’t know was that you bought the gun as a birthday present for your adult son who lives in Montana. The gun and magazines were in Montana only a week after you bought it. The state police attacked your home because they thought you had an “assault weapon” and “high capacity magazines,” all of which had been in Montana for months. They were scared to death of anyone with an “assault weapon,” so they sent a SWAT team.

Documents eventually made public during the civil suit will reveal that the state police made no attempt to verify that you still owned the weapon. They will reveal that a corrupt and cooperative judge–guess who?–signed hundreds of blank search warrants. They will also reveal that only 31% of local police departments and sheriff’s offices cooperated with the State Police; 69% refused to violate the Constitution. Not that any of that means anything to you. You screwed up and you’re dead. Your daughter will come to wish she had died that night as well.

Far-out fiction?

Continued at site...

03-05-14, 13:11
Unfortunately some brainwashed L.E. officer is going to end up taking bullets to the head if they push this issue. So be it if it must happen.

The difference between unfortunate and tragic is that the LEO is in the wrong and the much perforated citizen is the one defending the highest law.

03-05-14, 13:15
With this attitude, there is trouble ahead:

Conn. officer says woman sounds 'anti-American' for questioning gun control law.

Later, after Ashley said Lt. Vance works for the people of the state, he informed her that he, in fact, is her master.


03-05-14, 13:29
LEOs don't need to be brought into the middle of this.

03-05-14, 13:36
LEOs don't need to be brought into the middle of this.

For better or worse, they inherently are, by definition (Law Enforcement Officers).

03-05-14, 13:55
The difference between unfortunate and tragic is that the LEO is in the wrong and the much perforated citizen is the one defending the highest law.

The profundity of that says it all...

03-05-14, 14:04
For better or worse, they inherently are, by definition (Law Enforcement Officers).

Which is exactly why they aren't the bad guys here; their job isn't to create laws. The Supreme Court has said reasonable restrictions may be placed on firearms. If they are enforcing laws that haven't been overturned by the courts then they are enforcing legal laws. That's the way this country works, and murdering LEOs who come to confiscate guns the law says are illegal is just that - murder. Many like to compare the struggle for gun rights with the Revolutionary War and cite the Declaration of Independence and all that nonsense, but I'll tell you here and now that the average Patriot in 1775 didn't sit at the local tavern and talk about murdering the local redcoat constable when he was upset about the Stamp Act. He tarred and feathered the local British tax collector and hung a dummy of King George from a lamp post. The two are significantly different.

It only takes a spark to ignite a raging inferno.

That raging inferno will not burn in the direction you think it will...

JBecker 72
03-05-14, 14:15
Unfortunately some brainwashed L.E. officer is going to end up taking bullets to the head if they push this issue. So be it if it must happen.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, and all that.

That raging inferno will not burn in the direction you think it will...

I actually think it will go in the direction we think it will. Making 300,000 law abiding citizens into felons, and then going full retard with no knock raids and tactical teams will be eye opening. Partly for the population, but mostly for the law enforcement when they realize they are on the losing end in a fight. I think only an idiot with power would take it that far.

So what happens when these sworn peace officers start taking rounds when they enter a residence unannounced? Yeah they will get some when they aren't expecting it, but not all. You think that's a campaign they have the will to continue? I don't, they don't have the numbers.

And when it comes down to it, how many here would go quietly with confiscation and a felony conviction for something they bought legally?

03-05-14, 14:24
This is not East Germany circa 1955....you could move, you know.

Some don't want to hear that but if it bothers you that much and you really don't want to comply...it is an option.


JBecker 72
03-05-14, 14:27
This is not East Germany circa 1955....you could move, you know.

Some don't want to hear that but if it bothers you that much and you really don't want to comply...it is an option.


So your home state makes you a felon by the stroke of a pen, and your reaction is to leave?

03-05-14, 14:58
Stay and fight it...I don't care.

However it is not as if a month ago...leftists suddenly took over CT. You had to know some day, they would be this bold and pull a stunt like this.

If you choose to live in a blue state hell...be prepared to lose your rights at some point in time.

I did not make these rules...it is just how it goes. You do not HAVE to stay there (...yet).


JBecker 72
03-05-14, 15:05
Stay and fight it...I don't care.

However it is not as if a month ago...leftists suddenly took over CT. You had to know some day, they would be this bold and pull a stunt like this.

If you choose to live in a blue state hell...be prepared to lose your rights at some point in time.

I did not make these rules...it is just how it goes. You do not HAVE to stay there (...yet).


Let me know how Texas looks in 10 years.

