View Full Version : Updated: Governor to sign - Celebrate 2A victory in GA

03-22-14, 07:41
With leadership from Georgia Carry found here: https://www.georgiacarry.org/ and partnership including heavy lifting from the NRA, and in the last hour of the last day of the 2014 legislative calender Georgia passed HB 60.

NRA-ILA quote: Your gun rights were not only preserved this year, but were restored and advanced further than they ever have in the history of the Peach State.

As the bill moved from house to senate I was moved to laughter when Salon magazine declares: "Georgia Legislature considers repealing basically all gun laws" on March 13th. Found here: http://www.salon.com/2014/03/13/georgia_legislature_considers_repealing_basically_all_gun_laws/

As validation of the good that would come from this law in regards to providing citizens freedom, independence, and constitutional rights, The New York Times declared this bill: "Most Extreme Pro-Gun Bill in the Country".

And while the bill does not become law unless the Governor signs the dotted line, it is very likely he will sign. In fact, I personally spoke with him regarding the 2A issues in Georgia last year and I came away with an appreciation of his trust in the constitutional foundation our forefathers provided us.

So what does the new bill do?

Upon the Governor’s signature, HB 60 will enact the following pro-gun reforms for all law-abiding gun owners in Georgia:

Remove fingerprinting for renewal of Weapons Carry Licenses (WCL).

Prohibit the state from creating and maintaining a database of WCL holders.

Create an absolute defense for the legal use of deadly force in the face of a violent attack.

Lower the age to obtain a concealed WCL for self-defense from 21 to 18 for active duty military, with specific training.

Allows for the use of firearm sound suppressors while hunting.

Repeal the unnecessary and duplicative state-required license for a firearms dealer, instead requiring only a Federal Firearms License (FFL).

Prohibit a ban on firearms in public housing, ensuring that the right to self-defense should not be infringed based on where one calls home.

Codify the ability to legally carry, with a WCL, in sterile/non-secure areas of airports.

Require reporting those persons who have been involuntarily hospitalized or have been adjudicated mentally deficient to the NICS system while also providing the ability for relief through an application process to the court system allowing for restoration of gun rights.

State that under a declared state of emergency, all law-abiding gun owners will not have their Second Amendment rights restricted or infringed by executive authority through Emergency Powers protection.

Strengthen current firearms preemption statutes through further clarification of the regulatory authority of local governments, excluding firearm discharge ordinances.

Remove the sweeping restrictions on legally carrying a firearm with a WCL in bars, leaving this decision to private property owners.

Allowing for churches to opt-in for legal carry with only a civil penalty of a $100 if a person happens to carry into a prohibited church unknowingly.

In my opinion, this helps the entire country reassert individual freedoms and provides counter pressure to the anti freedom legislation we have seen in many of the blue states. Doesn't feel good to have a little good news for our freedom? Congratulations to Georgia, Georgia Carry, NRA, and freedom fighters everywhere.

03-22-14, 07:55
Can't wait to move back to Savannah when I ETS.

This is good shit.

03-22-14, 08:41

Straight Shooter
03-22-14, 08:51
Brother...THIS IS WONDERFUL FOR YALL!!!! Such GREAT news! Let us know when its signed into law please.

Big A
03-22-14, 11:01
Certainly good news for Georgians. Hopefully stuff like this will carry over to the rest of the country.

03-22-14, 11:11
Now THIS is the kind of legislation I'd like to see spreading around the country.

Looks like DD picked the right place to set up shop.

03-22-14, 11:15
Congratulations(I hope it gets signed)! This might be a great way to "blueprint" laws for the rest of the country.

Outlander Systems
03-22-14, 14:57
Lower the age to obtain a concealed WCL for self-defense from 21 to 18 for active duty military, with specific training.

^ About. Damned. Time.

This legislation is the true spirit of "Common Sense" when it comes to the 2A.

I like to think of it as a big, "**** you" to the paranoid, oppressive, legislation found in more liberty-challenged states across this great nation.

I always get tickled pink at Kennesaw's mandatory firearm ownership ordinance:



Georgia Carry is an absolutely outstanding organization. I credit them with a lot of the restored liberty we have in this state.

Repealing the ambiguous, "Public Gathering" clause has been the greatest restoration of our rights in a long time. Once that was removed from the law, I've essentially carried non-stop.

I am awaiting the day I never see a "Gunbusters" sign again. May all who post Gunbusters signs, choke on a 50lb sack of dicks. I know the signs carry about as much weight as a dust mite on a flea's ass, but they still boil my blood.

03-22-14, 15:05
I'm so glad they had the balls to get this passed. And so glad to live in GA.

