View Full Version : Punk punches 8 yr. old and steals his Ipad, good Samaritan gets the punk.

03-13-14, 13:35

Says dude's been arrested over 60 times. Here's a hint: leave the bastard in the clink; or better, get some damn rope.

03-13-14, 13:56
When I was working as a lot attendant at a dealership, I chased down a shit head who stole a little fat boy's BMX bike. Didn't beat the thief or anything.. because he lied and claimed the bike was his... some other dude drove up with Chubs, and the kid was so happy he hugged me.

03-13-14, 14:06
Gotta love the attention an 8yo receives from his AUNT as well. Way to have your priorities straight.

Too bad the asshat didn't run under a moving bus or slip on the ice till his head cracked open.

It's sad that we live in a society where the advice from cops is to change our life styles cause the legal system can't figure out a way to remove its head from its ass and keep ding bats like this tough guy in prison so they can be used by tougher guys. 60 arrests and the "system" still can't figure shit out. Go figure.

Makes you wonder....

03-13-14, 14:17
Saw this on the local news before heading into work, how pathetic.

03-13-14, 14:36
Armeli, who works at a Greek restaurant nearby, heard the commotion and went after the robber. While talking to 911 on his cell phone, he chased Stillday for more than a half-mile.

Nice job. The family should have bought him an ipad in thanks.

03-13-14, 16:53
The comments in that link have me :lol:.

As for the story, another example of our failed legal system.

3 AE
03-14-14, 02:58
The comments in that link have me :lol:.

As for the story, another example of our failed legal system.

That's for sure. The comments were a hoot! Damn, that Good Samaritan busted hump for a half a mile? Sheet, that's commitment to do right. People like him .... well, it gives me hope that all is not lost. I salute him.

03-14-14, 10:36
"he’s been arrested 60 times"

There is a point a which some one just needs to be dragged out back dispatched. This guy is obviously never going to contribute anything to society and will always be a draw.

Obviously not advocating big brother doing this, but a little vigilantism can go a long way...

Hopefully the lifestyle he has chose will lead to his demise much sooner than later.

03-14-14, 10:53
Hopefully the lifestyle he has chose will lead to his demise much sooner than later.

It won't. We idiot tax paying voters will spend countless thousands on his rehab instead of letting him OD. Should he get shot or knifed in an alley well pay his medical bills and devote resources to catching his assailant ... Endless vicious cycle of rewarding ****ups.

While I don't condone vigilantism, I am truly amazed that the general populace has yet to say screw it and begin the SSS approach.

03-14-14, 11:20
This MFer needs to be strung up and gutted!
