View Full Version : An open letter to 22LR buyers and seekers...

03-08-14, 22:06
The reason why .22LR is missing from the selves, besides individual hoarding...resell at a marked up price.


ammo reseller who makes daily trips to all of your area Wal Marts and sporting goods stores looking for 22LR at retail price. You get home and put it immediately for sale on Gunbroker, Armslist or at your local gun show at a 200-300% markup.

The “demand” is created when these sellers buy all of the 22LR at retail price from chain stores. These chain stores are the largest retailers of 22LR in the country. This creates the illusion that the ammo is scarce. When people think something is scarce, they feel they need to buy it even more so than normal. This is where the so called “demand” is coming from. Now, I do understand that there is a real demand increase due to market conditions that include tons of new gun owners in the last year as well as fear of future availability of ammo. However, we’ve already seen the centerfire ammo market more or less rebound in most areas of the country from the 2013 ammo panic, but the rimfire market seems to be getting worse. Why is this?

It’s pretty simple actually. It’s very economical for someone to walk into a department store and buy those three 550 round boxes of 22LR. It costs them less than $75 out of pocket. If they bring a friend or spouse along, they can probably clean out an ammo department’s daily shipment, even despite purchase limits. It’s much harder for your average joe off the street to do this with centerfire ammo. The retail cost is too high to purchase large amounts on a daily basis for most people. However, due to the low retail cost of rimfire, they can buy it all..

03-08-14, 22:45
Saw lots of flippers at a gun show today and for the first time in a long time I did not see a lot of sales. Tables were full of overpriced rimfire ammo at the end of the day. Hopefully we're seeing the end of this thing.

03-09-14, 12:20
I simply do not buy rimfire at any flip price. I've walked into Cabelas and they'll sell it limit 100 rounds. I'll grab 100 there, but not from any of these flip ****tards.

03-09-14, 13:53
I'll buy it if I happen to be passing through some place that has normal retail prices, but not at any marked up price, especially if they're an online douche trying to f--k consumers by flipping the item. X10 for gun shows.

03-09-14, 15:53
I've only got around 700rds of .22lr oh hand and I haven't bought any in over 2yrs and won't until this sickness stops. I hope all these "flippers" choke on a tootsie pop and die.

03-09-14, 16:13
My 6 year old daughter like to shoot.
I bought her a CMMG .22LR upper and built her a 80% lower.
Picked her up 5 mags but I only had a handful of .22LR.

Lucked out big time!
On a whim I stopped at Wal-Mart one morning after work.
A case of Winchester 555 was being unboxed!
I bought the maximum allowed.

Then I stopped at the Wal-Mart by my house.
They got the same shipment!
Again I bought the maximum allowed.

Scored my little Pickles over 3k of ammo.
She can shoot all summer long.

I will be buying any more I fall into at retail.
The flippers can go to hell, they ain't getting my cash.

03-10-14, 06:19
This is why panic happens. People don't see their ammo in stock so they go straight to the online market places and goble the stuff up. The people flipping it see it goes fast and keep doing it. Then they tell a friend, so they do it to in order to make a quick buck. And these idiots keep buying.

I already have seen x39 ammo start doing the same thing.

There isn't a panic. The stuff is being produced. It's still available.

Although I will say some vendors are just as bad as the people buying the marked up ammo in perpetuating the whole deal.

Mauser KAR98K
03-10-14, 10:44
Thanks to these douchbags (neckbeards) and now the "panic" on x39, my niece and her friend can't continue to shoot on the cheep. Really wanted them to start on .22LR but for some damn reason can't find it, and hell, some of the flipper prices I have seen, 5.45 is cheaper.

People need to start telling others don't buy the overpriced stuff, and tell the social security old guy he is limiting new shooters when they buy and flip. (Someone should report them to the IRS for the extra income).

Case in point:

03-10-14, 15:00
It's stupid easy for people to create this sort of artificial scarcity demand.

