View Full Version : Grandma stops knife in Wallyworld, and Sheeple object

06-03-08, 00:27
I saw this elswhere and didn't see some thing on it here. So if it was posted, forgive old Gramps. Thanks.

The first part is the interesting story, the rest is politics wich is NOT what I'm talking about. Read the rest of the page at your own risk. NOT wanting to go down that road right now!

Just makes me dislike Wallyworld al the more!


06-03-08, 05:48
I have read alot of Vin's columns and articles and I hate to say it, but I have to agree with alot of what he said. Walmart will pander to everyone and say anything to make people feelgood, whether it be this or pulling gun sales.

My wife has been with them almost 7 years snd she is leaving soon because of the way they are treating employees and because of some of their policies.

06-03-08, 06:26
This is an old case from around 2000 but it is unbelievable that people are this crazy.

"Shopper Lorinda Smith, who was in the candy aisle during the confrontation, said Tuesday that she was more frightened by Suter's gun then the man's knife.

"That scared the c—- out of me, that someone could have a gun in the store," said Smith of Hernando Beach. 'This one lady was in there with her children and when she saw (the gun) she was like, "Get on the ground! Get on the ground!" If I was there with my kids, I would have had a heart attack.' "

06-03-08, 11:15
This is an old case from around 2000 but it is unbelievable that people are this crazy.

Yeah...that woman is a Sheeple with her head up her...well, you know where her head is! :rolleyes: