View Full Version : Nine Year Old Boy Stabbed To Death By Twelve Year Old In Michigan....

08-05-14, 15:53

A community in Kentwood is in mourning following a fatal stabbing that took place between two kids on the playground Monday evening.

It happened Monday at Pinebrook Village Mobile Home Park at about 6 p.m.

Police said four children were at the playground inside the mobile home park when a 12-year-old pulled out a knife and began stabbing Michael Conner Verkerke, 9, repeatedly.

That 12-year-old suspect has been identified by police as Jamarion Lawhorn. He is being charged as an adult with open murder and has pleaded not guilty.

Lawhorn is being held without bond.

Police said Verkerke was stabbed in the back. They said he ran to his home, which is a short distance from the playground. Once he arrived, Verkerke collapsed on the porch. He died a short time later at a nearby hospital.

Another idyllic summer day in middle America....

08-05-14, 16:57
The vic was white . . . no photo of little Jamarion as of yet.

Possible yet just another hate crime that Eric Holder and Obama will ignore?

08-05-14, 16:57
Utterly disgusting.

Initial news report at mlive.com indicated some really weird statements from the attacker, suggesting some sort of psychotic break or suicidal inclination. Abnormal at any age but waaaaay abnormal for a 12 yo at a playground.

Races are not being reported in stories I've seen, but given the names I am guessing the victim was white (or at least white father) and the perpetrator was probably not white. Guessing only. See my comment above though. I will give 1 billion to 1 odds that the attacker is from some kind of messed up family or lack of family.

Between this and the two teen girls who tried to murder a friend because of "slender man", WTF is the world coming to?

08-05-14, 16:58
Races are not being reported in stories I've seen, but given the names I am guessing the victim was white (or at least white father) and the perpetrator was probably not white. Guessing only. See my comment above though. I will give 1 billion to 1 odds that the attacker is from some kind of messed up family or lack of family.

A pic of the 9 year old victim in the first link shows that he is white.

08-05-14, 17:01
Waiting for the usual subjects to proclaim this senseless death a result of easy access to knives. Here, I'll hold my breath while I wait...


On a serious note, that is truly effed up. :(

08-05-14, 18:35

And Jamarion is off to a promising start. If Obama had a 12 year old son, etc.

If convicted, Lawhorn would be held in a juvenile facility until he's 21. Every three months, his behavior would be evaluated to determine whether he should be released or not. Once he's 21, he would either be released or sent to an adult prison.

08-05-14, 18:53
Called it, H A T E C R I M E. Sweep it under the rug . . .

08-05-14, 19:45
A community in Kentwood is in mourning following a fatal stabbing that took place between two kids on the playground Monday evening.

A thing that aggravates me to no end is the way that this is worded, as though it was a transaction, or mutual interaction of some kind. If the witness accounts prove out, the 12 year old simply walked up and murdered this little boy three years his junior by stabbing him in the back! Thats not mutual interaction, it was the single minded action of a psychotic, or depraved psychopathic personality!

08-05-14, 19:58

And Jamarion is off to a promising start.

Did you read all of what he did and said afterward? As much as I like to see someone literally burn at the stake over this it isn't the boy who did the stabbing. Based upon what he said and barring unusual circumstance his parents and his shit sucking community are almost certainly to blame. I can't f***ing stand it anymore.

08-05-14, 20:06
Did you read all of what he did and said afterward? As much as I like to see someone literally burn at the stake over this it isn't the boy who did the stabbing. Based upon what he said and barring unusual circumstance his parents and his shit sucking community are almost certainly to blame. I can't f***ing stand it anymore.

I'm all for scortched Earth against little Jamarion, his "parents", and his shit sucking community. He doesn't get a free pass cause of his age, not saying that is what you are suggesting here.

Amazingly enough when I was twelve years old I never murdered anyone.

08-05-14, 20:07
Did you read all of what he did and said afterward? As much as I like to see someone literally burn at the stake over this it isn't the boy who did the stabbing. Based upon what he said and barring unusual circumstance his parents and his shit sucking community are almost certainly to blame. I can't f***ing stand it anymore.

Yes. Chances are this will reveal one or some combination of:
1-extreme hatred at the perp's home, whether Black Panther style, Hamas, or something else/similar;
2-severe physical abuse of the 12 yo perp
3-family history of psychotic behavior - I don't mean antisocial, I mean out of touch with reality, lashes out because he thinks the victim is a killer honeybee from Mars or something equally crazy.

