View Full Version : CA Senator Leland Yee Arrested by FBI

03-26-14, 15:04
For our CA members...



03-26-14, 16:00
I find myself incredibly unmoved by his plight. :)

Onyx Z
03-26-14, 16:44
State Senator Leland Yee, one of the most powerful Democratic politicians in California, was arrested Wednesday morning in a major series of federal raids in the Bay Area and Sacramento targeting corruption and gang activity.

They need to do the same thing in the White House and Capitol Building...

Mauser KAR98K
03-26-14, 17:30
Yes. Oh yes. How many more could go?

03-26-14, 18:11

CA State Senator Leland Yee (D) is one of the main driving forces in CA to expand CA's assault weapons ban.

In the FBI affidavit against him; Senator Yee is charged with wire fraud, conspiracy to deal in firearms without a license and to illegally import firearms to the USA.
Firearms being imported and sold were for Chinese street gangs in the San Francisco Bay area.

Looks like the dealing in firearms & importation charges was for brokering a deal to import one hundred M16 machine guns from the Philippines to the USA.

03-26-14, 18:53
This is a Gangland episode about Shrimp Butt.


03-26-14, 19:20
Let me know when they arrest Pelosi.

03-26-14, 19:23
This piece of shit needed to go. Awesome.

03-26-14, 19:45
Hey, Leland. Better watch out for that unregistered assault penis in jail.

03-26-14, 20:41
DU is absolutely freaking out.

Totally Losing it.

VIP3R 237
03-26-14, 20:49
Nothing like using anti gun legislation to enhance your gun running market.

03-26-14, 20:59
To quote the ever-gracious Tam, from A View From the Porch fame:

"If schadenfreude had calories, I'd weigh 300 pounds."

03-26-14, 21:38
DU is absolutely freaking out.

Totally Losing it.
Got any links. The entertainment would be welcomed

03-26-14, 23:04
This made my day :)

03-26-14, 23:20
Nothing like using anti gun legislation to enhance your gun running market.

What a f*cking piece of shit. I hope he gets his ass pounded into ground beef chuck while he contemplates robbing us of the ability to live free.

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03-27-14, 00:08
The mayor of Charlotte and an assemblyman from NY were also charged in separate cases.

03-27-14, 06:22
The circle of life continues......the irony could be seen as a joke. Too funny.

03-27-14, 07:59
The question is who did he piss off to blow his cover. It's not like he just started doing that yesterday. When guys like him are at the peak of their power the press and the feds ignore all this stuff or at least hold off on going after him. Politicians routinely have enough crime going on to put them away for life but it's a matter of getting away with it and usually they're well covered and it's never reported or prosecuted. So the question is who yanked protection from him and what did Yee do to make them mad enough at him to do it, or was his time up and he was no longer useful.

03-27-14, 09:49
The question is who did he piss off to blow his cover. It's not like he just started doing that yesterday. When guys like him are at the peak of their power the press and the feds ignore all this stuff or at least hold off on going after him. Politicians routinely have enough crime going on to put them away for life but it's a matter of getting away with it and usually they're well covered and it's never reported or prosecuted. So the question is who yanked protection from him and what did Yee do to make them mad enough at him to do it, or was his time up and he was no longer useful.

It appears that the undercover FBI agent was embedding himself with some Chinese gangsters (Triad/Tong connections) via a money laundering angle. After he established a relationship and trust with them, he inquired about getting firearms. After some low level firearm deals, he asked about getting "automatic weapons" and "shouldered fired rockets" to protect his side business of marijuana growing. This got him introduced to "Uncle Leland", who had connections with international arms dealers that could "get him anything he wanted".

Senator Yee was not the primary focus of the investigation, but was discovered along the way and became an additional target.

Big A
03-27-14, 09:50
The question is who did he piss off to blow his cover. It's not like he just started doing that yesterday. When guys like him are at the peak of their power the press and the feds ignore all this stuff or at least hold off on going after him. Politicians routinely have enough crime going on to put them away for life but it's a matter of getting away with it and usually they're well covered and it's never reported or prosecuted. So the question is who yanked protection from him and what did Yee do to make them mad enough at him to do it, or was his time up and he was no longer useful.

Yep. There is so much corruption in politics. I guess he wore out his usefulness or pissed off one of the bigger fish in the pond and they hung his ass out to dry.

