View Full Version : RI Senator Joshua Miller to Gun Rights Reporter: "Go F*ck Yourself"

03-25-14, 08:57
This clip has been going viral; surprised no one posted it yet.

It would be nice to see the entire tape of the encounter, but regardless of any goading by the reporter (who seems to be a tin foil hat type), the Senator's behavior is inexcusable. His Facebook page was blowing up, until they disabled/blocked comments.

Warning: the first 20 seconds has very annoying Klaxon sounding, you may want to fast forward a bit.


03-25-14, 09:15
While I don't share their views on gun rights, I'm thinking 99 out of a hundred people would have told that reporter the same thing.

03-25-14, 09:26
While I don't share their views on gun rights, I'm thinking 99 out of a hundred people would have told that reporter the same thing.

Agreed, but out of 100 elected officials, how many do you think would drop the F-bomb on camera? Sen. Miller played right into the loony's hand and lost his temper. We rightfully hold politicians to a higher standard, since we know they are most likely lying to us anyway. None of them deserve to be given any slack.

03-25-14, 09:34
Agreed, but out of 100 elected officials, how many do you think would drop the F-bomb on camera? Sen. Miller played right into the loony's hand and lost his temper. We rightfully hold politicians to a higher standard, since we know they are most likely lying to us anyway. None of them deserve to be given any slack.

Anymore, it's all just theater. Folks that disagree with the guy's position are going to look at the clip and say, "Why I'm absolutely appalled by this politician's behavior, He has no business serving as a representative of the people." Folks that agree with his position are going to say, "Attaboy! Tell that loudmouth POS to step off."

And the two respective camps would reverse their opinions in a New York minute on a different issue.

03-25-14, 09:40
the Senator's behavior is inexcusable.

I don't know about that. I like straight talking politicians.

03-25-14, 09:45
More people need to be told to F off

03-25-14, 10:06
The guy is a loon, but what if he was the one to tell the senator to fornicate himself for proposing anti 2a laws? A quick escort off the grounds or maybe a trip to jail?

03-25-14, 10:20
Yeah, idiots like this guy don't help our cause at all. As much as I disagree with the politics of the Senator, I felt he was actually far more restrained that I would have been in dealing with the guy.

03-25-14, 11:54
The second guy jumping in and telling him the same thing made it even funnier.

03-25-14, 13:31
How did a guy with crap like Illuminati, Secret Societies, New World Order, The Occult, Biblical Prophecy, Aliens & UFOs become the Constitutional and Second Amendment advocate for Rhode Island?!?

Senator Miller couldn't have hand picked a bigger doofus to represent his opposition.

03-25-14, 13:35
Senator Joshua Miller, RI


41 Talbot Mnr
Cranston, RI 02905-4124

03-25-14, 14:28
How did a guy with crap like Illuminati, Secret Societies, New World Order, The Occult, Biblical Prophecy, Aliens & UFOs

Sadly when I see "gun rights reporter" or "patriot reporter" listed, this is the exact type of person I expect to be doing the "reporting"

03-25-14, 14:40
His opponent should use that clip in his campaign commercials....

03-25-14, 14:53
Well at least the guy is honest.....right?

03-25-14, 17:02
Sadly when I see "gun rights reporter" or "patriot reporter" listed, this is the exact type of person I expect to be doing the "reporting"

That is sad and depressing. Where is the NRA when it comes to this sort of reporting?