I'd bet on #s 1 and 2 in combination, but we'll see.

08-05-14, 20:09
Amazingly enough when I was twelve years old I never murdered anyone.

Please. Neither did I but we didn't grow up in that shithole. No rocket science involved here.

And to clarify I'm not condoning violence in the black community due to rough upbringings, but rather acknowledging that this child is a product of his environment and especially that his crime is exceptional for his age.

08-05-14, 20:11
If the justice system lets him loose, either now or when he turns 21, I guarantee they will see him again!

08-05-14, 20:13
Please. Neither did I but we didn't grow up in that shithole either. No rocket science involved here.

Dr. Ben Carson grew up in a similar shit hole and he turned out all right, as did my wife.

Working with felons on a daily basis I am sick to ****ing death of hearing excuses for their actions.

08-05-14, 20:19
I saw this on my local news today... Undoubtedly this goes back to his family life...
Kid has to be severely messed up in the head to go stab a kid on the playground, walk over to a neighbor doing yard work to borrow a phone and calmy tell the police "I just stabbed someone."

Sad day for West Michigan. Where were either set of parents during all of this? No idea.

08-05-14, 20:19
Dr. Ben Carson grew up in a similar shit hole and he turned out all right, as did my wife.

Working with felons on a daily basis I am sick to ****ing death of hearing excuses for their actions.

Carson had exceptional parents who he readily admits made him into who he is today.

08-05-14, 20:24
Carson had exceptional parents who he readily admits made him into who he is today.

I don't know anything about his family except that his brother is a stud with rocket systems. My wife didn't have parents, she had a egg and sperm donor and some grandparents that came in and out of her young life.

08-05-14, 20:50
What does any of this anecdotal evidence prove beyond illustrating that some children demonstrate remarkable resilience in the presence of horrendous domestic and social environments, other children suffer horrible consequences, and the majority generally end up somewhere in the middle of the bell curve?

08-05-14, 20:57
"playground inside the mobile home park "

All I needed to read.....shocked face.....

08-05-14, 21:05
What does any of this anecdotal evidence prove beyond illustrating that some children demonstrate remarkable resilience in the presence of horrendous domestic and social environments, other children suffer horrible consequences, and the majority generally end up somewhere in the middle of the bell curve?

"There is nothing new under the sun" . . .

There are numerous cases where children from various social-economic backgrounds, family models, and cultures have committed horrendous acts of cold blooded murder. I read a recent story where two pre-teen boys took turns sexually assaulting a little girl as the other one held her down. A Google search will yield stories of pre-teens killing other children for no other reason than just to watch them die. Evil is among us, sometimes it’s wrapped up in someone’s cute little buddle of joy. Kids such as this will always be a threat to society and should be dealt with accordingly.

08-05-14, 21:19
"There is nothing new under the sun" . . .

There are numerous cases where children from various social-economic backgrounds, family models, and cultures have committed horrendous acts of cold blooded murder. I read a recent story where two pre-teen boys took turns sexually assaulting a little girl as the other one held her down. A Google search will yield stories of pre-teens killing other children for no other reason than just to watch them die. Evil is among us, sometimes it’s wrapped up in someone’s cute little buddle of joy. Kids such as this will always be a threat to society and should be dealt with accordingly.

Don't get me wrong. Regardless of what factors contributed to these kids becoming little sociopaths, I don't think they should get a pass because mommy ****ed up their toilet training. The fact is young kids who lack empathy, exhibit such wanton cruelty towards pets and other kids, and are seemingly incapable of forming emotional bonds are probably irretrievably broken. Sucks but it's true.

08-05-14, 21:32
What does any of this anecdotal evidence prove beyond illustrating that some children demonstrate remarkable resilience in the presence of horrendous domestic and social environments, other children suffer horrible consequences, and the majority generally end up somewhere in the middle of the bell curve?

There are numerous cases where children from various social-economic backgrounds, family models, and cultures have committed horrendous acts of cold blooded murder. I read a recent story where two pre-teen boys took turns sexually assaulting a little girl as the other one held her down. A Google search will yield stories of pre-teens killing other children for no other reason than just to watch them die. Evil is among us, sometimes it’s wrapped up in someone’s cute little buddle of joy. Kids such as this will always be a threat to society and should be dealt with accordingly.

