View Full Version : Very Impressive Brief Clip Of A Gunman Swiftly Taken To Task By Unarmed Man

03-07-14, 16:22
He has my respect.


Dead Man
03-07-14, 16:29
Instinct is solid in that one.

Love how none of those whose lives he just saved bother to give the man a hand.

03-07-14, 16:48
Instinct is solid in that one.

Love how none of those whose lives he just saved bother to give the man a hand.

I was thinking the same, in fact I'll go so far as to say that maybe he should have gotten an accurate shot or two off at his intended target(s) before his beat down.

03-07-14, 17:38
Somebody understands the nature of "move or lose."

And yeah, only one guy running to help and he's not even the closest one. Glad it went well.

03-07-14, 18:56
That dude is quick for a big man.

03-07-14, 19:07
That dude is quick for a big man.

It is amazing how fast you find you can move when it is that or die.

03-07-14, 20:03
The number of times I was told I was full of shit on this forum for saying I worked in a "security field" while being a bouncer...

Good for this guy!!! I wonder how many people out there realize how often this happens in their communities after they go to bed, the cops are never called, and everyone goes about their lives normally... Bouncers don't get the support of a state apparatus, thousands of dollars of gear, and in many cases the luxury of calling for back up. I'm glad I never have to do it again

03-07-14, 20:58
It is amazing how fast you find you can move when it is that or die.

I like the reverse elbow that he landed as they moved down the hall.

03-07-14, 21:16
I like the reverse elbow that he landed as they moved down the hall.

The elbow has real knockdown power.

03-07-14, 21:45
That guy owned the dude. I don't know how many of you have fought in a tight space like that, but he was a master at his craft.

03-07-14, 21:57
The number of times I was told I was full of shit on this forum for saying I worked in a "security field" while being a bouncer...

Good for this guy!!! I wonder how many people out there realize how often this happens in their communities after they go to bed, the cops are never called, and everyone goes about their lives normally... Bouncers don't get the support of a state apparatus, thousands of dollars of gear, and in many cases the luxury of calling for back up. I'm glad I never have to do it again

Yep, you aren't always just a parking lot attendant / drunk caddy. I did club security for a few years back in my young and broke days. Never had to deal with anything close to a gun, but I probably got more "real time" fighting experience than in any dojo or gym. Every weekend, without fail, somebody would start some shit and want to fight about it.

03-07-14, 22:11
The other security individual made a hasty advance to the rear, cleverly drawing the attention of the would be shooter which allowed the burly bouncer to disarm the man. She is the real hero here.

03-08-14, 10:43
The elbow has real knockdown power.

Do you think that was a .45 Cal elbow ?


03-08-14, 23:09
Do you think that was a .45 Cal elbow ?


Well of course it was! .45 Elbows are the only kind that count...

I agree with one of the above posters that the other security individual did do the guy a favor. But it was ultimately the door man that handled this.

Watching the video kind of makes me want to get in a fight again in a narrow hallway.

I never dealt with someone pulling a gun. I dealt with guns, but it was more the "I'm carrying" kind of situation, or there was one night were we essentially made it obvious that the two dudes considering getting a gun wouldn't leave the bar happy and it never happened. But what I did deal with was several group fights, the use of dogs as weapons, knives, a hatchet, and at one other point a compound bow (which was just funny). I've never studied a fighting style at a gym or dojo. I'm a brawler and that's what I've always been, and it worked really well when I had an actual job that required I know how to fight.

03-09-14, 00:19
Well of course it was! .45 Elbows are the only kind that count...

I agree with one of the above posters that the other security individual did do the guy a favor. But it was ultimately the door man that handled this.

Watching the video kind of makes me want to get in a fight again in a narrow hallway.

I never dealt with someone pulling a gun. I dealt with guns, but it was more the "I'm carrying" kind of situation, or there was one night were we essentially made it obvious that the two dudes considering getting a gun wouldn't leave the bar happy and it never happened. But what I did deal with was several group fights, the use of dogs as weapons, knives, a hatchet, and at one other point a compound bow (which was just funny). I've never studied a fighting style at a gym or dojo. I'm a brawler and that's what I've always been, and it worked really well when I had an actual job that required I know how to fight.

You'll find this funny. Some of the downtown Ft. Lauderdale nightclubs were actually upstairs above other businesses. So that of course meant a stairway in and out. For some reason nearly every security dude who worked their had managed to spend time learning Daito Ryu Aiki Jutsu (basically advanced joint locking) although strangely enough never from the same school or teacher. But at any rate we all kind of knew the same things.

So we developed a contest for patron removal involving how fast you could get them outside and onto the sidewalk. And when you have a solid wrist lock, elbow lock and everything is torquing into the shoulder making them try and stand on their tippy toes you can almost run with somebody regardless of if they actually want to leave or not.

One guy was so good at it that he could snatch somebody from the middle of the club, move them to the exit, down a flight of stairs and out the front door onto the sidewalk in less than 30 seconds. This with them resisting and trying to slam on the brakes the entire time. That was also when you could walk them into walls and door jams if they were being especially belligerent and the police would never write up a report.

03-09-14, 00:46
Do you think that was a .45 Cal elbow ?

No that was full power 10mm

03-09-14, 10:29
Some of you guys confuse me.

In one thread, you'll exclaim "My CCW is for me and mine! I use it to get to safety and that's it!"

In another, you'll say "No one even rushed to help that guy!"

Which is it?

03-09-14, 10:31
How about the security person who ran away? I wonder if she got fired?