View Full Version : Any sci-fi readers here?

03-30-14, 12:47
I've been writing short, magazine-length technical articles for over 15 years. When writing these articles, I always knew what I was going to write before I started. Over the last few years I've had an urge to write some fiction, but could never get out of the gate with it. The old method of knowing what I was going to write before I started was a barrier because I could not think through a fictional story from start to finish.

A few months ago, with a basic premise in mind, I sat in the LazyBoy with my laptop and started banging away on a story that I had no idea where it was going or how it was going to end. As I got rolling, it started to take on a life of its own and before I knew it, I had created a 20,000 word science fiction/romance piece. It was a lot of fun to write, so it was done mostly for self-gratification, not knowing whether the final product would be of interest to anyone else but me.

After a lot of editing and polishing (with the help of others), I offer it to anyone here who might be interested. The basic premise is first contact between a human and an alien, and the relationship that develops between them. I will forewarn you that unless you like reading science fiction, enjoy romance and can relate to a dry sense of humor, it may not be worth your time. But if you think you'd like to take a look, please feel free to contact me via PM and I will send a pdf file to you. Of course, your feedback would be appreciated if you care to offer it.

Thanks for your time and consideration!

03-30-14, 13:53
I would enjoy a copy. Your PM box is full.

03-30-14, 13:59
As someone who dabbles in writing as well I would be happy to give it a read brother. I know how writing without a perfect idea of what you are looking for can be, though it can be rather enjoyable watching the characters and story evolve as you create it. May not be able to grow a damn plant but growing a story can be as rewarding.

03-30-14, 14:46
PM box cleared, PMs responded to.


03-30-14, 14:49
I know how writing without a perfect idea of what you are looking for can be, though it can be rather enjoyable watching the characters and story evolve as you create it.

Exactly! I started with the first paragraph written in my head and then the rest followed on it's own. I hope there are at least a few who enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.