View Full Version : Westboro Baptist Founder Is 'On The Edge Of Death,' Son Says

03-17-14, 08:34

I know I'm not supposed to be happy at the passing of someone, but you know? And of course, the Duffel Blog rarely fails to miss an opportunity:


The Weekend at Bernies reference had me rolling. But on the point of the thread; what else can be said save the immortal words of Curly Bill?

"Well, bye..."

03-17-14, 08:36
They're going to have to hire a full time crew to remove the shit off this whacko's grave each morning.

03-17-14, 08:37
They're going to have to hire a full time crew to remove the shit off this whacko's grave each morning.

Anyone want to start a kickstarter campaign for toilet paper at the burial site?

03-17-14, 08:54
Would it be crude to protest his funeral and burial? I want to take the high road with this scum bag.

03-17-14, 08:56
Good. And I usually never say that when someone is about to die.

03-17-14, 09:02
May the souls of the heros you and your church have protested have their way with you on your way to the fiery depths.

03-17-14, 09:22
Anyone want to start a kickstarter campaign for toilet paper at the burial site?

A group showing up to picket would be fair play and irony to the max. Hold the most insulting signs you can possibly think of, and the press will eat it up.

03-17-14, 09:26
A group showing up to picket would be fair play and irony to the max. Hold the most insulting signs you can possibly think of, and the press will eat it up.

Unfortunately, they will probably build a shrine within Westboro and entomb his remains like Stalin.

Big A
03-17-14, 09:29

03-17-14, 09:33
Unfortunately, they will probably build a shrine within Westboro and entomb his remains like Stalin.

That's fine, but vets, families of vets, gay group, etc, etc should show up by the thousands at their service and deliver some pay back and see how they enjoy it.

03-17-14, 09:50
Yep, hundreds of combat vets should go and protest HIS funeral!

03-17-14, 10:27
They're going to have to hire a full time crew to remove the shit off this whacko's grave each morning.

I wouldn't even allow my dog to dishonor herself by shitting on his grave.

03-17-14, 11:14
I look at it this way... Fred Phelps is about to take his message before an Audience unlike that which he has ever seen. There, he will be found in favor or wanting.

And that will take care of that.

03-17-14, 11:26
With any luck, his "church" and their agenda will fracture and die along with Fred Phelps.

I hope, as the last glimmer of consciousness fades, he has that revelatory moment of clarity in which he realizes what a waste his life has been. And I hope that moment lingers.

03-17-14, 11:33
With any luck, his "church" and their agenda will fracture and die along with Fred Phelps.

I hope, as the last glimmer of consciousness fades, he has that revelatory moment of clarity in which he realizes what a waste his life has been. And I hope that moment lingers.

I wouldn't hold my breath. Sociopaths, zealots, and cult leaders, not well known for their last minute change of heart or realizations. I have no doubts at all he'll die smug that he did "Gods work" or what have have you.

What happens to him after his stay in this existence I can't say nor really care. Just wish him a speedy dirt nap and worm food, and God/Allah/Shiva/Cosmic Karma willing, the end of that "church"

3 AE
03-17-14, 11:34
I wouldn't even allow my dog to dishonor herself by shitting on his grave.

This. I pray that none of the Vets, family members, and friends of the fallen would lower themselves to that Church's standards. The Westboro clan feeds on confrontation and the media blitz associated with it. Why add the fuel? We can just say "good riddance" and move along.

03-17-14, 11:39
With any luck, his "church" and their agenda will fracture and die along with Fred Phelps.

I hope, as the last glimmer of consciousness fades, he has that revelatory moment of clarity in which he realizes what a waste his life has been. And I hope that moment lingers.

Not likely at all. Lauren was talking about this when it was announced, and if anyone would know she would.
The hate within the church has becoming a living breathing thing. Almost every member is infected with it and they will do whatever they can to spread it. In fact Fred Phelps was actually removed from the church a year or two ago, and there has been no change in the level of hate an vitriol they show.

Very few people have managed to escape from that place. And I hope that the members who have stayed soon follow him....

03-17-14, 11:59
I look at it this way... Fred Phelps is about to take his message before an Audience unlike that which he has ever seen. There, he will be found in favor or wanting.

