View Full Version : Homeland security releases some 68,000 illegal aliens with criminal convictions.

Mauser KAR98K
03-31-14, 11:05
Yet, another scandal of the Obama adminstration that should clean the Executive branch out but will probably go nowhere.


They have released dangerous illegal, truly undocumented, people out into the general public that have felony convictions from our courts.

Here is another article of them not deporting already ordered migrants out of the country. Close to a million.


This is unreal.

03-31-14, 11:35
How can they Vote DEM if they're deported? Need em here, and dependent on goverment handouts.

Big A
03-31-14, 12:09
C'mon now, we all know deporting them would be racist. They just want a better life and piece of the american dream....:rolleyes:

03-31-14, 13:36
C'mon now, we all know deporting them would be racist. They just want a better life and piece of the american dream....:rolleyes:
Yeah, they want your piece. They are felons, after all.

03-31-14, 14:20
I know in my part of the world an ICE detainer is only good for 48 hours after bond is posted. ICE doesn't show? Illegal released to the U.S. street to continue the fun. It's funny but Texas has a law (left over from cowboy days) that if someone is on your land after dark causing mischief you can legally smoke them. But, of course, this law nowadays does not apply if you live on the U.S./mexico border. You can not be armed only watch & report! If we dropped a few of these thieves (not paying taxes is a crime) maybe it would slow the flow.

03-31-14, 14:47
Any LEO can tell you that the early releasing of violent criminals does not apply only to illegal immigrants.

03-31-14, 16:06
Any LEO can tell you that the early releasing of violent criminals does not apply only to illegal immigrants.


04-01-14, 19:55
Retired INS (pre-ICE) agent here. Be advised that the bastards now running the place could give a damn less about protecting the country. Years ago it was bad because they were merely inept time-servers. Now they're actively undermining the country.

A few years back a fiction book was written describing how the federal government suddenly, inexplicably, transferred prisoners into a flimsy detention camp out in flyover country. One fine morning the prisoners woke up to find the guards gone, the armory doors open and the gates standing open. Golly gee, mistakes may have been made here...

Said prisoners go on a spree, incidentally killing and injuring the uppity locals who were not loyal enough to the Dear Leader. "Interesting Times" ensue. All highly fictional, of course. ("Neither Predator nor Prey", Mark Spungin, Amazon)

Just remember, these people are all, all good men, and they really mean to do the right thing. No matter who gets hurt.

04-01-14, 21:44
Makes ya think…