To say this is common knowledge would be a vast understatement. I mean I'd bet the farm there is not one person here reading this who isn't 100% aware of what you both said.

Like many I was raised in a very dysfunctional home filled with yelling, violence and manipulation. Others here can share a similar story, but there is not blanket category for such a dysfunctional upbringing. As with anything else there are levels, individual circumstances of a nearly infinite variety. As bad as much of my childhood was in many fundamental respects I wouldn't dare compare my circumstance to that of a child being raised in Camden or North Philly. Add to that parents that teach racial hate, sexually abuse or are otherwise even worse than the local "norm" in whatever way and some children have a far higher mountain to climb than others.

08-05-14, 21:55
Did you read all of what he did and said afterward? As much as I like to see someone literally burn at the stake over this it isn't the boy who did the stabbing. Based upon what he said and barring unusual circumstance his parents and his shit sucking community are almost certainly to blame. I can't f***ing stand it anymore.

You mean the whole "I took some pills and wanted to end my life" comment? Well if he'd have done that I'd actually feel really, really sorry for him. But instead of or in addition to taking pills, he decided to stab a 9 year old kid apparently for little or no reason so **** him.

Hundreds of kids in that zip code live in shitty neighborhoods, have bad parents and all kinds of things which work against them and make being normal incredibly difficult. But Jamarion was the only one to knife a 9 year old kid to death that day. He knew what he was doing, knew it was wrong even to the extent that he was the one who called 911 and reported himself.

I'm sure he had all kinds of problems and was dealing with things that no 12 year old should be subjected to. Wouldn't surprise me to learn he came from a horrible family that neglected and abused him. But my potential concern for Jamarion was cancelled out when he killed somebody else's kid. It's unfortunate he didn't get help earlier but it didn't happen and now all I care about is making sure he can't do anything like that ever again.

The system, including the damn "village" probably failed this kid. As much as schools and democrats drone on and on about "no child left behind" and all that nonsense, they often ignore aggressiveness in certain students out of racial bias yet flip out if another kid fashions a pop tart to look like a gun. I'm willing to bet this isn't the first instance of violent or sociopathic behavior from Jamarion.

08-05-14, 21:59
most all of Europe during WWII was a crap hole to live in yet folks helped each other out quite a bit
depression was not fun to grow up in from folks I talked to yet kids did not going around stabbing each other for no reason some did protect there lives and homes from crap people that tried to steal etc...

but to attack like this ? race ? just hated whitey ? or just unlucky who knows we will never know the truth cause it won't get reported but the whole its the conditions crap is going to far its just plain bad parenting IMHO and there is no excuse for it parents should also be tried for murder IMHO

08-05-14, 22:07
Please. Neither did I but we didn't grow up in that shithole. No rocket science involved here.

And to clarify I'm not condoning violence in the black community due to rough upbringings, but rather acknowledging that this child is a product of his environment and especially that his crime is exceptional for his age.

I don't mean to be completely dismissive but I knew plenty of kids who grew up in my nice, safe, mostly affluent neighborhood who were Grade A First Class shitbags who ****ed over people and property for personal amusement. And I had plenty of friends who grew up in completely sketchy neighborhoods, had useless substance abusing parents who provided virtually nothing and except for the typical shit 12 year olds pull, never did anything to anyone because it was wrong.

In more than a few cases, they had a better handle on that stuff than I did because they grew up in neighborhoods where they saw people get screwed over all the time and they decided they wanted to be NOTHING like that. In high school there were a handful of instances where they called me on my shit when I was about to do something that I considered "typical high school jackassery" and they made me rethink the actual impact of my intended activity.

I can excuse a LOT of things to adolescent stupidity and environmental ignorance, but I'm pretty sure every kid who willfully and successfully murders another kid at a minimum knows it's wrong. If Jamarion drank a 40 oz, stole a car and unintentionally killed somebody else, I'd hold him accountable for his actions but I'd be willing to extend a lot of mitigating circumstances his way.

But that isn't what we have here.

08-05-14, 22:11
What does any of this anecdotal evidence prove beyond illustrating that some children demonstrate remarkable resilience in the presence of horrendous domestic and social environments, other children suffer horrible consequences, and the majority generally end up somewhere in the middle of the bell curve?

