View Full Version : What's going to happen with Ukraine, Russia, and the West?

Doc Safari
03-14-14, 16:44
I've been watching several news sites over the past few days. I've also listened to several radio and TV shows and their endless parade of analysts.

To my mind it's getting downright scary. Although I think there's a lot of posturing going on, when you get people facing off against each other that's when somebody with an itchy trigger finger goes and starts another World War. (Hey, it happened in 1914 when an assassination of a Balkan leader touched off "the War to End All Wars").

* Russians are massing thousands of troops on the Ukrainian border
* The US is moving or has moved a destroyer into the area
* Russia is moving or has moved anti-ship missiles into the area
* The Ukraine military says they will fight
* Poland at least attempted to call a meeting of NATO (don't know if they succeeded)
* Kerry is giving Russia until Monday 03/17/14 to change course
* Russia has now apparently captured one of our drones

This crap just seems like it's escalating way too fast for it to be another "UN sanctions" type of situation. Putin is the rogue macho man who does one-handed pushups and doesn't take shit off anybody. Obama looks as weak as Jimmy Carter trying to get the hostages in Iran freed.

Just to ratchet up the hyperbole, I've heard this being compared to the Cuban Missile Crisis more than once.

What do you guys think is going to happen: World War III, Ukraine is lost and we do nothing, or somewhere in between?

(Mods: I thought this was different enough from the Ukraine at the Precipice thread to post separately. You may disagree). :)

03-14-14, 16:48
There is already an extensive thread discussing the matter. Excellent information there...


Doc Safari
03-14-14, 16:51
Saw that. I debated if this thread was different enough to post.

I'm more interested in whether the World goes to war against Russia than what's happening in Ukraine.

The mods will probably merge the two.

03-14-14, 17:12
(Hey, it happened in 1914 when an assassination of a Balkan leader touched off "the War to End All Wars").

Austrian Archduke (who was ironically waaayyy more tolerant than Franz Joseph)...

03-14-14, 18:03
You can probably sleep without worry for the time being.

03-14-14, 18:20
Try typing the following in a search engine:

"Geopolitics, MacKinder, Brzezinski, Sykman, McKinnen, Kissinger."

Lots there that is highly relevant as to WHY Ukraine.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

03-14-14, 19:48
We already have a thread on this, as previously mentioned.