View Full Version : Obozo choking off bank credit to gun dealers

30 cal slut
05-19-14, 10:19


Gun retailers say the Obama administration is trying to put them out of business with regulations and investigations that bypass Congress and choke off their lines of credit, freeze their assets and prohibit online sales.

05-19-14, 10:38
Gun manufacturers need to come together and form their own bank and credit card company and processing firm. Setup a legit answer to paypal. That would be epic.

05-19-14, 11:02
Gun manufacturers need to come together and form their own bank and credit card company and processing firm. Setup a legit answer to paypal. That would be epic.

Somebody has, McMillan maybe it was. I looked into it. The prices were VERY high I thought.

05-19-14, 11:11
I don't think Paypal is on the side of 2A. If I remember correctly over the past few years paypal was freezing accounts and money transfers that were firearms related. Have they since changed their tune?

05-19-14, 11:17
This part is hilarious:

In an interview with The Times, Mr. Riese said the cost of doing business with gun retailers outweighs the benefits for some banks, given that regulators deem the industry as “risky,” state laws vary on the sale of guns and ammunition, and the Justice Department’s enforcement.

So a segment of the market, one that has not only grown, but continued to outperform many others over the past decade is "risky?"

05-19-14, 13:35
I believe there are plenty of rich Conservatives who will create their own line of financing to keep this thing alive. But Omaba is a dirty co*ksucker to stoop this low.

05-19-14, 13:47
I'm just wondering when I'm going to start getting my complimentary copy of Innocent Girls in Naughty Prison Volume 18 when I buy a 6920.

Takes the swag that dealers throw in to a whole new level.

05-20-14, 02:26
Third thread on this.
