View Full Version : Pistol training feedback

03-07-14, 23:56
I got my gen 3 GLOCK 17 recently in order to start learning how to use handguns correctly. I have not done anything to the gun other than adding regular Warren Sevigny sights. I am assuming that my front sight is the .215" type.

Currently I'm only shooting the pistol at a static line trying to get better and the core fundamentals. I figured I should be familiar with my own handgun before I sign up for any pistol class (need to learn how to walk before you run).

It looks like my handgun shoots POA=POI at 7yds fine.

Here is a target I shot on Wednesday at 7yds at an indoor range. This is the best I've done with this handgun thus far.

Today I went to a different range and I was shooting at 10yds. I didn't really hit shit even though I didn't change anything in the way I was shooting. Possibly the only thing I did differently was to shoot with both eyes open. I also used a smaller target, but not that smaller. I don't believe the size of the circle would make any difference in my shooting anyway.

I shot my pistol for two firing periods and I used a center hold the entire time.
I know that during the first session when I was warming up, most of my shots were hitting lower, at 4-5 o clock. I'm pretty sure this was my doing.

1)As a left handed shooter how do I fix the fact that I'm shooting low? I noticed this has been consistent with me 50% of the time I shoot pistols.

During the second session, I put up a Shoot-N-C target and pretty much missed it all. I was already warmed up and I was more confident in my ability at the time. Regardless, I didn't hit shit. 2)Could this be because of the POI with Warren sights at different distances? I must admit I don't fully understand their POI scheme; all I know is that my sights on a GLOCK 17 are supposed to hit dead on at 20 yds. (A distance which I haven't tried due to my inexperience).

Thank you for taking the time to read this and with any feedback you may have. I'm just trying to do my part in learning how to be proficient with the handgun.

I do dry fire it at home, but perhaps I'm not doing enough?

03-08-14, 00:33
I would have someone who is experienced shoot the pistol to check the sights - or maybe someone here can help you with that.

As for shooting low, Its easy to do - I do it if I flinch. Dry fire. I try to dry fire a few minutes a day. Go slow and get your trigger control down until you don't move the gun, then try pulling faster and faster until you can mash the trigger (like you are shooting quickly) without moving the gun. It will take months to get good even at dry fireing. That's not even including actual live fire! Don't get frustrated (you will, but...), the learning curve of pistols is pretty steep and you should see results over time. Little things like lighting can make a big difference in performance - especially of beginners. I wouldn't get hung up on one day of shooting, keep track of your progress over time to get realistic views of your performance. Some days you shoot like crap - it happens to us all (well, most).

When I got my first rifle(ak) I couldn't hit a target at 25yds. It will take lots of time and ammo to get good but it seems your on the right track.

03-08-14, 00:45
Yeah, I remember the day I shot my very first rifle for the very first time.

The other thing is that I have realized that pistol training takes up a lot of ammo. Where is the best place to get practice 9mm ammo? I have maybe 600 rnds left. I don't keep an exact round count but I'd estimate that I've shot +/- 200-250 between today and last Wednesday. This stash of ammo I inherited, but I need to replace it so I can keep working on this skill.

03-09-14, 15:15
online or wallmart. I wouldn't more than $11/50rds for practice ammo. Tula can be found at wallmart for $10 and some places online have it for about $9 - when its in stock. 9mm is still difficult to come by - my buddy checks online and when wallmart gets a case in - he shoots up there to grab a box since they sell out within hours.

03-09-14, 15:59
I would have someone who is experienced shoot the pistol to check the sights - or maybe someone here can help you with that.

As for shooting low, Its easy to do - I do it if I flinch. Dry fire. I try to dry fire a few minutes a day. Go slow and get your trigger control down until you don't move the gun, then try pulling faster and faster until you can mash the trigger (like you are shooting quickly) without moving the gun. It will take months to get good even at drfirringng. That's not even including actual live fire! Don't get frustrated (you will, but...), the learning curve of pistols is pretty steep and you should see results over time. Little things like lighting can make a big difference in performance - especially of beginners. I wouldn't get hung up on one day of shooting, keep track of your progress over time to get realistic views of your performance. Some days you shoot like crap - it happens to us all (well, most).

When I got my first rifle(ak) I couldn't hit a target at 25yds. It will take lots of time and ammo to get good but it seems your on the right track.

online or wallmart. I wouldn't more than $11/50rds for practice ammo. Tula can be found at wallmart for $10 and some places online have it for about $9 - when its in stock. 9mm is still difficult to come by - my buddy checks online and when wallmart gets a case in - he shoots up there to grab a box since they sell out within hours.

Good info for sure ! I agree/disagree with the Dry Firing,,it helps ALOT and you need to do it,,but I think it helps more with knowing your triggers feel/break/reset/etc more than your flinch ! When you practice dry fire you KNOW there are no rds in the gun & your brain knows it also and you will hardly flinch when doing this. When I practice dry fire I do it from my holster,that way I am getting draw strokes/grip/follow through/aim/fire all in one ! Also when you do this put a dot/target/aiming point on the wall to aim at. When it comes to flinching,get Dummy Rounds,,they go futher towards getting rid of a flinch than anything I feel,mix them in with your reg rds,or best yet,have a buddy load your mags for you mixing them in,,its the best way I feel,ya never know when they will show up ! Plus with the dummy rds your getting a tap/rack function in the mix also, don't be afraid to put two dummies on top of each other, frustrating, but it WORKS !
As far as point of impact, shoot the gun from a Solid rest, its the only way to find out what its doing and where its hitting, have a buddy do the same thing for you also. Ammo is a ongoing battle, although around my parts 9mm is everyplace & I'm in NY ! ;) If you look online there should be tons of places to get it reasonable, let me know if ya need a few links to ammo vendors, although I'm sure some other guys will help out in that area ! Keep us posted on how ya make out !