If you look at the total .22LR manafacturing capacity claimed by the NSSF, break it down by 500rd bricks and then divide by just the number of MAJOR brick and mortar retailers (wal-mart, Bass pro, Academy, etc etc), it's only like 12 bricks per store per day. You can see where that number goes when you add in mom and pop shops and online retailers. One estimate I saw was that it was only 2-3 bricks per retailer per day.

That's part of the reason I refuse to buy at these elevated prices. I've got enough .22 stocked up to last for years so there's no way I'm paying $50-$75 a brick. There are already indications that some manufacturers are bringing more capacity online so it's only a matter of time before the "shortage" goes away.

03-10-14, 15:26
I would say that demand would be the same regardless, and that people buying and flipping are giving an indication of the real market price of rimfire. Their higher prices actually increase the amount available to market because, if observations are correct, they are priced too high for more people to buy. They're actually preventing gaps in supply by flipping. Eventually they'll have to lower their prices to a point it's no longer feasible, or the market supply/demand will shift so dramatically some may end up sitting on a large inventory they can not move. But I wouldn't call it scarcity if it hasn't been removed from the market. That really only occurs when capacity to produce something exists, but isn't used. Think price caps disincentivizing .22lr manufacturers from producing so much because producing 9mm is more profitable.

03-10-14, 19:08
Think price caps disincentivizing .22lr manufacturers from producing so much because producing 9mm is more profitable.

This is the real reason.

03-10-14, 19:24
Scored my little Pickles over 3k of ammo.
She can shoot all summer long.

I will be buying any more I fall into at retail.

I've got enough .22 stocked up to last for years so there's no way I'm paying $50-$75 a brick.

This is called "hoarding." Given that all of us are doing this (or attempting to do this), we can all look in the mirror to see who is to blame for the "shortage" of cheap .22lr ammo.

I would say that demand would be the same regardless, and that people buying and flipping are giving an indication of the real market price of rimfire. Their higher prices actually increase the amount available to market because, if observations are correct, they are priced too high for more people to buy. They're actually preventing gaps in supply by flipping. Eventually they'll have to lower their prices to a point it's no longer feasible, or the market supply/demand will shift so dramatically some may end up sitting on a large inventory they can not move.

Amen to this. God bless the flippers (God bless free enterprise).

Saw lots of flippers at a gun show today and for the first time in a long time I did not see a lot of sales. Tables were full of overpriced rimfire ammo at the end of the day.

The market is working...

03-11-14, 09:27
I would say that demand would be the same regardless, and that people buying and flipping are giving an indication of the real market price of rimfire. Their higher prices actually increase the amount available to market because, if observations are correct, they are priced too high for more people to buy. They're actually preventing gaps in supply by flipping. Eventually they'll have to lower their prices to a point it's no longer feasible, or the market supply/demand will shift so dramatically some may end up sitting on a large inventory they can not move. But I wouldn't call it scarcity if it hasn't been removed from the market. That really only occurs when capacity to produce something exists, but isn't used. Think price caps disincentivizing .22lr manufacturers from producing so much because producing 9mm is more profitable.

While I don't disagree, to a certain extent buying everything on the shelf and creating the appearance of a shortage is a bit of psychological manipulation of the market. It's really similar to the effect when a rumor goes around that there will be a gas shortage in a particular locale. People rush out to fill up their tanks because they fear not getting any, and lo and behold there's a shortage, because the whole system is designed around the fact that in general everyone doesn't have to fill up on exactly the same day. When everyone does try and fill up, the tanks run dry, there's a shortage and suddenly people are willing to pay $10/gallon because they fear going without, even though their tank is half full and more tanker trucks will show up tomorrow.

To a certain extent I think .22 is the same way. People see bare shelves and are suddenly willing to pay many multiples of what they were before out of fear of going without. If there was even 1 brick on the shelf a lot of buyers would decide they really don't need any right now.

Granted the end result is going to be the same. There will eventually be a production ramp up and as soon as there's more than the flippers can buy, prices will collapse. They're speculators just like with any other investment and in all probability they'll end up holding the bag at some point. Not that that's a terrible threat given the shelf price of .22.

This is called "hoarding." Given that all of us are doing this (or attempting to do this), we can all look in the mirror to see who is to blame for the "shortage" of cheap .22lr ammo.

