View Full Version : Liberals, not gun owners, are the ones with a mental disorder.

06-12-14, 08:31
For about another dozen times this week, the radio, TV, internet, or actual human being has hit me with the concept of gun owners having a mental disease. Whether it be just owning guns, having a lot of ammo, etc.

The first real attempt at this was a proposed personality disorder, I think in the late 90s, called the "martial personality disorder" or something like that. It was basically for people all into guns, weapons, martial arts, etc. While it may apply as seeming weird with some comic book guy living in moms basement and being a mall ninja, how would it have applied to the successful business owner/father/husband former operator with the exact same traits shows how it really has no niche.

On to liberals being crazy.

Liberals have a deluded mindset known as magical thinking. They think or want something to be a certain way- they believe that wishing or wanting something makes it so. No matter how much evidence to the contrary, they remain firm in their conviction.

I will let you fill in all the examples you want.

"Violence never solved any thing"

"If you just got rid of all the guns there would be no violence"

are just a few I can think of.

It is at worst one of the symptoms of schizophrenia.
It is at best a well described stage of childhood thinking that, along with some other liberal ways of thinking, is appropriate for a two year old.

It is so prevalent, I have to say, most refer to it as the "liberal" way of thinking, and is a disproportionately female way of thinking.

So, the next time some libtard accuses you of having psyc problems,
ask them if they are schizophrenic,
stuck in one of Piaget's early childhood stages of development,
or just an idiot.

(I am not talking about the gun control/mental health control issue getting a lot of media attention. That is a whole other conversation. But, AFTER THE FACT, a lot of those nut cases were obviously nut cases. There are however, thousands of other people with the exact same history who have not done anything violent for every one that has. Mental health is awesome at explaining stuff after the fact but not a very good predictor. That also does not consider the hundreds of thousands/millions of people with a diagnosed mental disorder and prescription that are not going to do anything violent. Going after "mental health" is like saying you are going to lock up every urban black male between the ages of 15-25 wearing a hoodie to cut down on crime. It would cut down on a lot of crime, but you would be sweeping up a lot of people that should not have been. I have never heard the "but if it just saved one life" line applied to this.)

06-12-14, 09:21
Shit. It's no coincidence that almost all of these shootings take place in leftist tard zones. And the shooter is often the offspring of some retarded liberal who never prepared little Johnny for any kind of disappointment or adversity in life.

You don't see some conservative's kid who went to church, and learned to respect others, going off and shooting everyone around because people picked on him or girls didn't talk to him.

It's the libtard upbringing that fosters this bullshit.

06-12-14, 10:04
Shit. It's no coincidence that almost all of these shootings take place in leftist tard zones. And the shooter is often the offspring of some retarded liberal who never prepared little Johnny for any kind of disappointment or adversity in life.

You don't see some conservative's kid who went to church, and learned to respect others, going off and shooting everyone around because people picked on him or girls didn't talk to him.

It's the libtard upbringing that fosters this bullshit.

They're all special little snowflakes until the heat is on.

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06-12-14, 10:25
They try to brand us as crazy so that they can use their most effective argument ending logical fallacy: Ad hominum. Nothing shuts down a source of information quicker than connecting something, anything, negative to it that can be used to discredit said source, and almost EVERYBODY falls for it. It's very simple:

Pro-gunner: I believe that everybody has the right to bear arms and that carrying a concealed weapon is one of the best precautions one can take to defend themselves.

Anti-gunner: Really? This coming from a guy who has a diagnosed personality disorder? Ladies and gentleman, if a person like this, with a mental disorder, supports the 2nd Amendment, we can safely conclude that the opposite of what he says is true. I rest my case.

That's politics through and through. Ad hominum responses to logical arguments. This guy opposes the assault weapons ban? Well he's on Zoloft, so his point's invalid. This guy opposes raising taxes? Well, he got a DUI when he was in college, so his point is invalid. This person wants less government intrusion in our lives? He had an affair once, his point is invalid.

06-12-14, 10:51
Just my simple observation summed up as:

"Modern" Liberal = EMOTION based IRRATIONAL thinking

Libertarian/Conservative = LOGIC based RATIONAL thinking

Quite the contrast.

Yes, the "modern liberal" mind set is dominated by emotion. When you base your actions/perceptions on emotion, you base your belief system on irrationality. You then become dominated by fear, anger, jealousy, etc.

The vast majority of folks who I consider libertarian/conservative all have a system of evaluating life through the lens of logic and reason. This tends to prevent oneself from making poor decisions or infringing upon others freedom due to our personal biases.

This is why a high proportion of debates with a liberal tend to devolve into hate based name calling events on their behalf...