View Full Version : more reasons to love Steven Seagal

03-30-14, 20:04
since I remember the love some of you had for him with his wanting to run for some kinda office in AZ (sarcasm)

as they say let someone speak long enough and the truth will come out !!!!

maybe he and dennis rodman (spelling?) can each move to a dictators country they love and we can be free of at least two losers who people seem to look up to and listen to !!!
and when they do the one way trip cancel there citizenship !


03-30-14, 23:57
But I still can't help but to like Under Siege 1 & 2.

03-31-14, 01:31
At least he isn't wrong about our policies..

03-31-14, 02:42
Finding it harder every day to think it treasonous of someone wanting to get the hell out from under Obama. When the US is so messed up that even Americans cheer for a KGB thug for at least being manly, that is pathetic.

03-31-14, 03:13
Yeah things are going bad because of the progressives Obama type etc..
But won't go kissing putins rear either

A lot of Russians are OK folks a lot of us are OK folks
We have our idiot progressives they have there hardcore communists ! Hmmmm to bad we can't trade some ! Haha
Sadly it's the gov and some folks that treat the gov as kings and queens and worship them rather than keep them in check !

But I won't bail on my country if things go rough just like folks to bail first bump in a marriage and some willing to bail on our country !
Calling Putin your brother is a step to far !

Yeah putins a bad ass compared to our leader but it's kinda like liking a nice mob boss to like Putin !

Just like in some countries in Europe when Hitler invaded they quickly kissed up to the Nazis ! Traitors !

03-31-14, 03:44
He's showing his true douchebag colors. If he wants to move to Russia I will donate my free time to help him pack up.

03-31-14, 04:03
He's showing his true douchebag colors. If he wants to move to Russia I will donate my free time to help him pack up.

I suppose that Gene Lebell must have held that choke just a little too long.

I'm not sure if the story is true, but legend has it that Seagal crapped himself after challenging people to try and choke him out. Apparently, Labell (who is an accomplished Judo BB) answered and Seagal took a nap...

03-31-14, 04:12
A friend of mine who worked in Hollywood before joining the military told me that Steven started some shit with a stuntman and that guy put him in his place real quick.

I suppose that Gene Lebell must have held that choke just a little too long.

I'm not sure if the story is true, but legend has it that Seagal crapped himself after challenging people to try and choke him out. Apparently, Labell (who is an accomplished Judo BB) answered and Seagal took a nap...

03-31-14, 04:20
Could be fun to see him in a ring with UFC fighter

03-31-14, 09:49
You can't win them all.

Until he says he hates America and its founding principles, and he wants to renounce citizenship, I am withholding judgement. Now, does he act like a tool sometimes? Yes.

03-31-14, 09:52
Steven Seagull is an old, hair dyed, tub.

Speaking about him as if he was a tough guy is laughable.

As an actor he's right up there with the likes of Jean-Claude Van Damm and Chuck Norris, in other words, dreadful.

03-31-14, 20:34
As an animal right's activist and environmentalist, he makes an unusual bedfellow for Putin, who during his career has likely signed off on torture, assassination, and imprisonment for some of those disagreeing with him. I see Steven S. as a shallow and full of shit blowhard who sucks.

04-01-14, 08:56
He might be a tub, but he's made a heck of a lot more money that most of us :)

04-01-14, 10:00
So does Pee Wee Herman. :D

04-01-14, 10:11
I'm sure that applies to Sean Penn and Dennis Rodman too, but their bank accounts aren't germane - sucking up to mass murderers is.

04-01-14, 10:41
Could be fun to see him in a ring with UFC fighter

He's a tad too old now. He took credit for having taught Silva a kick that took someone out, and much to my surprise, Silva publicly thanked Seagal for the training help and is respected by some of the top UFC guys.
Dane White also confirms that at the very end of this this vid:


But as expected, lots of haters on that score too, and I don't know what's legit and what's not, typical of anything involving Seagal.

Seagal is a weird dude I love to hate. The problem is, he's actually very talented at some of this things does, and totally full of crap in other things he does, or claims to have done.

Just when I really wanna hate him (and he hands you plenty of ammo for that) he'll turn around and impress me with something that suggests he's legit. As a person, to a man I have spoken to who has actually met him, and noting nice to say about him.

The guy is an enigma to me. Did you know he's also a talented musician?


04-01-14, 11:04
Is it just me, or does his widow's peak get bigger every year? It's like counting the rings on a tree to see its age.

04-01-14, 14:32
Is it just me, or does his widow's peak get bigger every year? It's like counting the rings on a tree to see its age.

His hair transplants have progressed nicely....

04-01-14, 14:40
Steven Seagull is an old, hair dyed, tub.

Speaking about him as if he was a tough guy is laughable.

As an actor he's right up there with the likes of Jean-Claude Van Damm and Chuck Norris, in other words, dreadful.

Heyyyy... Seagal conveys MUCH more acting range, than those other lame-o's!


04-01-14, 17:18
He's a tad too old now. He took credit for having taught Silva a kick that took someone out, and much to my surprise, Silva publicly thanked Seagal for the training help and is respected by some of the top UFC guys.
Dane White also confirms that at the very end of this this vid:


But as expected, lots of haters on that score too, and I don't know what's legit and what's not, typical of anything involving Seagal.

Seagal is a weird dude I love to hate. The problem is, he's actually very talented at some of this things does, and totally full of crap in other things he does, or claims to have done.

Just when I really wanna hate him (and he hands you plenty of ammo for that) he'll turn around and impress me with something that suggests he's legit. As a person, to a man I have spoken to who has actually met him, and noting nice to say about him.

The guy is an enigma to me. Did you know he's also a talented musician?


Pretty much my thoughts as well. I grew up watching his movies, so I can't hate him too much.

04-01-14, 17:33
Heyyyy... Seagal conveys MUCH more acting range, than those other lame-o's!


Anyone seeing a Seagal, Van Damm or Chuck Norris, movies for the acting is a few slices O turkey of a sandwich. Just sayin'