Most of mine I bought slowly over the last 10 years so I never have to worry if I have any when I head to the range. I shoot .22 nearly every trip. Fact is the last .22 I bought was a few hundred rounds of stingers in 2007 for my P22 that won't eat nearly anything else. If anything I'm a downward force on the price because I refuse to pay $50/brick :p

03-11-14, 11:09
Why didn't people stock up when the prices were low and the ammo abundant. Those who live out of the store are bound to go hungry when the store is closed so to say. The price is too high do not buy. Or be a total fool and buy Your choice don't put the blame elsewhere.

03-12-14, 08:04
Amen to foresight! People keep asking me at the range where am I finding all my ammo? I just smile and reply "My Closet!" Anyone who didn't see the threat of the current Administration(?) were foolish. I realize no one could foresee the extent of the shortages, but should have been ready for at least 1-2 years of supplies. I've been "stocking" powder, primers, bullets and ammo since before Clinton. I do feel for the new shooters but let this be a lesson.

03-12-14, 08:51
I don't own anything in 22LR.....

03-12-14, 12:11
So you only bought 3,000 rounds or so?

03-12-14, 13:36
"Anyone who has less than me is just Unprepared and it's their own fault for being caught out.On the other hand, anyone who has more than me is a filthy stinking hoarder and they are the reason for the shortage. I want my Fair Share!"

Grasshopper and the Ants:

That's what I see in many similar threads about the .22lr shortage.

03-12-14, 14:21
I'm an ammo hoarder and proud of it. I buy ammo whenever I can get it for the price I want to pay for it. If it's out of my range I don't buy it.

03-12-14, 15:39
I'm an ammo hoarder and proud of it. I buy ammo whenever I can get it for the price I want to pay for it. If it's out of my range I don't buy it.

1+. People looked at me crazy every time I bought a brick of 22 at Walmart while grocery shopping. Still do the same thing whenever I find it or any other ammo. I don't resell and try to rape people, but I'm also not going to change my habits cause others didn't stock up and are now crying.

03-12-14, 22:09
I was buying bricks of 22's for 17.00 at gun shows years ago. to bad those days are gone. if I could only go back in time lol

03-12-14, 23:34
"Anyone who has less than me is just Unprepared and it's their own fault for being caught out.On the other hand, anyone who has more than me is a filthy stinking hoarder and they are the reason for the shortage. I want my Fair Share!"[/IMG]

Amen to this. The carping about (1) the high price or (2) the low availability or (3) both always strikes me as a bit absurd...

Too bad those days are gone. If I could only go back in time...

At least you have the good graces to blame yourself for not stockpiling when you had the chance, rather than blaming "flippers" for the current shortage...

03-13-14, 06:52
my wife never understood why i had her pick up a brick of 22 everytime she went to walmart,this was when it was under 10 bucks a brick,until she saw what someone wanted for one at the last gun show we went to.
yea i am a hoarder but my hoarding was all done before 2010

03-13-14, 08:10
I may be new around here but isn't there almost always an ammo shortage or gun scare every 4 years in November? You'd think people would have figured it out by now.

03-13-14, 09:42
Delete post.

03-13-14, 13:39
Next reality show.... AMMOFLIPPERS!

High Altitude
03-15-14, 03:43
I absolutely will not buy ammo from the flippers. Don't do it guys.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-15-14, 06:22
Over the years, I accumulated enough CCI blazer to kill around 12,000 squirrels, when prices were "normal". I'm of the mindset that if someone wants to pay top dollar for 22LR, so be it. I'm glad they still have the right to do so. But if enough people stop paying exorbitant prices for 22LR, I think the free market system will allow prices to drop.
Something tells me though, that will never happen. Another school or workplace incident and we are back where we were with kneejerk reactions from scaremongers, ripoff artist' and the inhabitants of the cesspool within the District of Columbia. (Only 3 things in a cesspool: water, toilet paper & crap and politicians are neither water or toilet paper.)
The alternative is wage & price controls. Flashback to August 1971 Nixon imposed wage & price controls to try & curb inflation. A horrible decision which he later regretted.
There are a few things I never sell and intend to either pass on to my son or use in case of societys meltdown(SHTF). Gold & silver, ammo, and guns.
So to quote Thomas Tusser: A foole and his monie be soone at debate, which after with sorrow repents him too late. " (A fool and his money are soon parted.) Dont be foolish. Let the folks selling their ridiculously marked up ammo keep it.