Outlander Systems
03-22-14, 15:12
I'm so glad they had the balls to get this passed. And so glad to live in GA.

I ****in' love this place.

Georgia is about as close to embodying the American Spirit as it gets.

03-22-14, 15:14
I was delighted to read about this. My congratulations to all the solid folks in Georgia who led this fight.

03-22-14, 18:44
I was delighted to read about this. My congratulations to all the solid folks in Georgia who led this fight.

Makes me very proud to be Georgia born / bred...

Really hoping this is signed by the Governor (I expect it will be) and then gives the other free states an example to follow.

03-22-14, 21:23
Great job, GA!

03-23-14, 10:14
^ About. Damned. Time.

This legislation is the true spirit of "Common Sense" when it comes to the 2A.

I like to think of it as a big, "**** you" to the paranoid, oppressive, legislation found in more liberty-challenged states across this great nation.

I always get tickled pink at Kennesaw's mandatory firearm ownership ordinance:



Georgia Carry is an absolutely outstanding organization. I credit them with a lot of the restored liberty we have in this state.

Repealing the ambiguous, "Public Gathering" clause has been the greatest restoration of our rights in a long time. Once that was removed from the law, I've essentially carried non-stop.

I am awaiting the day I never see a "Gunbusters" sign again. May all who post Gunbusters signs, choke on a 50lb sack of dicks. I know the signs carry about as much weight as a dust mite on a flea's ass, but they still boil my blood.

I was under the impression that AD military didn't NEED a CCW? That they were extended the same privileges as LEO.

Glancing at the article listed, it seems that felons can be use SYG as a defense with an illegal firearm? Is that true? Seems that's a loophole that may want to be considered. At the very least, still hitting them with possession of an illegal firearm after the event.

03-23-14, 13:30
Nice job GA. This sort of thing isn't easy.

03-23-14, 14:01
Now if only SC and GA would get reciprocity CCW that would be splendid.

03-23-14, 16:52
Great news, I just wish they had included a "shall sign" provision for NFA paperwork.

03-23-14, 18:46
Now if only SC and GA would get reciprocity CCW that would be splendid.
Or VA.

03-23-14, 21:22
Great news. Pity that they had to use a last minute legal maneuver to get the senate to get on board.

JBecker 72
03-23-14, 21:56
Yeah, when is my carry permit in VA gonna be valid in GA?

03-24-14, 00:23
Great news, I just wish they had included a "shall sign" provision for NFA paperwork.

That does suck. I know they wouldn't sign the papers in Chatham or Liberty Counties in 2010, not sure if that's changed by now or not.

03-24-14, 05:54
Now if only SC and GA would get reciprocity CCW that would be splendid.

Yeah, when is my carry permit in VA gonna be valid in GA?

FYI, Georgia, by law, recognizes the carry license of any state that recognizes a Georgia Weapons Carry License. So it's SC and VA's move. Contact your legislators and work with your local grass-roots gun rights organizations. That's how Georgia's gun laws made great improvements over the last ten years.

03-24-14, 09:54
That's just too much freedom. Obama needs to step in and shut this crap down NOW!!

03-25-14, 18:13
I was saddened but not surprised when the President of the CCDL or Connecticut Citizens Defense League remarked that when he directly asked the firearms owners [at the now infamous picture with lines of people registering their guns and magazines] about their membership in the CCDL - they responded with who?

This apathy and lack of active participation in the support of constitutional rights and advocacy is a genuine threat.

Now, I'm not the poster boy for how anyone should support their states issues, but a few of the things I did to help the cause included:

NRA membership
NRA-ILA contribution
Membership in local/state advocacy group - in this case Georgia Carry
Write professional, factual, handwritten letters to key elected officials and committee members including out of my constituency
Contribute to my local state/federal elected officials - especially at face to face fundraisers

I find many 2A supporters are passionate and vocal about their rights when amongst their peers, but I also suspect they do not actively participate in the process.

I would encourage you to challenge your peers about what they do, not what they say concerning 2A rights.

Need more encouragement to act vs type or talk? Try this weeks news from Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) was asked why nobody in his party will come out to abolish the Second Amendment, to which Ellison responds, “I sure wish they would, I sure wish they would.”

See source and video here: http://bearingarms.com/dem-rep-wants-democrat-party-to-come-out-for-repeal-of-second-amendment/

03-25-14, 23:08
Great to see so many GA folks here on M4C. This has been in the works for several years, but has previously run into roadblocks in the House. It's very easy for good legislation to get stalled by a small group of seasoned power brokers at the Capitol. A big thanks is owed to Daniel Defense, who lobbied hard for this legislation. I was pleased when I spoke to my local delegates in the House and Senate who supported it. It's a great time to be a Georgian!

