View Full Version : Possible new ammo shortage if you believe this source (RUSSIAN IMPORTS RELATED)

Doc Safari
03-07-14, 13:28

The largest wholesale gun & ammo distributors in the US have informed us in private conversation today that a massive scramble is on for all 7.62 as Russia has reportedly halted all exports to the US of Russian made ammunition.

Our distributor source informed us that yesterday they had several hundred thousand rounds of Russian made 7.62 TulAmmo, and after receiving word early today on the halt of Russian exports to the US,they have been completely wiped out of every last round in the past 10 hours!

We have only several days supply of 7.62 on hand currently at SDBullion under normal market conditions, and expect it will disappear as quickly as 22 LR once word of the Russian export halt spreads.

I tend to question a lot of what Infowars posts because I think they tend to get some tidbit of information and treat it like it's an absolute fact instead of just a rumor, but judge for yourself.

03-07-14, 13:34
I've been seeing this on Facebook today...Mostly being reposted by local gun shops pimping ammo. ("We only have 5 cases of 7.62x39 left, come buy it while you can! We'll never get anymore EVER...Come now! Buy, buy, buy!!!!")

I'm not sure that I believe it, but I'm not sure that it matters. The simple fact that it's circulating will cause people to run out and buy up what they can, creating the very shortage the piece warns about.

03-07-14, 13:37
Russia is unlikely going to cut it's cash sources off. Now that fukk faced excuse of a President of ours might do something like this.

03-07-14, 13:43
Nothing drives a shortage like talk of a shortage. If people didn't get the message and change their habits after the last go-around, then so be it. Natural consequences.

Doc Safari
03-07-14, 13:43
Russia is unlikely going to cut it's cash sources off. Now that fukk faced excuse of a President of ours might do something like this.

That's what I was thinking (if it's true). What better way for Barry to do some more "under the radar" gun control and punish Russia economically at the same time?

03-07-14, 13:59
Pappabear and I had actually been talking about his scenario with our beloved Russian primers. Tula ammo will vaporize quicker than components... but I'm still concerned.

03-07-14, 14:07
Complete and utter BS. The original (and only) source of the rumor also happens to be selling Tula x39 for $10.99 a box.

03-07-14, 14:10
Obama has talked economic isolation of Russia already. It's just a matter of time.

03-07-14, 20:03
A quick search on ammoseek revealed plenty of M43–mostly Romanian/Ukrainian production–for <25˘/rnd.

I did notice my favorite place to get cases of 7n6 appears to be out though...

As previously stated, whether real or manufactured--shortages happen when people talk about them.

There's a lot to be said for having both NATO and Com block calibers--when one's short there's a good chance the other's in good supply.

ETA: 3/8 Checked ammoseek again and Russian stuff's definitely getting scarce. 5.45 is still out there at regular prices but already seeing $270 for a single spam can:eek:

03-07-14, 22:54
Russia is unlikely going to cut it's cash sources off. Now that fukk faced excuse of a President of ours might do something like this.

Winner winner chicken dinner for the markm man who phucking nailed it!

03-07-14, 23:57
Obama has talked economic isolation of Russia already. It's just a matter of time.

Good thing he never actually follows through with anything he's ever said. I rest easy.

03-08-14, 08:53
One of the online guns rags talked to the owner of wolf and he said they get ammo from Taiwan and some other eastern block european country that they have contingency plans in place for. Are the tula/wolf primers actually made in russia or some other fragment country of the former USSR?

03-08-14, 09:14
FWIW, I Just checked three online ammo sources that sell 762*39 wolf/russian ammo, sold out. I did find a case though for good price so russian ammo is still out there.

Mauser KAR98K
03-08-14, 11:07
Gun bot is showing that 7.62x39 is still out there, but the prices are steadily rising over this crap. Can't wait till my taxers get in so I snag a can of 7n6. I have gotten my neighbor's 12 year old into shooting, primarily my AK-74. This crap seriously hurts getting more new shooters on the cheap level.

Won't put it past Bozo to do an import ban. Right now what is stopping him is the mid-terms and he probably doesn't want to piss off more gun owners that he already has. Course, he has done some stupid things in election cycles that baffels the mind cause he thinks he is politically invinsable.