Nothing, it proves nothing. But at the same time it's not an exemption for your actions for exactly the same reasons.

08-05-14, 22:13
Don't get me wrong. Regardless of what factors contributed to these kids becoming little sociopaths, I don't think they should get a pass because mommy ****ed up their toilet training. The fact is young kids who lack empathy, exhibit such wanton cruelty towards pets and other kids, and are seemingly incapable of forming emotional bonds are probably irretrievably broken. Sucks but it's true.

Pretty much where I'm at.

08-05-14, 22:15
You mean the whole "I took some pills and wanted to end my life" comment? Well if he'd have done that I'd actually feel really, really sorry for him. But instead of or in addition to taking pills, he decided to stab a 9 year old kid apparently for little or no reason so **** him.

Hundreds of kids in that zip code live in shitty neighborhoods, have bad parents and all kinds of things which work against them and make being normal incredibly difficult. But Jamarion was the only one to knife a 9 year old kid to death that day. He knew what he was doing, knew it was wrong even to the extent that he was the one who called 911 and reported himself.

I'm sure he had all kinds of problems and was dealing with things that no 12 year old should be subjected to. Wouldn't surprise me to learn he came from a horrible family that neglected and abused him. But my potential concern for Jamarion was cancelled out when he killed somebody else's kid. It's unfortunate he didn't get help earlier but it didn't happen and now all I care about is making sure he can't do anything like that ever again.

The system, including the damn "village" probably failed this kid. As much as schools and democrats drone on and on about "no child left behind" and all that nonsense, they often ignore aggressiveness in certain students out of racial bias yet flip out if another kid fashions a pop tart to look like a gun. I'm willing to bet this isn't the first instance of violent or sociopathic behavior from Jamarion.

With all due respect con yourself into believing whatever you want. I know enough about you to know that while not perfect your negative childhood life experiences don't compare to those of millions out there, very likely including this boy. Just like mine probably don't. What he did was horrible and you've heard me nearly cross the line in my commentary about black dysfunction many times, plus you know my 10 year old is the epicenter of my life so I can only imagine the parent's hurt.

All that said instead of running away to go act as though nothing happened while eating pizza with friends (or similar acts we've all heard about) he wanted to be held accountable immediately and stated he wants to die. That to me is a clue. That indicates something went very wrong for this child somewhere and should it not have happened, that there was likely hope for him. Now he's done and I'll absolutely guarantee you somebody out there he knows well worked hard to make it happen.

08-05-14, 22:37
All that said instead of running away to go act as though nothing happened while eating pizza with friends (or similar acts we've all heard about) he wanted to be held accountable immediately and stated he wants to die. That to me is a clue. That indicates something went very wrong for this child somewhere and should it not have happened, that there was likely hope for him. Now he's done and I'll absolutely guarantee you somebody out there he knows well worked hard to make it happen.

With the same due respect, extended back to you, we are both on the outside looking in and assuming things.

While you see a kid that has recognized he has done something horrible and has "manned up" and demanded to accept the consequences of his actions, I see a kid who simply "never cared" and is probably doing nothing more than "going out strong" to show how "thug" he is.

You might be right, I might be right or the truth may be somewhere in the middle or something else entirely. But based on his actions and his words, I'm seeing a familiar trend. I just don't see any kid who is capable of "owning up" to his actions in the way you suggest being capable of going that far off the rails to begin with. If this was in any way "accidental" or a much less severe action, then I could be a lot more accommodating to your hypothesis.

But right now, based upon what we know, that's where I'm at.

08-05-14, 22:43
With all due respect con yourself into believing whatever you want. I know enough about you to know that while not perfect your negative childhood life experiences don't compare to those of millions out there, very likely including this boy. Just like mine probably don't. What he did was horrible and you've heard me nearly cross the line in my commentary about black dysfunction many times, plus you know my 10 year old is the epicenter of my life so I can only imagine the parent's hurt.

All that said instead of running away to go act as though nothing happened while eating pizza with friends (or similar acts we've all heard about) he wanted to be held accountable immediately and stated he wants to die. That to me is a clue. That indicates something went very wrong for this child somewhere and should it not have happened, that there was likely hope for him. Now he's done and I'll absolutely guarantee you somebody out there he knows well worked hard to make it happen.

