View Full Version : Shooting waiting to happen.

03-27-14, 18:44
Came across this today. What would you all do if this happened to you?


03-27-14, 19:01
I am all for a good prank. This was just stupidity.

03-27-14, 19:17
BOOM! Aw sorry dude, you didn't say prank fast enough. BTW, whats a prank?

03-27-14, 19:35
First, we should remove the link so that we do not feed the dipshits. Second, causing people to be in imminent fear for their life is not funny - as the producer learned in the final seconds of the video when a real gun was pulled on him.

As for my response, I'd probably kill him and NOT feel bad once I learned that it was a prank. It is a matter of time before a prank such as this results in an injury in the people trying to flee. It is almost as bad as yelling fire in a theater...

03-27-14, 19:37
Are these the idiots who rigged up an SUV with stereo equipment and played gunfire when passing pedestrians, making them think it was a drive-by?


1:06 should have been their wake up call that this might not be a great idea.

03-27-14, 19:45
I think the prank might be on us.

03-27-14, 19:48
. . . causing people to be in imminent fear for their life is not funny - as the producer learned in the final seconds of the video when a real gun was pulled on him.

As for my response, I'd probably kill him and NOT feel bad once I learned that it was a prank. It is a matter of time before a prank such as this results in an injury in the people trying to flee. It is almost as bad as yelling fire in a theater...


Not long ago someone posted a thread where a couple of these Jackass wannabes "pranked" robberies at ATMs in Australia. The prankster got his nose caved in after a few takes by a good samaritan.

03-27-14, 20:02
Anybody stupid enough to do something like that deserves whatever it is they get.

03-27-14, 20:09
Future Darwin Award winner.

03-27-14, 20:22
I do not think that the last guy that drew the gun was "real". Probably just part of the complete prank.

If not, the "prankster" is a total idiot for continuing to walk towards the person who just drew a firearm on you.

03-27-14, 20:37
someone posted this on FB the other day thought it was funny :) and seemed pretty real

the one with the gun IDIOTS when they get shot and the video comes into court case closed

03-27-14, 20:40
People make a ton of money on YouTube. Not going to stop so long as they get the clicks. A video with a few million hits can get the poster tens of thousands easily. I know of a few 'youtubers' who employ a staff (mostly tech related) just off what Google pays them. People in the top 100 are millionaires off it. Some enterprising idiot like this can make more off that video than most people with a very good day job make in a year.

03-27-14, 21:24
I'd feel kind of bad if I shot some kid because he pointed a fake gun at me. I'm still not understanding what possesses people to do shit like this these days...honestly.

03-27-14, 21:49
Oops, I just double posted this under another thread. Someone can remove it it's in GD..

03-27-14, 21:59
I'd feel kind of bad if I shot some kid because he pointed a fake gun at me. I'm still not understanding what possesses people to do shit like this these days...honestly.

Did you read my post? A single video like this can get enough hits Google pays them 10's of thousands. There are entire companies based on doing YouTube videos. It's a shit ton of money for a weekend of filming.

03-27-14, 22:25
Did you read my post? A single video like this can get enough hits Google pays them 10's of thousands. There are entire companies based on doing YouTube videos. It's a shit ton of money for a weekend of filming.

That is why I suggested that we remove the link.

03-27-14, 22:54
That is why I suggested that we remove the link.

We already have enough censorship around here...

03-27-14, 23:26
We already have enough censorship around here...

Ah, yes.

What we have here are rules. Governmental bodies engage in censorship. Nobody is stepping on your First Amendment rights. What we often have to do, particularly with the same people over and over in this very General Discussion subforum, is put out fires.

Folks who don't like this can chose one of three paths. They can follow the rules, they can go start their own forum and do whatever they feel like there, or they can take their disagreements to PM's.

Instead, they often engage in bickering/baiting/instigating, and the threads get killed, and people get warnings or banned.

I have absolutely no problem sending people on vacations who don't behave. But it's honestly easier and simpler to close some threads, rather than listen to the fighting and bickering of the same small number of people over and over.

If you like, we'll be happy to leave threads open to suit you, and simply give infractions to every single person in the thread that smacks each other over the head, ala Curly, Shep and Moe. That's a lot of infractions and likely bans, but I'm always happy to assist with whatever needs to be done around here.

But please do realize that the people that volunteer as mods, staff and senior staff are exactly that - volunteers. They donate their time and effort to try and make this a better place for all. If that strikes you as censorship, I'd strongly encourage you to review the rules and definitions of behavior here. If this place still does not suit you, then you have other decisions to make.

Have a good evening.

Mauser KAR98K
03-27-14, 23:48
It would be a bad lesson to these "pranksters" of what and how a control response would demonstrated. I'd feel bad in the end.

03-27-14, 23:49
I agree.

I do not think that the last guy that drew the gun was "real". Probably just part of the complete prank.

If not, the "prankster" is a total idiot for continuing to walk towards the person who just drew a firearm on you.

03-28-14, 00:03
Not sure if staged or not, but if I had something like that coming at me...DRT.

I'm hoping it's fake and there isn't a kid that damn stupid doing things like that to people.

But so long as we are posting potentially "staged" videos, this one is hilarious.


I'd love to find out it's real but I have my doubts.

03-28-14, 14:42
First, we should remove the link so that we do not feed the dipshits. Second, causing people to be in imminent fear for their life is not funny - as the producer learned in the final seconds of the video when a real gun was pulled on him.

As for my response, I'd probably kill him and NOT feel bad once I learned that it was a prank. It is a matter of time before a prank such as this results in an injury in the people trying to flee. It is almost as bad as yelling fire in a theater...

Another one for this!!

03-28-14, 15:05
Causing others fear, anxiety and pain isn't funny, cute or amusing.

I've seen so-called pranks or practical jokes backfire in real life with some pretty awful results...

Idiots try to justify such acts as humor.

When you don't agree that it's funny, you're labeled as having no sense of humor - when the so-called prankster just has no sense...

03-28-14, 18:25
Causing others fear, anxiety and pain isn't funny, cute or amusing.

I've seen so-called pranks or practical jokes backfire in real life with some pretty awful results...

Idiots try to justify such acts as humor.

When you don't agree that it's funny, you're labeled as having no sense of humor - when the so-called prankster just has no sense...

Exactly. A well executed prank or joke results in the prankster, recipient, and audience laughing at the end. People who are amused by situations that cause fear, disgust, or pain in everybody else are called sociopaths.

03-29-14, 13:32
BOOM BOOM, Out Go The Lights!