04-18-14, 17:03
Freedom Wins. Governor announces he will sign HB60 and invited Georgia Carry to the ceremony!

Straight Shooter
04-18-14, 20:52

04-18-14, 20:54
Freedom Wins. Governor announces he will sign HB60 and invited Georgia Carry to the ceremony!

Saw this on TTAG today. Wish I could take the day off to attend. The Governor is actually providing a BBQ lunch at the signing ceremony next week. It should be a great event.

04-18-14, 23:32

04-19-14, 07:02
One of my favorite quotes regarding the HB 60 legislation came from Salon.com who titled an article about a month ago with: Georgia Legislature considers repealing basically all gun laws

Congratulations to Georgia and I hope this becomes benchmark legislation for other states to extend constitutional freedoms to its citizens.

Straight Shooter
04-19-14, 07:24
I hope so too my friend. As good as Bama is...we still have some messed up laws here too.

04-19-14, 11:39
Congratulations on the step in the right direction. The next step is a Vermont/Alaska/Arizona ccw law not requiring a permit at all.

04-19-14, 16:46
Congratulations on the step in the right direction. The next step is a Vermont/Alaska/Arizona ccw law not requiring a permit at all.

I would love this, but I'd settle for National reciprocity.

Mauser KAR98K
04-23-14, 17:59
Just saw the NBC smear on the new law. Just went through the law like everything on it was scary but offered no explanation for the reasons, or the stipulation of the rules (like the guns in bars). Then they went to emotional side with "victims of gun violence" which amounted to a victim of a violent armed robbery. What utter crap.

04-23-14, 18:16
I talked to a guy at lunch about TN's open carry law that just failed last week, after talking about GA's new law.

He said, "Why would we want that? I don't just want anyone carrying a weapon..."

I told him of my personal angst about the law (spoken about in a previous thread) and how I can to the decision that if it held off the Bloomberg anti-gun nuts for another generation, and that this is just pushback for the stunts this administration has been pulling, it was worth it. In the end he agreed.

04-23-14, 18:18
IN the end, a glorious "FU" to the anti-gun nuts....this would have never come up, except THEY had to start a fight to take away/control guns....

04-23-14, 23:56
Even one of our local "conservative" radio guys doesn't get it. He was on an hour long session about how stupid it was to be able to carry into bars in Georgia. He couldn't get the idea through his thick skull that just because you are in a bar you don't have to drink. It was pointed out to him repeatedly that possessing a firearm and being under the influence of alcohol is still illegal. Of course, he didn't realize we no longer needed a permit to CCW in Alaska either. Right now in AK we can carry into a restaurant that serves booze, but not a bar. I hope that changes.

04-24-14, 01:44
I never cease to be amazed at how dense people can be. I drink 2-4 drinks in a year. But, I frequent places like restaurants and bars (where food is served) and prior to our laws being changed always had to more mindful. I don't drink and carry nor do I generally hang out with people that do and that's the part that is being missed. It's simply about being able to carry while we are in such an establishment. In fact, I may be wrong but I do not know of any statute in AZ that prohibits a person from CCW and drinking other than you cannot carry and consume while in a bar or restaurant.

In Nevada you can in fact CCW and drink as long as you don't exceed the legal limit. I don't see reports everyday of people shooting up the bar and restaurants everyday.

Even one of our local "conservative" radio guys doesn't get it. He was on an hour long session about how stupid it was to be able to carry into bars in Georgia. He couldn't get the idea through his thick skull that just because you are in a bar you don't have to drink. It was pointed out to him repeatedly that possessing a firearm and being under the influence of alcohol is still illegal. Of course, he didn't realize we no longer needed a permit to CCW in Alaska either. Right now in AK we can carry into a restaurant that serves booze, but not a bar. I hope that changes.

04-24-14, 03:26
I think what I love about this most is how much it's pissing off exactly the right people. Everyone on the news is really trying to demonize it hard. Maybe we'll get lucky and Bloomberg will have an aneurism over it.

This is basically the flip to CA who makes it know if you like guns and don't like homos you should probably leave the state because you aren't wanted. Well in GA if you don't like guns you aren't wanted and you should probably move to a state like CA. I'm not sure if GA has particularly strong concerns about homos either way.

Outlander Systems
04-24-14, 05:09
I think what I love about this most is how much it's pissing off exactly the right people. Everyone on the news is really trying to demonize it hard. Maybe we'll get lucky and Bloomberg will have an aneurism over it.

