View Full Version : A lesson to teenage boys everywhere: don't be stupid.

03-13-14, 16:07
Lovely little news story out of Texas...


Homicide investigators are gathering evidence after a father shoots and kills a teenage boy he found in his daughter's bedroom.
A spokesperson for the Harris County Sheriff's office said Deputy constables from pct 4 responded to a 911 call around 2:20 a.m. about a shooting in the Bridgestone Lake Subdivision in Northwest Harris County.

Police tell FOX 26 reporter John Donnelly that the father was notified that there was someone in his daughter's bedroom by one of his other children.

The father then went into the girl's bedroom and discovered the 17 year old male in bed with his 16 year old daughter. The daughter denied knowing who the boy was.

A confrontation between the father and boy started. The boy apparently wasn't listening to the father's commands and reached for something. It ended with 17 year old being shot and killed at the scene.

The 16 year old girl later admitted to investigators that she did know the boy and had let him into the home.

So many questions I have...

1. Why on earth would you lie to your father while he's staring down your bf with a handgun?
2. Why would you go reach for something while a gun is drawn on you? Trying to take a selfie in your gf's bedroom and say "hey yall bout got shot while doing ma thang. #YOLO"??!!!

I just can't comprehend what goes through kids' minds these days...


03-13-14, 16:09
Shes 16 and he was 17, legally an adult here in Texas. Won't look good at all if his family tries to make an argument. He legally was raping her. Even with her consent.

03-13-14, 16:10
Oh but its not their fault, you see I learned in the other thread about that poor innocent teenager in NJ who sued her parents that they really don't know what they're doing at that age . . . its science!


Big A
03-13-14, 16:12
God gave man a brain and a penis and only enough blood to operate one at a time....

03-13-14, 16:28
So many questions I have...

1. Why on earth would you lie to your father while he's staring down your bf with a handgun?
2. Why would you go reach for something while a gun is drawn on you? Trying to take a selfie in your gf's bedroom and say "hey yall bout got shot while doing ma thang. #YOLO"??!!!

I actually have answers.

1. Can't always trust a bitch.
2. Kid was probably thinking something like "Oh God...this bitch is going to get me shot...I gotta try ANYTHING."

03-13-14, 16:54
All kinds of fail involved in that situation.

03-13-14, 17:06
If Eurodriver was president:

Dad doesn't get charged with anything (or sued).

Daughter gets charged with manslaughter.

03-13-14, 17:17
"hey yall bout got shot while doing ma thang. #YOLO"??!!!


On a real note, that whole situation sucks. For all we know he could have been reaching for his pants. The daughter is the damn idiot.

03-13-14, 17:20
Major league wrongful death lawsuit coming that guy's way.

JBecker 72
03-13-14, 17:26
Daughter seems to be the reason things got out of hand. Maybe he panicked when she told her gun packing daddy he was a complete stranger in her bedroom at 2 am. I'm sure the father took that bit of info well.

Bitches be crazy.

03-13-14, 17:29
2. Why would you go reach for something while a gun is drawn on you? T

What that kid knew about deadly force encounters is that if you get shot, you respawn somewhere else on the map.

03-13-14, 17:33
Isn't the title of this thread an oxymoron?

If I caught a boy in my daughters bedroom at night, I'd WANT to shoot him really bad. But, I suspect the dad's gonna get charged.

Wanna make sure I copy the story, so I can give it to every guy my daughter dates when she gets of age when he picks her up at night....

03-13-14, 17:36
My only brushes with such acts of my own stupidity, I can offer two tidbits to pass on...

1. Don't be there when he's there. Jesus. Come on man.

2. If you find yourself there, remember, you are with this mans prized, dearest possession. You do anything stupid, you will pay the price.

As a lowly civilian, it was as close as I've been to combat. Being shot at sucks, especially when you only have your underware on, pants in hand, feeling the dirt hit your bare leg as the shotgun barks. Thank God he was a bad shot, of took pity on me. Did not ask.

As far as the girl goes... She might as well have pulled the trigger.

03-13-14, 17:43
Major league wrongful death lawsuit coming that guy's way.

Will depend on the daughter's story and if the boy has history in daughters bedroom in the am.

03-13-14, 18:01
Will depend on the daughter's story and if the boy has history in daughters bedroom in the am.

That might have a bearing on the jury's decision, but you can bet the lawsuit's going to happen.

03-13-14, 18:04
If Romeo's parents want to sue the home owner, he should in return sue them for not knowing where their "child" was a 0' dark thirty and sexually assaulting his daughter. After all he's a "child" and they have to be responsible for their little bundle of joy.

JBecker 72
03-13-14, 18:10
If Romeo's parents want to sue the home owner, he should in return sue them for not knowing where their "child" was a 0' dark thirty and sexually assaulting his daughter. After all he's a "child" and they have to be responsible for their little bundle of joy.

Sexually assaulting? She let him in the house. Sounds to me like typical high school teenager behavior.

03-13-14, 18:12
Lovely little news story out of Texas...


Homicide investigators are gathering evidence after a father shoots and kills a teenage boy he found in his daughter's bedroom.
A spokesperson for the Harris County Sheriff's office said Deputy constables from pct 4 responded to a 911 call around 2:20 a.m. about a shooting in the Bridgestone Lake Subdivision in Northwest Harris County.

Police tell FOX 26 reporter John Donnelly that the father was notified that there was someone in his daughter's bedroom by one of his other children.

The father then went into the girl's bedroom and discovered the 17 year old male in bed with his 16 year old daughter. The daughter denied knowing who the boy was.

A confrontation between the father and boy started. The boy apparently wasn't listening to the father's commands and reached for something. It ended with 17 year old being shot and killed at the scene.

The 16 year old girl later admitted to investigators that she did know the boy and had let him into the home.

So many questions I have...

1. Why on earth would you lie to your father while he's staring down your bf with a handgun?
2. Why would you go reach for something while a gun is drawn on you? Trying to take a selfie in your gf's bedroom and say "hey yall bout got shot while doing ma thang. #YOLO"??!!!

I just can't comprehend what goes through kids' minds these days...


Yep, it's entirely the boy's fault he was shot. No fault lies with the man with the gun, nor the lying daughter.


03-13-14, 18:23
Sounds like the daughter got a major life lesson in the consequences of lying and lack of integrity. Of course she'll blame her dad for his irrational behavior for the rest of her life.

03-13-14, 18:52
When I met and dated my first serious girlfriend she was 15 and I 19. She was a gorgeous blonde who said she loved me and we had many great years together. Still as a result I scaled the walls of her home to get into her bedroom so we could have sex and obviously I should have been shot and killed on the spot for doing so.

Just glad none of you have been guilty of the same, or wished so anyway.

03-13-14, 18:56
If Eurodriver was president:

Dad doesn't get charged with anything (or sued).

Daughter gets charged with manslaughter.

BAM! Right on the money!!!!

03-13-14, 19:15
Shes 16 and he was 17, legally an adult here in Texas. Won't look good at all if his family tries to make an argument. He legally was raping her. Even with her consent.

The age of consent in Texas is 17 (Texas Penal Code Section 21.11). However, "...It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the actor...was not more than three years older than the victim and of the opposite sex...(and) did not use duress, force, or a threat against the victim at the time of the offence" and is not a registered sex offender Section 21.11 (b), Section 22.011 (e).

