View Full Version : Scorpions, they really do glow...

08-02-14, 16:16
Las Vegas has been invaded by a non-indigenous species of scorpion known as the Arizona Bark Scorpion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona_bark_scorpion). So far we've seen 8 of them in and around our house in the past 3 months. They just happen to be the most poisonous scorpions in N. America and we have 2 little boys and a Malinois to worry about getting stung. :angry:

There's only one company in town who'll guarantee to get rid of scorpions, Bulwark, and we had the guy come nuke our property last night with 40 gallons of liquid death! I've also ordered the same stuff they're using, Cy-Kick CS (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002ACMKV8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and a sprayer (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000E28UQU/ref=ox_ya_os_product_refresh_T1), to do my own spray maintenance around doors and windows.

After doing quite a bit of research on how to eradicate the lil' ****ers I've come to the conclusion that our best bet to help reduce their population is hunting them at night when they're most active. You don't need an expensive black light, I purchased this one (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GU55270/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for less than $10, and I use a set of cheap tongs to nab the lil' buggers.



Interesting U of A video showing children's reactions to stings.


Big A
08-02-14, 16:22
Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...

08-02-14, 16:27

08-02-14, 16:28

It has crossed my mind. :)

08-02-14, 16:31
Reminds me of the scene from Predator where the Predator picks up the scorpion and looks at in it's hand under different spectrums of light. Gives you an excuse to pick up a UV Surefire, laser, and some NODs, "but honey . . . it's to protect you and kids."

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/predatorhand_zps67a7f1ce.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/predatorhand_zps67a7f1ce.jpg.html)

Good luck with the War on Scorpions . . . some members here have recently engaged with the War on Swallows and the War on Mice.

08-02-14, 16:34
Anascorp is the first FDA approved scorpion antivenom. If you live in the southwest and have small children I would implore you to find out if your local hospital ER carries it. The difference could mean life or death to your child, literally.

Here is a list of the hospitals that are currently stocking it (http://www.anascorp-us.com/hospital/).

08-02-14, 16:34
Good luck with the War on Scorpions . . . some members here have recently engaged with the War on Swallows and the War on Mice.

I'll take birds and lil' furry ****ers any day of the week over these nasty little bastards.

08-02-14, 16:44
Anascorp is the first FDA approved scorpion antivenom. If you live in the southwest and have small children I would implore you to find out if your local hospital ER carries it. The difference could mean life or death to your child, literally.

Here is a list of the hospitals that are currently stocking it (http://www.anascorp-us.com/hospital/).

I watched the U of A video, why was the older antivenom banned? I'm glad they found a new one!

08-02-14, 16:57
Evil little arachnids...

The wife and kids have all been stung at least once. It messes you up for a few hours and hurts like hell but like bee stings, unless your allergic, a trip to the hospital is unnecessary. The poison control hotline in Phoenix is excellent. Once you report the sting, they call back every couple of hours to make to see how your doing.

They do glow brilliantly under a good black light but are hard to eradicate with pesticide unless you hit them directly. A good preventative action is put down a diatomaceous earth barrier below and around any points of ingress into your home. They will not cross the stuff. You can pick box up at Home Depot or your local pool supply store.

08-02-14, 17:10
I watched the U of A video, why was the older antivenom banned? I'm glad they found a new one!
Not really sure but they've had great success with the new version from what I've read.

Evil little arachnids...A good preventative action is put down a diatomaceous earth barrier below and around any points of ingress into your home. They will not cross the stuff. You can pick box up at Home Depot or your local pool supply store.
Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely check it out. We're engaged in a full on war!

A friend's husband scored big time the other night at their house... He said this wasn't even a big night for them. WTF?!?


08-02-14, 17:37

Yup glow great picked up a 3 cell mag lite bulb that makes em glow further away than the smaller ones
We had over 28 in our AZ home when we got here
Down to a few a year
Wife was stung in her toe ! Ouch she was laid up for two days

Our kids were our fear and I am allergic to bees so not sure how are kids will fare ?

