View Full Version : Brig. Gen. Sinclair on trial

03-06-14, 09:30
"Sinclair, 51, still faces five charges including sexual assault in his trial before a jury of five two-star generals. The former deputy commander of the 82nd Airborne could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted on the most serious charges.
By pleading guilty to possessing a horde of porn on his laptop, for example, Sinclair's defense hopes to limit the ability of prosecutors to use those graphic images to shock the jury. By admitting to improper relationships with the two other women, whom Sinclair asked to send nude photos of themselves, the defense lessens the relevance of the messages they exchanged in relation to the remaining charges."
- http://www.militarytimes.com/article/20140306/NEWS06/303060002/General-admit-guilt-3-counts-denies-assault

Statement from Brig. Gen. Sinclair: "Now, as you can tell, I’m all for taking full advantage of the privileges and allowances allowed to me by virtue of the mother****in’ star on my mother****in’ chest.
Oh and one more thing about Peaches (Gen. Petraeus), he wrote the book on COIN, huh? I got my own book on COIN, it’s called 'C**k Out, Inserted Nightly.' Call my assistant, she’ll send you a copy with my mushroom stamp on it.
Alright, you cats keep your feet on the ground and reach for the anal lube. Uncle Jeffy is f**kin’ out."
- http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/11/bg-sinclair-general-petraeus-allen-nothing-but-a-bunch-of-goddamn-amateurs/#ixzz2vCGYOvUu

03-06-14, 09:39
Golly, I hope Sinclair's attorney can keep his letter to DuffelBlog out of evidence.

03-06-14, 09:43
Golly, I hope Sinclair's attorney can keep his letter to DuffelBlog out of evidence.

I honestly hope Lt. Col. Stelle quotes it.

03-06-14, 10:01
Statement from Brig. Gen. Sinclair: "Now, as you can tell, I’m all for taking full advantage of the privileges and allowances allowed to me by virtue of the mother****in’ star on my mother****in’ chest.

1. LOL

2. It's always been my experience that Generals tend to be much cooler, down to earth, and nicer than Colonels. Is that because they've "made it"?

03-06-14, 10:08
You guys are aware that the "Duffle Blog" is a satire site, right?

03-06-14, 10:44
You guys are aware that the "Duffle Blog" is a satire site, right?

The first rule of duffel blog is, you don't talk about duffel blog being satire.

03-06-14, 10:54
You guys are aware that the "Duffle Blog" is a satire site, right?

Yes. So is The Colbert Report. It's still funny as hell.

03-06-14, 11:35
A "horde" of porn?

That's the funniest shit I've read all day.

03-06-14, 11:39
1. LOL

2. It's always been my experience that Generals tend to be much cooler, down to earth, and nicer than Colonels. Is that because they've "made it"?

Depends on the Colonel and the General.

My previous Battalion Commander was, without a doubt, the best CDR I've ever had and he had no problem digging in on an OP with the Joes. 10 months in Afghanistan under his command and I still believe that my time there was the best I've had in the Army so far.

As for Generals...I'm just an NCO and am thankfully still serving on the line and haven't been sucked away into an S Shop or Staff job yet. Very little experience with them, but I've never particularly enjoyed talking with the ones I have.

03-06-14, 11:43
Local media already has him convicted. That said, if he IS guilty, then let the boom fall.

03-06-14, 11:50
Depends on the Colonel and the General.

My previous Battalion Commander was, without a doubt, the best CDR I've ever had and he had no problem digging in on an OP with the Joes. 10 months in Afghanistan under his command and I still believe that my time there was the best I've had in the Army so far.

As for Generals...I'm just an NCO and am thankfully still serving on the line and haven't been sucked away into an S Shop or Staff job yet. Very little experience with them, but I've never particularly enjoyed talking with the ones I have.

Good stuff, I like commanders that don't exhibit the "I'm above doing that type of work" mentality. They, by definition, are of course. But they don't need to secrete it.

I was specifically speaking of full birds though. Like regimental COs (brigade in the army?) and other colonels in staff jobs. (Think Major Powers in Heartbreak Ridge promoted twice)

03-06-14, 11:53
A "horde" of porn?

That's the funniest shit I've read all day.

I think the context was he had porn in Afg, violating GO 1B.

Pretty much everyone has porn and alcohol in Afg though.

Good stuff, I like commanders that don't exhibit the "I'm above doing that type of work" mentality. They, by definition, are of course. But they don't need to secrete it.