03-13-14, 19:18
Folks this is Texas, you know where you can call 911, and tell them you are going to go kill a burglar on your front lawn, then do it while a cop watches and you get no-billed.

This guy was not arrested and if the story is correct is it 100% justified. And if it is justified he gets legal immunity.

Nothing is going to happen.

03-13-14, 19:29
It wouldn't be too hard for an investigator/attorney to prove that the girl did in fact know the boy, if that was the case (which I suspect it was). I'm sure if they interviewed her friends, looked into her Facebook, etc. it would be very clear that they knew each other.

The girl and her dad will each have to deal with the consequences of their actions when that day comes.

03-13-14, 19:30
It wouldn't be too hard for an investigator/attorney to prove that the girl did in fact know the boy, if that was the case (which I suspect it was). I'm sure if they interviewed her friends, looked into her Facebook, etc. it would be very clear that they knew each other.

Did you read the story? The girl let him in the house. Of course she knew him. It is not in dispute. He was her ****-buddy.

03-13-14, 19:32
Sexually assaulting? She let him in the house. Sounds to me like typical high school teenager behavior.

He is 17, here in TX that makes him an adult. She is 16, that makes her a child. Whether she consented to having sex with him or not is inconsequential.

03-13-14, 19:33
It's Texas; NO jury would convict for this in Texas...

JBecker 72
03-13-14, 19:37
He is 17, here in TX that makes him an adult. She is 16, that makes her a child. Whether she consented to having sex with him or not is inconsequential.

And apparently there is a 3 year gap required for those charges to be pressed. When I was 17 I was banging a 16 year old, we were 3 months apart. That make me a sex offender?

The age of consent in Texas is 17 (Texas Penal Code Section 21.11). However, "...It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the actor...was not more than three years older than the victim and of the opposite sex...(and) did not use duress, force, or a threat against the victim at the time of the offence" and is not a registered sex offender Section 21.11 (b), Section 22.011 (e).

03-13-14, 19:44
Legally yes.

I have done it as well as every guy on the planet but the fact is the father confronted him and the daughter stated she did not the boy. What would you do if you found a man in your daughters room and she claimed she did not know him. He acted with the knowledge he had at the moment. What comes out later is irrelevant. It's a bad situation all the way around.

Daughter is gonna hate dad, dad took a young mans life for no reason, and the boys family lost a son for being a horny teenager. Sad.

JBecker 72
03-13-14, 19:55
Legally yes.

That in response to me? Because that's not the way it works.

03-13-14, 20:00
What that kid knew about deadly force encounters is that if you get shot, you respawn somewhere else on the map.

laughed aloud on that one - clever

03-13-14, 20:08
Sexually assaulting? She let him in the house. Sounds to me like typical high school teenager behavior.

It is, but if 17 is adult in TX, then it could be construed as statutory rape (edit: NM, just read the penal code above)

On an off tangent, I always wondered why all those under-18 girls in the OB wards never have police visiting them.

On topic, it's going to come down to a few things: daughter's testimony, the testimony of other family members (ie, is this a boyfriend that's been in the house before), dad's testimony, and if there was anything at hte scene to indicate a shooting was necessary: his gun, pepper spray, etc.

As was pointed out though on TOS, TX has a castle doctrine, it's 2:30 am, and lord knows that that daughter said in the spur of the moment.

As for "not being that guy," when I was early 20's, my GF and I regularly slept in her room. Her parents regularly said good night to both of us when they went to bed. Being a bit older and wiser, I can't believe how disrespectful I was at the time or that her dad didn't say/do anything. On the flip side, I was ready to marry her (and went way beyond a usual guy, with the amount of drama she was living), until she broke it off, so maybe that counted for something. Younger guys, take a note.

03-13-14, 20:25
When I was 17 I was banging a 16 year old, we were 3 months apart. That make me a sex offender?

No, but....

When I met and dated my first serious girlfriend she was 15 and I 19. She was a gorgeous blonde who said she loved me and we had many great years together. Still as a result I scaled the walls of her home to get into her bedroom so we could have sex and obviously I should have been shot and killed on the spot for doing so.

...this would. Having intercourse with a juvenile who was four years your junior when you were an adult is not something that I'd brag about or advertise on the internet.The fact that she was attractive or a blond is not material to the issue.

03-13-14, 20:30
I honestly think it's going to boil down to how Devon Anderson thinks.

For those who are not familiar with the name, she's the District Attorney for Harris County (Houston area). She was appointed by Texas Gov. Rick Perry to fill her husband's unexpired term, when he passed away from cancer.

I am glad I taught my daughter to tell me the truth, and to trust me. A sad business all around.

03-13-14, 20:40
No, but....

...this would. Having intercourse with a juvenile who was four years your junior when you were an adult is not something that I'd brag about or advertise on the internet.The fact that she was attractive or a blond is not material to the issue.

Depends on the statute of limitations

03-14-14, 13:24
We can Friday morning quarterback this till final judgement. All the icing on the cake is nice but the plain facts are an unknown intruder inside his castle at 0200 and the unknown made a furtive movement. Sounds just to me although it'll be alittle tough to deal with personally and family wise.

On the good side, he won't have to worry about this happening again in his house. That young lady might as well look at becoming a nun.

03-14-14, 13:28
News article saying charges are unlikely:

Charges unlikely for Houston dad accused of shooting daughter’s boyfriend, prosecutor says (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/03/14/charges-unlikely-for-houston-dad-accused-shooting-daughters-boyfriend/?intcmp=latestnews)

03-14-14, 13:40
Well I, for one, would NEVER have snuck into a bitch's house knowing a Dad was there. Hell NO!

03-14-14, 13:52
Depends on the statute of limitations

Who gives a ****? I agree with Sensei. I'd never even think of doing that, much less admit to it over the internet. When you're 19, you should be after 21 year olds. Not 15.

Sent via Tapatalk

JBecker 72
03-14-14, 13:56
Who gives a ****? I agree with Sensei. I'd never even think of doing that, much less admit to it over the internet. When you're 19, you should be after 21 year olds. Not 15.

Sent via Tapatalk


03-14-14, 16:24
News article saying charges are unlikely:

Charges unlikely for Houston dad accused of shooting daughter’s boyfriend, prosecutor says (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/03/14/charges-unlikely-for-houston-dad-accused-shooting-daughters-boyfriend/?intcmp=latestnews)

As it should be.

03-14-14, 16:28
Who gives a ****? I agree with Sensei. I'd never even think of doing that, much less admit to it over the internet. When you're 19, you should be after 21 year olds. Not 15.

Sent via Tapatalk

No shit, when I was in high school I was going after college girls, in college it was cougars. Older women are where its at.

03-14-14, 17:57
Married women, when the husband is cool with it, are where its at.

Fixed it for you... ;)

03-14-14, 19:10
If Eurodriver was president:

Dad doesn't get charged with anything (or sued).

Daughter gets charged with manslaughter.

Agreed. Good shoot*. Daughter ****ed up.

*With the information that was available to him at the time.

03-14-14, 19:11
and the boys family lost a son for picking the wrong girl to bang. Sad.


