View Full Version : Rampage Killing in Tokyo - 7 Dead

Gutshot John
06-08-08, 07:27
He apparently didn't need an evil handgun or assault weapon.

He just used a knife. :eek:


06-08-08, 07:52
He apparently didn't need an evil handgun or assault weapon.

He just used a knife. :eek:

A knife is but a miniature Samurai sword.

Ban them!;)

06-08-08, 08:55

According to groups like the Brady Bunch once guns are banned everyone lives in peace and harmony. I'm confused...

06-08-08, 08:58
Samurai swords don't kill people ... Samurai do.

06-08-08, 10:12
Sad, but once again we see that when crazy people want to act crazy, no laws in the world are going to stop them.

06-08-08, 10:32
Sad, but once again we see that when crazy people want to act crazy, no laws in the world are going to stop them.

Aint that the truth: Robbers use hot coffee as weapon (http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070221/NEWS/702210351/1006/NEWS)

06-08-08, 13:42
Samurai swords don't kill people ... Samurai do.

I think you are onto something here.:D

06-08-08, 13:46
Good Lord, what if the Samurai find hot coffee?

06-08-08, 15:35
Good Lord, what if the Samurai find hot coffee?


06-08-08, 15:38
Never happened!! "There is no crime in Japan because they don't have guns" - at least according to a former boss of mine who was anti-gun.

06-08-08, 16:07
Why did the police not shoot him? In Phoenix the other day, a couple of illegials
shot up a police car w/rifles , they surrendered. These things used to be a death sentence, suicide by cop,whatever. There is not enough money,to get me to be a

06-08-08, 17:47
Sad, but once again we see that when crazy people want to act crazy, no laws in the world are going to stop them.

yup, its a good thing the perp wasn't killed the police, he can now sit back and "enjoy" prosecution and nincarceration:mad:

06-09-08, 00:27
it`s human nature to kill other humans. what about this don`t the do gooders understand. take all the utencils away and if someone want`s to kill you he will shit down your throat to get the job done.

06-09-08, 02:39
well i'm stocking up on pencils and pencil sharpeners. maybe one day i can get rich supplying rouge gangs with deadly banned weapons at double my investment.

Robb Jensen
06-09-08, 06:04
What if Chuck Norris uses Samurai coffee as a weapon? ;)

06-09-08, 07:46
What if Chuck Norris uses Samurai coffee as a weapon? ;)

THIS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_death)

Alpha Sierra
06-09-08, 08:22
I wonder if he used one of these:

If so, will footage be used in the next infomercial? :eek:

06-09-08, 11:23
well i'm stocking up on pencils and pencil sharpeners. maybe one day i can get rich supplying rouge gangs with deadly banned weapons at double my investment.

lol :D just wait for the uproar when someone uses chopsticks on a rampage. let's see them ban THAT

all jokes aside. there are seven families out there that could use our prayers.

06-09-08, 16:58
Aint that the truth: Robbers use hot coffee as weapon (http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070221/NEWS/702210351/1006/NEWS)


i think i'd rather get shot. :eek:

06-10-08, 10:51
Better watch out, pointy sticks will be next to go!

06-10-08, 11:35
what ever happened to swift justice

06-10-08, 19:36
Whatever happened to Kung Fu Theatre?

06-10-08, 20:15
A 25-year-old man, Tomohiro Kato, was arrested with blood on his face.

"The suspect told police that he came to Akihabara to kill people," said Jiro Akaogi, a spokesman for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

"He said he was tired of life. He said he was sick of everything," Akaogi said.

Why do I have the feeling this guy is a democrat?;)

06-10-08, 21:18
removed, changed

06-11-08, 02:46
Samurai swords don't kill people ... Samurai do.

I'm sorry but I just HAVE to poach that for the sig line :o