View Full Version : Written by the father of a soldier...

05-23-08, 22:26

05-24-08, 02:25
Powerfull and emotional! That man is torn between wanting to support his son and fellow troops and hating the war. God bless all those familys and soldiers my heart goes out to you.

05-24-08, 09:16
I cannot imagine....

May God bless and protect our troops and bring them home.

You are heroes one and all!

I pray that their families will be blessed by the Father of compassion and God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3).


Thanks for posting this I printed it out to read with my children.

05-24-08, 17:09
Powerfull and emotional! That man is torn between wanting to support his son and fellow troops and hating the war. God bless all those familys and soldiers my heart goes out to you.

More like he hates the war because of his support of his son and fellow troops. He is pretty clear on supporting the reason for the war as it stands right now.

05-25-08, 21:58
My son is in Iraq. I wasn't crazy about invading Iraq when we went in, and I still think it was a stupid idea, but we're there and we have a job to do, and while I'd a thousand times rather he was home, I'm glad he's willing to do what needs done.

If anything, I'd like to see us step it up and get it overwith and stop worrying about being politically correct about it. Our hestitancy and fear of seeming like the bad guy immediately after the fall was part of what caused the mess over there now.

Obama doesn't have a clue. Beyond being a Socialist, he's a fool.

05-26-08, 10:13
Very deep and emotional...my two best friends are active military. One is US Army, and will be returning home to Ft. Lewis later this month...in about a month and a half, my other friend heads out for his 2nd tour, to Al Asad...

05-26-08, 19:59
I was there; so I'll speak my rant in reply to this post. This war sucks and we have no business there. We should pull out, and as soon as possible. If America spent even a fraction of the $5billion already spent on this war to secure its borders and infrastructure she could make herself safe from outside threats/terrorists. The cost in money and LIVES is not worth the return on our investment in the long run/aftermath. Muslim extremists will always hate us and probe us; that can never be avoided.
I mean no disrespect towards any fellow soldier or Marine who has been there (I'd be attacking myself), and my post should reflect that. I always speak my mind on this issue; regardless of the reprocussions.
Too many people have fallen victim to the propaganda! From the Support Our Troops ribbons, the selective media coverage and heresay by armchair warriors! Of course, we all support our troops; that doesn't mean we have to support an uneccessary two fronted war. America should continue to covertly seek out Bin Ladin; an occupation force is not neccessary. :mad: By-the-way, I also believe Barac Obama (spell?) is a total ass clown Thats all I have to say. I will not reply to any replys on this posting. I've earned the right to speak my mind.

05-26-08, 20:49
And well spoken it is. I feel good to say that I agree with you, and it seems more and more Americans are, as well...