Sadly this won't make much difference as there are plenty of corrupt politicians to take his place.

03-27-14, 10:04
I still have a smile on my face. That smug, rights stealing ass is in jail with his triad budies. And two others? Thank you, LEO's involved in this. Awsome to hear good news for a change.

Now for Fienstine, Bloomberg, like styer said Pelosi and the other gang affiliated crooked politicians.

03-27-14, 10:23
Yee: Illegal guns are dangerous, I know, I sell them.

Crow Hunter
03-27-14, 11:31
Yee: Illegal guns are dangerous, I know, I sell them.

Good one!

Maybe that is why he thinks "quick loading" ARs are so dangerous since the only ones he has access to are the illegal full auto ones.

03-27-14, 12:01
It appears that the undercover FBI agent was embedding himself with some Chinese gangsters (Triad/Tong connections) via a money laundering angle. After he established a relationship and trust with them, he inquired about getting firearms. After some low level firearm deals, he asked about getting "automatic weapons" and "shouldered fired rockets" to protect his side business of marijuana growing. This got him introduced to "Uncle Leland", who had connections with international arms dealers that could "get him anything he wanted".

Senator Yee was not the primary focus of the investigation, but was discovered along the way and became an additional target.That may be true, but even so, there's a decision made whether to prosecute and publicize, and that decision is made on political power calculations. It could have been swept under the rug, kept quiet and let the guy voluntarily retire, or act like nothing happened at all. As I mentioned, they look the other way all the time on stuff that bad or worse. Democrat politicians figuratively and literally get away with murder because they're protected somehow. The rarity is when any consequences come their way.

03-27-14, 12:12
That may be true, but even so, there's a decision made whether to prosecute and publicize, and that decision is made on political power calculations. It could have been swept under the rug, kept quiet and let the guy voluntarily retire, or act like nothing happened at all. As I mentioned, they look the other way all the time on stuff that bad or worse. Democrat politicians figuratively and literally get away with murder because they're protected somehow. The rarity is when any consequences come their way.

Exactly. I often say that there are two types of corrupt politicians as reported by the media: Republicans and "_".

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03-27-14, 12:43
Hey, Leland. Better watch out for that unregistered assault penis in jail.

I'll sponsor the first inmate who makes Yee his girlfriend with a carton of cigarettes. But knowing our justice system, the bleeding hearts will probably give him a pass & he'll be back to writing anti 2A legislation in no time.

03-27-14, 13:10
I'll sponsor the first inmate who makes Yee his girlfriend with a carton of cigarettes. But knowing our justice system, the bleeding hearts will probably give him a pass & he'll be back to writing anti 2A legislation in no time.

He will claim he did it to prove behind a shadow of a doubt how easy it was to trade in illegal guns due to lack of support for more legislation. He was gonna turn them in to the popo...... Eventually.

Here is to hoping his cell mate has a large caliber penis with a high cap mag.

03-27-14, 14:52
He will claim he did it to prove behind a shadow of a doubt how easy it was to trade in illegal guns due to lack of support for more legislation. He was gonna turn them in to the popo...... Eventually.

Here is to hoping his cell mate has a large caliber penis with a high cap mag.

Or a "Clip thingy that goes up"!

03-27-14, 15:08
Who noticed this DID NOT make national news last night?

They had a story about a NC mayor arrested by the FBI on corruption charges, but not a PEEP about this one.

03-27-14, 15:34
Who noticed this DID NOT make national news last night?

They had a story about a NC mayor arrested by the FBI on corruption charges, but not a PEEP about this one.

I found this odd as well.

03-27-14, 15:41
I found this odd as well.

Even internet searches mostly turn up blogs and gun forums. It's just not blowing up like it would if a Republican senator was caught running guns to gangs. Even the fox news website is covering the corruption but barely mentioning the arms trafficking.

03-27-14, 17:07
Who noticed this DID NOT make national news last night?

They had a story about a NC mayor arrested by the FBI on corruption charges, but not a PEEP about this one.

I personally saw it on the Today show this morning. And they specifically mentioned how he has led the fight against firearms in California and is being arrested on gun traffic crimes.

I'll admit I was shocked. But the story was contained in one of those National news in 60 seconds segments so it MIGHT have gotten ten seconds of airtime.