Few things I found worked get some double stick indoor outdoor carpet tape and run it across door thresholds in high heat areas it can melt a bit but we caught a lot coming in off our garage and patio door area
Has to be good strong tape like the indoor outdoor noticed the cheap stuff did not hold them
We also wrapped it around the bed/crib legs when they were young freaked us out when one was stuck to it !
Have also caught then climbing walls and our stairs

Try the double stick tape though just a strip all the way across just to the inside of the door going over a few inches each side see if ya get em squeezing in
Also got this powder stuff and blew it into all our power receptacles heard they like to come in there it's a powder that dried them out over a few days
Agree commercial sprays do little but it kills all there food source so some commercial grade food safe poison sprayed in house all baseboards and outside after a while you should notice a decrease cause of lack of food source from them
Since they can go something like 6 months or something freaky without eating takes a while

One spray I found kills them quick if they crawl into a hole ours outside sit near the breathe holes near our foundation and crawl back in! is raid hornet spray in the blue can way better than other things I have tried

Our house is backed up to a nature preserve so I can go out and get them every night

Have heard get chickens and no more scorpions :)


08-02-14, 17:58
The granules supposedly work pretty well for scorpions also, and may be worth a try. Having recently moved to San Antonio, I was concerned about them as well, and put down some granules every couple of months in addition to spraying both inside and out. Since you live in a place that hardly ever gets rain, once you lightly water than granules in, they should last a long time.

08-02-14, 18:02
DE, double sided tape and granules... Got the first 2 but what are these granules you're referring to? Thanks for the recommendations.

Mr blasty
08-02-14, 18:03
There aren't any species of dangerous wild scorpions in the US. We have level 1's and 2's. Basically bee sting and wasp sting levels. 3's will send you to the hospital but you should recover and 4's are lethal without anti venom. As long as you're not allergic to bees you should be fine. If you are just keep your epi handy. I have scorpions, spiders, snakes and lizards of all kinds and I'm no stranger to bites and stings. I assure you that there not much of a threat. Although I'm sure they're a big nuisance.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

08-02-14, 18:07
There aren't any species of dangerous wild scorpions in the US.

Bullshit. Tell that to the people who've lost children. (http://tucsoncitizen.com/morgue/2009/05/14/116453-ua-research-shows-benefit-of-scorpion-sting-antivenin/)

Dawn Bray worried she might lose a second child to a scorpion’s sting.

A bark scorpion stung her 6-year-old son Morgan last May. As the family rushed him to the hospital in Globe, a wave of fear came over Bray. Six years earlier, in May 2002, she lost her 2-year-old son Dally to a bark scorpion’s sting.

“When Morgan got bit, I was thinking that it was happening again,” Bray recalled this week. “With another son, we would have the same outcome.”

08-02-14, 18:22
I would rather live in a Communist Haven like Rhode Island than deal with those things.

Scorpions are right at the top of my "**** that shit" list.

Mr blasty
08-02-14, 18:43
Bullshit. Tell that to the people who've lost children. (http://tucsoncitizen.com/morgue/2009/05/14/116453-ua-research-shows-benefit-of-scorpion-sting-antivenin/)



What's your point? That people can die from relatively benign insects? Just because someone did die from a type 2 scorpion does not make them a super dangerous lethal animal. Blue ring octopuses are considered the most poisonous creature on earth and the total number of recorded deaths from them in history is only like 1 or 2 people. An infant can die from a simple cold pretty easily and chances are it will grow up to get a cold over 50 times as an adult without even missing work. Your argument is the same that the shrubmaster fan club uses. That a sample of one makes a statistical difference. You can even find several examples of people dying from them but the fact is that there statistically not very dangerous. I've been stung by type 2's and it's as bad as a hornet.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2

08-02-14, 18:45
I would rather live in a Communist Haven like Rhode Island than deal with those things.

Scorpions are right at the top of my "**** that shit" list.

LOL. We have eighteen species of scorpions here in TX, I've been stung by most of them. The Striped Bark Scorpion is the only one that can be found state wide. When I would get stung by these bastards as a child my mom would treat the injection site with bleach. Growing up here I've been stung by wasps, yellow jackets, bumble bees, scorpions. Thank the good Lord I was never bitten as a child by Brown Recluses or Black Widows. I grew up in a rural community and played outside mostly, struck at by plenty of snakes but never bitten (again thank the good Lord and knock on wood) as we have fifteen of the twenty venomous snakes found in the US.

08-02-14, 18:56

The 1st is completely irrelevant and the 2nd is an irrelevant study from California, not the desert southwest, where the Arizona Bark Scorpion resides.