03-09-14, 12:18
Good thing he never actually follows through with anything he's ever said. I rest easy.

I hope you're right.

03-11-14, 03:51
Not to worried about x39 supply. Seems to me the way things are headed ,on worldwide scale, we are gonna be picking it up off the ground for free.

03-11-14, 08:40
Not to worried about x39 supply. Seems to me the way things are headed ,on worldwide scale, we are gonna be picking it up off the ground for free.

You mean when Putin invades us in the US while our retard politicians preach the Climate change lie? :sarcastic:

03-11-14, 11:23
Obama has talked economic isolation of Russia already. It's just a matter of time.

- It's an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, while having little real economic impact on either nation.
- It's been done before.

I hope you're not right.
That being said, there are other manufacturers of commbloc ammo. Or it could be an opportunity for domestic manufacture to become price competitive. Or a number of things. Political directives won't happen in a vacuum.

03-11-14, 12:46
- It's an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, while having little real economic impact on either nation.
- It's been done before.

I hope you're not right.
That being said, there are other manufacturers of commbloc ammo. Or it could be an opportunity for domestic manufacture to become price competitive. Or a number of things. Political directives won't happen in a vacuum.

The only thing going against sanctions, is the last time they were tried against Russia, they just didn't work so they were quickly rescinded. Russia is a big enough country, that the only import/export restrictions that would really hurt it, are oil and gas. Russkie gas comprises 20% of euro energy use, and they're not going without and the Chinese will be more than happy to buy up any Russian oil the rest of the world doesn't want.

And I doubt any US manufacters would drop their prices. I'm sure ATK would be more than happy to see either volume, profit margins or both go up....

03-16-14, 18:38
Sold my sks and 1200 rounds of 7.62x39 ammo and picked up my first AR. I believe that 5.56 will get less expensive over time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-18-14, 09:30
What do you all think about this quote from the Politco yesterday, "Monday’s order authorizes Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to work with Secretary of State John Kerry to impose asset freezes and travel restrictions on “any individual or entity that operates in the Russian arms industry, and any designated individual or entity that acts on behalf of, or that provides material or other support to, any senior Russian government official,” the White House said in a statement.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/russia-sanctions-ukraine-obama-executive-order-104728.html#ixzz2wK9Q7JIG

I know it was bought up a week ago that this might occur, from what I've read it is now a certainty. I believe Obama is going to stop the flow of guns and ammo from Russia to the US, and it will go unnoticed by most of he country. I cant stand the man, but he just limited the the availablity for many US shooters to acquire specific guns and ammo for most popular calibers under the guise of hurting Russia. Brilliant on his part. Will we see runs again on popular calibers due to this? I dont know what percentage of ammo that is in circulation in this country is Russian, but its no small amount. I know other countries in that part of the world manufacture ammo, but it all flows through the region in question. That is the problem. Putin couldnt care if Joe Schmoo in the USA wants to shoot his AK, so he dosent care were the ammo goes, and Obama certainly sees this as a win for him and other anti gunners. What say the forum?

03-18-14, 09:51
This member says "Stock up now on anything gun related that you can not live without".

03-18-14, 09:59
If this "crisis" lasts for a while, it may possibly drive the price of Wolf and Tula up, and may dry up the supply.

The EO states "Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person (including any foreign branch) of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:(B) to operate in the arms or related materiel sector in the Russian Federation.

I did a couple of quick searches on some of my favorite sites & didnt see any gouging today ($245 for 1K of wolf 762x39 delivered). But I suspect that as this "crisis" drags on, you will probably see the typical gun show thieves start adding premiums to their prices, as they do now with their 100% plus markups on 22LR.

So, as with the way things are in our current sociopolitical environment, prudence dictates that if you can afford it, and shoot a lot with your AK(M) or SKS, now may be a good time to stock up.

03-18-14, 09:59
The Hot Shot ammo that CAI imports is from the Ukraine. We'll just double order from them.

