View Full Version : Pollard to be Released?!?

04-01-14, 10:49
There are widespread media reports stating that the president is considering releasing Jonathon Pollard to the Israelis in return for some concessions in the Israeli - Palestinian peace talks.

I,for one, am dismayed that we would even consider releasing an American who betrayed his country in exchange for some temporary gains at the negotiating tables. I suspect that this has a lot more to do with shoring up the Pro Israeli vote in the face of a disastrous mid term election than it does to do with anything to do with the middle east. Presidents from both parties have refused to buckle to Israeli pressure and release Pollard. That appears to be changing.

It will be interesting to see how the outrage breaks. On the one hand, Republicans will want to criticize the president, but on the other hand they don't want to offend their pro Israeli base. Interesting times. WE'll also see the "well spying for Israel is different than spying for an enemy" line or reasoning.... They'll also say that he only gave them things that we should have been giving them anyway.

Maybe we should release the Walkers, Hansen, and Aimes in order to get the Russians out of Crimea?:confused:

I think he should sit in that prison cell until he rots, turns to dust, and then let the wind blow him through the bars...

04-01-14, 13:17
If we would have just killed his treasonous ass in the first place; this would never have come up.

04-01-14, 13:28
What's next? Ireland releasing the Lockerbie Bomber? Oh wait, they already did that.

04-01-14, 13:44
Apparently he's eligible for parole next year? Why would releasing him now garner "us" any consideration?

ETA: Obama is quoted in a story on MSN (http://news.msn.com/world/ap-sources-us-considers-release-of-spy-pollard?ocid=ansnews11):

"He's been serving his time," Obama said. "I have no plans for releasing Jonathan Pollard immediately but what I am going to be doing is to make sure that he, like every other American who's been sentenced, is accorded the same kinds of review and the same examination of the equities that any other individual would provide."

The president said at the time that he recognized the emotions involved in the situation. But he added, "As the president, my first obligation is to observe the law here in the United States and to make sure that it's applied consistently."


04-01-14, 13:50
Apparently he's eligible for parole next year? Why would releasing him now garner "us" any consideration?

It's just a sop to Netanyahu so he can parade Pollard in front of the Israeli press and score some political points.

04-01-14, 14:12
Go to the Wiki page of Pollard and read the list of folks who've kowtowed to Israel and the American Jewish lobby and supported pardoning Pollard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard): Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Allan Dershowitz, Dan Quayle, Barney Frank, Allen West, Arlen Spector, Anthony Weiner, and on and on.

The fact that all these folks have clamored for Pollard's release and neither Bush nor Obama have been inclined to cut the guy loose (yet) tells me Pollard was guilty of selling some shit that still has folks real pissed and no one is in a hurry to see made public.

Big A
04-01-14, 14:40
But Isreal is our ally....

Here's to hoping that if he is released to Israel he doesn't get settled in before he ends up a casualty of a Hamas attack.

04-01-14, 15:13
What's next? SCOTLAND releasing the Lockerbie Bomber? Oh wait, they already did that.


Yeah, Pollard should've slipped on a bar of soap and fallen down 40 flights of stairs YEARS ago...

04-01-14, 15:51
But Isreal is our ally....

Here's to hoping that if he is released to Israel he doesn't get settled in before he ends up a casualty of a Hamas attack.

So does that mean espionage for an "ally" is less serious? Whether they are our ally or not, they have national interests that differ from ours - which isn't a criticism. He was recruited by a foreign intelligence agency and betrayed his country. He doesn't get to decide what info we should share and what we shouldn't. By doing so he put the interests of Israel over those of the United States. At the time of his conviction, I was dating a Jewish woman who had clearances. Her answer was "great, now we are all going to be looked at as hyphenated Americans with divided loyalties".

The intelligence community is also super pissed that the Israeli's didn't fess up and weren't transparent about what they had been given.

Big A
04-01-14, 16:12

No, it was sarcasm. Our government bends over backwards and sends Israel millions in foreign aid just to be stabbed in the back by the self serving SOB's

04-01-14, 19:40
Reportedly, Pollard himself has sent word to the U.S. Parole Commission to request his name be withdrawn from consideration for early parole: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pollard-waives-parole-hearing-as-middle-east-peace-talks-stumble/2014/04/01/d280aeec-b9bd-11e3-a397-6debf9e66e65_story.html

Anybody else SICK TO ****ING DEATH of the U.S. wasting hundreds of millions of dollars trying to get two groups of people who display no interest in settling their differences to settle their differences? Enough already. They can fight, ****, or forget about it for all I care.

Big A
04-01-14, 19:42
Reportedly, Pollard himself has sent word to the U.S. Parole Commission to request his name be withdrawn from consideration for early parole: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/pollard-waives-parole-hearing-as-middle-east-peace-talks-stumble/2014/04/01/d280aeec-b9bd-11e3-a397-6debf9e66e65_story.html

Anybody else SICK TO ****ING DEATH of the U.S. wasting hundreds of millions of dollars trying to get two groups of people who display no interest in settling their differences to settle their differences? Enough already. They can fight, ****, or forget about it for all I care.

Here, here!

04-02-14, 05:03

No, it was sarcasm. Our government bends over backwards and sends Israel millions in foreign aid just to be stabbed in the back by the self serving SOB's

Do you think we don't spy on our allies? There's not a developed country in the world, friend or not, that we don't at least try to keep tabs on.

04-02-14, 15:00
If we would have just killed his treasonous ass in the first place; this would never have come up.

You sir speak my language.

Big A
04-02-14, 16:28
Do you think we don't spy on our allies? There's not a developed country in the world, friend or not, that we don't at least try to keep tabs on.

No, I know we spy on everybody, and vice versa.

Israel wants the U.S. to always have their back but isn't willing to help the U.S. out unless it serves their interests.