03-14-14, 21:50
If Eurodriver was president:

Dad doesn't get charged with anything (or sued).

Daughter gets charged with manslaughter.

I agree that the father should not face criminal charges. However, I do think that parents are responsible for the damages that their children incur. In this case, the parents of the boy lost their child due to the negligent actions of the shooter's daughter. Had she not lied to portray the boy as an intruder, he'd be alive today (barring criminal action on the father's part). Those are some serious damages; the father should breakout his checkbook and warm-up his writing hand.

03-14-14, 23:04
Well I, for one, would NEVER have snuck into a bitch's house knowing a Dad was there. Hell NO!

I did it when I was in high school. I knew the risks but did it anyway. Of course I had some degree of confidence that the girls I was messing with wouldn't deny knowing who I was.

03-15-14, 00:00
All I see here is a major parenting fail. This dad is a ****ing looser. He has no clue who his eldest child is affiliated with, has never seen the boys that she hangs out with, doesn't even have enough of a relationship with her to tell when she is lying? Seriously what a horrible parent.

This sounds to me like some jack ass trying to use castle doctrine to execute his daughter's high school boyfriend. If that isn't the case, then he deserves most inattentive, horrible parent of the year award for being such a negligent ass hat as to allow this situation to happen in the first place.

03-15-14, 00:20
I was in Houston when this happened. The guys I spoke to said it will more than likely be a no bill. thank you for throwing the part about the civil immunity. Apparently everybody seems to forget that.

Folks this is Texas, you know where you can call 911, and tell them you are going to go kill a burglar on your front lawn, then do it while a cop watches and you get no-billed.

This guy was not arrested and if the story is correct is it 100% justified. And if it is justified he gets legal immunity.

Nothing is going to happen.

03-15-14, 01:30
All I see here is a major parenting fail. This dad is a ****ing looser. He has no clue who his eldest child is affiliated with, has never seen the boys that she hangs out with, doesn't even have enough of a relationship with her to tell when she is lying? Seriously what a horrible parent.

This sounds to me like some jack ass trying to use castle doctrine to execute his daughter's high school boyfriend. If that isn't the case, then he deserves most inattentive, horrible parent of the year award for being such a negligent ass hat as to allow this situation to happen in the first place.

This dad gets the father of the year award IMHO. Stranger in his house in the middle of the night sticking it to his daughter, yup good shoot. Oh wait the daughter knew him . . . so what? Never rub another man's rhubarb and all that.

03-15-14, 02:37
This dad gets the father of the year award IMHO. Stranger in his house in the middle of the night sticking it to his daughter, yup good shoot. Oh wait the daughter knew him . . . so what? Never rub another man's rhubarb and all that.

Shooting your daughters boyfriend, just because he's your daughters boyfriend is full retard. Regardless of if he's a stranger.

The father thought he was shooting an intruder.

03-15-14, 02:38
Fixed it for you... ;)

Gross, but I've done it.

I'll never understand how dudes are cool with their wives banging other dudes.

03-15-14, 03:06
Gross, but I've done it.

I'll never understand how dudes are cool with their wives banging other dudes.


But seriously, this case would be interesting if it went to court.

TX penal code:
Sec. 9.32. DEADLY FORCE IN DEFENSE OF PERSON. (a) A person is justified in using deadly force against another:

(1) if the actor would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.31; and

(2) when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:

(A) to protect the actor against the other's use or attempted use of unlawful deadly force; or

(B) to prevent the other's imminent commission of aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery.

(b) The actor's belief under Subsection (a)(2) that the deadly force was immediately necessary as described by that subdivision is presumed to be reasonable if the actor:

(1) knew or had reason to believe that the person against whom the deadly force was used:

(A) unlawfully and with force entered, or was attempting to enter unlawfully and with force, the actor's occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;

(B) unlawfully and with force removed, or was attempting to remove unlawfully and with force, the actor from the actor's habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or

(C) was committing or attempting to commit an offense described by Subsection (a)(2)(B);

(2) did not provoke the person against whom the force was used; and

(3) was not otherwise engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic at the time the force was used.

(c) A person who has a right to be present at the location where the deadly force is used, who has not provoked the person against whom the deadly force is used, and who is not engaged in criminal activity at the time the deadly force is used is not required to retreat before using deadly force as described by this section.

(d) For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), in determining whether an actor described by Subsection (c) reasonably believed that the use of deadly force was necessary, a finder of fact may not consider whether the actor failed to retreat.

Eta: never mind, the statute was updated, posted the current one.

9.32(a)(2), belief of the necessity of deadly force, is by statute presumed to be true if the shooter had reason to believe (9.32(b)(1)) that the threat unlawfully entered the shooter's occupied habitation (9.32(b)(1)(A)).

The daughter gave him reason to believe that her bf unlawfully entered the house, so his belief in the need of deadly force is presumed by law... Unless the prosecution wants to argue that he had no reason to believe the unlawful entry was committed by force.

I wonder though, what constitutes lawful entry into a habitation? Can any person who regularly occupies the habitation grant lawful entry, or does that power fall solely with the habitation owner?

03-15-14, 03:17
Well LEO's been doing it for years...

I don't understand the people who say its bad parenting and all that jazz. He acted with the information he was given in split of a second. He thought there was a naked intruder in his daughters room. How was he supposed to know that she was banging the dude for fun? His daughter messed up but if you all think your daughters don't lie to you then your blinded by them.

In high school I was violating all of the "innocent" daughters and you think they would tell daddy that they were f*cking around?

03-15-14, 06:43
If a gun killed the boy, why should this man be tried and go to prison for the crime? After all, the gun is to blame. Nothing should happen. When I was a horny teenager, my GF and I used to go to Motel 6, only we never left the light on!

03-15-14, 07:33
If you sneak into someone's home in the middle of the night, don't be surprised if bad things happen...no matter the circumstances.

03-15-14, 08:00
This guy was not arrested and if the story is correct is it 100% justified. And if it is justified he gets legal immunity.

Nothing is going to happen.

He gets legal immunity, but it very well may be open season on his daughter - especially for civil damages.

03-15-14, 08:53
Well I, for one, would NEVER have snuck into a bitch's house knowing a Dad was there. Hell NO!

X2. Suicide, imo

sent from Jennifer Lawrence's bedroom

03-15-14, 09:34
If you sneak into someone's home in the middle of the night, don't be surprised if bad things happen...no matter the circumstances.

From his perspective, he was invited in.

El Cid
03-15-14, 09:36
All I see here is a major parenting fail. This dad is a ****ing looser. He has no clue who his eldest child is affiliated with, has never seen the boys that she hangs out with, doesn't even have enough of a relationship with her to tell when she is lying? Seriously what a horrible parent.

This sounds to me like some jack ass trying to use castle doctrine to execute his daughter's high school boyfriend. If that isn't the case, then he deserves most inattentive, horrible parent of the year award for being such a negligent ass hat as to allow this situation to happen in the first place.

Wow! Talk about overly judgemental... Clearly you're the model parent and should teach classes since you're so full of knowledge and excessive arrogance. :rolleyes:

03-15-14, 10:20
Not to comment on this specific event, but telling teenage boys not to be stupid is like asking your dog to take the remote and turn the channel to ESPN while you make a sandwich.