And that will take care of that.

03-17-14, 12:22
While they would probably all be too decent to actually do it, a long line of veterans holding signs that say "God hates your dead father" along the funeral route would be appropriate.

Phelps should be buried with all the dignity and consideration afforded a serial child rapist and killer. Any member of his church should be treated like the pariah they are.

03-17-14, 12:24

03-17-14, 12:27

I kinda like this version:


03-17-14, 12:54

BWWWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NICE ONE!!! got tears to the eyes....LOL

03-17-14, 18:58
I kinda like this version:


Yup...one of my fave movie scenes....

03-17-14, 19:20
insert Grumpy Cat GOOD meme here

03-17-14, 22:54
"Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
-Galatians 6:7

03-17-14, 23:02
Honestly the best thing to do is what would have been the most hurtful to him when he was alive(or active as I guess he's still alive.) Ignore him. Don't send a single video camera, don't react to their signs, just walk past them as though they don't exist.

They make all of their money from lawsuits and they gain all of their publicity from the attention we give them. It's not like they're recruiting...it's pretty much all family members. Just let them disappear into the night and don't give them the satisfaction of knowing that anyone cared or noticed.

Deep down though, he's definitely one guy I'd be fine smothering with a pillow, but I'd want to do it with Chippendales dancers in the background singing YMCA and putting on their best show. I'm 99.99999% sure he was a closet homosexual who'd repressed his sexuality over the years...I'd probably never get the pillow to his face before he offed himself to hide the shame of an erection.

03-17-14, 23:15
May he be welcomed with open arms by Satan.

03-17-14, 23:30
I think everyone here would love to do something to show the disgust they have for this man and his cult. But we won't. We're all better than that.

03-17-14, 23:32
I look forward to the day when people merely say "Fred who? West what?"

I do wish strength and comfort to all the families who were pained by his and his follower's actions.

03-18-14, 00:27
I say good riddance for Phelps, and I hope he repented, as I wish hell on no one. As for his church, I'll paraphrase Casablanca and say I'd despise them if I actually gave them any thought.

03-18-14, 01:04
Seems they only have about 40 members anyway. Who really gives a damn what 40 brain dead jerk offs think. Black Nation of Islam has more members and is far more dangerous and we seem to be able to ignore them almost completely.

03-18-14, 03:15
Now that he is close to death I'll be interested to see how many scorned gay lovers come forward. I have a feeling this guy is, like the rest . . . the very thing they preach against. Paul Crouch ring a bell?

Dead Man
03-18-14, 03:23
Not often I catch myself wishing hell existed...

03-18-14, 04:18
I think a long line of vets with signs that say "God doesn't hate anybody." would be a cool thing to see.

03-18-14, 13:26
I think a long line of vets with signs that say "God doesn't hate anybody." would be a cool thing to see.

You win the "classy idea of the day" award.

03-18-14, 21:19
I think a long line of vets with signs that say "God doesn't hate anybody." would be a cool thing to see.

Let me know where to send the check for posterboard and ink.

03-19-14, 07:59
You win the "classy idea of the day" award.

He definitely does.

Meanwhile, I'll be standing there with my 'God hates Freds' sign.

03-20-14, 10:42
And he's dead.

Big A
03-20-14, 10:54
Seems they only have about 40 members anyway. Who really gives a damn what 40 brain dead jerk offs think. Black Nation of Islam has more members and is far more dangerous and we seem to be able to ignore them almost completely.

Because they breed and keep the hate going...

Big A
03-20-14, 10:55
And he's dead.



03-20-14, 11:09


Wait, I thought that his rejoicing in the death of others because their beliefs were different from his was something we considered morally repugnant.

Big A
03-20-14, 11:38
Wait, I thought that his rejoicing in the death of others because their beliefs were different from his was something we considered morally repugnant.

In this instance I'm willing to make an exception.

03-20-14, 12:16
Fun factoids, according to Wiki Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr is err was a Democrat.