03-15-14, 16:11
Met a couple ammo scumbags today.

I was in my LGS picking up an OIF lower I ordered from Palmetto State Armory when two scruffy, idiot, hick dudes in their 50s walked in smelling like cigarettes and beer carrying walmart bags.

"Hey thurr buddy! Got the whole shipment this time!"

They paid $25 for a box of 500 .22LR rounds, bought 15 boxes, and sold them all to the LGS for $45 ea. They were bragging about setting up lawn chairs in the sporting goods department waiting for them to restock the shelf. Not a bad come-up for 4 hours of reading magazines in a Walmart, I suppose.

But honestly, I wasn't even mad at these guys. I wasn't even mad at the dealer for buying it. I'm mad at the dumbasses who pay my dealer $80 for a brick of .22 ammo. If they would stop paying the high prices for one month, the dealer would stop buying ammo from these ass hats and they would in turn stop buying it from Walmart (Trust me, these guys don't have enough capital to stock inventory for much longer than 20 minutes)

Talk about irritating.

03-15-14, 16:21
Saw it at a gunshow today. $65 bricks. Just sitting there though.

I imagine it won't be much longer till they accept the fact that the game is over and we start seeing less flipping. Now though, there'll be guys who haven't seen it in 15 months buy several bricks at a time(I'll no doubt be guilty of this too.) But the flippers no longer getting their markup will signal a huge change in the market.

03-15-14, 17:40
$65 ouch, but still probably the cheapest way to have a day at the range.

03-22-14, 11:48
Was up early yesterday with nothing to do when I remembered that Friday morning was the day the local b&m got their 22lr shipments.

I arrived 30 minutes before the store opened and lo and behold there were already people lined up at the door. By the time we went in, there were 4 more people behind me for a total of 8.

We went in to find plenty of 50 round boxes and all walked out with the 3 box limit.

Last time I did this was 6 months ago and I scored a 1k round value pack of Winchester M-22 (not recall).

Not really something I'm interested in doing regularly–surprised that this is still going on a year and a half later.

03-22-14, 22:37
There is a Cheaper Than Dirt retail store in my AO, they have CCI 100 round count boxes priced at $19.99 and they are not moving. Local Wal-Marts will from time to time get them in at $6.77 a box. I DO NOT attend gun shows. For the better part of two decades they are the most expensive place to buy anything, especially ammo. Online and local Wally World is where its at. The flippers have all the right in the world to do what they do and I have all the right in the world not to spend my hard earned fiat currency with them.

Steel head
03-23-14, 00:53
About 5 years ago I bought a BUNCH of CCI blaser at a damn good price.
I still have a lot and could have sold a lot at a really good profit and still have some to spare.
That's not how I roll, I'll not have to worry about 22 ammo prices for a few more years.

While popular handgun ammo is now easy to get now I have not seen a brick of 22 in a store for a year locally.

03-23-14, 19:38
Its capitalism guys. If someone is motivated enough to make daily trips to buy 22 and then flip it, good for them. Nothing is stopping you from doing the same. Get off your ass and go look.

03-23-14, 21:10
How this for a strange twist.
I've offered to donate some 22 to our local 4h and/or scouts so the kids can shoot more. Me>so I'll Drop by with some bricks at the Public range when you guys are shooting(according to your published schedule). Organizer> just give me the bricks of 22. Me> I'll be at the range at your published time. So I Show up with multiple bricks of 22, no kids shooting.
I'm pretty active in our local gun club, and have been know to hand out 22lr to kids that are actually shooting their own firearms when I'm there, but I sure ain't giving a brick to an adult in town..
Have yet to have an organizer of 4h or scouts take me up..

