View Full Version : Bystanders Rescue Children From Murderous Parent...

03-08-14, 15:39
Every now and then people do the right thing. In this case people stopped their cars in the middle of the road and ran into the ocean to save some kids from a psycho bitch parent who was trying to kill them.

Police: Mother who drove into ocean with children accused of attempted murder (http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/07/justice/florida-mother-minivan-ocean/)

A woman accused of driving a minivan into the Atlantic Ocean with her three children in Florida was arrested Friday on three counts of attempted first-degree murder, Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson said.

Ebony Wilkerson was trying to kill her children -- ages 3, 9 and 10 -- when she drove into the surf Tuesday in Daytona Beach, Johnson said.


Ebony Wilkerson was pregnant at the time.



03-08-14, 15:54
Kudos to the two men who stopped and the lifeguards for saving these kids. Unlike the children of Susan Smith and Andrea Yates, these kids will at least get an opportunity (hopefully) at some semblance of a normal life.

03-08-14, 16:10
Kudos to the two men who stopped and the lifeguards for saving these kids. Unlike the children of Susan Smith and Andrea Yates, these kids will at least get an opportunity (hopefully) at some semblance of a normal life.

I'm sure everybody thought they were rescuing some retard tourist who accidentally drove into the ocean. When one of the kids yelled "Help...our Mom is trying to kill us" I'm sure it was a serious wake up call to all the rescuers. I can't imagine hearing "The baby is still strapped in the car seat" after pulling two kids out.

If it was just me, after (hopefully) getting all the kids out, I'd have let that psycho just keep driving into the ocean.

Somehow I don't think kids have a chance at being normal once one of their parents tries to murder them, but at least they are alive and will have "as normal as possible" lives. Somehow I think they will save a few bucks every Mother's Day on cards, flowers and dinner.

Big A
03-08-14, 16:42
Why is it always our state that attracts the weirdos?

03-08-14, 17:48
If Obama had a sister . . .

03-08-14, 18:02
"Ebony" Wilkerson was pregnant at the time.

That about says it all right there in one succinct line.

03-08-14, 21:28
Not to fear. Reports are already surfacing that she was in an abusive relationship.

It's not her fault. Someone else made her do it.

03-08-14, 21:34
Not to fear. Reports are already surfacing that she was in an abusive relationship.

It's not her fault. Someone else made her do it.

Oprah special to follow . . .