03-15-14, 11:16
Not to comment on this specific event, but telling teenage boys not to be stupid is like asking your dog to take the remote and turn the channel to ESPN while you make a sandwich.

You think that's stupid. Try asking my dogs to go make a you a sandwich while you're watching ESPN.

As for the incident under discussion, it's a shitty deal. If I shot and killed a teenager because my daughter lied to me and I had to live with his death on my conscience, I would be a one pissed off fella.

03-15-14, 11:44
From his perspective, he was invited in.

If he was that naive I feel sorry for him.

03-15-14, 12:04
That's horrible.

Guys shoots a guy in his daughters room in the middle of the night she says is a stranger that broke in. Who wouldn't.

Then it turns out it was her boyfriend. Christ, when you were 15,16, 17,18, 19 etc. you all know how old your girlfriends were.

What the hell is wrong nowadays when a kid knows someone well enough they are screwing them but the family has not met them.

Then the kid would have had a black eye or a fat lip and a little more sense, instead of a head stone.

03-15-14, 12:12
I would never have snuck into a girls house who's parents I did not know ? Was not a stupid teen did dumb stuff sure but not stupid stuff.

Sadly also bad upbringing on the daughter to have lied about that

Bad situation all around

Any girl under 18 I dated her parents met me knew my real age ! Maybe those days don't exist anymore ?

03-15-14, 13:53
If he was that naive I feel sorry for him.

So you think he was under the impression that he was committing misdemeanor breaking and entering when his girlfriend most likely opened the door for him?

Heavy Metal
03-15-14, 14:06
Major league wrongful death lawsuit coming that guy's way.

He is most likley exempt if he is no-billed.

03-15-14, 14:07
You think that's stupid. Try asking my dogs to go make a you a sandwich while you're watching ESPN.

As for the incident under discussion, it's a shitty deal. If I shot and killed a teenager because my daughter lied to me and I had to live with his death on my conscience, I would be a one pissed off fella.

To me, this story screams "there's more to this story than we know." Something just not quite adding for me, but maybe it happened exactly as claimed. Me, I suspect the father popped his lid seeing some kid on top of his daughter, and they cooked that up together once the dust settled. I could be 100% wrong too.

03-15-14, 16:13
Surprised this hasn't turned into a race issue yet in the media. Pops usually get mad when they realize daughter has hoodrat tendencies.

03-15-14, 16:14
To me, this story screams "there's more to this story than we know." Something just not quite adding for me, but maybe it happened exactly as claimed. Me, I suspect the father popped his lid seeing some kid on top of his daughter, and they cooked that up together once the dust settled. I could be 100% wrong too.

That would not surprise me. The fact that she was naked in the bed and not calling for help might have tipped off the more cerebral among us that he was no stranger to sleeping beauty. Either way, he is going to have some expensive legal fees once the boy's parents get done with his family.

03-15-14, 16:16
That would not surprise me. The fact that she was naked in the bed and not calling for help might have tipped off the more cerebral among us that he was no stranger to sleeping beauty. Either way, he is going to have some expensive legal fees once the boy's parents get done with his family.

Dude, have you read the thread?

If there is a No bill from the GJ = No lawsuit.

03-15-14, 16:24
Dude, have you read the thread?

If there is a No bill from the GJ = No lawsuit.

I have read the thread. There is no lawsuit against the father. However, the daughter's actions are fair game. She invited the boy into the house and lied to the father which caused his death. SHE can and probably will be held responsible for his death due to the circumstances that SHE created. Guess who is liable for the damages since she is a minor...

03-15-14, 16:39
I have read the thread. There is no lawsuit against the father. However, the daughter's actions are fair game. She invited the boy into the house and lied to the father which caused his death. SHE can and probably will be held responsible for his death for the circumstances that SHE created. Guess who is liable for the damages since she is a minor...

And rightly so in my opinion....

Sorry dads. Your daughters are in fact most likely going to have sex before they're married, they will most likely have sex before they turn eighteen, and they will most likely do so in your home...in fact there's a pretty good chance that they will do it in your home while you are also in your home(and they'll have initiated it.) They will definitely lie to you about it. You need to be cognizant of these possibilities before you shoot unarmed and naked teenagers.

The best we can hope for is that we've fostered an environment where our children feel safe enough and comfortable enough with us to have difficult conversations. And at the end of the day you have to realize that she's probably going to engage in that behavior, and you need to ensure that she's safe above all and as respectful as she can be. Frankly I'd rather my daughter be having sex in her bed at home than in the front seat of some dude's truck in a dark parking lot somewhere...maybe I'm weird.

03-15-14, 16:43
I'm actually surprised that she has not picked-up an involuntary manslaughter charge.

03-15-14, 16:49
Shooting your daughters boyfriend, just because he's your daughters boyfriend is full retard. Regardless of if he's a stranger.

The father thought he was shooting an intruder.

Well the home owner didn't shoot his daughter's BF, he shot a stranger who was in his home unannounced in the middle of the night. The father (aka home owner) never invited the little horn dog in, the daughter did then concealed that fact from her old man when confronted. From what I have read they were not BF/GF just random **** buddies. Doesn't really matter the young man is still dead and his daughter has to live with that image for all of her days.

When I was young I never snuck into people's homes. I know my old man would have shot any "burglar" sticking it to my older sister so I planned accordingly. As the OP states, let this be a lesson to every young man out there.

03-15-14, 16:58
Surprised this hasn't turned into a race issue yet in the media. Pops usually get mad when they realize daughter has hoodrat tendencies.

The thought had crossed my mine. Any source that states what races the people are who were involved? If the kid was white I doubt will hear anything in the MSM much less from Big Brother. I assumed the kid who was killed was white since we haven't heard from the civil rights industry, POTUS, and the AG on the matter.

03-15-14, 17:09
Well the home owner didn't shoot his daughter's BF, he shot a stranger who was in his home unannounced in the middle of the night. The father (aka home owner) never invited the little horn dog in, the daughter did...

Which raises the question - was the boy unlawfully in the home? Can a minor "invite" someone at 0200 hrs against the implied wishes of the parents?

03-15-14, 17:20
Which raises the question - was the boy unlawfully in the home? Can a minor "invite" someone at 0200 hrs against the implied wishes of the parents?

And then there is this. I have to wonder what the legal precedence is concerning this situation where a minor allows someone to enter the domicile.

There have been cases where young women let a boyfriend and or male friends into their parents’ home with the intent to murder and rob the parents.

03-15-14, 17:31
So you think he was under the impression that he was committing misdemeanor breaking and entering when his girlfriend most likely opened the door for him?

I see your point. I must be looking at it from my adult point of view knowing the father could possibly get violent.

03-15-14, 17:44
I have read the thread. There is no lawsuit against the father. However, the daughter's actions are fair game. She invited the boy into the house and lied to the father which caused his death. SHE can and probably will be held responsible for his death due to the circumstances that SHE created. Guess who is liable for the damages since she is a minor...

Sorry bro, I didn't even think about that. But we're in full agreement. Per my post on Page 1, I absolutely think she should hold responsibility for what happened.