This is basically the flip to CA who makes it know if you like guns and don't like homos you should probably leave the state because you aren't wanted. Well in GA if you don't like guns you aren't wanted and you should probably move to a state like CA. I'm not sure if GA has particularly strong concerns about homos either way.

The bed-wetting, chicken-in-every-pot crowd is frothing at the mouth...

...I love it.

04-24-14, 08:13
Now that's "common sense gun laws" the Brady Bunch et al are always talking about!?

The amount of win and common sense in this bill staggers the mind. I have already heard the media making up "facts" about this bill that don't seem to exist at all and are of course (I suspect without even reading the bill!) claiming the end of civilization as we know it starting in GA. This sets the standard for many states to follow, and when the crime rate in GA either drops or does not change, that will only reinforce the fact that's the correct direction to go.

04-24-14, 08:36
If/When Texas turns blue I guess I know where I will need to find a job. I hear they have a nice golf course there or something.

04-24-14, 16:24

Can't ask to see a CC permit?
Felons can use guns?
Guns in govt buildings?

The govt buildings with out a metal detector is the law in CO and it isn't an issue.

What is the reality on the felons and not being able to ask for a CC permit? The CC permit seems particularly wrong- why have permits? I can see if you can't detain people, but asking for a permit?

The best things about these hysterics is that in a year, two years, five years- when this doesn't cause an issue we can shove it back on them.

Outlander Systems
04-24-14, 18:44
SB308, passed four years ago, allowed lawful carry in restaurants that served alcohol.

The butthurt crowd was up in arms about the Wild West action that would shortly ensue.

Four years later?


Mauser KAR98K
04-24-14, 20:31
SB308, passed four years ago, allowed lawful carry in restaurants that served alcohol.

The butthurt crowd was up in arms about the Wild West action that would shortly ensue.

Four years later?


Same thing here in TN. Means I can carry in Logan's.

04-24-14, 22:22

Can't ask to see a CC permit?
Felons can use guns?
Guns in govt buildings?

The govt buildings with out a metal detector is the law in CO and it isn't an issue.

What is the reality on the felons and not being able to ask for a CC permit? The CC permit seems particularly wrong- why have permits? I can see if you can't detain people, but asking for a permit?

The best things about these hysterics is that in a year, two years, five years- when this doesn't cause an issue we can shove it back on them.

I believe the change is so that if a person uses force to defend themselves, their defense is not negated just because they were in a "gun free zone", or were otherwise in possession of a gun where not legal. A felon who cannot possess a gun can still defend themselves legitimately.

Bar and church carry are both something that I'm very glad to see enacted. I made my living for most of my 20's in both, as a musician and sound engineer in Atlanta. The chances of needing to use a gun in a bar are slim, but there's a much higher chance of having an encounter walking to or from one. Almost nightly I (and all the waitresses and bartenders) had to leave bars with my cash earnings and walk a block or two down dark side streets and/or through dark parking lots and garages at 3 or 4am. I've been "interviewed" by thugs. A friend of mine was almost jumped by a group of thugs downtown as he walked to a showcase at the Hard Rock. He had to Run into traffic to escape them. One of the bartenders at a music venue where I worked was mugged and shot in the parking lot after closing. Another bartender in Atlanta was murdered by a robbery crew after closing. In East Atlanta Village, where I played frequently, there was a string of club patrons mugged at gunpoint until one happened to also have a gun in his truck and outdrew the mugger and put him down.

Just because I'm at a bar...or even if I have had a drink...that does not negate my right to defend myself, my wife, or others from the threat of death or bodily harm.
My wife and I like to go out and enjoy fine food and drink. I don't drink to get drunk. I've never been in a fight in my adult life and have no more propensity to fight when I've had a drink than when I haven't. I have no problem carrying a gun and having a drink, and staying in control. If you do, then you probably shouldn't drink or carry or both.

04-24-14, 23:06
Looks like Deal will get my vote again... Well done thou good and faithful public servant. Makes me justifiably proud to reside in the great state of GA!

When you stop and think about it, we have been carrying guns into airports, government buildings, churches, restaurants serving booze, and on school grounds anyway, so this law will most likely not change too much.

The Progs in Atlanta are acting very childish over all this, and I'm enjoying their suffering immensely.

04-25-14, 05:14
What is the reality on the "not being able to ask for CC permits"?

I like to know the reality of these things instead of being ambushed by progressives and their twisted interpretation of the law.

04-25-14, 06:44
What is the reality on the "not being able to ask for CC permits"?