Sent via Tapatalk

03-18-14, 10:26
The law that gives authority for the sanctions is a little ambigious, but the analysis I've seen is that no, it won't stop general commerce like ammunition imports because it's tied to the specific named individuals. Think seizing bank accounts and real estate.

03-18-14, 10:26
As far as if they will try to apply this to guns/ammo, Who the hell knows. BUT The Bottom Line: The anti gun's ultimate goal is TOTAL Abolishment of firearms/ammo ownership!!! This is a battle that will be waged until they achieve their goal OR They don't. The GOAL will never change, and they WILL NEVER STOP TRYING.

They have already banned surplus M1 Garrand's and carbines from being re-imported back into the US. WTF- they were ours to begin with.

The Pro side should NEVER think that just because you have certain RIGHTS, today that you will Forever. This battle will continue LONG after I am dead and gone. It is a philosophical difference of opinion that will NEVER be AGREED upon!

03-18-14, 10:29
but I'm sure there will be people in the industry exploiting this fear, real or perceived. I guess the price of brass ammo will dictate it as if the cost gets close enough no one will buy the Russian stuff.

03-18-14, 10:38
but I'm sure there will be people in the industry exploiting this fear, real or perceived. I guess the price of brass ammo will dictate it as if the cost gets close enough no one will buy the Russian stuff.

CheaperThanDirt will be all over this.

Doc Safari
03-18-14, 10:42
This member says "Stock up now on anything gun related that you can not live without".

I agree.

Even if this thing in Ukraine doesn't turn into World War 3, just the sudden lack of availability of Russian ammo could put a higher demand on ammo from other sources, meaning production schedules will change and certain calibers could suddenly be in short supply just by virtue of the fact that manufacturers will adjust their production runs to the most popular calibers to meet the demand left dangling by the lack of Russian ammo.

On top of that, this crisis could hurt the US and world economies enough to cause prices to rise on anything gun related.

There's no need to panic, but I definitely believe that a slow, steady acquisition mode should be in every person's mind.

03-18-14, 10:55
I personally don't shoot anything but mil surplus but that will go up in price and lower in availability if the Russian supply dries up. I try to reload but sometimes that's not easy either. I hate to say I'm going to go buy more now that I read this.........but I am. I don't believe Wolf is Russian made but I have a feeling nothing will be going through this area for awhile.

03-18-14, 11:19
I don't believe Wolf is Russian made but I have a feeling nothing will be going through this area for awhile.


03-18-14, 11:27
Face palm moment. I was a thinking that new Wolf ammo with the reloadable brass. I read it was contracted by Wolf but not made by them. I've never tried the steel case anything. Sorry for the incorrect or at least generalized comment

03-18-14, 12:12
Face palm moment. I was a thinking that new Wolf ammo with the reloadable brass. I read it was contracted by Wolf but not made by them. I've never tried the steel case anything. Sorry for the incorrect or at least generalized comment

My understanding of Wolf has been that they're an importer and source is dependant upong caliber and composition. I know some of their .22 originates in Germany, Steel case is Ruskie and IIRC a fair portion of the brass stuff originates in various areas of the former Yugoslavia....

03-18-14, 12:20
Thats my view as well. It kinds gives me hope that some will get through. I just think anything shipping out of that area is going to be at the very least delayed. Supply and demand will go up and down and shortages will ensue. I still think Obama is thinking this as a double edge sword. On the face the uninformed will like that we are sanctioning Russia and on the other had he limits ammo and guns from responsible citizens. Its a win win for him. I know my supply is not where I want it. Had a hard time getting any and now its feasibly gonna get worse. Back to dry firing......alot!

03-18-14, 12:31
We kicked their a$$ in the cold war and they have been paying us back for years selling us garbage ammo. Looks like the cycle is going to reset...

03-18-14, 17:29
What I had read was it was just going to be 7.62x54
I don't have a paddle on this boat though as I reload everything I shoot.

03-18-14, 18:22
They have already banned surplus M1 Garrand's and carbines from being re-imported back into the US. WTF- they were ours to begin with.

The way I understood that going down is that certain people were unhappy that our gifts to them were going to be sold back to us.