03-05-14, 15:12
Perfect opportunity for Barry and Holder to spring a black swan. All they need is for some COINTELPRO agent provocateurs to fire the first shot.

03-05-14, 15:32
LEOs don't need to be brought into the middle of this.

I'm not sure what you mean. I'm pretty sure if they're fool enough to force this issue.... L.E. will be the tool they'll use.

LEOs are going to be forced into the middle of this.

03-05-14, 15:42
That raging inferno will not burn in the direction you think it will...

If everyone there who unjustifiably became a felon wants to lay down and take it, no it won't. My hope is that the populace is not that weak and that they would be willing to do more than you apparently would. And once law enforcement decides to comply with an unjust law then they are the enforcement element who, per the mindset of the individual who rights they are violating that day, may or may not be dealt with accordingly.

That last comment might offend some LEO's here but I know more than a few of you who swear you wouldn't take part. I hope this is true but know you're in the minority regardless. Still at the very least they with the noble mindset should then be able to stay out of harm's way in CT should insanity prevail.

03-05-14, 15:51
The Supreme Court has said reasonable restrictions may be placed on firearms.

I thought we had enough of those supposed "reasonable restrictions", especially here in the northeast. You mean they're still not reasonable enough? Ok then, send out the police I guess.

If they are enforcing laws that haven't been overturned by the courts then they are enforcing legal laws. That's the way this country works, and murdering LEOs who come to confiscate guns the law says are illegal is just that - murder. Many like to compare the struggle for gun rights with the Revolutionary War and cite the Declaration of Independence and all that nonsense, but I'll tell you here and now that the average Patriot in 1775 didn't sit at the local tavern and talk about murdering the local redcoat constable when he was upset about the Stamp Act. He tarred and feathered the local British tax collector and hung a dummy of King George from a lamp post. The two are significantly different.

No they didn't sit at the local tavern and talk about "murdering" local redcoats, they went far beyond that and actually started a war over the injustices being forced upon them against their will.

03-05-14, 16:22
No they didn't sit at the local tavern and talk about "murdering" local redcoats, they went far beyond that and actually started a war over the injustices being forced upon them against their will.

You're obviously missing the point. It's easy to pick on LEOs because they're, as someone else said, being "forced" into the middle of it. But they are not the root of the problem. Shooting LEOs is not going to lead to the left waking up and saying "Well, these gun guys are pretty determined. Better give up." and American LEOs, like every government in the history of the world when faced with resistance, aren't going to just give up quietly in defeat. The fact that some of you think LEO agencies rethink their actions after they take a few casualties in gun confiscations is more than laughable - it's scary. They will just become more determined and use their losses as ammunition (no pun intended) for further militarization and tactics.

When "gun right's advocates" start talking about blowing up, shooting, killing the politicians and their supporters (voters, $$$ contributors, unions) then I'll take them seriously. But they won't, because that's serious. And they're not serious. I mean, we all know that LEOs aren't out there passing gun laws. So why all of the talk directed toward them? Who here is willing to say they will assassinate a politician who enacts unconstitutional laws? No one. How many here have already said they will kill LEOs for enforcing said laws? A bunch. What gives?

Go ahead and pretend to be the warrior American freedom-loving hero. You'll comply, you already have. (Got any tax stamps? CCW permit?)

(Edit: This isn't meant to be construed as a dig against you personally, SH. I could've quoted several others here.)

03-05-14, 16:31
Which is exactly why they aren't the bad guys here; their job isn't to create laws. The Supreme Court has said reasonable restrictions may be placed on firearms. If they are enforcing laws that haven't been overturned by the courts then they are enforcing legal laws. That's the way this country works, and murdering LEOs who come to confiscate guns the law says are illegal is just that - murder. Many like to compare the struggle for gun rights with the Revolutionary War and cite the Declaration of Independence and all that nonsense, but I'll tell you here and now that the average Patriot in 1775 didn't sit at the local tavern and talk about murdering the local redcoat constable when he was upset about the Stamp Act. He tarred and feathered the local British tax collector and hung a dummy of King George from a lamp post. The two are significantly different.

That raging inferno will not burn in the direction you think it will...

Getting tarred and feathered wasn't without death. In many cases, the tar was applied too hot or too liberally and the victim was literally cooked.

It hasn't happened yet, but here's the deal. They passed a law that is dubious as to its constitutionality. Its a heated topic with flared tempers on both sides. They don't HAVE to start confiscating guns and jailing people for violations until it wends its way through the legal challenges that have been filed. Forging ahead on this tangent is merely their way of proving that they are indeed the masters of their subjects. To not give their otherwise law abiding residents the benefit of the doubt is proof of their true intent. Brinksmanship is afoot here.