The thought had crossed my mine. Any source that states what races the people are who were involved? If the kid was white I doubt will hear anything in the MSM much less from Big Brother. I assumed the kid who was killed was white since we haven't heard from the civil rights industry, POTUS, and the AG on the matter.

Definitely black. But pops was sorta black/hispanic/something so maybe that's the issue (or non issue, rather) here.



03-15-14, 20:40
Definitely black. But pops was sorta black/hispanic/something so maybe that's the issue (or non issue, rather) here.

Then, the father's fate hangs in the media's determination of whether he is a "White Hispanic." My suggestion - he had better start tanning now...and wearing a sombrero everywhere he goes.

03-15-14, 21:03
To me, this story screams "there's more to this story than we know." Something just not quite adding for me, but maybe it happened exactly as claimed. Me, I suspect the father popped his lid seeing some kid on top of his daughter, and they cooked that up together once the dust settled. I could be 100% wrong too.

The more that I read, the more fishy it smells.

It was around 2 a.m. Thursday morning when McCormick's son Johran McCormick was discovered in the Harris County home by the 16-year-old girl's father, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Department.
The man was reportedly alerted by his son after seeing two feet hiding under her bed.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/mom-texas-boy-shot-death-girl-bedroom-apology-article-1.1721939#ixzz2w5RUq93R

Honestly Dad, I don't know who this boy is hiding under my bed...yeah, right.

03-15-14, 21:21
What the hell is wrong nowadays when a kid knows someone well enough they are screwing them but the family has not met them.

... Maybe I'm the weirdo, but I've only ever introduced one girl to my family.

03-15-14, 21:43
This dad gets the father of the year award IMHO. Stranger in his house in the middle of the night sticking it to his daughter, yup good shoot. Oh wait the daughter knew him . . . so what? Never rub another man's rhubarb and all that.

Yea murdering a 17 year old kid who does what every normal 17 year old kid on the planet would do is honorable? None of us know the peticulars, but short of Treyvon 2.0 attacking the dad or actually raping the little snowflake, he needs to be in a cell. I highly doubt a naked boy/man is just going to attack someone with a gun pointed at them. The again it could have been a fight/flight response on the kid.

Think of how we all were at 16-18. Cute little snowflakes invites us over for a romp, would you turn her down? Either way, tis a shitty situation all the way around.

03-15-14, 21:44
... Maybe I'm the weirdo, but I've only ever introduced one girl to my family.

Why do I need to know her Family? Did you grow up on a mountain?

03-15-14, 21:50
Damn it, now I have to tell my dad he was right about another thing. Dad's advice to me was remember son where we live I would put money on any girl you fool around with, her dad owns a gun or two and he will know how to use it.

03-15-14, 21:56
Wow! Talk about overly judgemental... Clearly you're the model parent and should teach classes since you're so full of knowledge and excessive arrogance. :rolleyes:

I take pride in the fact that every time I've "hit" a living thing with my fists or a bullet (which is what a ****ing bullet does), I've assessed the situation first. I don't swing blind. This idiot swung blind and anyone that champions this behavior is contributing to why we are loosing our gun rights and the battle for public opinion.

We need to start policing our own. Not everyone who pulls the trigger is an automatic hero.

Maybe I should start punching everyone who is rude to me in public in the face and you guys can start to canonize me as an exemplary individual who is standing up for traditional American values. You step in front of me in line at McDonalds, I knock your ass out. You cut me off in traffic, I knock your ass out. You fail to get my paycheck sent to me on time because "your to busy" I knock your ass out. Your checking your cellphone while I check out at the grocery store, I knock your ass out.

I have the ability to kill someone at the tip of my fingers, and that comes with responsibility, the responsibility of assessing your target before you make that choice.

To me assessing means more then just a guttural reaction. It means actually assessing. The definition of Assess, and React are different. Assess requires using the logic portion of your grey matter and this guy simply didn't do that.

El Cid
03-15-14, 22:15
I take pride in the fact that every time I've "hit" a living thing with my fists or a bullet (which is what a ****ing bullet does), I've assessed the situation first. I don't swing blind. This idiot swung blind and anyone that champions this behavior is contributing to why we are loosing our gun rights and the battle for public opinion.

We need to start policing our own. Not everyone who pulls the trigger is an automatic hero.

Maybe I should start punching everyone who is rude to me in public in the face and you guys can start to canonize me as an exemplary individual who is standing up for traditional American values. You step in front of me in line at McDonalds, I knock your ass out. You cut me off in traffic, I knock your ass out. You fail to get my paycheck sent to me on time because "your to busy" I knock your ass out. Your checking your cellphone while I check out at the grocery store, I knock your ass out.

I have the ability to kill someone at the tip of my fingers, and that comes with responsibility, the responsibility of assessing your target before you make that choice.

To me assessing means more then just a guttural reaction. It means actually assessing. The definition of Assess, and React are different. Assess requires using the logic portion of your grey matter and this guy simply didn't do that.
Once again you are judging him based on not having all the facts. You're no better than Piers Morgan with what you posted. We don't know he swung blind. We don't know what, if anything, the 17yr old did leading up to the shooting.

Think about the reactionary gap inside a small bedroom. Consider it was 2:30 in the morning. Maybe there wasn't time to "assess." It's irresponsible to pass judgement on anyone without knowing everything that happened. Not everyone can be a perfect parent and perfect tactician like you. Nothing is worse than a Monday morning QB posting comments on the internet after a shooting. All you're doing is fueling the antis you claim we need to worry about after an incident like this.

I am not even going to address your over the top hyperbole.

03-15-14, 22:29
If this story blows up, the facts won't matter. It'll be the "black kid gets executed and shooter walks" crowd versus the "gun owner defending his castle" crowd. And once it's framed in those terms, folks'll choose up sides, the media and the predictable media whores will do everything they can to stoke the fires, and we've got another perfect storm.

My ass is tired just thinking about it.

03-15-14, 22:38
Why do I need to know her Family? Did you grow up on a mountain?

Are you saying I grew up on a mountain because I didn't meet the family of every girl I dated? (Or slept with.)

03-16-14, 01:35
My personal opinion is that this is another situation in which a gun owner should have used discretion. Just because he broke in and was in the bed with her doesn't give him a Platinum Visa Card to shoot the kid. Sometimes being the smarter person requires some thought.

03-16-14, 06:56
My dad, a retired USCG CWO4 who didn't take anything off of ANYBODY - was famous for his one sentence life lessons. His 'birds & the bees' speech was: "If you knock some girl up, and her dad comes looking to kill you, I'LL help hold you DOWN for him!"

Worked on me - wife & I were married for 4+ years before we had our FIRST! :fie:

03-16-14, 07:25
My personal opinion is that this is another situation in which a gun owner should have used discretion. Just because he broke in and was in the bed with her doesn't give him a Platinum Visa Card to shoot the kid. Sometimes being the smarter person requires some thought.

That is where I am at with this. I know that we have a contingent of members who subscribe to the philosophy of, "come into my house uninvited and you die no matter what." The problem that I'm having here is that the boy was invited by the girl which, in my mind, MAY mean his presence was lawful. I simply don't know if he truly "broke in" and how the various states treat such an issue.