What's your point?
My point is that I've read several published articles that contradict your assertion that there are no dangerous wild scorpions in the U.S. That's it, nothing more. I'm not gonna go round and round playing the semantics game on the internet with you. Choose what you wish to believe, I'm fine with that.

If you'd like I'll send you a box of the lil ****ers and you can video yourself being stung and post it on Youtube for our amusement. :)

Have a nice evening.

08-02-14, 18:59
When we moved into a house in Georgia it was during the height of a drought and we had these little scorpions running around constantly. Our two house cats had a field day with them. Would pounce on them and beat the little ****ers flat as paper. You'd go into the basement and under teh stairs there would be DOZENS of flat dead scorpions. After that summer we only ever saw scorpions once or twice after that.

Also, wasp spray doesn't do shit to the little bastards. Doesn't do shit to blackwidows either.

08-02-14, 19:08
Ditto Bark scorpions are the real deal and are deadly at times and the sting from those I know vary from pretty bad to insane bad as a adult

this link was the one that got me going
found this website had some info that got me staring and then talking to the local supplier I got some more narrowed down results

after researching I then found local place to buy and talk to a guy that talks to all the pest people about whats working which I felt has helped so might be worth finding a pest supply place like this

so these links are just quick searches not where I buy

for the tape at lowes/home depot the one brand in a green box ? duck maybe indoor outdoor fiberglass backed tape

these boards work where the tape melts
also work for the occasional mouse :) but they are thin and we put them in the corners going in and out of our pantry and caught a couple with them and in the garage where the carpet tape melts these did not melt cut a corner out of them and put them up against corners I have found works
also cutting of the edge so the glue is up to the edge
these have been a handy purchase and cheap


use this in the house around all the base boards with a sprayer I put on my back ? its like 2=3 gallons got it at same club made it way quicker than a carry jug ? I look nerdy but can kick out the outside in maybe 15 minutes well worth it
again this was more to keep other food items down seems not to do much to the scorpions ? but cut out the dumb little crickets and pincher bugs we would get which according to the bug place is the main food they eat we did notice a big decrease after a year of spraying this stuff inside and outside in the garage and our yard wall edges it goes pretty quick with that sprayer

the delta dust is what I used in all the household outlets and hard to get to parts with a crusader duster this was also told by the local guy its a good way to get the hidden spots like the outlets take the plates off and dust in around the outlet put the plate back on

I have tried the talstar granules in our gravel area the idea being to get them down to where the bugs live with a small hand spreader

so basically
spray inside outside of all walls with suspend with back sprayer every few months or more if we see them increasing
talstar to cover the area outside like all the gravel garden area
outlets once a year and some other corners where dust won't be disturbed like in the hole where are electrical comes into the kitchen and where the plumbing goes into the wall etc.....
so kinda get the whole thing that way the inside areas the edges and the main areas
there was a reason not to spray the suspend all over ? but I have done it before ;) something about the way it sits on the rocks not as good as talstar ?

then the glue boards and tape to stop the ones that are around

again from reading and talking its more about stopping all there food source than trying to kill them with those I have captured I played with them like a small piece of cotton ball with that dust on it see how long it took to kill them ? gave up after a week and flushed the guy suspend sprayed them and seemed to take for ever ?
so don't expect over night this is a long term battle :)
but again that blue can raid thing for mine at least best I found I basically bought a can of each :) and trapped ones and tested hahahahah I feel like a evil torture doctor but worth seeing what happens to them !!
but then again kinda a let down on just how tough the buggers are !!!!

this is the one I like
they also have a fast acting flying one that has worked quickly (as in quicker than others) on them but even the commercial products don't work that fast ? sadly they are just tough buggers

again found going out hunting with my flash light and getting em like you do but again my home they run into that space on the outside of the wall near our foundation where it goes up into the house !!! arrgghhhhh hate those buggers

hope it helps ya out some

I can say on Maui I fought off cockroaches and other tropical stuff myself but here in AZ these bark guys suck and just don't die easy !!!

08-02-14, 19:18
My grandkids (9 and 10) didn't want me to kill a scorpion they found, because it was obviously a female, and had probably 20 baby scorpions on it's back. They said not to do it because "they are a family"! I used some spray on them anyway. The kids have participated in gutting animals, so they aren't squeamish. It was just the babies that got them a little.

