View Full Version : From the "Stupid is suppose to hurt" files

03-13-14, 10:17
The problem is, when your stupid hurts others, but obviously a well accepted practice in that part of the world, so empathy running low:

"Yemeni wedding ended in disaster after a guest firing celebratory shots in the air with his AK-47 accidentally killed two men while they were dancing to pop hit "Gangnam Style", according to a police source and a video posted online.The police source said the guest at the wedding in the southern city of Taiz lost control of his rifle, leading to the deaths. Two other people were being treated in a local hospital."


03-13-14, 10:21
Pretty sure this is a repost Will :p

03-13-14, 10:26
Yeah, sucks to be stupid.

Anyone else watch the Ukrainian pole dancer?

03-13-14, 10:27
Yeah, sucks to be stupid.

Anyone else watch the Ukrainian pole dancer?

This sounds interesting, link?

03-13-14, 10:36
This sounds interesting, link?

Sorry, it was just one of the random YouTube vids that popped up at the end of the clip Will linked above. I guess they switch 'em up automatically. Didn't mean to leave ya hangin'.


03-13-14, 10:53
Sorry, it was just one of the random YouTube vids that popped up at the end of the clip Will linked above. I guess they switch 'em up automatically. Didn't mean to leave ya hangin'.


Hm on second thought, should not have opened that at work.

03-13-14, 11:04
Hm on second thought, should not have opened that at work.

My apologies. WTF was I thinking, posting a link to "Ukrainian pole dancer" without taking into consideration the possibility that some unsuspecting soul might click on the link only to find themselves looking at . . . a Ukrainian pole dancer? :laugh:

03-13-14, 11:05
My apologies. WTF was I thinking, posting a link to "Ukrainian pole dancer" without taking into consideration the possibility that some unsuspecting soul might click on the link only to find themselves looking at . . . a Ukrainian pole dancer? :laugh:

I thought it had something to do with negligent discharges, lol.

03-13-14, 11:25
It may

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03-13-14, 11:46
I thought it had something to do with negligent discharges, lol.

I believe this may actually be an instance in which it is appropriate to use the term "accidental" in lieu of "negligent."

03-13-14, 12:10
...and to think alcohol was not even involved! Wow! (at least that in my impression of how islam is followed in these parts of the world)

also don't think this is a repost. Last one folks were better dressed than in this one.

03-13-14, 12:14
Yeah, sucks to be stupid.

Anyone else watch the Ukrainian pole dancer?

That is why we must protect Ukraine. Even their version of Tainted Love was better.

03-13-14, 12:25
That is why we must protect Ukraine. Even their version of Tainted Love was better.

To date, that is the BEST rationale I have heard for the U.S. getting involved in this cluster****.

03-13-14, 13:03
That was Marilyn Manson unfortunately but regardless I'm on board for making that young woman's life safe so she can pursue a bright future.

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03-13-14, 14:14
Sorry, it was just one of the random YouTube vids that popped up at the end of the clip Will linked above. I guess they switch 'em up automatically. Didn't mean to leave ya hangin'.



Mauser KAR98K
03-13-14, 15:59
Sorry, it was just one of the random YouTube vids that popped up at the end of the clip Will linked above. I guess they switch 'em up automatically. Didn't mean to leave ya hangin'.


Save Ukraine. Let Yeman kill themselves!

(Odd to note, they had the customary motorcycle for Mohammed's hospital run very quickly).

03-13-14, 16:13
A win-win for the human race! Darwinism at its zenith.

03-13-14, 17:12
That was Marilyn Manson unfortunately but regardless I'm on board for making that young woman's life safe so she can pursue a bright future.

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You perverts have ruined a perfectly good thread, but it appears the young lady is doing just fine:


03-13-14, 23:59
Will...You had me at "Yemeni"... :D

03-14-14, 00:53
You perverts have ruined a perfectly good thread, but it appears the young lady is doing just fine:


It was a dupe, us perverts saved your thread. Nice FB find.