Now for the possibility of ammo shortages... Ammo has made a comeback. I learned my lesson from the couple previous shortages. I went down pretty low this last time (not GZ low, but low) and vowed 'never again'. So I'm stocked.

03-18-14, 18:25
Threads merged.

03-18-14, 19:17
Seems like we are determined to stir up another run/hoarding scenario...

Most of the Tula I see in stores (case lots) are not Russian mfg. Many are Ukrainian, the opposite side of the sanctions.

Monarch, wolf gold, privi, etc are Serbian. Also not Russian. Some wolf gold is now from Taiwan.

Wolf mil classic can come from many sources, as can hot shot, etc.

If you need ammo, then get it. But let's not panic.

Sent from my PRC-104 using phonetics

03-19-14, 08:46
I noticed that my local Wal-Marts have been out of Tula for the past three weeks which is strange since this was one of there best stocked items for the past six months at the ammo counter.

03-19-14, 09:43
My Walmart is stocked with 5.56 brass ammo but very little Russian

Maybe we've already kick started a mini panic :suicide:

03-19-14, 10:03
Ukrainian imports will come in to fill the gap, it's just not immediate. There are Eastern European countries making ammo that we aren't taking issue with, and much of the buying is "in case $hit happens."

03-19-14, 10:40
Ukrainian imports will come in to fill the gap, it's just not immediate. There are Eastern European countries making ammo that we aren't taking issue with, and much of the buying is "in case $hit happens."

Unless their ammo manufacturing plants were in the occupied zone, Who knows how this split will affect Ukraine ammo exports.

03-26-14, 19:14
I hit up a few of my local Wal-Marts yesterday looking for some Tula .223 and found they all had a resupply after a few week drought, when asked the asst. operations manger for the one store stated that all steel cased ammo except for Hornady is almost gone in their regional warehouses with no more is expected from the importer. He speculated that with the Russian/Ukraine incident currently happening that the importer got slammed by dealers speculating the supply of Russian steel cased Wolf-Tula-Herters-Brown and Silver bear would dry up causing prices to spike until its gone.

I did scored 880rds between three stores so a can pad my reserve a bit more for the lean times coming.

03-27-14, 10:22
I was watching the news a few minutes ago...It seems that Russia is now massing troops along the eastern Ukrainian border, exactly what this means I don't know.. As was pointed out, a ban on imported Russian ammo/firearms is too good for Obumbo to turn down, I think it's just a matter of time, and if Putin makes another land-grab, time maybe very short. I'd suggest stocking up now, while ammo is still easy to find. I learned my lesson after Newtown, and have since stocked up on reloading components...(9mm, .45, .223, etc, I don't have any Soviet calibers)I'm not going to get caught low on components again..

03-27-14, 18:00

This has me really worried.

03-27-14, 18:29

This has me really worried.

We all knew this would eventually happen to 5.45 also because of idiots chasing a dollar.

03-27-14, 19:06
I checked my local Wal-Mart and they were out of Russian steel cased 7.62x39 but had plenty in .308 and .223. Usually this store has a ton of Tula 7.62x39.

03-28-14, 17:06
It's official, no more surplus 5.45 (7n6). It's been banned from import according to direct confirmation from BATF via phone by several people including Copes Distributing and Aim Surplus. I can't say what I really think right now.

03-28-14, 17:11
It's official, no more surplus 5.45 (7n6). It's been banned from import according to direct confirmation from BATF via phone by several people including Copes Distributing and Aim Surplus. I can't say what I really think right now.

You can say "I saw this coming years ago so I stocked up on 5.45 steel core". I dont know why everybody is acting surprised. Same thing happened when 5.56 & x39 pistols came out.

03-28-14, 18:05
You can say "I saw this coming years ago so I stocked up on 5.45 steel core". I dont know why everybody is acting surprised. Same thing happened when 5.56 & x39 pistols came out.

I have probably over 10k for my two rifles that fire it, but I still don't feel that's enough. I'll have to control myself and only shoot the non-corrosive stuff and hope a decent domestic manufacturer will pick it up.

03-28-14, 18:07
It's official, no more surplus 5.45 (7n6). It's been banned from import according to direct confirmation from BATF via phone by several people including Copes Distributing and Aim Surplus. I can't say what I really think right now.