03-30-14, 10:49
"Anyone who has less than me is just Unprepared and it's their own fault for being caught out.On the other hand, anyone who has more than me is a filthy stinking hoarder and they are the reason for the shortage. I want my Fair Share!"

Grasshopper and the Ants:

That's what I see in many similar threads about the .22lr shortage.

How is buying a few boxes of .22LR when it's available for a decent price "hoarding"? Gimme a break...
Just wait til a *real* necesary item gets scarce- I wonder how many people are going to be calling those who prepared hoarders...

That being said, a pox on all the accursed "flippers"- I see no reason not to make a few quick bucks if it's something I alread own and feel ok selling off, but going out and buying stuff specifically with the intent of marking it up 300% is just lame.
But in the end it's simply really- just don't buy the insanely overpirced stuff.
I am literally broke for .22 ammo, and I haven't bought a box since all this BS started because I refuse to pay $80 a box.
Same reason I didn't buy a single round of 5.56 during the height of the stupid- no way in hell I'm paying $5-800 for bulk ammo, and all the people that do/did are nuts. But no! Everyone snaps it up willly nilly regardless of the prices, so..... it keeps getting *sold* at the ultra-high prices.

03-30-14, 11:47
How is buying a few boxes of .22LR when it's available for a decent price "hoarding"?

It's not "buying a few boxes." I mean the guys (including myself) who have stockpiled thousands of rounds, a 5- or 10-year supply.

03-30-14, 14:58
It's not "buying a few boxes." I mean the guys (including myself) who have stockpiled thousands of rounds, a 5- or 10-year supply.

See, I don't consider that "hoarding"- you stocked up when you had the chance.
If I had the money a few years back I'd have done the same.

Maybe we're just getting signals crossed up here on the internet...

03-30-14, 15:33
Yeah, I'm a confessed hoarder/stockpiler, and I don't see anything wrong with it. If you want it and can pay for it, then buy it.

On the other hand, as somebody already posted here, I also understand that if everybody tried to go fill his gas tank at once, every gas station would run out, there would be a panic, and chaos would ensue.

Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed that my fellow gun owners (ammunition consumers) are so prone to such lemming-like behavior...

03-31-14, 09:07
Went to gun show this weekend bricks of 22 was 65-75.00 but didn't see anybody buying. What happened to 38- 357 6mo ago there was plenty now there is none but boxes of 9, 40, 44 all over at ridiculous prices but its out there, 223 cases of it at over double the price, I wont pay it. These prices have to come down, people should hold off buying until they do. I have boxes of 223 I paid 3.99 for and 308 I paid 8.99 for If we don't and fork over 12.00 a box for CHEAP 223 and 22.00 a box for accurate 223 prices will never come down, That's why a new F-150 is 55,000.00 not because its worth it but idiots pay it. 357 ammo at 43.00 a box get out of here

03-31-14, 13:29
People need to stop going to gun shows, I mean seriously why bother? If one buys ammo from there they are getting raped.

03-31-14, 14:35
Exactly: gun shows are a waste of time, at least around here. If I want to see overpriced stuff I can search on GunBroker instead, it's like a virtual gunshow but more convenient; just have to bring your own Cheese Nachos as you miss-out on all the crazy stories ;)

Doc Safari
03-31-14, 14:37
People need to stop going to gun shows, I mean seriously why bother? If one buys ammo from there they are getting raped.

I agree in principal, but what else can you do? My girlfriend and I literally went all over town looking for 22lr and NO ONE has any. Then we looked on the internet and it's almost as bad. We found some Norma 22lr that one reviewer said was "really dirty" so we passed.

We're looking forward to the next gun show. :(

03-31-14, 14:56
I agree in principal, but what else can you do?

Watch the Internet, I know you said "its bad" out there but it's more productive and more efficient, IMO, than driving around in-person. Use the websites that search for deals, and setup email alerts. This kinda only works if you have a Smartphone or just happen to be on a computer for fast response; if you wait 5 minutes later to get to a computer they are already gone.

E.G. I just ordered some .22lr ammo from Cabela's and Gander Mountain this weekend.

