View Full Version : So... I screwed up.

03-31-14, 20:27
A little back history on me- I stay active ,in shape (can't run a marathon) ,mid 30's , just shy of 6 ft @ 190 lbs, was blessed with good genetics & eat what I want, not "swole" but muscular, very rarely sick.

Last summer my door bell rang. I looked through the peep hole to see an older kinda chunky lady standing there. I opened the door, she introduced herself, showed a .gov ID & told me my residence had been randomly selected for a "health survey". She asked if I had a few minutes to complete it. I'm usually pretty rough on anyone that shows up on my doorstep. But, her being the grandma type, I figured why not and agreed. First question was "Can we step inside?" ( Probably noon in TX heat related but I took as she wanted a look around) to which I replied "No" and stepped outside closing door behind me. I'm accustomed to the heat, apparently she wasn't. Instant red flag at this point.

We started off with actual health questions. Then it turned into- How many hours did I work last week, Am I gay, Do I have multiple partners, Is my household "happy", am I a felon, my income, etc. I understand how these questions can be health related but they are way different than "How many times were you sick last year?". As I thought it was coming to an end she hit me with "OK we are done with you. Your wife, insert name & DOB, same questions". I answered questions. "OK your son , insert name & DOB, same questions." I answered.

Now as this ordeal is ending I'm realizing they had already drawn up data on me & some of the questions they already knew the answers to. They knew my health record prior & "randomly" selected me. So nosw I realize some questions were feelers on how truthful I was being. I was starting to get my normal attitude towards a stranger at my door step. It finally ends and I chalked it up to lesson learned about grandmas on my step.

So here's the problem. I met whatever demographic they are padding their random surveys with.

My wife and I have been receiving phone calls about, you guessed it, another random .gov survey for the past 5 months. My wife answered one & told them "No thanks" . They are offering $50 to complete it (which screams DNA sample to me). We of course have not responded in any way, always letting them go to voice mail. So now I have people that know more about me than I probably do hounding me. I am thinking about answering the next call & just telling them "wrong number". This may at least back them off for a week or two.

Any body else dealing with this crap or have any insight?

03-31-14, 20:48
Hello, sir. I would also like to steal your identity. Please forward your earliest bank account convenience to lolwut@lol.com

Many kinds regards.

Crown Prince of that island they landed the Malaysian plane on.

03-31-14, 21:07
Hello, sir. I would also like to steal your identity. Please forward your earliest bank account convenience to lolwut@lol.com

Many kinds regards.

Crown Prince of that island they landed the Malaysian plane on.

I deserve it....

But had possible identity theft been the purpose they had no need to even come by my house. They already had more than enough info to do as they pleased.

03-31-14, 21:22
Could have been worse, could have come home from work to find your home completely emptied of any and all valuables.

03-31-14, 22:14
Not sure what the big problem is. Just say, "Thanks, but no, thanks" to any further participation. And request they remove your name from their calling list.

3 AE
04-01-14, 01:03
Hmmm... interesting. What agency/dept. of government did she represent? Was it a Texas or U.S. government representative? The other surveys, that you were asked to participate in, were they also from the same agency or were they different ones?

04-01-14, 01:23
Hmmm... interesting. What agency/dept. of government did she represent? Was it a Texas or U.S. government representative? The other surveys, that you were asked to participate in, were they also from the same agency or were they different ones?

'Grandma' was legit HHS. HHS supplied my info (who knows how much) to a contractor of theirs that supposedly does health surveys also. Do they think my responses would be different 3 months after HHS survey? My wife told them (they called her after I didn't return their 20 or so phone calls) "No thanks". But they have continued chasing us. After writing all this out and reading it I wonder why I haven't told them to piss off. Next phone call I get I'm gonna straighten this out in way that makes them feel like less of a person afterwards.

Let this be a warning for anybody that has HHS show up at your house.

04-01-14, 04:35
I think you need to go to the local HHS Office and ask them about this. If getting the run around, go up. Find out who they subcontracted with and their contact information. Sounds as if gmom might be doing a side job and using an official position/credentials to gain compliance that someone would generally blow off. Did she continue going door to door to survey the area populous or were you specifically targeted?

04-01-14, 08:55
Ha ha.... The Mormoone Missionaries stopped by while I was processing wet tumbled brass on the tailgate of my truck. I got a chuckle when I cracked my beer open as they were trying to get me to discuss my faith.

I don't get nasty with those guys though.... They're ok I guess.

04-01-14, 09:36
Have you considered changing your phone number?

When I piss off a girl, I just call verizon and pay $15 to get my number changed. It takes a few minutes updating my contact info to places that need it, but way easier than dealing with a college girl who thinks sex = love.

04-01-14, 10:15
'Grandma' was legit HHS. HHS supplied my info (who knows how much) to a contractor of theirs that supposedly does health surveys also. Do they think my responses would be different 3 months after HHS survey? My wife told them (they called her after I didn't return their 20 or so phone calls) "No thanks". But they have continued chasing us. After writing all this out and reading it I wonder why I haven't told them to piss off. Next phone call I get I'm gonna straighten this out in way that makes them feel like less of a person afterwards.

Let this be a warning for anybody that has HHS show up at your house.

When anyone starts asking me for information, I turn the tables and "interview" them. Whether I decide to give them one shred of information often has a lot to do with who they are, who they represent, what they want, why they want it, who they'll give it to and what the safeguards are. If they can't or won't answer all my questions satisfactorily, they get squat. :)

04-01-14, 13:11
When anyone starts asking me for information, I turn the tables and "interview" them. Whether I decide to give them one shred of information often has a lot to do with who they are, who they represent, what they want, why they want it, who they'll give it to and what the safeguards are. If they can't or won't answer all my questions satisfactorily, they get squat. :)

That's awesome.... glad I'm not the only one.

04-01-14, 13:18
I would have had to turn it around on her also. No way I'm giving out that kind of info to someone knocking on my door.

04-01-14, 14:24
Weren't you ever taught not to talk to strangers?

That's like rule number 1 isn't it? Too bad for you OP.

04-01-14, 14:46
Weren't you ever taught not to talk to strangers?

That's like rule number 1 isn't it? Too bad for you OP.

I guess at times I need a refresher course on why I'm condition orange 99% of the time.