Phelps has run in various Kansas Democratic Party primaries five times, but has never won. These included races for governor in 1990, 1994, and 1998, receiving about 15 percent of the vote in 1998.[45] In the 1992 Democratic Party primary for U.S. Senate, Phelps received 31 percent of the vote.[46] Phelps ran for mayor of Topeka in 1993[47][48] and 1997.[49]

Phelps supported Al Gore in the 1988 Democratic Party presidential primary election.[49] In his 1984 Senate race, Gore had opposed a "gay bill of rights" and stated that homosexuality was not something that "society should affirm"), a position he had changed by 2000 when he had the support of homosexual advocacy groups for his presidential campaign. Phelps has stated that he supported Gore because of these earlier comments.[50] According to Phelps, members of the Westboro Baptist Church helped run Gore's 1988 campaign in Kansas.

During the 1992 presidential campaign, Phelps criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton during a speech he gave endorsing Bill Clinton's presidential campaign at the University of Kansas on October 14, 1992. In 1996 Phelps and the Westboro church opposed Clinton's re-election because of the administration's support for gay rights. The entire Westboro congregation picketed a 1997 inaugural ball,[51] denouncing Vice President Al Gore as a "famous fag pimp" (Gore had changed his positions on gay rights since 1984). In 1998, Westboro picketed the funeral of Gore's father, screaming vulgarities at Gore and telling him, "your dad's in Hell".

Democratic primary for Governor of Kansas, 1990
Joan Finney: 81,250 (47.18%)
John Carlin: 79,406 (46.11%)
Fred Phelps: 11,572 (6.72%)

Democratic primary for United States Senate, Kansas 1992
Gloria O'Dell: 111,015 (69.20%)
Fred Phelps: 49,416 (30.80%)

Democratic primary for Governor of Kansas, 1994
Jim Slattery: 84,389 (53.02%)
Joan Wagnon: 42,115 (26.46%)
James Francisco: 16,048 (10.08%)
Leslie Kitchenmaster: 11,253 (7.07%)
Fred Phelps: 5,349 (3.36%)

Democratic primary for Governor of Kansas, 1998
Tom Sawyer: 88,248 (85.28%)
Fred Phelps: 15,233 (14.72%)[91]

I found this to be interesting as well:

Phelps earned a law degree from Washburn University in 1964, and founded the Phelps Chartered law firm.[17] The first notable cases were related to civil rights. "I systematically brought down the Jim Crow laws of this town," he claims.[8] Phelps' daughter was quoted as saying, "We took on the Jim Crow establishment, and Kansas did not take that sitting down. They used to shoot our car windows out, screaming we were nigger lovers," and that the Phelps law firm made up one-third of the state's federal docket of civil rights cases.[18]

Phelps took cases on behalf of African-American clients alleging racial discrimination by school systems, and a predominantly black American Legion post which had been raided by police, alleging racially based police abuse.[19] Phelps' law firm obtained settlements for some clients.[20] Phelps also sued President Ronald Reagan over Reagan's appointment of a U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, alleging this violated separation of church and state. The case was dismissed by the U.S. district court.[20][21] Phelps' law firm, staffed by himself and family members also represented non-white Kansans in discrimination actions against Kansas City Power and Light, Southwestern Bell, and the Topeka City Attorney, and represented two female professors alleging discrimination in Kansas universities.[18]

In the 1980s, Phelps received awards from the Greater Kansas City Chapter of Blacks in Government and the Bonner Springs branch of the NAACP, for his work on behalf of black clients.

03-20-14, 12:19
Fun factoids, according to Wiki Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr is err was a Democrat.

I found this to be interesting as well:

He is an old school Democrat.

03-20-14, 12:45
He is an old school Democrat.

Well not really, he was a civil rights attorney during the 60's. Won awards from the NAACP, etc. old southern democrats were racist, founders of the KKK, lynchings, et al.

03-20-14, 13:00
Okay I about shot my beverage out of my nose on this one, just creepy (for anyone who has seen the film).

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/fredphelps_zps3c3865f1.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/fredphelps_zps3c3865f1.jpg.html)


03-20-14, 17:15
I guess Phelps will now have to answer to God for his actions, and words.

03-20-14, 22:33

He be Gone!

03-21-14, 17:32