03-31-14, 16:51
Buyers, not sellers set the market prices. Stop paying high, flipper prices, problem solved. Let the same market forces that motivated them to get into the ammo business, get them out.

Doc Safari
03-31-14, 16:57
Buyers, not sellers set the market prices.

If in the term "buyers" you mean "speculators", then I agree.

One place we went to over the weekend was Big 5 Sporting Goods. After the usual "we don't have any" response to our request for 22lr, the clerk told us that they get ammo on Friday, and there is usually a "line out the door" of people waiting to buy up all the 22lr as soon as it's unloaded.

I would bet with few exceptions those are people buying it so they can resell it. Meanwhile legitimate buyers do without. These "speculators" are driving the supply down and the price up. Legitimate "buyers" are not. Legitimate "buyers" are SOL unless they get in line with the speculators.

And I suspect they don't. Most buyers are going to show up on a Saturday afternoon like we did, casually asking for 22lr, only to be told it was all bought up by people standing in line when the truck was unloaded.

No, this is NOT normal supply and demand. This is grab and gouge.

Stop paying high, flipper prices, problem solved. Let the same market forces that motivated them to get into the ammo business, get them out.

I hear ya, but when you're trying to teach a new 10-year old shooter to love her new sport, you don't want to have to be the one to say, "Sorry, honey, but we have to wait until all the suckers stop paying inflated prices so the speculators go out of business and prices return to normal."

Ain't gonna happen.

This crisis isn't going away anytime soon because 22lr is so cheap that speculators can continue to buy it in quantity and "just sit on it" if they have to until the next panic.

04-01-14, 15:23
My coworkers and I have been networked since the panic began to purchase ammo for each other when we see something someone has been looking for. Between the four of us we have stayed supplied with what we need including 22. I have not played an outrageous price yet. So far that's the only way I've found to beat the speculators.

04-01-14, 21:45
This debate has been going on long enough. I suppose there is enough blame to go around. Buyers (some buyers) buying more than they need. Other buyers buying to sell. Them are the speculators. We don't want to blame the guy who is buying more than he needs, but quick to blame those who buy to sell.

The effect on the market and the rest of us is the same regardless why people are buying up all the 22LR ammo. SHORTAGE!

Some may want to get up early and drive up to Dick's Sporting Goods, and then to numerous Wal-Marts to buy ammo so they can sell it a few Dollars worth of profit. Maybe their time is not worth more than that. Mine is. I am not driving all over town to save $2.00 a box of ammo. Those of you who have been at this a long time and sitting with a comfortable stash of your own are quick to tell the rest of us NOT TO patronize these flippers. I understand that, but what are my choices? Sitting there with newly acquired guns and sights and not shooting due to the price of ammo is not very appealing to me. I will pay the going price, and shoot 200 rounds instead of 300. Isn't that better than boycotting the high prices, the flippers, the speculators?

I will continue to buy what I need at the going rate. It makes a lot more less sense than not to shoot because ammo is now .02 a round more expensive.

04-01-14, 22:02
My girlfriend and I literally went all over town looking for 22lr and NO ONE has any...

I hear ya, but when you're trying to teach a new 10-year old shooter to love her new sport...

Wow, this implies that your girlfriend is a 10-year-old...

Anyway, I basically agree with AErcen. It's a free market.

04-01-14, 22:20
Unfortunately, the same will happen with surplus 5.45 steel core, spam can ammo, as the ATF just classified some of it as 'armor piercing' and banned it's import into the US because of Ukraine. James Yeager (tactical response) made a Youtube about it a few days ago, warning to buy it, because of the upcoming shortage. Since then, the amount available here in the US has completely evaporated. Watch it start showing up on GB at sky high prices. It has been verified by Tim (forget his name) of the MAC YouTube channel.


