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View Full Version : It looks Hillary is done...

06-03-08, 18:50
According to Foxnews, Obama has cinched the nomination.

Speeches tonight from her, Obama, and McCain. Will be interesting.

Jay Cunningham
06-03-08, 18:58
Will be interesting.

Will be horrifying.

06-03-08, 19:03
That too yes :eek:

06-03-08, 19:11
Will be horrifying.

QFTMFT. :mad:

Cold Zero
06-03-08, 19:14
What's the good news? We may end up with Obama?:rolleyes: :eek:

06-03-08, 19:20
I am happy and worried all at the same time. I see on yahoo that she would consider running with Obama:eek:

Jay Cunningham
06-03-08, 19:22
I hope she chooses to run as an Independent.

Go Hillary!!

06-03-08, 19:27
This is like watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the very 1st time.

06-03-08, 19:33
This is like watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the very 1st time.

No shit dude :o

06-03-08, 19:34
While McCain may not be the perfect conservative candidate it is now time to stand behind him and VOTE REPUBLICAN.

To vote otherwise will ensure an Obama Presidency.

I can only shudder to think what unbelievable anti-gun legislation and executive orders banning imports of everything from guns, to ammo to parts will come from this.

I fear the first AWB will be a insignificant bump in the road compared to what awaits us if he wins.


Jay Cunningham
06-03-08, 19:51
Then again...

Maybe it's time to give everybody what they want and see how they like it 4 years later. After all, it took 4 years of Carter's misery to give us President Reagan. McCain may just prolong the agony, much like Gerald Ford would have.

I am starting to wonder.

Heavy Metal
06-03-08, 19:57
regan was waiting in the wings. Our best hope, Bobby Jindal, needs us to buy him some more time.

I say just say Nobama.

06-04-08, 00:52
This is probably the worst news I have had in the last year or so. With the state this country is in and the possiblity of those 2 teaming up, I want to get sick. That will be the biggest blow to gun owners that could has been dealt since 94. I will vote repub as I always do, but I am afraid that the dems will come out in force and I sure hope I eat these words but I am truely pessimistic about McCain's chances. He better get the likes of Kerry or Huckabee (Pual is not an option) to run with him. The only way this could get worse is if feinstein was runnig with obama. I don't like clinton but I do think she would have be easier on gun people than this idiot obama. Worse yet this POS may be my Commander in Chief. Start your lower buying engines, get your high caps now and biggest of all VOTE FOR JOHN MCCAIN IN 08!

06-04-08, 09:50
I hope Obama snubs Hillary about the veep slot - it's not like he needs her.
IF Obama wins the election, he might try to show how different he is by being middle of the road - not his politics, I know, but that is the facade he is trying to maintain. He might steer clear from the really hot ones like abortion and guns. While I am not complacent on the gun issue, I think the dynamics have shifted slightly in our favor and the NRA has the lefties running scared - which is why they hate the NRA so much.

06-04-08, 11:10
We can thank the media for this travesty, they worked 24/7 to character assissinate, villify, and defame Mr. Romney and Huckabee and saddle us with Mr.
McCain, while raising Obama from obscurity to the heights of idolatry.
It was a masterfull demonstration of bait and switch, salesmanship. Since Americans by and large get all their information from the intellevision, it was a
great intelligence operation/coup d'etat.
The silent majority have been hoodwinked again.

06-04-08, 11:51
The silent majority have been hoodwinked again.

The silent majority let themselves be hoodwinked, again.

06-04-08, 11:56
If they team up - gun owners and honest people will be in trouble.

Jay Cunningham
06-04-08, 12:13
The RNC just called me begging for money...

...boy, did they get an earful. :D

But they didn't get any money.


Gutshot John
06-04-08, 12:25
Don't count her out yet, I must say that despite my hatred of her husband and her politics I've gained a new respect for Hill.

She's harder than a coffin nail.

06-04-08, 12:58
I'm down to about 4 reasons to vote for the old white guy:
1. Better chance of a decent Supreme Court Justice nominee should the opportunity arise;
2. Better chance of keeping my guns and accessories.
3. Better chance of keeping more of my money.
4. Better on national defense & security (except for those silly border things).

Every day I'm afraid he's gonna pull some stunt to cross one off the list.


06-04-08, 15:12
I hope she chooses to run as an Independent.

Go Hillary!!

Amen! :D

The Dems need her to run as an Independent....it would be her duty. This way she and Obama can increase their chances of getting into office! Poor John McCain would be helpless as half the nation divides their votes between the Clinton and Obama. :rolleyes:

06-04-08, 15:39
shhhhhhhhhhhhh .......... not so loud

06-04-08, 15:44
Hillary will want McCain to win so she can run again in 4 years. That's my prediction.