So let's sit back and watch them show their true face. I'm betting they do. :(

03-05-14, 16:47
You're obviously missing the point. It's easy to pick on LEOs because they're, as someone else said, being "forced" into the middle of it. But they are not the root of the problem. Shooting LEOs is not going to lead to the left waking up and saying "Well, these gun guys are pretty determined. Better give up." and American LEOs, like every government in the history of the world when faced with resistance, aren't going to just give up quietly in defeat. The fact that some of you think LEO agencies rethink their actions after they take a few casualties in gun confiscations is more than laughable - it's scary. They will just become more determined and use their losses as ammunition (no pun intended) for further militarization and tactics.

When "gun right's advocates" start talking about blowing up, shooting, killing the politicians and their supporters (voters, $$$ contributors, unions) then I'll take them seriously. But they won't, because that's serious. And they're not serious. I mean, we all know that LEOs aren't out there passing gun laws. So why all of the talk directed toward them? Who here is willing to say they will assassinate a politician who enacts unconstitutional laws? No one. How many here have already said they will kill LEOs for enforcing said laws? A bunch. What gives?

Go ahead and pretend to be the warrior American freedom-loving hero. You'll comply, you already have. (Got any tax stamps? CCW permit?)

(Edit: This isn't meant to be construed as a dig against you personally, SH. I could've quoted several others here.)

I really try to avoid this because its a VERY touchy subject, but this has already played out once. Government and LE went too far a couple of times back in the 1990's. Remember Waco & Ruby Ridge? Those actions caused a tremendous backlash, culminating in the OKC bombing. As heinous as McVeigh's attack was, it was chilling in its effect. How many Waco's and Ruby Ridges have we had since then? If the tactics were sound and accepted by the populace, do you thing they would've stopped? Hardly.

As for the Revolutionary War, the "politicians" of the time were back in England. The Redcoat soldiers were here and bore the brunt of the backlash. There's no reason to expect it to play out differently in the future. The politicians have ensconced themselved behind a phalanx of armed guards and security measures. If not untouchable, then certainly hard to touch effectively. The door kickers are another matter entirely. All I know is that we're smarter than that here in my state. I'd expect a massive backlash if we're told to kick doors to confiscate guns. I certainly won't do it and most of the guys I know won't either.

03-05-14, 16:54
But they are not the root of the problem. Shooting LEOs is not going to lead to the left waking up and saying "Well, these gun guys are pretty determined. Better give up."

Who said LEOs were the root of the problem? And who also said that LEOs can't ponder their circumstance and decide what is best to do for themselves as well as their countrymen? You know, as sworn upholders of the Constitution and all? And lastly how do you know that resistance won't clearly display that the misguided efforts of the lawmakers have had much worse consequences than predicted, therefore are essentially not worth the aggravation? All that's required is for a few of us to be content with essentially forfeiting our lives for our future citizenry, which has happened several times before good or bad. As the father of a 10 year old I'm probably not that guy today, but you never know do you?

Go ahead and pretend to be the warrior American freedom-loving hero. You'll comply, you already have. (Got any tax stamps? CCW permit?)

You mean they already nullified my CCW and my 30 rd mags, then forcibly came for them and somehow I missed it? If you want to harp that I don't start a forcible movement because I can't carry here then you have some leverage, however you can't judge me on how I would comply with additional restrictions, the first ever imposed upon me as a thinking adult, until it has happened.

03-05-14, 17:00
Everybody'd better maintain a clear head here. There just too much opportunity to strike a match right now. In most small towns, the Police (and their families) and the Pols and THEIR families live side by side and next door to the same people they may be about to forcibly enter....I sure hope cooler heads prevail....

Doc Safari
03-05-14, 17:07
All I have to say about LEO's is that if they are to be taken seriously that they oppose this law, then they need to resign the minute they are asked to enforce it.

JBecker 72
03-05-14, 17:12
Everybody'd better maintain a clear head here. There just too much opportunity to strike a match right now. In most small towns, the Police (and their families) and the Pols and THEIR families live side by side and next door to the same people they may be about to forcibly enter....I sure hope cooler heads prevail....

Neighbor or not, if you decide to storm your fellow mans home because some lawmaker made an otherwise law abiding citizen a felon by the stroke of a pen, you deserve everything you get.

This whole, "I'm just doing my job" bit, isn't gonna fly with this one.


03-05-14, 17:18
Getting tarred and feathered wasn't without death. In many cases, the tar was applied too hot or too liberally and the victim was literally cooked.