04-02-14, 01:35
22 is still available but getting getting harder to find at my internet sources. I used to have to back order it then they would email me to see if I still wanted it, but now they are starting to limit quantities I.e. 40 boxes ect. If you got caught short like I did and have to pay through the nose, at least go through a reputable dealer/distributor and get some quality match ammo for your money. The days of stopping by the local store on Saturday afternoon to pick up a box or two of 22 shells before heading out to the woods on Sunday is over. Blasting with the 10-22 is also a thing of the past. I'm back to 10 round mags or bolt actions.

I never thought I'd see the day it was cheaper to shoot 8mm mauser surplus then it is to shoot 22, granted I've been sitting on a stash of it for 10 years. A Q

Doc Safari
04-02-14, 09:07
Wow, this implies that your girlfriend is a 10-year-old...

LOL. My girlfriend's daughter is ten.

Back on topic: It looks like most people are going to be stuck paying inflated prices for a while. I'm not sure anything can end the panic until a pro-gun president is in the White House.

04-02-14, 14:48
Patience and perseverance wins the day gents, just yesterday my better half and I were at a Wal-Mart killing time before a doctor’s appointment I had. They had just received Federal American Eagle .22 LR 50 round boxes for $2.47. The wife and I both purchased the three box limit. 300 rounds for $19 is not too bad.

04-02-14, 14:58
I hear ya, but when you're trying to teach a new 10-year old shooter to love her new sport, you don't want to have to be the one to say, "Sorry, honey, but we have to wait until all the suckers stop paying inflated prices so the speculators go out of business and prices return to normal."

Ain't gonna happen.

This crisis isn't going away anytime soon because 22lr is so cheap that speculators can continue to buy it in quantity and "just sit on it" if they have to until the next panic.

I stopped shooting .22LR for a while. I reload centerfire, and was able to get components through the panic, and still get them. I download .380 ACP, and 9MM for my wife to be very low in recoil. I just make sure they cycle the slide. It almost feels like a .22, especially the .380 in a full size pistol like a Beretta 85, or one of my Makarovs in .380. I just won't pay panic prices for ammo, any ammo, but that is just me.

Doc Safari
04-02-14, 15:09
I stopped shooting .22LR for a while. (SNIP)

I just won't pay panic prices for ammo, any ammo, but that is just me.

I don't want to hijack this thread and bore everyone with why we're going to continue buying 22lr even under current conditions.

The short version is my girlfriend's daughter isn't physically strong enough yet to handle more than a small 22 rifle, and since we're really trying to encourage her to shoot we bought her one of those "My First Rifle" bolt actions (I forget the brand). So we're wanting her to get her enthusiasm toward the sport going before she loses interest.

It just illustrates how ultimately everyone has to grin and bear it sometimes.

I read a thread over at ARFcom about a gun shop in my region and the owner of the shop was pretty much caught red-handed buying up all the ammo from Wal-Mart to re-sell in his store!


So, in a way we just can't win right now.

I'm putting off buying an MP15-22 until all this nonsense ends.

04-02-14, 20:11
I stopped shooting .22LR for a while. I just won't pay panic prices for ammo, any ammo, but that is just me.

Same here.

I used to own a Ruger 10/22 along with my M&P15-22. Sold the 10/22 because I could not shoot both rifles anyway since its hard to find/replenish what ammo I shoot. Now I shoot more centerfire and barely shoot the 15-22 to conserve what rimfire ammo I have left.

Last gun show I went to a month ago still had 500rd bricks for $50+. One LGS here had 225rd bricks of Federal for $29.99. Of course I didn't buy any and just prefer not too shoot my 22's until this craziness dies down...

04-02-14, 20:53
I read a thread over at ARFcom about a gun shop in my region and the owner of the shop was pretty much caught red-handed buying up all the ammo from Wal-Mart to re-sell in his store!


A call to the Wal-Mart Regional Manager for your area would probably put an end to this, that is unless of course his brother in law is the gun store owner. In my area .22lr is limited to three boxes per person per day.

04-03-14, 16:11
Walmart in the Nashville area has now dropped that from three boxes per person per day to one box per person per day because of complaints regarding supply.

04-03-14, 18:29
I don't pay outrageous prices for 22LR. I have a couple thousand rounds left and if I can't resupply it, oh well, my fault for not buying loads more when I could have at good prices. I can wait a long time if need be. Sure, I want to continue shooting it, but ..... I can't see overpaying for it either.