03-27-14, 17:21
He will claim he did it to prove behind a shadow of a doubt how easy it was to trade in illegal guns due to lack of support for more legislation. He was gonna turn them in to the popo...... Eventually.

Here is to hoping his cell mate has a large caliber penis with a high cap mag.

Or...he is actually an ATF agent using his Legislature job as cover. He was arming one triad so they would kill all the other triads. Then we would be safer and less crime. Wait!!! WTF.

Big A
03-27-14, 17:24
Who noticed this DID NOT make national news last night?

They had a story about a NC mayor arrested by the FBI on corruption charges, but not a PEEP about this one.

I just saw a 2 minute report about it on Special Report on FOX news. That is the only thing I have seen about it on tv and I've been home sick watching tv most of the day including both CNN and FOX news for some of the day. It could have been on other segments and I simply missed it while watching something else. But the first I heard about it was this thread.

03-27-14, 18:19
I just saw a 2 minute report about it on Special Report on FOX news. That is the only thing I have seen about it on tv and I've been home sick watching tv most of the day including both CNN and FOX news for some of the day. It could have been on other segments and I simply missed it while watching something else. But the first I heard about it was this thread.

Well tonight on NBC Nightly News they brought up the whole Chris Christie Bridgegate investigation thing. But absolutely NOTHING on a US Senator in CA arrested for running guns to gang members.

Stunning. This might be the most blatant example of media bias / blackout that I have ever seen.

03-27-14, 18:32
Got any links. The entertainment would be welcomed


Gotta love the "This must be all manufactured" and "The GOP is racist. If he were white or a Repuke he never would've been arrested"

Big A
03-27-14, 19:51

Gotta love the "This must be all manufactured" and "The GOP is racist. If he were white or a Repuke he never would've been arrested"

After clicking that link and reading it I want to take a shower...:bad:

Big A
03-27-14, 19:56
Well tonight on NBC Nightly News they brought up the whole Chris Christie Bridgegate investigation thing. But absolutely NOTHING on a US Senator in CA arrested for running guns to gang members.

Stunning. This might be the most blatant example of media bias / blackout that I have ever seen.

He is a California state senator, not a U.S. senator, but still weird that there isn't much out there about it.

03-27-14, 20:43
He is a California state senator, not a U.S. senator, but still weird that there isn't much out there about it.

Democrats get a pass by the MSM. Look at all the coverage of gas prices when Bush was a lame duck. Obama does worse than Nixon and it's near silence.

03-27-14, 21:51
It was on Megyn Kelly tonight. That's all I've had time to catch.

03-27-14, 23:54
He is a California state senator, not a U.S. senator, but still weird that there isn't much out there about it.

Correction noted. But still.

03-28-14, 00:13
I saw it on Fox News and several internet sources.






03-28-14, 09:36
That may be true, but even so, there's a decision made whether to prosecute and publicize, and that decision is made on political power calculations. It could have been swept under the rug, kept quiet and let the guy voluntarily retire, or act like nothing happened at all. As I mentioned, they look the other way all the time on stuff that bad or worse. Democrat politicians figuratively and literally get away with murder because they're protected somehow. The rarity is when any consequences come their way.
"Uncle Leland" is term limit out as being a CA State Senator and CA State Assemblyman, which is why he is currently running for CA Secretary of State. He was the CA Democrat Party's only candidate for that position and the pundits had already predicted he would win the seat.

03-28-14, 13:26
"Uncle Leland" is term limit out as being a CA State Senator and CA State Assemblyman, which is why he is currently running for CA Secretary of State. He was the CA Democrat Party's only candidate for that position and the pundits had already predicted he would win the seat.

Understanding the voter demographics at play here, he may still win the highest number of votes unless they remove his name from the ballot. :(

03-28-14, 23:58
CA Secretary of State.

He has withdrawn from the race.

03-29-14, 07:43
Well tonight on NBC Nightly News they brought up the whole Chris Christie Bridgegate investigation thing. But absolutely NOTHING on a US Senator in CA arrested for running guns to gang members.

Stunning. This might be the most blatant example of media bias / blackout that I have ever seen.

Yee is a Democrat, and an ethnic: thus, he is doubly protected.