The significance of the tarring and feathering wasn't due to it being less than death (it isn't) but that it's directed at the politicians/elected officials/appointed officials (who everyone in the gun community seem to ignore)

I'm trying to make two very distinct points, not start a flame war against anyone.

1) The enemies here are not LEOs. If assault weapons are not illegal, then LEOs can't legally confiscate them. If libertarian minded politicians are in office, they won't appoint socialist police chiefs.

2) It's easy to talk about anhihilating LEOs coming for your guns. But it's a completely different thing to talk about off-ing politicians that enact these draconian laws. One would think that ardent subscribers to "Cold Dead Hands" would talk about it all the time, yet they don't. Because then it becomes real, and they don't really want that. They claim that they're willing to stand up as the Founders did and fight for liberty, but one can't help and think they're all full of shit. Either you're all in, or you're not even at the table.

My only question is: Why are so many gun owners willing to (at least say they will, who knows how many will actually do it) shoot at LEOs confiscating guns, but not shoot at politicians enacting the laws that make confiscating guns legal? Why wait until the SWAT team is surrounding your house? At that point, you've already lost. My answer? Because they're full of shit, and when the knock on the door comes with Diane Feinstein saying "Mr and Mrs. America, turn 'em in", they're going to walk over to the safe and hand them all over...many will probably point out that Bob across the street has a few buried in his yard, too.

Safetyhit, go out into your local town square and burn an Obama dummy in effegy.

JBecker 72
03-05-14, 17:26
My only question is: Why are so many gun owners willing to (at least say they will, who knows how many will actually do it) shoot at LEOs confiscating guns, but not shoot at politicians enacting the laws that make confiscating guns legal? Why wait until the SWAT team is surrounding your house?

Because at that point, you are directly being targeted and it's personal. You invade a mans castle, and you might run into problems. Targeting a politician before you are directly in the cross hairs is a bit different. Some, obviously, have taken that position. Some more seriously than others.

ETA: I think you sorely misunderstand many in this country, especially at this point. We have so many who are beaten down financially and politically, that a breaking point will happen. And not everyone is the "comply with every command" pushover you are hinting at.

JBecker 72
03-05-14, 17:33
Honest question Euro. Police knock on your door demanding your legally purchased rifles and magazines and arrest you on felony charges for each item in your possession, what is your reaction to that? That is exactly what CT officials are threatening to some quarter million or more residents.

How many people do you really think are going to bend over and take that?

03-05-14, 17:39
Neighbor or not, if you decide to storm your fellow mans home because some lawmaker made an otherwise law abiding citizen a felon by the stroke of a pen, you deserve everything you get.

This whole, "I'm just doing my job" bit, isn't gonna fly with this one.


I don't think I'm making myself clear here. I'm not advocating it, but I'm saying that those who pass and enforce this law take a lot of risk, as they they too reside in these communities. And others know it - which might give them pause.

Let's use the 'example storyline as above'; you don't think that families kin, if it got really, REALLY bad, might not consider it?

Or, after re-reading your post, maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say...

JBecker 72
03-05-14, 17:51
I'm saying that if you threaten an armed population, who willfully defied an unlawful act, with loss of property and jail time, expect to be met with force.

The gun owners "be cool" time has passed. They banded together, peacefully protested, petitioned legislators, and were spat in the face. The only group, who at this point needs to "be cool", is the legislators, and the LE agencies tasked with enforcing this nonsense.

03-05-14, 17:52
Let me know how Texas looks in 10 years.
There have actually been high ranking LEO's, Sheriff's, state they will not enforce unjust laws. Most was in the front run of Obama, but the laws passed in Ct was just to make Obama happy.

Texas in 10 years, probably gonna be a lot more crowded with all of the folks moving this way.

JBecker 72
03-05-14, 17:55
There have actually been high ranking LEO's, Sheriff's, state they will not enforce unjust laws. Most was in the front run of Obama, but the laws passed in Ct was just to make Obama happy.

Texas in 10 years, probably gonna be a lot more crowded with all of the folks moving this way.

That's optimistic, but Texas is turning bluer by the day.

03-05-14, 18:11
That's optimistic, but Texas is turning bluer by the day.

In a way I sympathize and certainly agree with RWH24 overall. Yet in another way, very especially if he thinks Texas will be our last holdout, I can't help but wonder if he is paying full attention to the world around him.

03-05-14, 20:42
Lets go ahead and close this before you guys dig an even deeper hole than you already have. Ponder for a second though; who is making threats of violence and how do you think it makes you look?