View Full Version : Obama "Swallows" Banana In Moscow

08-07-14, 17:09
Happy birthday Barack Hussein from Russia. Lolz.


08-07-14, 17:12

08-07-14, 17:14
There was a pic of Barry with a mouth full of banana floating around the twittersphere during the Sochi games thanks to a particular Russian female olympian.

08-07-14, 17:26
This kind of stuff could start a war.

08-07-14, 17:35
This kind of stuff could start a war.

. . . in North Korea.

08-07-14, 17:58
. . . in North Korea.

You bring the funnay Moose!

The level of disrespect and out right mockery of a US sitting president, as directed towards Obama, must be an historical high.

This is a mockery of Obama being a clown who is likely gay - remember the Putin's Russian "official" attitude towards gays.

Tons of stories regarding Barry as a "Cake Boy" - ghetto slang for gay. Just google "Obama Cake Boy", Reggie Love (can't make that up), etc.


Teenage social acquaintance Mia Marie Pope gives personal experience of knowing Barry Soetoro Aka: Barrack Obama during her childhood.

“During those years, as neighborhood kids we’d hang out. He always portrayed himself as a foreign student and it was common knowledge Barry was strictly into men.”

Pope claims Soetoro had sex with older white men in order to get his cocaine to freebase. Pope dropped a couple other nuggets including how she contacted the FBI about Obama’s multiple social security numbers only to be ignored. Pope says she first met Obama back in 1977 when she lived in Hawaii.




Here’s some of the innuendo that Drudge Report has run on Obama and Reggie Love while linking stories that feature Love. The key is to look at the stories that are posted around the one with Reggie Love and Obama in them; there will be a picture or words in the other stories that make a joke about Obama and Reggie Love being gay lovers and its up to Drudge’s readers to pick up on the innuendo. Like this:


08-07-14, 19:35
Barry is a pole smoker for sure, Google Larry Sinclair.

Also lets not forget his high school days where his "gang" bought their drugs from older gay men in Hawaii.

I'll re-post this here:


Obama’s high school pot-smoking detailed in Maraniss book

Best-selling author David Maraniss' "Barack Obama: The Story" describes the future president's teenage antics, notably his copious marijuana smoking.

"As a member of the Choom Gang, Barry Obama was known for starting a few pot-smoking trends. The first was called 'TA,' short for 'total absorption.'

"When you were with Barry and his pals, if you exhaled precious pakalolo (Hawaiian slang from marijuana, meaning "numbing tobacco") instead of absorbing it fully into your lungs, you were assessed a penalty and your turn was skipped the next time the joint came around. "'Wasting good bud smoke was not tolerated,'

Obama also made popular a pot-smoking practice that the future president and his pals called "roof hits." When they smoked in the car, they rolled up the windows, and "when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling," Maraniss writes.

Obama "also had a knack for interceptions. When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted 'Intercepted' and took an extra hit. No one seemed to mind," according to the text.

. . .they drove around in a VW bus nicknamed the "Choomwagon." And their dealer was a "freakin' scary" guy named Ray who met a grisly end. "Many years later they learned that he had been killed with a ball-peen hammer by a scorned gay lover." (On his yearbook page, Obama says "Thanks Tut, Gramps, Choom Gang, and Ray for all the good times.")


08-07-14, 19:39
Barry is a pole smoker for sure, Google Larry Sinclair.

Also lets not forget his high school days where his "gang" bought their drugs from older gay men in Hawaii.

I'll re-post this here:


Larry Sinclair: "Obama Will Come Out of the Closet Completely by 2013"


Just caught a glimpse of an American flag on the building that the laser was being projected upon. Was that the US Embassy in Moscow? What does that say if correct?

08-07-14, 20:16
No doubt that the perception of Obama being a joke (pussy-ass, terroristic, lyin, murica destroying, rope wrangler) to the rest of the world powers reflects directly upon the citizens of this once great nation.

08-07-14, 21:13
No doubt that the perception of Obama being a joke (pussy-ass, terroristic, lyin, murica destroying, rope wrangler) to the rest of the world powers reflects directly upon the citizens of this once great nation.

Nope, we're cool.


08-08-14, 09:55
The fact that Obama is a socialist pussy with no balls that's regularly mocked by other world leaders should come as no surprise to anyone. In fact, if the other world leaders didn't mock him, I would think they had no balls either. I feel comfortable in the fact that I didn't vote for this cocksucker & have never supported anything he did. What does make me feel bad is that I have more respect for Putin that our own president.

08-08-14, 11:56
Only good thing about BO is we didn't get Witch Hillary. Couldn't take seeing it on daily television in fact I'd probably rid the home of TV sets for a term or two.

08-08-14, 12:15
I despise this president because I'm a racist. It has nothing to do with tearing the country apart pitting one class against the other, one race against the other, obama care, irs scandal, fast & furious, letting illegals in by the droves to be future undocumented democrats and all the other atrocities this admin has executed that are too numerous to be counted. Has nothing to do with the daily deluge of lies to cover the scandals and dirty deeds of the day before. It's all about being a racist. :rolleyes: When will the propagandists give up on that card, it's really old and absolutely doesn't apply and never did. I simply despise him, his admin and propagandists for their ideology and acts both legal and criminal.

Back on topic, I'm not offended at all by this stunt, I had no vote in on this guy.

Alpha Sierra
08-08-14, 13:01
The fact that Obama is a socialist pussy with no balls that's regularly mocked by other world leaders should come as no surprise to anyone. In fact, if the other world leaders didn't mock him, I would think they had no balls either. I feel comfortable in the fact that I didn't vote for this cocksucker & have never supported anything he did. What does make me feel bad is that I have more respect for Putin that our own president.
What he said

08-11-14, 17:06
Bath house Barry. One of Lucifers spawn.

08-11-14, 17:13
This would explain the Russian laser happy b-day image of him swallowing the banana....wouldn't it?


08-11-14, 18:49
Reminds me of J. Edgar Hoover...







08-12-14, 00:21
Barry Soetoro has got to be one of the most unrespected people in the world...