I was specifically speaking of full birds though. Like regimental COs (brigade in the army?) and other colonels in staff jobs. (Think Major Powers in Heartbreak Ridge promoted twice)

My current Wg/CC (O-6) has gone out of his way to spend 2-4 hrs doing the same job that E-2s do all over base, as long as that work doesn't require certification first. He earned a lot of respect for that. He also stays out of his flight suit as much as possible, which also earns respect from the non-flyers on base, which make up the vast majority of the base of course.

03-06-14, 12:29
I hold him to a higher standard. They absolutely need to take the star away. Screwing your female subordinates (even if they BEG you to) crosses the line, and it looks like he jumped over it with both feet. As a former dog robber, I've seen good GO's that I'd follow thru hell and back, and bad, self-centered conceited egotistical SOB's - and most soldier's can spot them too.

I'll always remember what one told me: "The higher you go in rank, the MORE of a servant you are to those who you lead"....soldiers like a boss with a little 'panache' but its the ego that you have to watch out for...

03-06-14, 12:55
I hold him to a higher standard. They absolutely need to take the star away. Screwing your female subordinates (even if they BEG you to) crosses the line, and it looks like he jumped over it with both feet. As a former dog robber, I've seen good GO's that I'd follow thru hell and back, and bad, self-centered conceited egotistical SOB's - and most soldier's can spot them too.

I'll always remember what one told me: "The higher you go in rank, the MORE of a servant you are to those who you lead"....soldiers like a boss with a little 'panache' but its the ego that you have to watch out for...


The case essentially fell apart when the Defense Council proved the "Star" Witness lied under oath.

The original Prosecutor may have had a nervous breakdown over the political pressure, which didn't help the Government's case at all.

The guilty plea on the Adultory Charges gets a conviction (he'll lose his star), and he'll avoid the sex offender registry.

This guilty plea/ dropping of other charges also makes this go away and that is better for all involved.

03-06-14, 14:52
I am not defending these guys.

But I find it hilarious that some of the people that are so "shocked" and disappointed I hear talking about it (senior citizens)

are guys that were officers and senior officers when they could run around smoking filterless cigarettes everywhere, drink during duty hours, DUI home from the O-club, bang their secretaries without anyone batting an eyebrow, have offices and locker rooms with porn posters everywhere, and give their wives a light little smack when they got out of hand.

JBecker 72
03-06-14, 15:34
I am not defending these guys.

But I find it hilarious that some of the people that are so "shocked" and disappointed I hear talking about it (senior citizens)

are guys that were officers and senior officers when they could run around smoking filterless cigarettes everywhere, drink during duty hours, DUI home from the O-club, bang their secretaries without anyone batting an eyebrow, have offices and locker rooms with porn posters everywhere, and give their wives a light little smack when they got out of hand.

My how the times have changed.

03-06-14, 16:10
I think the context was he had porn in Afg, violating GO 1B.

Pretty much everyone has porn and alcohol in Afg though.

I sent terabyte harddrives FULL of porn to deployed friends. I did not do it for my enlisted friends as I was afraid of getting them in trouble, but I sent bottles of bourbon to a Dr. I know that was deployed there as well. Just poured out the gross brown Listerine bottles, washed them out, and filled them with bourbon and scotch. But when you're in charge of the whole enchilada, you should jerk off to a lifetime of memories, drink water or get a Dr. to prescribe you something good, and deal with what you've ordered all of your subordinates to deal with.

And yes, it matters not one iota if she begged for it or not and he resisted as long as he could. He's the one in the position of authority, and therefore it's wrong. Same with Monica and Willy. She wasn't really taken advantage of...but nonetheless he was in the wrong.

I couldn't care less about adultery etc...that's between these guys and their wives. It's about a professional environment.

03-06-14, 18:51
A "horde" of porn?

That's the funniest shit I've read all day.

Is that like naked orcs and shit? I play WoW and even I don't wanna see that!

03-06-14, 21:59
Is that like naked orcs and shit? I play WoW and even I don't wanna see that!

... are you sure? Internet rule 34 (don't google that at work).

03-06-14, 22:00
I have some personal ties to this story as Sinclair was the battalion commander for 1-18 in 2008, and later when he was the 172nd Infantry Brigade commander that same year until I left the Army. As a battalion commander I found him very respectable and thought he was an upstanding gentleman, and never had anything bad to say about his policies. He was a no-nonsense Infantry officer that knew his stuff. Later as brigade commander I thought about the same, until we deployed to Iraq in November of 2008 and I noticed that all the battalion commanders and Col. Sinclair received two very beautiful Arabic speaking women as interpreters. Myself and the other soldiers in my unit suspected that the battalion commanders were sleeping with their terps.