You make a compelling case for taking every adult in his life off the streets and interrogating them until we find the culprits. Of course we deal with the culprits by taking them out back and putting a bullet in their heads. That's not going to help this effed up kid, but it might save a few more the same fate.

Of course not one single person will be held accountable, by the system or their community. This is what we in the business call a clue. We're in a flat spin at this point, with very little chance we're going to recover before we hit the ground. :(

08-05-14, 22:53
You make a compelling case for taking every adult in his life off the streets and interrogating them until we find the culprits. Of course we deal with the culprits by taking them out back and putting a bullet in their heads. That's not going to help this effed up kid, but it might save a few more the same fate.

Of course not one single person will be held accountable, but the system or their community. This is what we in the business call a clue. We're in a flat spin at this point, with very little chance we're going to recover before we hit the ground. :(

Well...you know me. Mr. non-accountability they say. Yep.

08-05-14, 22:57
You might be right, I might be right or the truth may be somewhere in the middle or something else entirely.

That sounds like an ideal assessment. Figure I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and you're not, otherwise think we agree that society is really starting to suck.

08-06-14, 00:48
You make a compelling case for taking every adult in his life off the streets and interrogating them until we find the culprits. Of course we deal with the culprits by taking them out back and putting a bullet in their heads. That's not going to help this effed up kid, but it might save a few more the same fate.

Of course not one single person will be held accountable, by the system or their community. This is what we in the business call a clue. We're in a flat spin at this point, with very little chance we're going to recover before we hit the ground. :(

I see one or two of these kids each week. Their parent(s) - usually just mom, brings them to the hospital because they can't control them anymore. The vast majority come from less than ideal households. Most are already on meds - some combination of Ritalin, Depakote, and Risperdal seems to be the cocktail de jour. The presenting chief complaint is often listed as "medication adjustment" as if there is a red pill for dad and a blue pill for mom. They typically spend a day or two in the ED while we look for yet another psychiatric facility that will wear house them until the current crisis cools off.

Part of the problem is that society is viewing these kids as suffering from a disease; it is treated as a mental illness if you will. My suspicion is that this is the wrong approach. My gut tells me that the evidence behind this approach is lacking, but the alternative (kill them or throw away the key) is so abhorrent that we will continue to grasp at straws.

I don't have the answer but I have an opinion. Ironically, my opinion would likely cost me some career points if it became public at work.

08-06-14, 01:12
That sounds like an ideal assessment. Figure I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and you're not, otherwise think we agree that society is really starting to suck.

I'm willing to listen to the evidence and consider alternative scenarios as they are presented. But right now it looks like a duck who stabbed a 9 year old to death with little or no provocation. I generally don't start out with "benefit of the doubt" when a 9 year old is stabbed to death.

And before somebody says "innocent until proven guilty", the 12 year old has already admitted to the crime. Really the only issue is motive and intent, and I can't think of too many that would make me very sympathetic to Jamarion. I'm predicting another De'Marquise Elkins.

08-06-14, 01:21
That sounds like an ideal assessment. Figure I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and you're not, otherwise think we agree that society is really starting to suck.

I think I am reading this wrong, how is it possible to extend benefit of the doubt to a murderer who slaughtered a defenseless nine year old by stabbing him in the back?

08-06-14, 04:01
I see one or two of these kids each week. Their parent(s) - usually just mom, brings them to the hospital because they can't control them anymore. The vast majority come from less than ideal households. Most are already on meds - some combination of Ritalin, Depakote, and Risperdal seems to be the cocktail de jour. The presenting chief complaint is often listed as "medication adjustment" as if there is a red pill for dad and a blue pill for mom. They typically spend a day or two in the ED while we look for yet another psychiatric facility that will wear house them until the current crisis cools off.

Part of the problem is that society is viewing these kids as suffering from a disease; it is treated as a mental illness if you will. My suspicion is that this is the wrong approach. My gut tells me that the evidence behind this approach is lacking, but the alternative (kill them or throw away the key) is so abhorrent that we will continue to grasp at straws.

I don't have the answer but I have an opinion. Ironically, my opinion would likely cost me some career points if it became public at work.

Great post and I agree, I'm tired of is seeing innocent people like this nine year being brutalized at the hands of others while society sits around plays the blame game and turns to big pharma. Some people only understand brute force . . .

