View Full Version : Help identifing two puppies that were abandoned today.

Mauser KAR98K
03-05-14, 16:18
I swear I have a sign out in my yard. This is not the first time I have had dogs either show up, or we know have been abandoned.

Today our lab and our husky/basset hound mix alerted to something outside. Thought it was the mail man, but nope, nothing. Then they went off again with my lab--male--going ballistic. Thought it then was a cat that me and my neighbor have been trying to see how .22lr hollow points work on. Went out with my S&W Model22A1, heard a rustle behind me close to house and here comes this:


Called my neighbor over, who breeds and raises pits, to take a look at him. After requesting I go over to their house to get some de-worming meds and earmit meds, we are driving out of my driveway when we see the older brother:

Got out, picked him up, and took him inside. Meds were given to both. The older, now named Taz thanks to my niece (was going to call him Meth-head because of his vivacious nature) is much taller than the "brother" but supper friendly and wants attention. Little brother--the runt--is somewhat standoffish but doesn't mind the petting, nor the Alpo.

We have estimated both are at least 3 months old (12-18 weeks according to my neighbor) due to their puppy teeth.

Odd colors on the both of them. Their build screams husky (including Taz's attitude) but their colors are very weird. We can't decide what the other breed is: pit bull, boxer, hound, beagle. Could use a little help.

Trying to figure out what to do with them. Too cute to give away, almost. Taz is a riot. My black lab hates them both!

More warm and fuzzy pics.



03-05-14, 16:33
Look like they are a mix, too damn cute! Good on you for taking them and helping them out. I hate ****'n people who abuse/neglect/dump animals.

03-05-14, 16:39
The first picture I would say Shepard/Lab mix, but the last two I would go with Shepard/Pitbull.

Mauser KAR98K
03-05-14, 16:56
The first picture I would say Shepard/Lab mix, but the last two I would go with Shepard/Pitbull.

they have the amber eyes of a lab.

03-05-14, 17:14
Sometimes dogs get lucky and find a house full of actual human beings.

Thanks for taking them in. I thought I was the only one who did this stuff.

The pink nose sheppards look great.

03-05-14, 17:39
My you have BIG Paws!

Daddy was a traveling man I surmise.....

Don Robison
03-05-14, 18:38
Good on you for taking them in; we have the same issue out here with people always dumping animals. It's how we got our Pit mix.
Just a guess but either Husky/Lab or Shepard/Lab?

03-05-14, 19:44
Beautiful dogs, good job on taking them in.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

03-05-14, 20:10
They are adorable!

Good luck with them, I hope they bring someone lots of joy. You might be that person.

03-05-14, 20:29
Adorable! I'd offer to adopt them if I was nearby and had the room in my apartment.

On a side note, why are you trying to kill that cat?

Mauser KAR98K
03-05-14, 20:51
Adorable! I'd offer to adopt them if I was nearby and had the room in my apartment.

On a side note, why are you trying to kill that cat?

Ferrel cat. Runs on sight. Pees on everything and tears up my trash cans. I live in a rural area so their are many out here thanks to bad owners and crazy cat people. When my neighbor's cats (a few hundred yards over) goes in heat, it attacks every tom. I don't hate cats to shoot on sight. I have helped a few that actually came up to me. No problems. It's the ferrel ones that I can't stand and the stuff they do.

Same with mean dogs, or the roaming packs we get sometimes. Had one tried to go after our husky/basset hound through the fence. Lab was trying to get the whatever pissed off mix. Was afraid for my lab getting but and whatever disease the mut might have. Sierra gold dot from the USP9 solved the problem.

Still felt bad.

ETA: never had puppies less young show up. Had a 7 month old boxer come to the property. Well fed. Lab hated him on sight and took a bug gash out the boxer's ear. Lab got beat; boxer stayed outside. Feed the guy, and hooked up with the Tennessee boxer rescue group. They took hom in and was adapted by a little girl and her family in 3 days.

Thus far my niece wants the little one when my sister and brother-by-proxy gets her room in the basement done. So it is mine for the mean time. Neighbor's daughter wants a dog something severely, and Taz would be a perfect. Her dad--swell gun; we go shooting a lot--has had enough of dogs, plus she is only sees him every other weekend. Not sure on her mother.

Would love to keep Taz, but four dogs, let alone three, will be a bit of a burden.

People who abuse dogs should have the snot kicked out of them.

03-05-14, 21:12
Live traps and have the local shelter pick them up.

You shouldn't have to kill the cats yourself, your tax dollars provide for that.

Mauser KAR98K
03-05-14, 21:15
Live traps and have the local shelter pick them up.

You shouldn't have to kill the cats yourself, your tax dollars provide for that.

Not around here they don't. My county pretty much euthanasia them once they get them, especially if they are Ferrel.

03-05-14, 21:21
Not around here they don't. My county pretty much euthanasia them once they get them, especially if they are Ferrel.

You misunderstand. Use a live trap and then call the county and let THEM do the dirty work. My neighborhood had a serious problem (everything you described) plus listening to nightly cat fights outside my window from 2-4am.

Got some live traps and baited them with a can of tuna. Was catching 3-4 per week. Had the county out to pick them up almost daily (they would only come if you already had them contained). After about a month the problem was mostly solved.

Don Robison
03-05-14, 21:32
You misunderstand. Use a live trap and then call the county and let THEM do the dirty work. My neighborhood had a serious problem (everything you described) plus listening to nightly cat fights outside my window from 2-4am.

Got some live traps and baited them with a can of tuna. Was catching 3-4 per week. Had the county out to pick them up almost daily (they would only come if you already had them contained). After about a month the problem was mostly solved.

Yep, I do that around here to take care of the kitten population because between people dumping them and someone that lives nearby letting their un-spayed cats run lose. In a "good year" we take 25-30 kittens to the pound on a slow year 10-15. We watch them and wait for them to be weaned then trap them. We get the mom too if we can, but sometimes they are pretty wily. My last go at catching 4 kittens I caught 3 possums and a really pissed off squirrel before the kittens.

03-05-14, 23:06
They are the most adorable puppies I've ever seen.

Mauser KAR98K
03-06-14, 00:30
One more for the night. So the world is going to hell. here, have another cute puppy photo.


My lab still hates them.

03-06-14, 00:49
Reading your other thread it sounds like those two asshat puppies arrived just in the nick of time.

Eventually your lab won't hate them.

Mauser KAR98K
03-06-14, 01:00
Reading your other thread it sounds like those two asshat puppies arrived just in the nick of time.

Eventually your lab won't hate them.

You know, I was just thinking that when I had the Taz, the speckled nosed one, under my arms. Been one of the better days the past two weeks.

(Be better once tax refund comes in. Tiss going to sound bad, but thanks to my dear mother and her guilt trip influence, we had put a HK P30s on lay away two weeks ago before her fall. I asked if we should cancel it and get some cash back. Nope. I think she wants it more than me. Something about the ergos).