Then, I think that most reasonable people would come to the conclusion that a half-naked teenager hiding under the bed was no stranger to their half-naked daughter. Finally, this issue of a sudden movement prompting the shooting sounds very convenient - maybe he did, maybe he didn't...we'll never know.

03-16-14, 08:14
My personal opinion is that this is another situation in which a gun owner should have used discretion. Just because he broke in and was in the bed with her doesn't give him a Platinum Visa Card to shoot the kid. Sometimes being the smarter person requires some thought.

Yes. I agree with this. Stupidity all around, but more discretion by the guy with his finger on the trigger could have prevented this tragedy.

03-16-14, 09:43
Completely agree with the sentiments expressed by Iraqgunz, Sensei, and HMAC.

And, while I readily concede we do not know all the facts in this case, I agree with the comment by Mac5.56 regarding the knee-jerk reaction of gun-owners to rally behind every Tom, Dick, and Harry that shoots somebody. There are some seriously stupid, reckless, and dangerous "lawful" gun owners out there and people who support gun-ownership and 2A rights need to separate the wheat from the chaff. When these incidents get portrayed as a gun rights vs. gun control issue and gun owners are manipulated into standing arm-in-arm with some real asshats, they are doing their cause a disservice.

03-16-14, 10:08
Having intercourse with a juvenile who was four years your junior when you were an adult is not something that I'd brag about or advertise on the internet.

It was over twenty years ago and believe it or not the exact same scenario plays out countless times daily without legal consequence. Her parents knew about us and accepted our relationship. Not saying anyone should be ok with it but fact is they were.

The fact that she was attractive or a blond is not material to the issue.

Actually it was one of the primary motivations for doing something like sneaking into her house at night.

03-16-14, 11:08
Completely agree with the sentiments expressed by Iraqgunz, Sensei, and HMAC.

And, while I readily concede we do not know all the facts in this case, I agree with the comment by Mac5.56 regarding the knee-jerk reaction of gun-owners to rally behind every Tom, Dick, and Harry that shoots somebody. There are some seriously stupid, reckless, and dangerous "lawful" gun owners out there and people who support gun-ownership and 2A rights need to separate the wheat from the chaff. When these incidents get portrayed as a gun rights vs. gun control issue and gun owners are manipulated into standing arm-in-arm with some real asshats, they are doing their cause a disservice.

Of the three people in this scenario, the guy with the lethal instrument in his hand is the one with the most responsibility and the most obligation to be cautious.

03-16-14, 12:20
Are you saying I grew up on a mountain because I didn't meet the family of every girl I dated? (Or slept with.)

Yep, it must be true. Change your name to Magic_Mountain0892.

Heavy Metal
03-16-14, 12:48
The boy apparently wasn't listening to the father's commands and reached for something.

Strange boy in daughter's bedroom, furtive movement after ignoring commands.......

What would a reasonable man do in such a circumstance?

What would a Police Officer do if a stranger ignored his commands to stay put and made a furtive movement?

03-16-14, 13:09
Strange boy in daughter's bedroom, furtive movement after ignoring commands.......

What would a reasonable man do in such a circumstance?

What would a Police Officer do if a stranger ignored his commands to stay put and made a furtive movement?

Realize that he just caught some dude having sex with his daughter, that the kid is scared and likely just wants to run, and that the chances this kid is going to hurt you or your daughter are slim to none?

He's not a police officer. He's a father who caught some kid deflowering his daughter...and she supposedly lied about it(like that's a surprise?) A reasonable man would know exactly what was happening and wouldn't shoot the object of his daughter's lust.

He was probably reaching for pants...if the father's account is even true(which I'm beginning to doubt.)

03-16-14, 13:51
... Maybe I'm the weirdo, but I've only ever introduced one girl to my family.

Not sure of your age or living situation,
but I mean

teenage daughters-

They are not going on a date with or having a guy over I have not met.

And they are not going to school dances or parties without adult supervision there.

Not a perfect solution,

but an adolescent male seeking their attention will have looked into the eyes
of her troop silverback and know what fire he is playing with.

In my youth I had those meetings with fathers that were a WW2 SEAL forerunner vet, 6 and a half foot tall state trooper that was a VN Force Recon vet, the school principal, VN SF vet, other town's police chief, gynormus mean dude that just liked to fight, etc.

03-16-14, 13:54
teenage daughters-

They are not going on a date with or having a guy over I have not met.

And they are not going to school dances or parties without adult supervision there.

Sure they're not. ;)

03-16-14, 19:25
Sad situation indeed. Typical teenage behavior these days.

teenage daughters-

They are not going on a date with or having a guy over I have not met.

And they are not going to school dances or parties without adult supervision there.

You will be deeply disappointed and blatantly surprised one day....

Unless you have them on a leash or have 24 hour surveillance/GPS tracking you will never know.

03-16-14, 20:52
Sure they're not. ;)

LOL - my thoughts exactly. My "type" from high school to present day has always been the shy, brunette, church-going girl in the choir with a mean father. I've never met any of their dads. And as badly as I want to derail this thread about quiet girls being the freaks, I'll refrain....oops ;)

03-16-14, 21:20
Problem with parents now a days is that they do not instill the fear of God into their kids like they should... So you have over-confident kids thinking they can get away with and do anything they want without reprocusions.
Not 100% related to this story, but from seeing this, the numerous knock out game gone wrong stories, the "prank robbery" thread...

Kids these days are just stupid, and parents do nothing but enable them.

03-16-14, 21:23
While some teens are more disciplined than others the bottom line is that two of them generally see each other as peers despite what their parents or a law they can't see or touch says in their respective states. I wasn't some guy who wanted to take advantage of someone's daughter and didn't care what he thought, I was a young man in love (in my case) with a young lady who I ended up living with for years after she graduated high school. Would I have done it for a quick romp with some cute girl, risked being caught by her parents? Almost certainly not, so I guess in that way I have little in common with the young man in the story.

In other words, in case you really haven't been there in some way it sometimes isn't that cut and dry. Still if I had a young daughter I'd want to have beat my butt too, but shooting a kid dead for that is uncalled for even if he wasn't her known boyfriend. And almost no way the father couldn't have deciphered what was happening.

And all that said this will likely result in less young women, in Texas at least, being visited by their brave older teen boyfriends for the next year or two. Gives one a little something extra to think about.

03-17-14, 02:35
Yep. That's for sure. How many of us pulled shit on our parents? I know I did.

Sad situation indeed. Typical teenage behavior these days.

You will be deeply disappointed and blatantly surprised one day....

Unless you have them on a leash or have 24 hour surveillance/GPS tracking you will never know.

03-17-14, 02:37
Probably not and won't be the last.

Realize that he just caught some dude having sex with his daughter, that the kid is scared and likely just wants to run, and that the chances this kid is going to hurt you or your daughter are slim to none?

He's not a police officer. He's a father who caught some kid deflowering his daughter...and she supposedly lied about it(like that's a surprise?) A reasonable man would know exactly what was happening and wouldn't shoot the object of his daughter's lust.

He was probably reaching for pants...if the father's account is even true(which I'm beginning to doubt.)