I don't give a **** about little Jamaria's problems, he murdered an innocent child. If his life sucks that bad then he should have done the world a favor and self-aborted. Now he is a ward of the state and yet another burden to tax payers until he is released so he can do it again.

08-06-14, 07:34
I see one or two of these kids each week. Their parent(s) - usually just mom, brings them to the hospital because they can't control them anymore. The vast majority come from less than ideal households. Most are already on meds - some combination of Ritalin, Depakote, and Risperdal seems to be the cocktail de jour. The presenting chief complaint is often listed as "medication adjustment" as if there is a red pill for dad and a blue pill for mom. They typically spend a day or two in the ED while we look for yet another psychiatric facility that will wear house them until the current crisis cools off.

Part of the problem is that society is viewing these kids as suffering from a disease; it is treated as a mental illness if you will. My suspicion is that this is the wrong approach. My gut tells me that the evidence behind this approach is lacking, but the alternative (kill them or throw away the key) is so abhorrent that we will continue to grasp at straws.

I don't have the answer but I have an opinion. Ironically, my opinion would likely cost me some career points if it became public at work.

DITTO. Im sooooo tired of going to the "my kid is out of control, how does this whole parent thing work?" calls. Most of the time I just advise them that, guess what....you've been letting them get away with anything and everything for 14yrs. Its too late no to try and instill some discipline, you should've thought of that 14yrs ago. You son/daughter is on a path to see me on a weekly if not daily basis for the rest of their life because they believe they can get away with......murder? Then the kid says something crazy like they are going to kill themselves, so then its ED time.

Now don't get me wrong, I've seen a couple of pre-teens swinging from trees, all because mom/dad wouldn't let them do what they wanted so they killed themselves. Horrific stuff.

I don't really know wtf is going on with kids these days. But I think it has something to do with the fact that children are not taught that you should have respect for others and your choices in life will always have consequences. Parents need to be parents, no their best friend.

Also Parents seem to turn to medication (SSRI's) so they don't have to deal with "unruly kids", which in my nondoctor opinion is really F'ing these kids up and leading to major psychological issues down the road.

08-06-14, 07:42
Can't wait till these unruly children have kids :sarcastic:

08-06-14, 07:43
DITTO. Im sooooo tired of going to the "my kid is out of control, how does this whole parent thing work?" calls. Most of the time I just advise them that, guess what....you've been letting them get away with anything and everything for 14yrs. Its too late no to try and instill some discipline, you should've thought of that 14yrs ago. You son/daughter is on a path to see me on a weekly if not daily basis for the rest of their life because they believe they can get away with......murder? Then the kid says something crazy like they are going to kill themselves, so then its ED time.

Son of a bitch I wish every LEO would give advice like that. Too many just don't give a **** and tell them there's nothing they can do and leave.

08-06-14, 07:56
I think I am reading this wrong, how is it possible to extend benefit of the doubt to a murderer who slaughtered a defenseless nine year old by stabbing him in the back?

I wasn't talking about the crime itself but the circumstance leading up to it. My money is on his mind having been warped into oblivion by an unusually harsh circumstance or possibly due to negligent medical care. Or maybe even both.

08-06-14, 08:07
I see one or two of these kids each week. Their parent(s) - usually just mom, brings them to the hospital because they can't control them anymore. The vast majority come from less than ideal households. Most are already on meds - some combination of Ritalin, Depakote, and Risperdal seems to be the cocktail de jour. The presenting chief complaint is often listed as "medication adjustment" as if there is a red pill for dad and a blue pill for mom. They typically spend a day or two in the ED while we look for yet another psychiatric facility that will wear house them until the current crisis cools off.

Part of the problem is that society is viewing these kids as suffering from a disease; it is treated as a mental illness if you will. My suspicion is that this is the wrong approach. My gut tells me that the evidence behind this approach is lacking, but the alternative (kill them or throw away the key) is so abhorrent that we will continue to grasp at straws.

I don't have the answer but I have an opinion. Ironically, my opinion would likely cost me some career points if it became public at work.

What I think you really meant to write was that you wish parents would step up and do their jobs effectively, and also that when they don't doctors will refrain from exploiting their failures for financial gain.

08-06-14, 11:15
I wasn't talking about the crime itself but the circumstance leading up to it. My money is on his mind having been warped into oblivion by an unusually harsh circumstance or possibly due to negligent medical care. Or maybe even both.

Got it, I knew I had misread it...