04-03-14, 18:46
I don't pay outrageous prices for 22LR. I have a couple thousand rounds left and if I can't resupply it, oh well, my fault for not buying loads more when I could have at good prices. I can wait a long time if need be. Sure, I want to continue shooting it, but ..... I can't see overpaying for it either.

Same here. Ever since the stupic panic I have curtailed shooting my 22lr firearms and even sold one rifle because I was unable to replenish my ammo. Funny thing is that I shoot more centerfire now than rimfire...

04-03-14, 19:36
Walmart in the Nashville area has now dropped that from three boxes per person per day to one box per person per day because of complaints regarding supply.

Same here, boxes of 225 or more limit 1 all others limit 3.

04-03-14, 20:42
Mega LGS had about 5 different types of .22lr in stock, $3/box of 50 for most. Stinger was $4/box. Fed gamestopper was $8/100.

Had dozens of boxes, but also enforced a 1 box of any .22 limit per visit. I respect their policy, as its intended to spread the supply out a bit.

They also had 223/5.56 and 9mm at pretty much pre runup prices. This was not always the case, they had their 9mm $2/box higher, and I refused to buy it.

Don't buy from gougers!!!

Sent from my PRC-104 using phonetics

04-07-14, 05:13
Hoarders suck!

Doc Safari
04-07-14, 11:14
So this past weekend my girlfriend and I decided to have a little contest to see if we could beat the hoarders.

We drove to a city that has several Wal-Marts. At the first one, we of course found all the 22lr sold out and even most of the .223 gone. The clerk told us they get their truck around 6pm and that usually someone will buy up the ammo as soon as it comes off the truck. We asked the clerk what time we should get to the store to try to beat the hoarders. He himmed and hawed and didn't give us much of an answer other than most of the time they have the truck unloaded by 8.

So far so good. He gave us the phone number to call, and we left. We went to the other Wal-Marts, and they too were sold out, of course. We got the phone numbers of two more Wal-Marts.

We hung around town, and at about 6:30 pm, we decided to call that first store on the theory that if they got the truck at 6pm, then a half hour was probably enough time for them to have unloaded it.

We called the store. All of the 22lr and .223 that they received that evening around 6pm had already sold out.

We called the other two Wal-Marts for which we had obtained phone numbers. They too had gotten their trucks, and had already sold out.

Note that one person would not have had time to buy the ammo from all three Wal-Marts we contacted. It had to be multiple people hovering like vultures for the exact moment the trucks arrived.

This is not going away any time soon, folks.

04-07-14, 20:50
Found out that my local Walmart was getting some .22 in this past Saturday. They stock the shelves at 7AM. I woke up and got there at 6AM...and was the 8th person in line. People got there at 3AM to "claim their spot in line" :mad: Absolutely ridiculous. And of course, by the time the line got to me, they had sold out of (4) 1100 round cases and (10) 550 round boxes. I was pretty irritated and actually got into a heated argument with one of the buyers who mentioned that he was going straight to the local gunshow to sell it. It's sad that I pretty much have to camp out in Walmart the night before in the ammo section in order to beat the flippers. And I actually shoot .22 for training/plinking so stuff like the above royally pisses me off, especially when it happens right in front of me.

04-08-14, 01:40
The Wal-Mart stores in my AO stage freight at night. After 10:00pm they will pull out all the pallets and carts full of whatever came on the trucks that day. During the 2013 panic I would hit three different stores on my way home from work, my shift ended at 10:00pm. I would literally pallet dive to find the good stuff, no one mans the sporting goods department that time of night so I would help myself and check out up front. More times than not I would find little treasures of popular ammo hidden in different spots by store employees. I would not put it past a lot of these clerks to be holding ammo back for the buddies, relatives, etc.

Doc Safari
04-08-14, 09:16
I would not put it past a lot of these clerks to be holding ammo back for the buddies, relatives, etc.

Oh, I'm sure...and some are no doubt getting a little "tip" for helping out. :(