Come to think of it, it reminded me of hard core liberals who's first reaction to almost everything is an emotional one. I know the kids aren't liberals, since they abandoned their emotions after a very short period of time. :D

08-02-14, 19:31
DE, double sided tape and granules... Got the first 2 but what are these granules you're referring to? Thanks for the recommendations.

I use this in the yard, flowerbeds, bushes, mulch, under decks, etc.: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004FEMZQ4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I use this around the outside of the house, and around any buildings, sheds, etc.: http://www.amazon.com/zoecon-Mavrik-Perimeter-8-oz/dp/B004ZTKW6O/ref=sr_1_3?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1407025467&sr=1-3&keywords=mavrik+perimeter

I use this inside of the house: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002ACMKV8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Here is an article that may be helpful to you: http://www.epestsupply.com/scorpions.php#.U92Bc_ldUXQ

I hope that helps.

08-02-14, 21:16
A friend's husband scored big time the other night at their house... He said this wasn't even a big night for them. WTF?!?


**** that, I'd move. That population is firmly entrenched. Probably the ones who hauled ass from your "treated" yard.

08-02-14, 21:30
This thread has solidified my decision to stay in Colorado. If there is anything like this in CO, don't tell me about it.

08-02-14, 21:36
This thread has solidified my decision to stay in Colorado. If there is anything like this in CO, don't tell me about it.

Ditto for this guy in Montana.

08-02-14, 21:37
Meh you guys and your cold weather, I guess y'all have to watch out for polar bears though.


08-02-14, 21:43
Ditto for this guy in Montana.

I could do Montana. I'm heading up your way in two weeks and the only wild creatures I plan on encountering are trout and, unfortunately, swarms of mosquitos.

08-02-14, 21:45
Sorry, at first I thought you meant the "Rock You Like a Hurricane" Scorpions. :meeting:

08-03-14, 00:17
F that... At least I can shoot bears...

08-03-14, 00:57
Cyper WP. Tons of us here in AZ use it but that's just for general bugs.

Fun fact, and I'm not sure why exactly we were discussing it, but when attending the U of A I distinctly remember a professor in some random 401 class saying that there had only been 2 scorpion fatalities in Arizona since the 60's, and nationwide was less than 10. Maybe even less than that, been a few years, but the 2 AZ victims stands out in my mind.

It hurts like a bitch, but that's it. The fear of these things is blown so out of proportion it's incredible. Get a cat, they take care of the little ****ers better than anything.

08-03-14, 02:23
My first rental house had a serious infestation of Brown Recluses. I would welcome scorpions. Someone I know lost about 2/3 of a calf muscle from a bite. But you can't get rid of Brown Recluses. They hide everywhere.

08-03-14, 06:49
I hate scorpians. Almost as much as spiders. When I look back on my mil time, they were the only things that I was ever truly scared of. <shudder>

08-03-14, 16:40
Honu and Jwinch - Thanks for the links! Checking them out now.

Good news is I couldn't find any of them last night stalking with my black light.

My first rental house had a serious infestation of Brown Recluses. I would welcome scorpions. Someone I know lost about 2/3 of a calf muscle from a bite. But you can't get rid of Brown Recluses. They hide everywhere.
Brown Recluse are horrible, nasty and should be exterminated!!!

08-03-14, 17:02
Honu and Jwinch - Thanks for the links! Checking them out now.

Happy to help.

08-03-14, 17:51
If you want to do research on scorpions, create a small habitat away from your house and duplicate essential shade, cover, and moisture. Bury a smooth wall container level with the soil and bait it with live crickets captured in a sack made from porous, wet cloth. Once in, they can't climb out. Maybe you'll have discovered a trap that works.

Diatomaceous earth powder works because it enters their respiratory system through spiracles(air holes) and does its damage. Vaseline or axel grease would suffice used as a barrier for the same reason. Mineral oil mixed with the d. earth powder might be just the thing. If you have time, buy a jug of Walmart distilled water and drop some captured ones into it. Theoretically, the d. water should rush rapidly into the scorpion's very dry cells and burst them. The water experiment is just for fun.

