View Full Version : I salute Gen Amos!

07-25-14, 16:20
He's clearly a old war-fighter and not a “yes man”


07-25-14, 16:35
He's a four-star, no doubt with more than enough years to retire. Probably doesn't give a shit anymore. If he takes a hit for it then he retires, which was probably his next step anyway.

Nonetheless, kudos to him!

07-25-14, 16:40
What a load of shit.

07-25-14, 16:43
Fits in with what Krauthammer is a saying:


But I'd propose an alternate theory, less psychological than intellectual, that gives him more credit: Obama's passivity stems from an idea. When Obama says Putin has placed himself on the wrong side of history in Ukraine, he actually believes it . He disdains realpolitik because he believes that, in the end, such primitive 19th-century notions as conquest are self-defeating. History sees to their defeat.

Progressives believe in this unchangeable story arc. The trajectory of things cannot be changed and fate is pre-ordained. They can't fathom the concept that people, thru determined action. can bend the curve, change the story arc, and effect outcomes. An I mean effect, not just affect, outcomes. They get a narrative in their heads and the story can't be changed. It totally fits in with their fascination with 'memes'. When was the last time you saw a conservative (non-RINO) use a 'meme'.

The interesting thing is that if you accept their premise that the ME is truly and forever screwed, you have to believe that their society is inherently inferior or there is some genetic reason. Of course they'll just fall back on colonialism, but we were a colony and it seems to have worked out alright for us...

07-25-14, 18:04
Honestly... it sounds like a bunch of BS to me.

OMGoodness... say it ain't so!

"I find it hard to believe, knowing out Iraq looked in 2010... that we would be in the position we are today in Iraq had we had the right forces, mentoring, leadership, blah, blah..."

Because we all did such a good job there and left the place safe, stable, and solid...

The position we're in today has it's roots in the 2005 elections when the Sunnis boycotted... his Marines were in charge out in Anbar province... Sunni eligible voter turnout was 2%! Did he forget?

Sure, we checked the block and just moved on to the next milestone, but it laid the foundation for Malikis sectarian rule, the spreading of Iranian influence, and flipping the tyranny switch once our last bird was wheels up.

Criticize the President for what he screws up, but this ship started sinking a long time ago and it wasn't going to be saved by American leadership or "mentoring."

07-25-14, 20:05
Honestly... it sounds like a bunch of BS to me.

OMGoodness... say it ain't so!

"I find it hard to believe, knowing out Iraq looked in 2010... that we would be in the position we are today in Iraq had we had the right forces, mentoring, leadership, blah, blah..."

Because we all did such a good job there and left the place safe, stable, and solid...

The position we're in today has it's roots in the 2005 elections when the Sunnis boycotted... his Marines were in charge out in Anbar province... Sunni eligible voter turnout was 2%! Did he forget?

Sure, we checked the block and just moved on to the next milestone, but it laid the foundation for Malikis sectarian rule, the spreading of Iranian influence, and flipping the tyranny switch once our last bird was wheels up.

Criticize the President for what he screws up, but this ship started sinking a long time ago and it wasn't going to be saved by American leadership or "mentoring."

Agreed and well said...

07-25-14, 21:39
Exactly. That attitude that things can't be changed, the story is set and it just a matter of time. Good examples gentleman. Six years in, a longer time than Bush had with Iraq, longer than WWII, development of the atom bomb, almost as long at it took to get a man on the moon.

But sure, yea, nothing could be done.

07-25-14, 22:04
But sure, yea, nothing could be done.

It wasn't our something to do. Then or now.

07-26-14, 00:15
It wasn't our something to do. Then or now.

It was our something after we kicked the hornets nest. We shouldnt have kicked it in the first place, but people being stung by the pissed hornets became our problem.

07-26-14, 00:41
It was our something after we kicked the hornets nest. We shouldnt have kicked it in the first place, but people being stung by the pissed hornets became our problem.

The Sunni-Shia pissing match is a thousand years old . . . and it is not a problem we are capable of solving.

07-26-14, 01:33
The Sunni-Shia pissing match is a thousand years old . . . and it is not a problem we are capable of solving.

Well, it is.

But our children would never forgive us. Assuming that our children survive the fallout, that is.

07-26-14, 06:26
I hate to say this but CMCs words were taken out of context; War on the Rocks did an analysis of transcripts and they various stories that have said what he supposedly said totally took him out of context.

07-26-14, 06:59
I hate to say this but CMCs words were taken out of context; War on the Rocks did an analysis of transcripts and they various stories that have said what he supposedly said totally took him out of context.

Good catch. When reading General Amos' remarks in context, I find little to disagree with. Once again, the partisan hacks and yellow journalists sacrifice the truth at the altar of political expediency.

Here's the link to the piece R0N referenced in his post above: http://warontherocks.com/2014/07/dont-believe-everything-you-read-in-the-papers/

07-26-14, 13:00
Fits in with what Krauthammer is a saying:


Progressives believe in this unchangeable story arc. The trajectory of things cannot be changed and fate is pre-ordained. They can't fathom the concept that people, thru determined action. can bend the curve, change the story arc, and effect outcomes. An I mean effect, not just affect, outcomes. They get a narrative in their heads and the story can't be changed. It totally fits in with their fascination with 'memes'. When was the last time you saw a conservative (non-RINO) use a 'meme'.

The interesting thing is that if you accept their premise that the ME is truly and forever screwed, you have to believe that their society is inherently inferior or there is some genetic reason. Of course they'll just fall back on colonialism, but we were a colony and it seems to have worked out alright for us...

It's not their society or genetics that are inferior, it's their culture. Of course, you could say exactly the same thing about Chicago, Compton, Camden, or a dozen other sub-cultures in America. The point being, it's just like economics. It's an order of magnitude more difficult to crawl out of the hole than it is to make sure you don't go in the hole in the first place.

If they can't fix their culture from within, it's a damn sight more difficult for us to do it by force from the outside. America can't afford the many decades it would take to do it. Hell, we can't even seem to stem the insidious tide of our own cultural decomposition here at home. :(