The 172nd Infantry was notorious. The battalion commander of the unit my company was attached to from what I remember was an awful a cheating son of a bitch when we were deployed.

03-07-14, 08:46
I have some personal ties to this story as Sinclair was the battalion commander for 1-18 in 2008, and later when he was the 172nd Infantry Brigade commander that same year until I left the Army. As a battalion commander I found him very respectable and thought he was an upstanding gentleman, and never had anything bad to say about his policies. He was a no-nonsense Infantry officer that knew his stuff. Later as brigade commander I thought about the same, until we deployed to Iraq in November of 2008 and I noticed that all the battalion commanders and Col. Sinclair received two very beautiful Arabic speaking women as interpreters. Myself and the other soldiers in my unit suspected that the battalion commanders were sleeping with their terps.

The 172nd Infantry was notorious. The battalion commander of the unit my company was attached to from what I remember was an awful a cheating son of a bitch when we were deployed.

There is nothing more powerful in this world, than a piece of good ass....More wars have been started, lost and won, more fortunes lost and won....

03-07-14, 09:00
"When asked by the judge if he was aware of the prohibition against senior officers having relations with subordinates, Sinclair replied, 'Oh, yes sir.'"

"Once they were alone in his quarters, the general said the young officer made sexual advances that he initially rebuffed.
Pohl asked how Sinclair knew the woman wanted to have sex with him.
'Probably when she took her top off, sir,' the general said with a nervous chuckle."


03-07-14, 10:55
I hope that he serves some serious prison time for several reasons. After all, anyone who carries their sidearm in a SERPA strapped across the front of their IBA deserves at least a year in the brig.

03-07-14, 11:12
I hope that he serves some serious prison time for several reasons. After all, anyone who carries their sidearm in a SERPA strapped across the front of their IBA deserves at least a year in the brig.

SERPAs are issued and people who wear them on the front of their IBA are the type of people who go outside of the wire fairly regularly, but only from FOB to FOB where the only time they'd need their weapon was within the confines of a vehicle.

03-07-14, 11:27
SERPAs are issued and people who wear them on the front of their IBA are the type of people who go outside of the wire fairly regularly, but only from FOB to FOB where the only time they'd need their weapon was within the confines of a vehicle.

I'm about 86% sure that Sensei was being humorous.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

03-07-14, 19:29
SERPAs are issued and people who wear them on the front of their IBA are the type of people who go outside of the wire fairly regularly, but only from FOB to FOB where the only time they'd need their weapon was within the confines of a vehicle.

SERPAs weren't issued that deployment as far as I know. Unless it was purchased with brigade money, which it certainly could have been, none of the officers in my company used them.

03-07-14, 21:00
I'm about 86% sure that Sensei was being humorous.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

Well, at least somebody appreciates my efforts...a courtesy chuckle, perhaps?

03-07-14, 21:10
SERPAs weren't issued that deployment as far as I know. Unless it was purchased with brigade money, which it certainly could have been, none of the officers in my company used them.

You are correct - the Army never issued the SERPA. However, the Marine Corps purchased over 25,000 of the abominations - one for every M9 in their inventory. Virtually everyone in my unit purchased Safariland 6004 series, but the SERPA was authorized for use and could be purchased at just about any AAFES in theater.

03-07-14, 21:12
I'm laughing!

Forget regs.... if he can pull top shelf snatch, surely he can find a better holster.

03-07-14, 21:35
I'm laughing!

Forget regs.... if he can pull top shelf snatch, surely he can find a better holster.

Seriously, you don't conceal three separate illicit affairs without spending a small fortune. The least he could do is buy a holster that doesn't make him look like a bald vagina.


03-07-14, 22:43
Well, 1st BDE 82nd just issued out SERPAs not even a month ago. We actually wasted money on Beretta holsters when we still have PVS-7s and PEQ-2s being issued to some Soldiers.

03-08-14, 02:08
Well, 1st BDE 82nd just issued out SERPAs not even a month ago. We actually wasted money on Beretta holsters when we still have PVS-7s and PEQ-2s being issued to some Soldiers.


It appears that the Army jumped on the SERPA bandwagon last month.

03-08-14, 02:30
Sinclair probably uses the serpa so his chosen woman of the hour doesn't pull it and shoot him when the next woman shows up.

03-08-14, 04:35
Sinclair probably uses the serpa so his chosen woman of the hour doesn't pull it and shoot him when the next woman shows up.

DAMN! If I had been drinking some form of liquid or another, I'd have spit that sh*t everywhere.

03-08-14, 05:44

It appears that the Army jumped on the SERPA bandwagon last month.