Are scorpions really and truly poisonous/dangerous. They're not if they bite somebody else. When I was kid, I overheard a conversation between an elderly retired doctor and his buddies who were sitting on a bench outside my daddy's general store. The doctor, who began practicing medicine in 1903, was telling a story about treating a guy with severely infected and swollen testes from gonorrhea. The plan was to lance each, but after lancing the first testis, the patient jumped up and ran off. One old guy remarked, "That must hurt like hell!" The doctor said, "It depends on whose nuts they are."

08-03-14, 17:51
good luck in getting them under control

08-03-14, 18:39
Not really sure but they've had great success with the new version from what I've read.

Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely check it out. We're engaged in a full on war!

A friend's husband scored big time the other night at their house... He said this wasn't even a big night for them. WTF?!?


Holy ****ing ****.

08-03-14, 18:47
My first rental house had a serious infestation of Brown Recluses. I would welcome scorpions. Someone I know lost about 2/3 of a calf muscle from a bite. But you can't get rid of Brown Recluses. They hide everywhere.

Black widows can be even worse. I had a distant relative laid up for quite awhile after getting bit by one. If I recall correctly Merck doesn't even produce the antivenin for the black widow anymore. Sorry for the derail.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

08-03-14, 18:49
**** that, I'd move. That population is firmly entrenched. Probably the ones who hauled ass from your "treated" yard.

These are actually from a neighborhood about 10 miles away, thankfully. If we'd found that many I'd be busy packing!

08-03-14, 19:12
Black widows can be even worse. I had a distant relative laid up for quite awhile after getting bit by one. If I recall correctly Merck doesn't even produce the antivenin for the black widow anymore. Sorry for the derail.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I'm personally much more concerned about a brown recluse bite than that of a black widow due to the tissue necrosis.

08-03-14, 19:25
These are actually from a neighborhood about 10 miles away, thankfully. If we'd found that many I'd be busy packing!

As noted in the article I linked, one of the things which will help is to keep bugs out of your yard and home, since that is their food source. If you combine the sprays and granules along with the dust, I think you will be able to get them under control. It will really help if you can convince your neighbors to do the same. The larger of an area you can make uncomfortable for them, the better off you are.

08-03-14, 19:27
we also have black widows here in AZ :)

I do miss the islands the only thing one has to watch there is the pissed off drunk Samoans but they are often as easy to see as a bear and about the same size :) and Centipedes !
had some I caught that were a foot long and drop a cock roach in a can with them as our own little cage fighting show :)

08-03-14, 22:01
I fell in love with Australia when I honeymooned there a few years ago. Unfortunately, that place tops the list of most dangers animals. We went to the Sydney zoo; there is a reason why it is on an island with only ferry access.

08-04-14, 01:46
I fell in love with Australia when I honeymooned there a few years ago. Unfortunately, that place tops the list of most dangers animals. We went to the Sydney zoo; there is a reason why it is on an island with only ferry access.

A subject matter that has always interested me, it's amazing but they due host the deadliest fauna there.

Here's a list of there top 30:

08-04-14, 07:56
This thread freaks me out. It needs to be closed.

08-04-14, 08:20
one of my places on Lanai was kinda run down had a massive cockroach problem I mean massive like you turn on the light and you would see 50 or more !!!! I moved out within a few weeks basically it was the dive instructors shared house ! and why I usually never live in those cause they are dumps !!
but they used to climb on the ceiling and then drop on you !!!!

one of my room mates screamed like a girl one night and was dancing all over the place after a huge one HUGE landed right on his face :) hahahahaha

my place in the caribbean was on the water edge and I used to wake up with giant land crabs in my room all the time pretty good size ones about 5-8 inches across !

08-08-14, 12:45
one of my places on Lanai was kinda run down had a massive cockroach problem I mean massive like you turn on the light and you would see 50 or more !!!! I moved out within a few weeks basically it was the dive instructors shared house ! and why I usually never live in those cause they are dumps !!
but they used to climb on the ceiling and then drop on you !!!!

one of my room mates screamed like a girl one night and was dancing all over the place after a huge one HUGE landed right on his face :) hahahahaha

my place in the caribbean was on the water edge and I used to wake up with giant land crabs in my room all the time pretty good size ones about 5-8 inches across !

So your dinner would just walk in on its own? Nice!

08-08-14, 16:30
YUP and clean up was easy just leave the plates out by morning something was cleaning them :)

So your dinner would just walk in on its own? Nice!