Can you cite references please.

03-28-14, 18:12
Can you cite references please.

I've seen several individuals post about calling in. One guy even recorded it and posted it. This post from Bryan at Aim seals the deal for me:


03-28-14, 18:13
I've seen several individuals post about calling in. One guy even recorded it and posted it. This post from Bryan at Aim seals the deal for me:


Thanks, this more or less confirms it for me too. I wonder if we'll see any civil suit come from this.

03-28-14, 18:14
You can say "I saw this coming years ago so I stocked up on 5.45 steel core". I dont know why everybody is acting surprised. Same thing happened when 5.56 & x39 pistols came out.

Dude, I saw it coming and prepared for it. That ain't the point. Plenty of us aren't surprised, but it still pisses me off.

03-28-14, 18:22
Dude, I saw it coming and prepared for it. That ain't the point. Plenty of us aren't surprised, but it still pisses me off.

Why? Ammo classified as AP is illegal if it can be chambered in a handgun. Handgun in 5.45 has existed for some time. ATF finally caught up with it. I agree that this will end a cheap source of ammo. But, if this is the worst thing that happens to me today, I'll take it with a smile.

03-28-14, 18:38
Why? Ammo classified as AP is illegal if it can be chambered in a handgun. Handgun in 5.45 has existed for some time. ATF finally caught up with it. I agree that this will end a cheap source of ammo. But, if this is the worst thing that happens to me today, I'll take it with a smile.

Why does it piss me off? You really have to ask that? How 'bout if they ban all imports, will you take that with a smile?

03-28-14, 18:40
Why does it piss me off? You really have to ask that? How 'bout if they ban all imports, will you take that with a smile?

If it's banned due to being illegal due to an existing law, yes.

03-28-14, 18:47
If it's banned due to being illegal due to an existing law, yes.

So you actually enjoy these kind of illogical laws that make it more prohibitive for Americans to own guns and ammo. OK.

03-28-14, 19:06
So you actually enjoy these kind of illogical laws that make it more prohibitive for Americans to own guns and ammo. OK.

This law is only preventing AP ammo that can be chambered in handguns. It has been around some time. As Americans we have the best gun rights in the world. If that feels unfair, I dont know what to tell you. This is one type of ammo for one caliber. Hardly stomping any rights. Where is the bleeding heart for 5.7 ammo? 5.7 was designed for AP reasons and is gutless without AP ammo. Yet, people still buy the caliber. This is getting off topic and I can see this will cost you a little extra money to shoot as much as you like. I am dropping it.

03-28-14, 21:32
Well that's it–looks like 7n6 has been wiped from the shelves.

03-28-14, 21:50
Quote Removed - SeriousStudent

03-31-14, 08:51
We have boxes of that commie stuff its all over in Kolorado, We also have tons of 223 at full blown prices, nobody in there right mind will by this crap at these prices, .60 a round for 223 are they kidding 1.00 a round for 308 almost a 1.00 or more for 357 I hope they choke on this crap. I don't own commie guns, Haven't seen wolf ammo in years. Wont shoot Tulamo don't need my guns screwed up was told that stuff is pure junk. Is it 2016 yet, I sure hope America has learned its lesson but something tells me, It hasn't

03-31-14, 08:57
If Russia was smart they would flood the market with well built but cheaper ammo and break the greed grabbing U.S. plants. Get 223 back to .20 a round and 308 back to .30 a round now that would work for me. They could sell all they could produce.

03-31-14, 09:13
All of this panic buying lately seems like a quick, (and profitable), way to up arm the citizenry.

03-31-14, 09:29
If Russia was smart they would flood the market with well built but cheaper ammo and break the greed grabbing U.S. plants. Get 223 back to .20 a round and 308 back to .30 a round now that would work for me.

Demand sets the price... not emotion. It's not the manufacturers' faults that idiots go into panic hoarding frenzy mode. Gee... do you think the demand for raw materials for metalic cartridges has gone up? Manufacturers aren't obligated to absorb those costs to protect your interests.