Jesus ****ing Christ.

We never learn.

03-09-14, 23:37
I heard that she held a gun to his head while she was blowing him. Didn't he say that she forced him?

03-10-14, 00:58
Tyler Durdan was here.

03-10-14, 01:57
Tyler Durdan was here.

I've read fight club and seen the movie a dozen times, but I don't catch your reference.

03-11-14, 08:34
Still like to see a photo of the "top shelf snatch".

Looks like we have another case of "Command Influence" that may ultimately doom the case.
Misconduct on the Prosecutor's side too.
He could plead guilty to a minor infraction, walk, and keep his star.

Be all you can be Army.

03-11-14, 10:11
No way in hell he's going to keep his star. He's admitted to multiple cases of infidelity (the only sticking point is whether it was voluntary or involuntary with the woman) - with a subordinate(s) - in a combat zone. He may get out of jail time, but his career is over. Cashier his ass it's the only way to save what's left of the Army's reputation....

I've had some stunning female soliders on either my staff or fellow staff officers. ALWAYS leave the door open. ALWAYS think about how your email could be construed, but after that, you gotta ignore it and move on and not let the fact that they are stunning effect any decision you make.

03-11-14, 10:48
ALWAYS think about how your email could be construed

Yep, words can be construed in many ways lol

I've had some stunning female soliders on either my staff or fellow staff officers.

Completely out of context, I know. But found it humorous.

But on the topic, I have this feeling he will be quietly retiring as a Colonel, which still is a decent living.

03-11-14, 10:57
I've had some stunning female soliders on [...] my staff

On your "staff"? So you sympathize with Sinclair? :)

ETA: I just heard about the gov't screwing up and not presenting evidence, plus some undue command influence by the convening authority. Looks like a mistrial, but the judge allowed the defense to renegotiate a plea deal. If Sinclair retires as an O-6 as part of his plea... yeah, the prosecutors need to all be fired from their jobs and removed from the Army due to gross incompetence.

03-12-14, 08:49

"Brigadier ****in’ General Jeffrey ****in’ Sinclair up in the muh-****in’ hay-ouse!

You may have noticed, I’m pretty ****in’ jazzed. Perhaps you’ve heard that the judge in my court martial has ruled there’s been just a bit of undue command influence in the prosecution’s decision to deny my plea bargain. Can I get a what, what?

****. Yeah.

Here’s what that means to Uncle Jeffy: I ain’t out of the woods just yet, but I ain’t getting hung out to dry just yet either. I certainly won’t be allowed a real job anytime soon. But I ain’t losing any rank in the meantime, either. Can I handle checking out basketballs at Towle Fitness Center on O-7 pay? It’s worth a shot."


03-12-14, 08:53
I think he needs his willy slapped for what he did do, but from what I've read I am not convinced he committed sexual assault. As far as the porn, I doubt a one of us here who was over there didn't violate that. Hell I had servers set up streaming multiple terabytes of it. And yes, there were a ton of officers that had access to it too.

03-12-14, 09:28
On your "staff"? So you sympathize with Sinclair? :)

No, not for a second do I sympathize. But for anyone to think that any heterosexual male doesn't notice an attractive woman in his presence is naive or a fool. You just have to maintain weapons tight status. You can notice, but you'd BETTER NOT act on it.

And please, pardon in advance my spelling cause I hate spell check.

03-12-14, 09:31
No, not for a second do I sympathize. But for anyone to think that any heterosexual male doesn't notice an attractive woman in his presence is naive or a fool. You just have to maintain weapons tight status. You can notice, but you'd BETTER NOT act on it.

And please, pardon in advance my spelling cause I hate spell check.

It was a joke, sir. You talked about cautioning how emails could be construed, then talked about attractive female soldiers on your staff. "Staff" has other meanings besides a group of people who work for you. :cool:

03-12-14, 11:16
It was a joke, sir. You talked about cautioning how emails could be construed, then talked about attractive female soldiers on your staff. "Staff" has other meanings besides a group of people who work for you. :cool:

gotcha...but, as a retiree, I no longer have to maintain the PC status I used to.... :)

Edit: Shit, I just 'got' the third meaning - see, I am so naive that just went right past me, and you can see how that could be used against you in the right(wrong) circumstances :)

03-12-14, 11:34
gotcha...but, as a retiree, I no longer have to maintain the PC status I used to.... :)

Edit: Shit, I just 'got' the third meaning - see, I am so naive that just went right past me, and you can see how that could be used against you in the right(wrong) circumstances :)

The rest of us picked up on it automatically.

Mind isn't in the gutter? And if so, why not? :D