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View Full Version : I keep having to sign in

Seth Harness
06-09-08, 21:10
When I got home from work I do the typical stuff you know, say hi to the wife and kids, take a shower, sign on to M4C and check stuff, eat dinner etc... I periodically check the computer as I walk by throughout the evening. After a short while it kicks me off. Is this normal? From lack of activity, or do I have a problem? Any info would be appreciated.

Seth H.

Bushido Beaver
06-09-08, 21:16
The system seems to kick my off rather quickly, too. It does not seem to like a long period of inactivity. I would prefer to stay logged in all day, it possible, but it does not seem to permit that.


06-10-08, 16:54
When you login, there is a button to the right of the login screen the says "remember me." Select that box and you will be forever logged in.


Seth Harness
06-10-08, 17:20
When you login, there is a button to the right of the login screen the says "remember me." Select that box and you will be forever logged in.


Cool, thanks Grant I'll give it a shot.