When dumb asses quit supporting $8 or $9 20 round boxes of FMJ ammo, the price will drop.

08-03-14, 13:39
Cheap Russian steel case .223 is getting harder to find. Would use it only as a last resort. I am saving all my fired brass and will be rolling my own. That will drop my cost to about .25 per round.

08-04-14, 01:21
Today was the first day I noticed ALL Russian steel cased .223 and 7.62x39 was cleaned off the shelf at a local Wal-Mart.

08-04-14, 02:54
Today was the first day I noticed ALL Russian steel cased .223 and 7.62x39 was cleaned off the shelf at a local Wal-Mart.

It's gone in my area too. Managed to pick up a case of Tula Uly 8M3 online last week--they're cleaned out now too.

Guess its time to kiss the ruskie stuff goodbye, wait for the panic to blow over and hope that the Ukraine and Serb plants pick up the slack.

ETA: Is there any factory outside Russia using the 8M3 bullet?

08-04-14, 03:56
You guys got me worried, just ordered a case of from Aim...


08-04-14, 22:58
I don't buy Wolf or Tula anymore, haven't for a couple years, but I really dread this putting pressure on the rest of the ammo supply. Damn that Castro wannabe f***stick, can't he just go away so we don't have to keep putting up with this crap?

08-04-14, 23:00
...not this again. I still really need 7.62 and PPU 30-06.

08-05-14, 03:16
Found quit a bit of Russian 7.62x39 at two different Academy stores and Cheaper Than Dirt, I was surprised that CTD had the best price going for under $5 per box.

08-06-14, 01:25
Markm, you're a GD prophet.

From March 7th:

Russia is unlikely going to cut it's cash sources off. Now that fukk faced excuse of a President of ours might do something like this.

Tula primers are still on sale at midway--get em while the getting is good.

08-06-14, 15:48
Markm, you're a GD prophet.

From March 7th:

Tula primers are still on sale at midway--get em while the getting is good.

I have a stack of these at the house. Might have to switch to CCI for all non essential Accuracy loads.

08-06-14, 16:20
Tula primers are still on sale at midway--get em while the getting is good.

Thanks for the heads up. I've got a few K of these already but I don't see them ever becoming available again... at least not anytime soon.

08-06-14, 16:21
Which is better, Tula or Wolf. I've got a bunch of the Wolf SRMs.

08-06-14, 16:26
Which is better, Tula or Wolf. I've got a bunch of the Wolf SRMs.

I got this one Mark...


08-06-14, 16:49
I have a stack of these at the house. Might have to switch to CCI for all non essential Accuracy loads.

Glad you got a stash put up.
The Tula primers were just a better deal being $20-$30 cheaper per 5k than CCI.

Thanks for the heads up. I've got a few K of these already but I don't see them ever becoming available again... at least not anytime soon.

No prob. I picked up 15k small pistol and 5k small rifle primers on sale last month--surprised to see em still available at midway with what's going on.

If I had a do over, I would've got all SR's since you can use em for pistol too. I had no idea they were gonna stop being imported at the time though.

08-06-14, 18:09

As a Veteran and Patriotic American I say SCREW RUSSIA and all their ammo and components.

The only way I would buy anything from Russia or ChiCom if there isn't anything else available.



08-06-14, 18:16

As a Veteran and Patriotic American I say SCREW RUSSIA and all their ammo and components.

The only way I would buy anything from Russia or ChiCom if there isn't anything else available.



While I get what you're saying & I agree to an extent, but you've obviously never reloaded ammo using Russian primers. :)

08-06-14, 18:29
While I get what you're saying & I agree to an extent, but you've obviously never reloaded ammo using Russian primers. :)

Amen. Got to have them.

08-06-14, 19:50
I'm with you on the RU primers (for rifles anyway) due to how mild they are but you will have a few per 5K that are missing an anvil, etc.

08-06-14, 20:09
I got this one Mark...


Yeah, but that was six months ago! :sarcastic:

08-06-14, 20:23
I'm with you on the RU primers (for rifles anyway) due to how mild they are but you will have a few per 5K that are missing an anvil, etc.

