View Full Version : Raising Poop Awareness Sesame Street style

Doc Safari
03-21-14, 16:27
I'm pretty sure they're running out of causes when they start this.


Everybody poops; just ask Sesame Street, which now features a new muppet, Raya, whose mission appears to be alerting the world to its poop problems.


Raya appears in a new promotional interview in which she waxes eloquent about why wearing sandals is important: They keep you from stepping in poop.


Sesame Workshop is producing public service announcements featuring Raya warning children in developing countries to wash their hands before meals, keep their distance from stagnant water, and use toilet paper instead of their hands.

And that's the straight poop....:dirol:

03-21-14, 16:31
What the hell...

Doc Safari
03-21-14, 16:36
What they SHOULD have done....is....wait for it....name the puppet......

....wait for it....

...Jack Shit.

Then they could run PSA's saying, "You don't know Jack Shit."

03-21-14, 17:44
To be fair, it's probably a good thing if it helps educate third world kids on things that can prevent them from becoming a statistic by dying from diseases(like Hepatitis A) that are spread through sewage.

Maybe they grow up and demand/work to build proper sewage systems once they learn of the dangers. A lot of third world kids step in sewage filled ditches daily without thinking twice....

Of course, how many of those kids have the ability to watch Sesame Street? I dunno.

Doc Safari
03-21-14, 17:46
I'm sure it's legit. It's just that things have gotten to the point that it really looks like activists have to scrape the barrel bottom for a new cause. And if I'm not mistaken Sesame Street is part of PBS which means our tax dollars are being spent on this.

If I'm wrong, correct me...

03-21-14, 17:48
No. I think that is right. That's why I said what the hell. If its our money, and you don't teach your kids not to step in sewage... We have a much larger issue.

ETA: why is our money being used to teach others this? I am perplexed...

3 AE
03-21-14, 20:29
I think Sesame Workshop should bring their "Poop Message" to not only children in third world countries but also to the adults! Come to think about it, they should start here in the USA. Since there is an ever increasing amount of immigrants, legal and illegal, that are from third world countries and are employed in many of the food service and agricultural industries that can wreak havoc with the country's public health.

03-21-14, 20:31
Well PBS doesn't even account for a drop in the bucket of government spending...to the point of total irrelevance. One airstrike somewhere probably costs five times their annual budget. It simply doesn't upset me.

Combine that with the fact that our humanitarian assistance(right or wrong,) to these countries spends billions on fighting these diseases; the argument exists that if we can fight it at the source we'll be saving money.

Is it ideal? No, I'm the type whose ideology leads me to argue for a federal government that's dramatically smaller(like 30% of what it is.) But given where we are and what's likely to actually occur? This just doesn't strike me as being something worth fighting or even getting upset about. Frankly if we're going to dictate anything to other countries, it should probably be about how to not step in poop so you don't get sick. We have that figured out. It's the good governance thing we're still working on.

03-22-14, 16:48
Yeah they get rid of Mr. snuffleupagus and the whole thing goes to hell. Yeah I can admit he was my favorite. Also a big reason why my boys get to watch How Its Made and the science channel instead of this crap. Great feeling when my 5 year old asks if we can watch how things are made instead of cartoons.

03-24-14, 06:37
Maybe I can get my 3 year old son to watch it, then he will start to want to use the potty. I cant believe my son would rather run around with $hit in his diaper than just flushing it away. Crazy.