View Full Version : Sheila Jackson Lee does it again

03-13-14, 08:09

It is still early in 2014 so maybe she can have a multi hit year.

03-13-14, 09:08
It's not surprising that she's at it again:


And that article is dated. I think the scary fact is she keeps getting reelected to the position. With something like 70% of the vote in most elections.

And this is the person the Congressional Black Caucus wanted as Secretary of Homeland Security...

03-13-14, 09:10
Nice education system you got there Texas. :p

I know I know, she went to Yale and Univ of Virginia.

I wish youtube wasn't broken at work, so far all I have to go off of is a transcript.

03-13-14, 09:17
Her reelection is not a negative reflection on her but is a testimony of the electorate.

03-13-14, 09:17
Technically she said the country lasted 400 years or so, not the Constitution. Although we haven't been a country for 400 years, you can pretty much say we're that old to be honest.

I'd tend to agree with you if this was anyone else and they made a legitimate mistake. But this is a recurring issue of blatant idiocy on the part of the good Congresswoman.

03-13-14, 09:19
What are the demographics of Texas' 18th Congressional District?

03-13-14, 09:41
What are the demographics of Texas' 18th Congressional District?

Population 707,139
Gender 51% Female, 49% Male
Race 47.0% White, 38.6% Black, 3.9% Asian
Ethnicity 41.0% Hispanic
Unemployment 11.6%
Median household income $37,079
High school graduation rate 72.6%
College graduation rate 19.3%


03-13-14, 10:09
Population 707,139
Gender 51% Female, 49% Male
Race 47.0% White, 38.6% Black, 3.9% Asian
Ethnicity 41.0% Hispanic
Unemployment 11.6%
Median household income $37,079
High school graduation rate 72.6%
College graduation rate 19.3%


You forgot an important stat:

75% ignorant in 2012
70% ignorant in 2010
77% ignorant in 2008

The list goes on...

03-13-14, 11:10
Population 707,139
Gender 51% Female, 49% Male
Race 47.0% White, 38.6% Black, 3.9% Asian
Ethnicity 41.0% Hispanic
Unemployment 11.6%
Median household income $37,079
High school graduation rate 72.6%
College graduation rate 19.3%


I take it they are considering Hispanics white?

03-13-14, 11:38
I'd tend to agree with you if this was anyone else and they made a legitimate mistake. But this is a recurring issue of blatant idiocy on the part of the good Congresswoman.

I can guarantee you she had the "400 years of slavery" rattling around under her stupid hat and that is where the number came from.

03-13-14, 11:52
I watched that video and you aren't missing much.

She finne be an edumucated womans.

I for one am glad that she represent all our constipational rights in the U.S. Congress.:help:

03-13-14, 11:54
Her reelection is not a negative reflection on her but is a testimony of the electorate.

As in DC "Mayor for life" is a felon and still won, for sure its the electorate.

03-13-14, 12:18
The hispanics self-identify as white...they are only counting what the people told them. Read a 4473 closer, that's an option for hispanics.

She won't last too much longer. I'm not in her district, but live next to it. Her whole district is being gentrified quickly...in fact I'm buying some tax auctions there just to scrape to the ground in the few years and put townhouses up.

03-13-14, 12:53
I can guarantee you she had the "400 years of slavery" rattling around under her stupid hat and that is where the number came from.

Could have been the 400 years ago Armstrong planted the flag on Mars as well.

With Jackson-Lee, you just never know...

03-13-14, 13:39
She's a complete idiot, but I'm thinking that she's just using a common theme. The 400 years number isn't unheard of in the history of America. It's the number than many Virginians would use when asked about the history of their state: 1607, and the fact that we have a constitution simply came about later. Far be it from me to divine her thoughts, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. There is no way she thinks the constitution itself is 400 years old. The area over which the constitution prevails is simply significantly older than the document itself.

03-13-14, 13:52
She's a complete idiot, but I'm thinking that she's just using a common theme. The 400 years number isn't unheard of in the history of America. It's the number than many Virginians would use when asked about the history of their state: 1607, and the fact that we have a constitution simply came about later. Far be it from me to divine her thoughts, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. There is no way she thinks the constitution itself is 400 years old. The area over which the constitution prevails is simply significantly older than the document itself.

This mirrors my thoughts as well. I've plenty of reasons for thinking that she is an idiot, but this slip-up is not necessarily one of them.

03-13-14, 13:54
She's a complete idiot, but I'm thinking that she's just using a common theme. The 400 years number isn't unheard of in the history of America. It's the number than many Virginians would use when asked about the history of their state: 1607, and the fact that we have a constitution simply came about later. Far be it from me to divine her thoughts, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. There is no way she thinks the constitution itself is 400 years old. The area over which the constitution prevails is simply significantly older than the document itself.

Again, coming from the same politician that wanted to see the pictures from the Mars rover of the American flag planted by Neil Armstrong. Or that North and South Vietnam were working so closely these days. Or that naming hurricanes was racist because the names didn't include ethnocentric names.

There can be no retraction or explanation of her stupidity.

03-13-14, 15:51
God I swear, this ****tard is good for comic relief at least.

Rush played Shelia Jackson's Greates Hits (soundbite mix) today on his show . . . :lol:

03-13-14, 16:13
God I swear, this ****tard is good for comic relief at least.

Rush played Shelia Jackson's Greates Hits (soundbite mix) today on his show . . . :lol:

I wonder if that was the same mix Michael Berry played on his show this morning. If it was I just about fell out of my chair laughing.

03-13-14, 16:22
but she says we have been operating for 400 years under a constitution or in a constitution ? so she is not separating them !

03-13-14, 16:29
Look at a map of her district.

looks like the definition of gerrymandering.

03-13-14, 16:30
She's a complete idiot, but I'm thinking that she's just using a common theme. The 400 years number isn't unheard of in the history of America. It's the number than many Virginians would use when asked about the history of their state: 1607, and the fact that we have a constitution simply came about later. Far be it from me to divine her thoughts, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. There is no way she thinks the constitution itself is 400 years old. The area over which the constitution prevails is simply significantly older than the document itself.

Stormin you are giving her way too much credit brother :D

03-13-14, 16:34
One reason she keeps getting reelected is that she is in a district that's been gerrymandered to be primarily democrat and black. It is also urban.
Too, the Repubs never seriously run against her in that district-- it's one they write off as not worth wasting money to oppose her. I wonder how many of these districts would change if the Repubs actually went to the mat for them? Both parties do this, conserving money for what they think are battleground areas, but I still wonder; a fight you won't even contest is an automatic loss...

03-13-14, 16:38
The absurd becomes more absurd the more we hear it, which is absurd.

03-13-14, 19:07
Look at a map of her district.

looks like the definition of gerrymandering.

The green part within 610 is where most of her constituents are...and it's also very quickly experiencing gentrification. She won't last more than two more cycles tops...and I'd bet she experiences a real challenge in the next one.