You do have to look at them. There's also an occasional damaged/out of round primer cup. I haven't found a damaged one in a while.... but every primer I've ran has been fine.

08-06-14, 21:04
You do have to look at them. There's also an occasional damaged/out of round primer cup. I haven't found a damaged one in a while.... but every primer I've ran has been fine.

Not corrosive?

08-07-14, 07:58
Not corrosive?

Nope. No level of performance would be worth running a corrosive primer for me.

I guess they're just the same primer you'd fine in off the shelf WOLF or TULA ammo... but when you run them behind a good bullet instead of the nasty ones you get in Wolf or Tula, they really shine.

08-07-14, 08:04
Nope. No level of performance would be worth running a corrosive primer for me.

I guess they're just the same primer you'd fine in off the shelf WOLF or TULA ammo... but when you run them behind a good bullet instead of the nasty ones you get in Wolf or Tula, they really shine.

Have you tried to do Mexican Match with the Tula brass cases and primers yet?

08-07-14, 08:19
Have you tried to do Mexican Match with the Tula brass cases and primers yet?

No. Just Herters. Swapping out the bullet in Herters and replacing it with a 69 gr SMK took the round from 4 MOA to 1 MOA.

But just look at the steel cased Hornady. I'm sure that is all Russian primer and case with American powder and bullets. Works pretty good.

08-07-14, 08:45
No. Just Herters. Swapping out the bullet in Herters and replacing it with a 69 gr SMK took the round from 4 MOA to 1 MOA.

But just look at the steel cased Hornady. I'm sure that is all Russian primer and case with American powder and bullets. Works pretty good.

Yeah. I have some of the hornday steel 55 gr and shoot 600 yards at 8" plate no problem at all

08-07-14, 09:00
Russians make a decent ammo... as far as consistency and straightness... etc. I was surprised when I really dug into some and measured everything....

But they drop the ball on the bullet. The bullets suck. Had they put good bullets in their ammo, not too many people would buy American .223.

08-24-14, 04:01
Anybody else notice steel 7.62 rising a little?

08-25-14, 19:45
Anybody else notice steel 7.62 rising a little?

Right when the word hit that imports were being banned I paid $5.99 a box for Tula 124gr 8M3.

So far, the standard wolf, silver bear etc seems to be holding at $230 a case before shipping.

Tula 8M3 is getting harder to find and Golden Tiger seems to be wiped out (sucks).

What are you seeing as far as price increases go?

Wish I could keep buying more and more Russian ammo but I'm getting tired of this game especially right on the heels of 7n6 being banned.

Gonna go drool over SB-15 equipped AR pistols now:)

08-25-14, 19:49
The Russian companies I suspect will sell it to a third party in another country that will package it as made somewhere else.

"Not all who wonder are lost" .

08-26-14, 01:44
Right when the word hit that imports were being banned I paid $5.99 a box for Tula 124gr 8M3.

So far, the standard wolf, silver bear etc seems to be holding at $230 a case before shipping.

Tula 8M3 is getting harder to find and Golden Tiger seems to be wiped out (sucks).

What are you seeing as far as price increases go?

Wish I could keep buying more and more Russian ammo but I'm getting tired of this game especially right on the heels of 7n6 being banned.

Gonna go drool over SB-15 equipped AR pistols now:)

No hard data, it just seems like there are a lot less listings on gunbot under the "good deal threshold."

08-28-14, 05:51
Hate the fluctuations. Wish I had the $ to buy more than I needed and then stop looking at the prices.

Oh well it has driven me to reloading so that's a win. :)

08-28-14, 06:04
Hate the fluctuations. Wish I had the $ to buy more than I needed and then stop looking at the prices.

Oh well it has driven me to reloading so that's a win. :)

Soon you will be addicted to hunting brass and trying to keep up with the empty cases.

08-29-14, 02:58
Already there.. Already there. Kids even have fun sorting brass (lots of hand washing during/after)

Soon you will be addicted to hunting brass and trying to keep up with the empty cases.

09-14-14, 12:47
Amen. Got to have them.

These Russian primers are superior to Winchester etc, or the same level of performance for a lower price?