I like to know the reality of these things instead of being ambushed by progressives and their twisted interpretation of the law.

This law doesn't introduce guns to any new places. It just clarifies previous rulings and murky laws. For example, airport carry was already allowed under the previous law, but the city of Atlanta refused to follow the law, despite state law having preemption. This clarifies it. Bar carry was already allowed if the owner permitted license holders to carry. The state claimed that church carry was the same way, though that's not how the law was written. So this new law gets rid of the confusion and more clearly spells out the law, and removes the "opt-in" part for bar carry.

As for showing your carry license, I believe this is in response to several cases and rulings where an armed citizen was detained and arrested despite having a carry license. Prior to SB308 in 2010, having a carry license was an element of the defense to the charge of carrying a weapon. An officer could detain or even arrest you just because he saw you carrying a gun, and you might have to sort out with the judge the fact that you were committing no crime because you had a valid carry license. SB308 made the Georgia Weapons Carry license an element of the offense, meaning an officer had to prove that you did NOT have a license or were otherwise breaking the law by carrying a weapon. Basically, seeing a person with a holstered gun was not reasonable suspicion or probable cause to detain him. Being required to show a permit on the whim of an officer is detainment. Courts have ruled that police cannot pull vehicles over just to see if they have a driver's license. They have to see them committing some other crime first. Same thing here. Carrying a gun in Georgia is commonplace. This law helps prevent citizens being hassled, detained, or arrested simply for exercising their rights.

04-25-14, 07:19
What is the reality on the "not being able to ask for CC permits"?

I like to know the reality of these things instead of being ambushed by progressives and their twisted interpretation of the law.

If open carry is legal, there will inevitably MWAG calls and the police will likely feel compelled to investigate. They will find the "perpetrator", he'll show them his permit, all will be cool (theoretically). The law now makes it illegal to ask to see a person's carry permit just because he's openly carrying a gun. They now have to have some degree of suspicion that he's actually breaking the law before asking to see a permit. This is a common problem in states like where I live where open carry is legal but uncommon (no distinction here between open or concealed carry).

Outlander Systems
04-25-14, 17:59
This law doesn't introduce guns to any new places. It just clarifies previous rulings and murky laws. For example, airport carry was already allowed under the previous law, but the city of Atlanta refused to follow the law, despite state law having preemption. This clarifies it. Bar carry was already allowed if the owner permitted license holders to carry. The state claimed that church carry was the same way, though that's not how the law was written. So this new law gets rid of the confusion and more clearly spells out the law, and removes the "opt-in" part for bar carry.

Airport carry is a good thing. I worked at HJAIA for a while. The entire outer perimeter of the airport is a cesspool. I worked from 21:00 to 09:00 and some douche nozzle and his buddies surrounded my truck, and wanted to "wash my windows".

Not suspicious...except it was 02:00.

As stated, it's not necessarily the environment that restricts carry that is an unsavory area, so much as the ingress/egress thereof.

Before enlisting a buddy of mine worked at a bar/restaurant. One evening, after his shift, the bartender of the restaurant was kidnapped at gunpoint, and forced to drain his bank account at the ATM. The shitbirds left him at the bank and took off with his car.

I'll let you take bets on whether the urban entrepreneurs were ever apprehended....

04-27-14, 18:18
John Lott debating with anti gun talking head who does what they do best (1) ignore the data (2) invent facts:


Big A
04-27-14, 20:09
John Lott debating with anti gun talking head who does what they do best (1) ignore the data (2) invent facts:

Yep, now churches and schools and bars and airports are gonna be a free for all with gun toting lunatics just shootin everybody in the face....

What an idiot...

04-27-14, 20:20
Yep, now churches and schools and bars and airports are gonna be a free for all with gun toting lunatics just shootin everybody in the face....

What an idiot...

Yup, we saw exactly the same arguments here when CHL laws passed. Funny thing, the crime rate here in Texas has gone way down. Dallas has half the number of murders it did 15 years ago, with a bigger population. I remember when DPD Chief Rathburn was celebrating they had gone below a murder a day for the city. I think it hit over 440 one year.

I liked him, too. He was a good Chief.

04-27-14, 22:13
In perennially blue Minnesota, carry in bars, churches, and Government buildings, including open carry, has been the law for 11 years without blood running in the streets. Bloomberg was run out of the state on a rail last year.

04-27-14, 22:28
In perennially blue Minnesota, carry in bars, churches, and Government buildings, including open carry, has been the law for 11 years without blood running in the streets. Bloomberg was run out of the state on a rail last year.

Allow me to offer a very large tip of the Stetson to the good people of Minnesota!