Even a broken watch is right twice a day btw :cool:

06-04-08, 16:09
Please no more on this subject. It raises my blood pressure and makes my head hurt real bad.....no, this can not be happening arrrrrrggggggggg.

06-04-08, 17:06
It's like a bad dream, ain't it?

06-04-08, 17:10
It's like a bad dream, ain't it?

As they say in my Division, "it is what it is." :(

06-04-08, 19:20
Hillary will want McCain to win so she can run again in 4 years. That's my prediction.

Even a broken watch is right twice a day btw :cool:No doubt, An Obama victory in Nov would spell disaster for the Clintons. Hillary would be pushing 70 before she could run again. Best bet by then would be Clelsea.

Gutshot John
06-04-08, 19:22
Best bet by then would be Clelsea.


Seriously dude...that's not very funny. I almost had to change my shorts.

06-04-08, 19:57
Best bet by then would be Clelsea.

Is it just me or is Chelsea lookin' kinda "hot"??? :D


06-04-08, 20:11
The RNC just called me begging for money...

...boy, did they get an earful. :D

But they didn't get any money.


Good for you. I did the same.

How I'll vote:

"I love my country MORE than I hate McCain."

06-04-08, 23:24

Seriously dude...that's not very funny. I almost had to change my shorts.I would have never thought about that a year ago but Chelsea has been all aver the campaign trail this year. She may just be helping out mom but I'm sure she likes the attention. We know what attention and power whores mom and pops are so I'm sure she has the genes.

06-05-08, 00:09
Hillary will want McCain to win so she can run again in 4 years. That's my prediction.

I agree, but it's a tricky situation for her. If she doesn't work hard to get Obama elected, the party will turn on her and she'll never get the nomination in '12.

The ridiculous thing is that she's right:
She's done much better than Obama in the primaries since the Rev. Wright issue came to light
She's won the big battleground states that the Dems need to secure victory
The national polls show her much stronger against McCain
Exit polls indicate that many of her supporters will either not vote or vote for McCain rather than vote for Obama

The media will work hard to rehabilitate Obama and back burner a lot of the Wright controversy and similar issues, but in the modern age we'll all be getting dozens of emails reminding us that Obama is all sorts of evil things (some of which are even probably true).

Maybe I'm just setting myself up for disappointment, but I'm cautiously optimistic that Obama's nomination is a serious boost for McCain.

06-05-08, 13:26
Is it just me or is Chelsea lookin' kinda "hot"??? :D


It's you.

06-05-08, 13:57
Time for new shooting glasses!

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-05-08, 17:46
I actually like McCain. And frankly, when the next national emergency hits, I want it to be McCain at the helm, not Mr. 57 states.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-05-08, 18:03
Oh, and Chelsea is looking cute these days.;)

Ed L.
06-05-08, 18:30
I agree, but it's a tricky situation for her. If she doesn't work hard to get Obama elected, the party will turn on her and she'll never get the nomination in '12.

The party has already turned on her. Take a look at the way the endorsements by big name democrats have gone throughout the primaries.

06-05-08, 19:25
Yeah at looks like the party has turned and at my last watching of the news (this morning) it looks like we don't have to worry about the so called dream team. Good news for McCain and all of us if those to don't team up.

Jay Cunningham
06-05-08, 19:38
Just as a reminder:

McCain really sucks.

In case you forgot in light of how horrific Obama is.

Cold Zero
06-05-08, 20:53
Barrack is meeting with Hillary at her house in D.C. as I write this. As per MSNBC.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-05-08, 23:37
He is probably telling her...

"Allright, now go fix me a sandwich."

06-06-08, 05:46
I watch very little "real" news, if there is such a thing anymore. Is McCain's invitation to BO of a debate tour of the US getting much attention? JM seems to do better in Q&A, or debate formats, rather than teleprompter speeches, while the reverse is true for BO. The few clips I've seen of BO when he's had to really think on his feet in an unplanned manner have been quite unflattering, although some of that could have been due to editing for all I know.

Chelsea has some big teeth.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-06-08, 09:37

Yeah, I think McCain's invitation is his signal that he recognizes that. Obama is just not good at debate. He is a preacher, not a lawyer (despite his diploma). He is used to preaching to the choir, and every time he gets a tough question it shows. McCain should try toforce him into town-hall type debates. The cheesy moderated format "debate" will play to Obama, as they tend to ask the Democrat questions like....

"Why does your opponent suck?"

Then the Republican gets asked...

"Why do you suck?"

McCain, on the other hand, is one of the best "press conference Q&A" style debaters I have ever seen. He is comfortable with any questions. I guess years of making self available to the press, and being a senator for more than a few months, has its benefits.