03-29-14, 08:18
The lack of coverage has been incrediblely blatant but is also explainable. He was a strong voice in the gun control arena as well as an influential democrat connected to the likes of Pelosi, and Pelosi still has enough clout to get the Washington Post to have all of it's reporters except for Ed Rogers completely refrain from using the term "Obamacare", with most at the Times now doing the same. The left is reeling from the failed health law, the NSA and poor foreign policy so this is just a little too much right now. It's known as toeing the line for the perceived greater good.

I know a lot of you guys already figured it out but three days after the fact even under the circumstances described above we should be hearing substantially more about this. At least the only network that will report the story responsibly has as many viewers as nearly all the rest combined, therefore leaving with a glimmer of hope that accountability isn't completely dead.

By the way I did see it mentioned here that it made the Today Show, which is utterly shocking.

03-29-14, 08:57
It's front page news in the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. He's a state senator. I don't see the guy getting a walk but it's not really national news.

03-29-14, 09:48

Gotta love the "This must be all manufactured" and "The GOP is racist. If he were white or a Repuke he never would've been arrested"

I tried to read some of the comments. Jesus.

And these people vote?

03-29-14, 11:13
msn has it today.

03-29-14, 18:00
It's front page news in the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. He's a state senator. I don't see the guy getting a walk but it's not really national news.

It's should be National News, if a FL (R) senator who was anti gay or a supporter of the war on drugs got caught in a gay nightclub or selling drugs, it would be National News.

03-30-14, 19:55
It's front page news in the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times. He's a state senator. I don't see the guy getting a walk but it's not really national news.

But Chris Christie dicking around with traffic lanes totally is.

03-30-14, 22:46
He'll probably be pardoned by Obama, then picked as Hilary's running mate in 2016, and the media will declare that this whole thing was based on racism and talk about how "brave" Yee is.

03-30-14, 22:57
But Chris Christie dicking around with traffic lanes totally is.

Let's put that in perspective. Christie is a front-runner as a GOP presidential nominee. Nobody outside of California state politics has ever heard of Yee. Apples and oranges.

03-31-14, 00:44
Let's put that in perspective. Christie is a front-runner as a GOP presidential nominee. Nobody outside of California state politics has ever heard of Yee. Apples and oranges.

So what you are saying is if you aren't running for President a state senator running guns to gangs really isn't worthy of the national news?!? How about Larry Craig (never ran for President) making NATIONAL NEWS for several days for playing "wanna hook up" in men's airport bathrooms?

03-31-14, 07:15
So what you are saying is if you aren't running for President a state senator running guns to gangs really isn't worthy of the national news?!? How about Larry Craig (never ran for President) making NATIONAL NEWS for several days for playing "wanna hook up" in men's airport bathrooms?

Again, Larry Craig was a U.S. senator, one of a hundred in a nation of 300 million. Look, guys, I'm not defending the guy or denying that news organizations have a political bias. Yee got slammed in the California press, his home state, and picked up a mention on the national news. That's about what its worth.

03-31-14, 10:07
I think its worth more attention than its been given. Yee is one of the heavy hitters in the gun control game (which is a national issue) and his not practicing what he preaches should have drawn much more attention than it did. Christie and the traffic jamb was a fk'ing joke compared to this and the MSM crucified him nationally for it. A traffic jamb in NJ isn't a national issue but I heard plenty about it here on the west coast.

03-31-14, 11:28
NPR ran a story about it on Friday.

(I didn't catch it, so don't ask.)

03-31-14, 11:33
I think its worth more attention than its been given. Yee is one of the heavy hitters in the gun control game (which is a national issue) and his not practicing what he preaches should have drawn much more attention than it did. Christie and the traffic jamb was a fk'ing joke compared to this and the MSM crucified him nationally for it. A traffic jamb in NJ isn't a national issue but I heard plenty about it here on the west coast.

This is exactly right. Yee would go on TV and em eff private gun owners and deride the AR15 in civilian hands as the right hand of the devil. And how it was only a matter of time before all the gun owning latent psychos went off the reservation, and now he is busted facilitating illegal weapons to the Triad. This should be as big a story as there is.

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03-31-14, 11:47
He'll probably be pardoned by Obama, then picked as Hilary's running mate in 2016, and the media will declare that this whole thing was based on racism and talk about how "brave" Yee is.
I have a bad feeling,,,I agree!

