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View Full Version : Bloomberg Mouthpiece Admits Their Agenda is BS

06-21-14, 12:46

“Because people perceive a mismatch in the policy solutions that we have to offer and the way some of these mass shootings happened, you know, it is a messaging problem for us, I think,” Glaze said. “Is it a messaging problem when a mass shooting happens and nothing that we have to offer would have stopped that mass shooting? Sure it’s a challenge in this issue.”

06-21-14, 12:59
It's an idiot problem.

First problem is with the idiots who decide "Hey I'm gonna kill a bunch of people today."

Second problem is with the idiots who think a piece of paper is going to stop anyone who makes such decision.

Unless there is a shit ton of PRIOR evidence, and here I don't mean being groomed by a LE agency, or a fluke interdiction of some kind you aren't going to stop these shootings.

If you are lucky, most victims can escape, hide or lock themselves away from the killer. But I'd hate for my life to depend upon a good hiding place or a door lock on a public building.

If you are EXTREMELY lucky, somebody with the willingness and means to stop the shooter, such as in the Charles Whitman case, will be able to do so. Sadly you have to view some of these people in the context of a natural disaster, and trying to regulate them is like trying to legislate the weather.

06-23-14, 09:33
But they think they can legislate the weather! That's part of the problem The Left thinks that we are the idiots and that they are the only ones who can save the world. One gun control issue or Cap And Trade scam at a time!

06-23-14, 10:20
It is all about disarming the subjects plain and simple. The TV watching Obama voters just can't figure it out.

06-23-14, 12:34
I'd be interested in what kind of support gun control would get if the anti's admitted that their quest is based only on a philosophical notion they don't like guns initially designed to kill people and admitted there is no added safety benefit to bans or limitation?

I feel like most would still jump on board that train. Especially the villainous filth in places CT, NY, NJ, an CA.