03-17-14, 08:15
I love how some of you are quick to throw this Dad under the bus, which could turn out to be a justified shoot... but where's the Outcry when LE shoots an unarmed Airman on the side of the road who did nothing wrong, or for that matter, a 70yr old man with a Cane who steps out of his vehicle?

Oh, that's right, it was Officer Safety.... got it.

03-17-14, 09:09
If the facts are as originally presented, snowflake needs manslaughter.

03-17-14, 09:29
I love how some of you are quick to throw this Dad under the bus, which could turn out to be a justified shoot... but where's the Outcry when LE shoots an unarmed Airman on the side of the road who did nothing wrong, or for that matter, a 70yr old man with a Cane who steps out of his vehicle?

Oh, that's right, it was Officer Safety.... got it.

Like it or not, police play by a different set of rules in the law.

It could very well be a legally justified shoot if it turns out exactly as he said. It could also turn out to be manslaughter or murder and perjury.

Like with all cases, pre-judging someone based off of a couple of news websites on the internet is stupid. Most people here are hesitant at best to trust the media, yet all of a sudden they have "facts" in cases like this?

Regardless of the legal outcome, I think everyone here can agree that the shooting, in 20/20 hindsight, was a tragedy and not justified in any way. It'll also hurt, not help, the 2A cause.

El Cid
03-17-14, 10:23
I love how some of you are quick to throw this Dad under the bus, which could turn out to be a justified shoot... but where's the Outcry when LE shoots an unarmed Airman on the side of the road who did nothing wrong, or for that matter, a 70yr old man with a Cane who steps out of his vehicle?

Oh, that's right, it was Officer Safety.... got it.

Exactly - the LEO's investigating the shooting have said they don't expect the dad to face charges. They have access to ALL the evidence/statements. How could a bunch of internet detectives be so quick to condemn him?

As for the old man with the cane - I've watched the video and I can see why the trooper thought it was a weapon. The old man screwed up by getting out of the vehicle in the first place. I'm betting that trooper has watched the same video I have in training where the VN vet reaches back into his p/u truck and comes out with an M1 Carbine.

03-17-14, 12:04
Lots of fail to be handed out to all parties involved.

As a parent, while I like to think my little one is an angle, I also have to be realistic and remember the the crap I pulled as a kid. The dad should have done a better job of raising his daughter. Not only to not screw around, but more importantly to accept responsibility for her actions. If she cant keep her panties on maybe she shouldn't lie about it(if it's true she denied knowing the kid). Epic fail on his part to be this out of the loop. Epic fail on his part in not clearly explaining to her how he would respond to an unknown person in his home. EVERYONE in my home knows exactly how I intend to respond to any disturbances. They know daddy is armed and not to **** around cause the consequences are potentially harsh.

The daughter should not have lied about it (if it's true she denied knowing the boy). She should have known that daddy was armed and would act aggressively toward any "intruders". She should have learned how to have sex in the back seat of a car, a hotel, a tent, sleeping bag, in the bushes...pretty much anywhere aside from a location where a pissed off armed guy can come and respond.

The boy should have learned the same about places to have sex and NOT snuck into a strangers home.

Epic fail all around. Sadly some kid who most likely shouldn't be dead is dead. The father will have to live with the knowledge that he killed a person who was most likely didn't need killing and that he raised an irresponsible being. The daughter will have to deal with the fact that her stupidity resulted in someone's death.

Shit sandwich all around.

03-17-14, 12:08
Epic fail all around. Sadly some kid who most likely shouldn't be dead is dead. The father will have to live with the knowledge that he killed a person who was most likely didn't need killing and that he raised an irresponsible being. The daughter will have to deal with the fact that her stupidity resulted in someone's death.

Shit sandwich all around.

And that about sums it up.

03-17-14, 12:18
It is a giant cluster ****. Reading about it from a news story after the fact is like trying to do anything while looking through a straw. We have a small piece of evidence and a whole lot of speculation. I won't condone or condemn the man for trying to protect his daughter from what he perceived as a threat. I would hope all the men here with daughters would want to protect their daughters from a stranger (to the father) in their house.

B Cart
03-17-14, 13:25
It's amazing how many people on this thread act like they know exactly what the father was thinking when he viciously murdered the poor horny boy for no reason. After all, he was only a normal teenage boy slipping into under aged girls houses in the middle of the night to have sex with them. What normal 17 year old wouldn't be doing the same thing?

I'll tell you this much, I fooled around with my fair share of girls in high school, and I sure as hell would have NEVER snuck into one of their dad's houses in the middle of the night, especially if I didn't know the parents. No matter how 'normal' some of you think that is, I think it's completely foolish on this boy's part.

I have a daughter, and if I wake up groggy in the middle of the night and find some man in my house, in my daughters room, my first instinct isn't going to be to give him the benefit of the doubt. I personally would hope I would do much more investigation than this father before pulling the trigger, but if it happened like the story says, I can at least understand why the father made the choice he did.

Whether this guy truly feared for his daughter's safety, or shot in rage because he caught his daughter sleeping around, we will probably never really know.

03-17-14, 13:27
It's amazing how many people on this thread act like they know exactly what the father was thinking when he viciously murdered the poor horny boy for no reason. After all, he was only a normal teenage boy slipping into under aged girls houses in the middle of the night to have sex with them. What normal 17 year old wouldn't be doing the same thing?

I'll tell you this much, I fooled around with my fair share of girls in high school, and I sure as hell would have NEVER snuck into one of their dad's houses in the middle of the night, especially if I didn't know the parents. No matter how 'normal' some of you think that is, I think it's completely foolish on this boy's part.

I have a daughter, and if I wake up groggy in the middle of the night and find some man in my house, in my daughters room, my first instinct isn't going to be to give him the benefit of the doubt. I personally would hope I would do much more investigation than this father before pulling the trigger, but if it happened like the story says, I can at least understand why the father made the choice he did.

Whether this guy truly feared for his daughter's safety, or shot in rage because he caught his daughter sleeping around, we will probably never really know.

Man, please be careful with that Rational thinking... it just might spread...

03-17-14, 14:44
Lovely little news story out of Texas...


Homicide investigators are gathering evidence after a father shoots and kills a teenage boy he found in his daughter's bedroom.
A spokesperson for the Harris County Sheriff's office said Deputy constables from pct 4 responded to a 911 call around 2:20 a.m. about a shooting in the Bridgestone Lake Subdivision in Northwest Harris County.

Police tell FOX 26 reporter John Donnelly that the father was notified that there was someone in his daughter's bedroom by one of his other children.

The father then went into the girl's bedroom and discovered the 17 year old male in bed with his 16 year old daughter. The daughter denied knowing who the boy was.

A confrontation between the father and boy started. The boy apparently wasn't listening to the father's commands and reached for something. It ended with 17 year old being shot and killed at the scene.

The 16 year old girl later admitted to investigators that she did know the boy and had let him into the home.

So many questions I have...

1. Why on earth would you lie to your father while he's staring down your bf with a handgun?
2. Why would you go reach for something while a gun is drawn on you? Trying to take a selfie in your gf's bedroom and say "hey yall bout got shot while doing ma thang. #YOLO"??!!!

I just can't comprehend what goes through kids' minds these days...


people, not just children, do all kinds of stupid things when placed in a high stress environment where commands are being yelled at them.

