View Full Version : Why our country is heading in the wrong direction

03-29-14, 14:38
Someone please sterilize and euthanize until the gene pool is mutant free..


03-29-14, 14:43
If I could wash my eye balls I would be scrubbing away

03-29-14, 14:49
People like that will self sterilize. No one will have a child with that type of person, at least I hope not.

03-29-14, 14:59
That, thing, is harmless.

It is the people who empower it that we need to worry about.

03-29-14, 17:25
I know I'm gonna regret asking, but was that a boy or a girl?

Big A
03-29-14, 17:30
People like that will self sterilize. No one will have a child with that type of person, at least I hope not.

I guarantee you that someone on this planet agrees with her and her ideas and would want to breed with it.

Pray they never meet...

Big A
03-29-14, 17:32
I know I'm gonna regret asking, but was that a boy or a girl?

Pretty sure it was a female. Didn't seem too much the type for grooming and judging by the lack of face/upper body hair gonna go with female...

Big A
03-29-14, 17:33
That, thing, is harmless.

It is the people who empower it that we need to worry about.

By itself, yes it's harmless. But in groups....watch out...

03-29-14, 17:44
Why did you post this? I had a great day at the range. Florida is playing for a spot in the Final Four. I even have hot chow on the way. Then I clicked on the link. Poof... All of the good karma from my day is gone.

03-29-14, 17:46
Ill raise you with this. Hopefully we haven't got to this point yet.


03-29-14, 17:53
If history teaches us anything, it's a lead pipe cinch that if a male ejaculates in the same room as that mess in the video, she will conceive twins.

3 AE
03-29-14, 17:59
Why did you post this? I had a great day at the range. Florida is playing for a spot in the Final Four. I even have hot chow on the way. Then I clicked on the link. Poof... All of the good karma from my day is gone.

My God, I used to enjoy bacon, and sausage, and ribs. Now after viewing this, I'm totally creeped out. Why a NSFW warning wasn't posted is truly bordering on negligence! Can a Mod be given a "time out" for this? :lol: I don't think I could send this link to my enemies. OMG!

03-29-14, 18:00
How appropriate. Time stamp 4:20 was the best part of the entire "film."

... After watching the entire thing, I am not surprised that this has happened. No responsibility, no repercussions. I would have had the spit knocked out of my mouth if I talked to my mother like that.

03-29-14, 18:00

3 AE
03-29-14, 18:20

So true and it really hurts to observe it first hand. I don't think we can recover from this. A country only 238 years old that literally fought for it's freedom, instilled a system of government that was an example that so many in the world dreamed of. Put forth it's sons and daughters to fight for the freedom of others, created great opportunities for generations of our families, and now in a matter of a few decades has basically thrown away just about everything it has earned as a nation. It astounds me that this can happen so quickly. Maybe it's just the natural order for a democracy to basically "eat it's young".

03-29-14, 18:36
why I say drug testing for welfare and also physical check for welfare if you are able to work put them to work for welfare plenty of community jobs so welfare is more like super min wage
they can clean roads ditches pick up garbage clean graffiti off public places in a bright day glow striped suit that says WELFARE WORKER !

if you come asking for MY money you loose some rights welfare is not a right !
limited time and its over ! you are on your own !

those truly mentally handicap and physically we would deal with in a dif way just way to many lazy ones like this thing out there

03-29-14, 19:00
So true and it really hurts to observe it first hand. I don't think we can recover from this. A country only 238 years old that literally fought for it's freedom, instilled a system of government that was an example that so many in the world dreamed of. Put forth it's sons and daughters to fight for the freedom of others, created great opportunities for generations of our families, and now in a matter of a few decades has basically thrown away just about everything it has earned as a nation. It astounds me that this can happen so quickly. Maybe it's just the natural order for a democracy to basically "eat it's young".

"Have you ever found in history, one single example of a Nation thoroughly corrupted that was afterwards restored to virtue?... And without virtue, there can be no political liberty....Will you tell me how to prevent luxury from producing effeminacy, intoxication, extravagance, vice and folly?"
John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jeffeson

One of my favorite contemporary philosophers is Peter Kreeft, who wrote:
"The issue of moral relativism is merely the single most important issue of our age, for no society in all of human history has ever survived without rejecting the philosophy that I am about to refute. There has never been a society of relativists. Therefore, our society will do one of three things: either disprove one of the most universally established laws of all history; or repent of its relativism and survive; or persist in its relativism and perish."
from A Refutation of Moral Relativism

03-29-14, 19:02
I didn't see anything at all wrong with the young woman expressing herself and wonder where we come off acting like such perfectionists.

Somehow just realized there are additional font options, always been a Times New Roman fellow myself. Probably never use it again though since no one else does and all.


03-29-14, 19:10
I didn't see anything at all wrong with the young woman expressing herself and wonder where we come off acting like such perfectionists.

Predominantly because we are all afforded the right to express our opinions; not just the idiots among us.

Sadly that ****tard of a "person" will eventually breed. Remember what happens to a mans eyes as he gets drunk. Give a horny guy enough beer and he will roll that shit in flour and find the wet spot if he has to.

03-29-14, 19:10
Thank goodness ObamaKare will keep her alive much longer than me. :bad:

Outlander Systems
03-29-14, 21:03

Jabba no bother.

03-30-14, 03:19
Liberal . . . check.
Democrat . . . check.
Morbidly obese . . . check.
Homosexual . . . check.
Lives in mother's house . . . check.
Only job skill is folding t-shirts . . . check.
Never spanked as a child . . . check.
Smokes copious amounts of marijuana . . . check.
Voting for Hillary in 2016 . . . check.


I hope her mother (the epic fail of motherhood that she is) realizes that its never too late for an abortion . . .

03-30-14, 04:07
People like that will self sterilize. No one will have a child with that type of person, at least I hope not.

Don't kid yourself. That's low hanging fruit for lazy people with no standards. She'll have a dozen kids by a dozen different fathers.

03-30-14, 07:52
By itself, yes it's harmless. But in groups....watch out...

As a group that thing is either part of the juggalo culture or is a liberal feminist, either way not something I care to worry about.

03-30-14, 09:26

I couldn't even finish the video..horrendous..

03-30-14, 12:40
Don't kid yourself. That's low hanging fruit for lazy people with no standards. She'll have a dozen kids by a dozen different fathers.

and I will get in trouble for saying most likely a few new obama children will come from it !

04-01-14, 00:27
I never thought I would say this, but with the path the U.S. is headed, if I ever win the powerball I would seriously consider moving to another country.
Either that, or I'm moving to Idaho on 100 acres with mine fields and either a Barrett or a MA deuce in every window/ entry way.

04-01-14, 17:28
IF that was a chick, she'll probably get knocked up by some other slob at a meth house, have a kid or 5, suck more of our tax dollars, and on this thing goes. What disappoints me is people like her/him/ or whatever, FK'ed up on drugs are the most fertile people in the world. Then you see the decent couple who works out, runs marathons, are motivated to make a good life for themselves, work up the ladder to great careers, & they have spend huge money on invetro or other fertilization methods to start a family. One more reason why life ain't fair.

In my neck of the woods, all the low life's think they're going to be famous rappers someday & try to look like that sawed off little c**ksucker Little Wayne.

04-02-14, 10:45
Obama voters!