03-31-14, 11:59
NPR ran a story about it on Friday.

(I didn't catch it, so don't ask.)





Yes, it should get more media attention, but the liberal media didn't exactly sweep it under the rug either.

Big A
03-31-14, 12:01
I think its worth more attention than its been given. Yee is one of the heavy hitters in the gun control game (which is a national issue) and his not practicing what he preaches should have drawn much more attention than it did. Christie and the traffic jamb was a fk'ing joke compared to this and the MSM crucified him nationally for it. A traffic jamb in NJ isn't a national issue but I heard plenty about it here on the west coast.

This is exactly right. Yee would go on TV and em eff private gun owners and deride the AR15 in civilian hands as the right hand of the devil. And how it was only a matter of time before all the gun owning latent psychos went off the reservation, and now he is busted facilitating illegal weapons to the Triad. This should be as big a story as there is.

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Agreed, especially since state houses usually lead to federal positions.

His corruption is far greater than that of Christe. Yee should be villified and crucified by the media ten fold of what they're doing to Christe.

Big A
03-31-14, 12:07




Yes, it should get more media attention, but the liberal media didn't exactly sweep it under the rug either.

There is plenty of internet coverage. I believe it is the lack of TV coverage most of us are complaing about.

Remember, most of our fellow americans have to be spoon fed this stuff as they won't go looking for it on their own.

03-31-14, 14:12
Again, Larry Craig was a U.S. senator, one of a hundred in a nation of 300 million. Look, guys, I'm not defending the guy or denying that news organizations have a political bias. Yee got slammed in the California press, his home state, and picked up a mention on the national news. That's about what its worth.

Compare the actual ACTS of each men. Have we really reached the point where a state senator caught running guns to violent criminals is no longer national news?

03-31-14, 15:39
Compare the actual ACTS of each men. Have we really reached the point where a state senator caught running guns to violent criminals is no longer national news?

Only if said gunrunner is a liberal. Witness Holder and F&F as an example. :(

03-31-14, 15:49
Only if said gunrunner is a liberal. Witness Holder and F&F as an example. :(

I know, I'm just pointing out it's BS....again.

03-31-14, 16:03
There is plenty of internet coverage. I believe it is the lack of TV coverage most of us are complaing about.

Remember, most of our fellow americans have to be spoon fed this stuff as they won't go looking for it on their own.

I (and most folks of my generation who I know) don't watch TV (except Netflix and even when they do have cable or sateillite, it's for HBO and BBC-America, not CNN/Fox/PBS), so....

03-31-14, 16:22

Email your friends.

03-31-14, 17:41
Only if said gunrunner is a liberal. Witness Holder and F&F as an example. :(

Like any other trafficker, Holder is trying to get rid of his competition.

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03-31-14, 18:29

Email your friends.

Nice, he dropped the soap!

04-05-14, 07:15
Apparently Hitler wasn't too happy about Uncle Leland's arrest...



04-05-14, 07:48
Solid LOL at "even got the shoulder thing that goes up banned, and now they have stupid wrap around grips."

04-05-14, 10:10
Adolf and that bunker scene. I've never even scene the actual movie but I've laughed my ass off a dozen times over the multiple parodies on YouTube over the years. :D

I must admit the one where the generals inform Hillary that the super delegates are swinging to Obama still makes me laugh the hardest.

04-05-14, 10:17

04-08-14, 14:10
Yee's arraignment coverage on NPR and Morning Edition:http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/04/08/300596997/calif-lawmaker-leeland-yee-pleads-not-guilty-to-corruption

04-08-14, 14:20
Agreed, especially since state houses usually lead to federal positions.

His corruption is far greater than that of Christe. Yee should be villified and crucified by the media ten fold of what they're doing to Christe.

Except Christe is a strong contender to be president so he'd get much more attention. I'd bet if Yee was a likely presidential candidate fox would be running the story 25 hours a day.

04-09-14, 00:21
Only if said gunrunner is a liberal. Witness Holder and F&F as an example. :(

Bah, that's only because Holder has such wide discretion in terms of selecting which federal statutes the DOJ is going to enforce. :blink:

04-09-14, 18:23
Been thinking he is Governor Browns socialist buddy. The most corrupt politician is an anti gun politician.