03-17-14, 15:23
people, not just children, do all kinds of stupid things when placed in a high stress environment where commands are being yelled at them.

True... and this is a perfect example of why you don't intentionally place yourself in one of those situations.

03-17-14, 16:31
Yeah, because no one here EVER had sex with their girlfriend when you thought her parents were gone or asleep. Come on. He got caught, and it cost him his life which is actually pretty sad when you think about it. Nothing is "lovely" when a teenager who gets killed for doing something 90% or more of us did back in High school.

03-17-14, 16:52
Yea murdering a 17 year old kid who does what every normal 17 year old kid on the planet would do is honorable? None of us know the peticulars, but short of Treyvon 2.0 attacking the dad or actually raping the little snowflake, he needs to be in a cell. I highly doubt a naked boy/man is just going to attack someone with a gun pointed at them. The again it could have been a fight/flight response on the kid.

Think of how we all were at 16-18. Cute little snowflakes invites us over for a romp, would you turn her down? Either way, tis a shitty situation all the way around.

or a very angry, stressed and adrenalized father gave imperfect commands. has he ever given commands to an intruder before? has he practiced it? did he tell the boy not to move and then tell him to get on the ground? did he ask for the kid to identify himself instead of saying what's your name? did he say where did you come from instead of how did you get in my house? all these nuances in languages can illicit physical motion reponses that are perfectly reasonable to someone that is stressed, in fear of life, embarassed/shamed and trying to comply.

03-17-14, 17:39
I can't believe some of the assumptions being made here, especially about the father.

I KNOW if you walk in to check on your little princess because you heard noises, noises scary enough to make you come armed, and you find a naked dude in bed you immediately assume "intruder/rapist" but the idea that the father somehow planned all this is absurd.

The little lying bitch got him killed, and might have her father in deep legal trouble.

Thankfully it seems like everyone involved is black so we won't need to do 6 months of Nancy Grace talking about how he "executed that boy simply because he was black."

But seriously, if you are caught with your pants down banging Daddy's little girl AND he has a gun don't make any sudden movements. Understand he may be giving you very angry and confusing orders that might contradict one another. Do your best to defuse the situation you contributed to. Prepare for an ass kicking.

Try not to get shot in the course of explaining that SHE LET YOU IN, SHE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE and YOU ARE REALLY SORRY.

JBecker 72
03-17-14, 18:22
I love how dads are all like "I know what my daughter does, she is an angel and wouldn't put me in this situation". Haha, bullshit. Your "little girl" is getting taken to pound town by her boyfriend you don't even know about. Your little speech you gave when cleaning your wingmaster pump shotgun didn't deter anything. Horny teenagers have sex, shocking right?

03-17-14, 22:11
I can't believe some of the assumptions being made here, especially about the father.

I KNOW if you walk in to check on your little princess because you heard noises, noises scary enough to make you come armed, and you find a naked dude in bed you immediately assume "intruder/rapist" but the idea that the father somehow planned all this is absurd.

The little lying bitch got him killed, and might have her father in deep legal trouble.

Thankfully it seems like everyone involved is black so we won't need to do 6 months of Nancy Grace talking about how he "executed that boy simply because he was black."

But seriously, if you are caught with your pants down banging Daddy's little girl AND he has a gun don't make any sudden movements. Understand he may be giving you very angry and confusing orders that might contradict one another. Do your best to defuse the situation you contributed to. Prepare for an ass kicking.

Try not to get shot in the course of explaining that SHE LET YOU IN, SHE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE and YOU ARE REALLY SORRY.

It is funny how our minds fill in the gaps with all types of scenarios depending on our predispositions. For example, you mention the father going into the room because he heard noises. Others (including myself) have mentioned the father walking in on them having sex. Interestingly, neither of these assumptions are supported by what is known by the case. Here is what we know so far:

1) The father probably did not go into the room because he heard noises. Although the first report from the local Fox affiliate claims this, all of the other news reports state that the father was alerted by another child who became aware of the boy's presence. One of the stories mentions that it was the little brother who became alarmed that there were a stranger's feet sticking out from under the bed (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/mom-texas-boy-shot-death-girl-bedroom-apology-article-1.1721939).

2) The father did not walk-in on them in mid thrust. In fact, we really do not know if the teenagers ever had sex that night, but the stories released so far do not even suggest that the teens were naked. The stories that the father caught him knocking the bottom out of it are pure conjecture. All of the news reports that I'm seeing state that he caught the teenager hiding in the girls bedroom. I suppose this goes along with the feet sticking out from under the bed.

My suspicion is that more details will come to light as we approach the grand jury hearing. Until then, we can all fantasize away...

03-18-14, 00:53
It is funny how our minds fill in the gaps with all types of scenarios depending on our predispositions. For example, you mention the father going into the room because he heard noises. Others (including myself) have mentioned the father walking in on them having sex. Interestingly, neither of these assumptions are supported by what is known by the case. Here is what we know so far:

1) The father probably did not go into the room because he heard noises. Although the first report from the local Fox affiliate claims this, all of the other news reports state that the father was alerted by another child who became aware of the boy's presence. One of the stories mentions that it was the little brother who became alarmed that there were a stranger's feet sticking out from under the bed (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/mom-texas-boy-shot-death-girl-bedroom-apology-article-1.1721939).

2) The father did not walk-in on them in mid thrust. In fact, we really do not know if the teenagers ever had sex that night, but the stories released so far do not even suggest that the teens were naked. The stories that the father caught him knocking the bottom out of it are pure conjecture. All of the news reports that I'm seeing state that he caught the teenager hiding in the girls bedroom. I suppose this goes along with the feet sticking out from under the bed.

My suspicion is that more details will come to light as we approach the grand jury hearing. Until then, we can all fantasize away...

My comments were based upon accepting the news reports I read as accurate. If the facts prove otherwise, well that changes things.

03-18-14, 07:13
Obviously only three people know what happened there, and one is dead. If the currently circulated narrative is true, or at least what sticks, I strongly believe snowflake needs charges, that boy is dead because she did she she shouldn't have then lied at a critical moment. Manslaughter of some sort at least.

03-18-14, 11:12
Obviously only three people know what happened there, and one is dead.

And even then, people get the chain of events, and the actions therein, wrong all the time.

Kids being kids, making bad decisions, ended in a tragedy.

03-18-14, 11:14
And even then, people get the chain of events, and the actions therein, wrong all the time.

Kids being kids, making bad decisions, ended in a tragedy.

True, but it was the father who had the gun and was the proximate cause of the kid's death.

03-18-14, 11:21
True, but it was the father who had the gun and was the proximate cause of the kid's death.

No question, but what are the specifics regarding the moments prior to the kid's death? I don't really know…

And then someone will say, the kid is responsible for his own death, because he shouldn't have been there in the first place… And then he made a furtive movement, or, and…

Really, I was just reading the thread and probably shouldn't have commented, sorry. I don't wish to chase this one round and round, and don't be offended, but I'm unsubbing from this thread.

03-18-14, 11:26
Really, I was just reading the thread and probably shouldn't have commented, sorry. I don't wish to chase this one round and round, and don't be offended, but I'm unsubbing from this thread.

Wise advice, IMHO. I think I will too.